How I Cope with Stress:

Yesterday I had a kind of stressful day at work.  How does Janae cope with stress?  Sweat.

I know, I know…pretty hard-core with my 8 lb. weights.

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I just wanted a little something something and decided to combine weights with spinning.  I would do a heavy hill climb and then bring my tension down to a flat road and grab the weights off the shelf to do some arm work and then repeat.  I did some shoulder work, biceps and triceps while riding at the same time.  I wore my heart rate monitor and the weights would bring up my heart rate pretty fast (my body gets confused when I do anything involving weights).  I never got bored because I was too busy trying not to fall off, watch the office and make Billy think I am cool all at the same time.

Next thing I knew it we were off to dinner at Billy’s bro’s house.  When you are just going to family’s house no shower is necessary right?

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That was burrito number one of two.  It was so good and the jalepenos made every square inch of my mouth feel like it was on fire.

Billy was in heaven because he was able to eat the chips, nacho cheese and jalepenos all in one bite.

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24 donut holes equal one full donut.  I promise.

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This semester I started teaching a new class, Stress Management (I teach 5 different subjects, English is NOT one of them).  I am learning so much and even though my normal method of stress relief is exercise I am finding all sorts of ways to deal with anxiety and stress and the research behind why it works.  I will have to do a full post all about it:)


How do you cope with stress?  What are some of your major stressors?

What order would you rate the donut holes?


2- Old Fashioned

3- chocolate, chocolate donuts aren’t my favorite.

What color is your favorite workout top?

-I really like purple.

Do you ever multi-task your workouts?

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There’s something about nacho chips, jalapenos, and overly processed & gooey (and freaking delicious) cheese which reminds me of being at the cinema…love it! Glad you’re making use of that spin bite…you got some hot gunz, girl! My fave workout top is hot pink (although now very faded and slowly developing holes)–> the thought of getting rid of it kills me! HAPPY FRIDAY!!


Makes me want to start spinning!! So sad my gym got rid of it:( Would probably help with the knee issues. If I can’t multitask a strength workout – do legs and arms at the same time – it’s not getting done. I love maximizing the workout time! In the same boat with stress/anxiety management – totally sweat it out. And I’ve realized I really should come up with some other ways to handle it because I just get more stressed if I can’t sweat it out!
Hate to say it, but I really don’t like donust holes:-/ I think I o’deed on them as a kid, but if I had to rate it, chocolate is always #1:) My fave workout top is purple too, and I rarely wear it because it’s lululemon and I don’t want to ruin it, very silly.


Boo, they got rid of it. You can send me all of your donut holes. I tried to leave a comment on your blog but it went to spam:(


Working out REALLY helps me destress! Also, taking a nap or doing something I really enjoy helps. Just trying to think about positive things helps too. :)

What order would I rate donut holes:
1.) Chocolate (I’m a sucker for chocolate.)
2.) Old fashioned
3.) Coconut
I’m not a big fan of donuts anyway..

What color is my favorite workout top:
Black. Plain old boring black. :P


I would really love to hear more of your thoughts about stress management and specifically what you are teaching your students. Love that kids are getting educated on this topic!

When I am stressed I usually just need some alone time to debried. I go drive, window shop, take a long walk, or give myself a home mani/pedi. :)


Working out is my stress reliever. That, and chocolate. And…! Retail therapy is the best!


Yep, chocolate and shopping are musts. I am thinking I will be doing that after school today.


Love the workout!

Work is my biggest stress! Thank goodness it is Friday!

Yes! I love reading blogs and watching shows while i workout!


How is the spin biking working out? Do you like it? What kind is it?

I am toying with idea of getting one.

Those burritos look amazing!!


Workout is definitely the ultimate stress relief – but sometimes I have to eat some candy first and REALIZE that a workout will help!
I hardly ever multi-task workouts, but I used to on the elliptical at the gym.


where’s your post for today?? get on it :P haha

please ;)


I agree, sweat is the best way to deal with stress. If I’m particularly stressed out I also tend to run faster…hmmm…I might not to ponder that idea before a race sometime. :-)


Stress management is one thing I work with my clients on, and I had to try all of the techniques during training. As silly as some of them sounded (progressive muscle relaxation, etc) they can be super effective. Working out is definitely my most effective destresser!


