Birthday Party and A New Speed Work Workout

It was my sissy’s b-day yesterday and so she chose to have her birthday party at the ice-skating rink.

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Okay, it is her daughter’s birthday today (not the grumpy curly one above) and she loved going ice-skating so much a few weeks ago that she wanted to go for her birthday party too.  I stayed with curly most of the time (she only makes it around once or twice before she gets too tired) and so I didn’t skate last night, which probably saved me from breaking any bones because I have proven that I have a real talent for that.

My BIL came to the party too and he decided to add some beads to his hair before he cuts it, his mom would be so proud.

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The skating party ended at about 9 and like usual we were all starving because we all run (the kiddos had b-ball games today too) and did our longish runs yesterday.  My sis chose Cafe Rio for her birthday dinner.   Last night I really branched out and went for the sweet pork salad, I really got out of my comfort zone.

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Just because we are all best friends I will tell you that I had Cafe Rio for lunch and dinner yesterday.  Is that normal?  My mom took me for lunch and I couldn’t turn my sister down for dinner there.   It is official; I really can’t get sick of that place.

We ended the night with the movie Up.  It was my first time seeing it……love!!!!

One more day of the weekend, let’s make it a good one.


Click HERE if you want to watch Desiree Davila’s last speedwork training for the Olympic Marathon Trials. 3 x 3 miles at a ridiculous pace, I want to try and mimic this workout but at 3 minutes per mile slower.


Have you ever eaten at the same restaurant twice in one day?

How much time have you taken off your mile times from when you first started running until now?

Hot, medium or mild salsa?  Smooth or chunky?

-I love medium salsa and the more chunks of tomatoes the better.

Did you have any good treats yesterday?

-Peppermint Hershey kisses….addicting.

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I could eat Panera pretty much any time of any day. Love it!

I’ve taken about a minute off of my average mile times since I started keeping track…probably more like a minute and a half, but I can’t say for sure as I wasn’t watching my pace when I started.

I like mild salsa…the chunkier the better!


mmm you know i love my cafe rio too! i could totally go twice in one day! ;) and i’m all about the mild or medium chunky salsa! lots and lots! happy birthday to your sister!


You consider me a friend?!?!?
(love you)


My yummy treat yesterday was banana “soft serve” (frozen bananas, vanilla extract and almond milk in a food processor) topped with mini semi sweet choc chips.


I love the movie UP!!!! It was so cute!


She looked like it was NOTHING, mile splits at 5:04. I can’t think if I have ever eaten at the same place twice in one day. Definitely Chunky Medium. Yesterday I had hot corn dip. YUM!

The Kidless Kronicles


haha you know you only branched out because you had your usual for lunch. ive def done that before and it is not bad at all. Happy Birthday to your sister and your niece!! have a great Sunday!

ALL salsa. when I go to Freebirds they ask mild medium or hot, and I say “yes, yes, yes” then they say tomatoes or pico and I say “yes yes”. and then add a little more from the salsa bar…never too much :)


Same!! Medium heat with tons of chunks :D


No one can judge for Cafe Rio x 2 in a day. ;) I’ve taken a good 3 minutes of my average mile time from when I first started running. I like mild and medium salsa, the chunkier the better. My treat yesterday was my coffee w/ peppermint mocha creamer! YUM!


I’d totally go to Cafe Rio twice in a day if we had one!! And for me salsa should be mild and chunky! I like pico de gallo the best!! :)

My treat was thin crust pizza. YUM! :)


I’ve never eaten a the same restaurant twice- I don’t get out much:) I honestly don’t know what I’ve taken off my pace, maybe a minute or a min and a half? :-/ now I’m going to have to think about that! I didn’t have any great treats, but those peppermint kisses sound delish. I LOVE mint chocolate combo of anything! Oh, and I’ll take medium chunky salsa, yum. Can’t wait to check out that video of Desiree!! Thanks for posting it!


Smooth salsa is just tragic! My day in terms of food was pretty pathetic yesterday due 2 tooth extractions–> damn liquid diets! Although that did also mean fro yo became lunch which is a win in my books (despite the lack of toppings) :)


Ice skating is soo funn!!! I used to absolutely loooveee it.
I think I may have eaten at the same place in one day. Probably at Panera!
I thought I would never be able to go faster than a 10 min mile when I first started, but now I hover around a 9 min mile. Sometimes faster, sometimes slower but I have definitely improved.
Miled and smooth! I’m a baby when it come to spiciness.


Looks like you guys had so much fun! I think I’m going ice skating later today! Wahoo! Andd I should probably start on my long run soon.. I woke up so late today!


glad your sister had a great birthday! i love her hair:)

the movie Up is so wonderful! i love that movie.

i have only taken about 1 minute off, right now i am working on endurance rather than time.

my favorite salsa is medium or mild. i like a little spice!

the only treat yesterday that i had was my ‘dessert’ which was oregon chai vanilla tea which is awesome!

happy sunday:)


I absolutely LOVE the movie Up! It is probably my most favorite Pixar movie ev– SQUIRREL!!!