That’s really cool that your school has a stress management class. I feel like that’s probably more important than learning line dancing in gym like I did.

Does multitasking during workouts include watching tv while running on the treadmill? If it does, then yes.


Happy Friday!! My favorite munchkins are the ones that are 100% covered in sprinkles and the form a crunchy shell. Soooo good.

My favorite workout top is pink! But I just got a new top that is sneaking up on the pink one. It’s black and says “catch me” on the front and “if you can” on the back. Extra funny because I’m wicked slow and it’s not true. :)


1- Best way to de stress: prayer, swinging, going for a walk or a drive, dancing around the house to justin bieber.
2- dont like donuts
3- Hot pink or black!
4- I like to multitask by running? on the elliptical while doing windmills and other frantic movement with my arms. Not holding on works your core, and doing arm circles works your arm muscles. All while getting a lower body work out via the elliptical!


Yay for exercise! I worked out like a crazy person during finals week. A lot of my friends would give me grief for going to the gym during finals week and I would have to explain that it gets rid of my stress. The good thing is that all my kinds major friends joined me!


The gym. Major stressors include just about anything to do with my in-laws and general work-related things.
1. Chocolate
3. Coconut
I don’t really have a favorite workout top. I sometimes read if I am on the elliptical.
The Kidless Kronicles


I miss spinning so much! That looks like it was an awesome workout.
Exercise is definitely my number one, but I also like to listen to music, bake, and get some fresh air.
I like old fashioned the best. I’ve never had coconut? And I think chocolate donuts have kind of a weird taste.
My favorite workout top is blue, but it’s my favorite because of the fit. I like the color as well, but I also like pink or black.
I love multitasking workouts. Not necessarily cardio and weights, but different weight moves at the same time.


Funny to see you holding weights. I thought I was the only one who did that! I lift weights while on the treadmill. In between runs I do weights on an incline of 10.


I cope with exercises for sure :) I am a over planner and always stress myself out with endless to do lists, and then I feel like there is never enough time to get things done.
Chocolate-Coconut-Old Fashioned.
Black, shows less sweat ;)
I usually don’t multi-task but sometimes I will do arm exercises while stamding on a half ball to work on balance, if that counts!
Have a great weekend :)


I would have the same rating as you….but mainly just eat all the coconut ones and leave the rest :P

I love working out in …well any colour top really.

I have done multitasking workouts and may copy this workout of yours today! thanks

I have a few stressors my methods for dealing with them are as follows:

having a hot bath and relaxing
having a good yell with a good cry ;)
cuddling /w Rex
talking it out /w Colin and then crying some more!


Without sounds like an alcoholic, a glass of red wine always does the trick for me :)


I always head straight for the gym when I’m stressed!

What are you watching on TV? I keep seeing a Nun outfit, but it looks like a poker table??


Wow, I would have fallen off once I let go. :)

I sometimes wish my family was closer, so one person could cook on different nights, it would really help.


Jalopenos jalopenos jalopenos–love love love!

Working out and watching Friends are definitely my two fav ways of coping with stress!


Obviously working out ranks pretty high for me on how to manage stress, but other things include:
taking a walk
taking a bath
reading a book
and when all else fails…sleeping. hah.


Yum, Mexican food!!

I think it’s really cool that you’re teaching a stress management class! I’m sure so many people need it but wouldn’t take the time out to fix it themselves otherwise!


Look at those muscles! Getting svelt! I usually wear a HR monitor when I lift and I love seeing how different exercises effect the heart rate. If you are frequent enough with your weights the body will eventually adjust and you’ll be so stein that you’ll be lifting parked cars! I’m sure billy would be mighty impressed :)


I have a hard time doing cardio and weights – I wasn’t born with the coordination gene, which is why my outfits never match. Sorry, I will boo myself on that one!


i cope with stress mostly by running…nothing makes me feel better then a good run, endorphins! otherwise, sleeping definitely helps. or shopping ;)

donut hole favorite is bavarian creme, but im so sad i almost never find them…otherwise i’d say glazed all the way!

hmmm, favorite workout top is blue :)


-to cope with stress: I usually go running or a play date with my 2 year old nephew usually does the trick!
-old fashioned, coconut, chocolate
-I feel faster when I wear pink or purple for a run. silly I know


Chocolate is #1 for me, then plain, then jelly filled :)


Major stressors would be anything involving paperwork/bills.. like when your insurance changes and you have to call all your doctors, pharmacy, etc… so frustrating and they always leave you on hold! I deal with stress by running and taking a long shower lol.

Hmm.. I always preferred whole donuts to donut holes.. I used to love the powdered sugar ones though?

Blue Ombre is my most comfy go-to right now! (shades from light to dark blue) but I’ve been getting into a purple mode.. just don’t own a purple top yet.

Jillian is all about her ‘multitasking’ and super sets! I haven’t taken weights on a bike yet – do NOT have that coordination! but I always do my weight lifting in circuits using upper and lower body at the same time. Congrats at not dropping a weight on your head or anything! And GL with the new class :)


Hahaha that actually sounds like a good idea integrating weights while on the bike!
My stress coping is working out, or also watching something hilarious on TV (Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, etc) and painting my nails. Weird i know but it is like calming haha.


running definitely helps me cope with stress, along with To Do lists!


I would love to hear about the stress management stuff you’re teaching about, because I’m sure I could apply it to the anxiety I have almost daily.

And kudos to you for balancing and lifting on that bike! I bet it was more like a core exercise trying to balance and lift! hehe!


Stress management? That sounds like an awesome class. I’d love to take it. I always deal with stress by working out. Isn’t that what everyone does. Music also helps. If it’s school or test related, it helps me to chew gum and sip water.

My fave workout tops are all PINK! :)


How do I cope with stress? Hmm I curl up in a ball with a glass of wine in the corner. No JK! I think running is how I deal with it.


My crazy hectic schedule is my major stressor. One of the ways I always deal with stress is working out, and I also pray, cook, and talk to my sweet husband to de stress. A nice trip to the spa would do the trick as well! :)

I’m not really a donut person, but I love those cinnamon donut holes.

I like my pink, red, and black tops the best.

I am the queen of multi tasking workouts! I always try to get the most out of my time!


After working out top destressors include: hot shower/bath, eating what I want/when I want/how I want it, nap/quite time fully emmersed under the covers.
Major stressor for me happens when I have had to do too much for other people, on thier timeline, with their preferences…….hence the above coping mechanisms………selfish (but necessary) introversion.

Hot pink
Weights during commercials of tv shows.


i’d love to read your post about stress management! my go-to stress release is always exercise too. it never fails! have an amazing weekend, janae! i hope today is less stressful for you!


Destressors for me: working out, napping, eating chocolate, seeing how big of a dent I can make with butt on the couch.

I am alll about chocolate donuts. When I was a little girl, my dad bought doughnut holes for breakfast and I managed to consume the WHOLE bag while he was out of the house for a few minutes. Ooopps. He was too amused to yell at me. And my addiction began.

Purple anything for me! I have to watch that I am not wearing purple head to toe to when I work out.

I multi task in my workouts, but mostly because Jillian is probably yelling at me to go faster, jump higher, lift harder. She is awesome like that.


Holy Cow! 5 different classes is a lot of work. I taught charter school junior high and I was definitely stressed out…it was only 1 classperiod, but 3 classes in one. Loved teaching, loved the kids, hated the set-up. If only I’d have known about lifting weights while on a spin bike to relieve that stress. … Sorry, I don’t think the donut holes looks very good. For me, multi-tasking workouts is called a brick workout. That’s why triathletes are so smart :-) Favorite workout top is one from Brooks. It’s pink, brand new, and makes my minus A cups almost look like A cups. And it has a zipper in the back. I love Brooks tops!