Want a good salad and some more branching out? You should try Marleys in the Riverwoods. We just went there last night and it was SO good! There side salad is FABULOUS! You get to add all the toppings you want- tomatoes, pickles, grilled onions, jalepenos, cheese, avocado… make sure that you get the honey dill dressing too. Its so good I could drink it! (or maybe I already have…)


I have cut about 30 seconds off most of my PR’s in the past year. But I have only been running for 21 months. I hope 2012 has a few more PR’s for me.
Salsa medium and chunky. Home made cinnamon twists were a treat this morning. Yum!


Ice skating! Best. Choice. Ever. But I might be biased…since I’m a figure skater…
And really, your BIL is too funny. I have a crush.


Mild chunky salsa, please!


If you consider the first time I started running was to lose some pounds before my wedding, then it was circa 2009, and my mile was around 9 minutes on a good day. Now, my fastest mile has been about 7:30, which totally killed me! I’m kind of proud of that statistic.


HOLY CRAP. How does she run that fast and make it look so easy??? I envy fast long distance runner. Thanks for the post it was fun to watch.


I’m definitely at Wawa and Dunkin Donuts twice a day. It’s bad when people know what you’re getting before you order. I also eat at Cafes twice sometimes because they always have the best foods!

I watched UP last night for the first time, too! Is it weird I almost cried? Okay, maybe a tiny tear was shed but am I the only one?! Honestly, I think Disney Pixar movies are the best movies these days… Other movies just don’t do it for me anymore!


i could eat at dunkin for every meal. kind of gross, i know, but i just love me some donuts and eggwhite flatbreads! oh and COFFEE!


Treats yesterday? Always. I had a homemade peanut butter cup. Suhgooood.


I think I’ve taken a full 4 minutes off my fastest MILE time since I started running, from 9:xx to 5:xx… wow. Still not hitting 5:04 pace for a 5k, though. Sub-6:00 would be nice.

What about you? Were you ever slow, or did you just jump into 8:00 miles? Some people are like that.


I love me some cafe rio! ;) It was the most exciting thing moving to Arizona where there is ONE! Luckily it’s not too far from me! I think you need to come to AZ though (obviously) because the food down here is so good! Side note: is that BIL of yours single? ;) haha


When my hubby and I were first married we went to Chilis once for lunch, and went back for dinner and both ordered the exact same thing. We still joke about it to this day.

I actually am trying to do more of a speed improvement focus this year. I really have just added miles to “improve” now I am looking to actually get faster. Goal, get my race pace to your warm up mile. :)

We are both going to savor this Sunday……ok?


Hahaha, I love the beads in the hair!
I’ve probably taken off about 2-3 minutes from my mile time. Which is kind of embarrassing fro how long I’ve been running. I started out slloooowww (I’m still pretty slow) and didn’t ever work on getting faster until the past year or so.

Thanks for the video link! She makes it look so easy! Definitely inspiring :-)


Your bil is adorable!

I have never been to a Cafe Rio so after hearing your constant love for it, I had to check out their locations. Seems they are all around us, but not in Oregon! I wonder how far down into California I would have to go? I’m only 10 minutes from the state line…


Hahahaha the beads in his hair – preshhhh.


Looks like a fun night! I don’t think I’ve been to the same restaurant twice in one day but I could probably eat the same thing for all three meals…like maybe ice cream?!
I love mild and smooth salsa. Nothing spicy for me!


I love Panera too, they have a really good sesame chicken salad.

I like medium salsa, but prefer pico.


Aww that looks like fun! I always love seeing pictures of your nieces and nephews!

My favorite treat from yesterday was peanut butter M&M’s, eaten while watching a high school basketball game. ;) Yum!


When I first started running, a 10 minute mile felt like what is now an 8 minute mile. It’s crazy how you gradually get faster, but you feel like you’re putting in the same amount of effort. That 3X3 mile workout sounds awesome. I’ll have to remember that one next time I’m training for a marathon.


Hi! I am a new reader to your blog and think it’s great! Since I started running until now, I have taken off 4 minutes from my mile time. Also, I have ordered sandwiches for lunch and dinner in the same day from the same gourmet grocery store. Does that count? :)


Medium or hot CHUNKY salsa for me, please :)

Best tasty bite yesterday: coffee fudge chip ice cream with Cheerios… And a square of the Ghiradelli Peppermint Bark with Dark Chocolate!


I am just like you in that I never get sick of places/flavors either! I could eat at Chipotle every day and be happy as a little clam. I think the only thing that’s stopping me is fear of judgement, but you are giving me the courage to get out there and eat repetitively! ;)


In-N-Out, especially when it first opened in Dallas.
I’ve taken off about a minute from my first magic mile to my last magic mile.
Everything has gotten faster though. I’m doing my easy runs now at my “fast” run pace from my last training session. I’m still listening to my body but my legs feel stronger and my recovery quicker. I can’t wait to see how far I can take it.


I am addicted to york peppermint patty pretzels!!! I love your sister’s hair!


I love the movie Up!!! My boyfriend and I just got a kitten and named him Kevin after the bird. When we get another dog, we want to name him Doug.

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