Isn’t multitasking your workouts basically cross training?

Stress…..Don’t EVEN get me started. I haven’t found a way to cope with stress and anxiety without medication. Seriously. Exercise doesn’t help and is actually one of my stressors….Along with just about everything else. I think journaling helps. Sometimes I just really need someone else to look at me sideways and say, “Stop it. You are completely irrational and ridiculous. Shhhhh.”

No lie, someone commented on one of my blog posts that, basically, I was acting like a vain martyr, and that was the BEST thing ANYBODY could have said to me. Sometimes a little tough love from someone I don’t know is absolutely what I need. And was I acting like a vain martyr? You bet your butt, I was.


Look at those guns of yours!!! You go girl! I would do better with stress if I could get outside and run. Gym starts next week. Yeah! I slacked this week. Please keep my BIL in your prayers. His cancer is back :( We will know more later this month. On a fun note. I got me two pairs of running shoes. I am a pink girl. I was seriously disappointed that there were no cool pink ones. BUT you will love this. My Asic pair is purple. I did get to order me a foam roller in PINK!! I hope you and Billy have a wonderful weekend.


looks like all my fave ways to cope with stress as well :) and the choc doughnuts are my least fave as well…even though i am obsessed with chocolate!! crazy!


It takes 3 days to digest 1 donut. I learned that in health class years ago and it takes a lot for me to eat a donut as a result.
I love using my weights while on the spin bike-awesome way to mix it up!


I know I would fall off if I tried spinning while doing weights! Doing two things at once like that is not something I’m good at!
I deal with stress by exercising or reading a book. They both take me out of my head for a while and make me relax. And if I can do both at the same time, double points!


yayyyyy i wish you were my teacher in HS!!!!!!!! your gonna rockkk teaching all of those classes!!!
stress management for me is BIG! i am HUGE on writing down EVERYTHING i have to do…check list form.
make it fun by downloading apps for your comp or buy a pretty planner (guilty)
i feel such a relief writing down everything that needs to get done and then being able to CHECK IT OFF once i do it!<3


I can’t wait to hear all about your methods for stress management. Sounds like an awesome class too


Holy cow that burrito looks awesome! And the chip ;)

I have a pink top that I love to wear…..I should probably wash it soon…lol!

After screaming at the top of my lungs, karate chopping a few people, I then hit a hard workout or take a drive to my favorite place in the whole world…Starbucks. I love them. I would work there just for coffee.
Have you ever had a cinnamon donut hole?? holy yum!


Whoa mama that burrito looks delish!

I like working out in pink. :-)

I love doing combo workouts! This morning I did some strength training in my apt gym followed by a run outside watching the sun rise!

Happy weekend to you!


I am very proud to say that I woke up at 6am (which is VERY early for me) and ran 6 miles this morning. I normally work out after work but have plans tonight so, GO ME! :)

My favorite top is also purple! it just fits best, that’s why I like it.

Stress relievers: RUNNING (obvi), Quiet Time (I don’t like talking when I’m stressed) and reading…if I’m not overly stressed. If I’m super stressed I can’t focus on a book. Yoga helps too.

I can’t wait for your post about Stress Management! Why was your day stressful? Hope today is better!


I cope with stress by eating…..awesome….not! Can I come to your stress management class? ha ha I totally need that.

Have a great day sweet friend. Again we are meeting at the Provo Tabernacle at 9am tomorrow morning to run 13 miles. You should come. :D


I did the same work out on my trainer last night except I was watching Grey’s Anatomy! Not the most uplifting show for getting me through a workout…


i cope with stress by working out, calling my mom, talking to my boyfriend about what’s bothering me, reading, taking a walk, listening to music and dancing around (it really works! plus it’s like a work out too, so i guess i multi-task in my workouts ;), have a long shower/bath (i don’t have bubble baths often enough. perhaps i’ll do that tonight!), read a good book, read blogs, watch a funny movie… anything that will occupy my mind!

my favourite work out top is pink! i also have a highlighter yellow shirt i received at a local 5k i did in my hometown this summer. you can definitely see me coming!

when i’m doing lunges, i’ll often incorporate bicep curls as i go. i learned this from jillian michaels 30 day shred!


I love that you teach a class about dealing with stress. I wish that my school had one of those! In high school I was so busy with AP classes and dance I would go go go go, have a meltdown and yell, and then repeat the cycle. Not too healthy.

I acutually like donut holes about 100 million times better than donuts, just plain glazed :)


Dude, weights + spinning, that is killer. Way to kick it up a notch, Emeril style. You know where you can combine spinning and weights? In NYC. Just saying.


I can’t read about your stress management class and strategies! Running definitely helps me deal with stress but I internalize so much that sometimes it isn’t enough. Right now is especially hard – my mom suddenly passed away three weeks ago and as I am getting back into work the anxiety is HIGH. So, I am very much looking forward to some new ways of coping – retail therapy, eating (or not eating, depending on the day) or sleeping all day just aren’t going to cut it!


Sorry to hear about your mom girl. I hope you can take the time each day to work out your emotions, I’m sure it’s so so hard.


Oh Amy, I am truly so so sorry about your loss. This absolutely breaks my heart. What can I do for you? Going back to work must be incredibly hard. I am always here if you need to talk!


Thanks to you both for the kind words. I love reading your blog Janae and it helps to keep me motivated and always puts a smile on my face – so you are already helping :) I appreciate the support!


Love the combo training J! Don’t hate, but I don’t like old fashioned or any kind of donut hole. I used to put down glazed donuts like they were going out of style, but my metabolism can’t keep up!

Happy 2012!


Exercising is my favorite way to cope with stress. My favorites are running and kickboxing. It doesn’t hurt that you can imagine your stressors while you are jabbing and kicking! :)


Now that is a nice looking burrito!! Yummy!!! Well played on the combo training, I love doing stuff like that but I’m not very creative so I have to rely on an exercise class or video that makes me do it!! :) Yum, I love donut holes..


I break a sweat to kill stress. Stick with what works.
Coconut doughnuts, then old fashion. The chocolate store bought doughnuts have no flavor and taste waxy to me.
I’ve been crushing on purple lately too.


I’m still on the injury bus so lately I’ve turned to music to cope with stress. Nothing is more peaceful than Hawaiian music! School is such a HUGE stressor so you can bet that I have playlists to deal with that.
Oldfashion for the win! Then chocolate then coconutss (something about the flakes taste weird to me)
My favorite workout top is gray/black! My mom likes white because it shows her sweat less. She’s one in a million.
I’ll multi-task when at school~ I’ll read a book or study (does that count?). One time I was trying to memorize flash cards while on the treadmill and they just kept falling out of my hands and onto the treadmill and onto the floor of my school’s gym. Not embarrassing at all..


petite donut holes! bahaha! :)


I work out when I’m stressed, it always helps!
My favorite donut holes are the chocolate glazed ones or the plain glazed ones! Oh, those ones with the crunchies on them that you can’t get anywhere most of the time. I don’t even like donuts (except krispy kremes) but love donut holes!
I like working out in teal. I didn’t even realize it until I looked at the majority of what I have and realized it’s all shades of blue/green/teal. Who knew?


Burritos are a great way to ease stressful days! I put Sriracha on mine :)


My number one stressor is usually work-related issues that are outside of my control. I cope with stress by running, venting to people who understand, and writing/blogging about it!


Nice article; for additional tools, see the book from hypnotist nj.


Dark gray for the workout sweatshirt.

Chocolate, old-fashioned, and I’d send you 100% of the coconut ones.

For stress relieving..I drive around..people watch, run, and BAKE… TV makes it 10x worse.


I definitely use working out to deal with stress! My heat broke this week and I hit the gym the morning I was waiting to hear from the heating guy because it was too cold to sleep and I was wide awake stressed out too!
I love donut holes, my favorites are blueberry!

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