Saturday Vegas Style.

I forgot to tell you about the fact that when we got home it was………..

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(PS the marks by the arrows are from me because I usually have chocolate/candy/or other food particles on my fingers at all times)

Our heater is ridiculously loud and there is no way you can sleep with it on so we turned on our mattress heater and pretended we were camping.  I woke up and could see my own breath.  I got 56 minutes of sleep and it has been an interesting day.  Actually I don’t remember it.  It was a blur.  Time for a nap.


Back track to Saturday madness:

After some chipotle, it was time for the thing I have been looking forward to forever.  Metting some of my favorite bloggers!

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Billy had a little man corner conversation going on which made it a lot more fun for him so he didn’t have to deal with hearing about wordpress, paces, and how delicious sugar is for too long.

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And we took 87 pictures of ourselves hanging out with a life size ice cream sundae.

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Once again, I am ashamed and let you down.  B and I ordered this sundae and it turned into a shake by the time we got to it….talking>eating….I know, who am I?  Good thing I made up for it by drinking some of it (hey, ice cream is ice cream no matter what the consistancy is) and getting more later that night.

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I worked in a sushi restaurant for two years.  I ate it every day of my life and never once got sick of it.  When Ashton suggested we go for sushi that night we literally ran from one end of the strip to the other to meet her.

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Is it strange that I could drink soy sauce?

Since sushi cannot possibly fill up a human being without spending $300 on 20 rolls we had to go for dessert after.  Of course I got ice cream (due to my medical condition that forces me to have it 2 times a day in order to function) and Billy had a cinnamon roll.

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Great fuel for a night of dancing.

The lovely Michelle and Paula!!!  

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Sushi fan?  What is your favorite roll?

-Anything with eel sauce, avocado and salmon.   Anything spicy (especially tuna) is also my favorite.

Ever worked in a restaurant?

-Yep, a total of 5.

What are your monday night plans?

-Going to bed at 6 after a pb/jelly sandwich or two…I don’t know why I am craving those so badly right now?  I might even make it a grilled pb and j….my dad always did that for us growing up.

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So good to see you again! I need a cinnamon roll right now…


I love grilled pb&j’s! My hubs thinks I’m a weirdo! Glad someone else eats them too!!
I never worked in a restaurant but I worked at Edible Arrangements where we made the fruit baskets. Eating unlimited pineapple was glorious!


MMMM- now I want Sushi and ice cream.

By the way, I cold totally drink soy sauce too. I love it.

Favs – anything with salmon and avocado. Damn. Now I REALLY want sushi.


LOVE sushi – had it for lunch today :) I had a roll with avocado and spicy salmon – but can never remember the name of it.
I’ve never worked in a restaurant…
Going home, putting away laundry, making supper, blogging and then spending time on the couch with my hubby and PVR!
Glad to hear you made it through the day!
PS I love grilled PB&Js!


I’m happy with avocado inside out rolls and lots of ginger! I’ve never worked in a restaurant, but I’ve done my fair share of retail. Looks like you had a blast and congrats on your post-injury PR!!!


It looks like you had an amazing time! I’m so happy for you that you got to run a great race and have so much fun:) I’m super jealous of your sushi. My husband doesn’t really eat fish so I can never convince him to go to a sushi restaurant so I don’t get to eat it nearly as often as I’d like!


Sushi is a food that I could live on forever, and if I could, I would eat those slivers of ginger with every meal. LOVE LOVE LOVE!

I have never worked in a restaurant, but I bagged groceries for a summer – does that count as the food industry?

Tonight I am planning on trying out the 1000 Challenge (100 reps of 10 different moves). Should be thrilling.


I love veggie rolls w/ avocado, cucumber, and carrot. I can’t handle the wasabi though…

I’ve worked in several restaurants…the most interested of which was FRIENDLYS!

And Monday night plans=term paper in the library :(


I went to college in MA and we would go to Friendlys all the time for ice cream sundaes! Sadly, there are none here in the midwest :(


Oh boy “interesting”..details. Is that a goood thing or bad?


Well….lets just say I haven’t eaten there since….
To be fair, it’s not that bad–just hard to stomach after spending six months in that place!


sushi is one of my faves, but you’re right: you have to spend hundreds to be full and satisfied! my absolute favorite mouthwatering roll is the maui roll from a place called naked tchopsticks (only in indiana–that is why you must come here and visit!). it has shrimp tempura, cream cheese, and asparagus on the inside with sliced mango and avocado on top…my #2 roll is spicy tuna. they also make one called the corona with spicy tuna, white tuna, avocado, tempura flakes, sliced lime and this awesome sauce on top. tastes like a corona beer only better, cuz it’s sushi! ;)
when you were in hawaii did you ever go to a place called Genki Sushi where different sushi rolls go around on a conveyor belt and you just sit down, watch the belt and grab what you want off of it? It’s like japanese fast food…way better than mcdonalds! ha


Sushi is my favorite food in the entire world! I’m a huge fan of sashimi (especially hamachi), and my soy sauce often looks light brown because I add so much wasabi to it for dipping. I think I could eat it every day and never get sick of it (there are times I’ve had it twice a day a few times a week). So good!


Do you have a panini grill? I think you’d be crazy for one of those things. Ugh. I want to go to bed @ 6 too, but I need to hit the weights!! :)


Grilled PB and J? Oh wowww yum that sounds good.

And I agree about the Sushi thing. I could eat it for hours and NOT be full…but that doesn’t keep me from still getting it. I love the spicy orange sauce that sometimes comes with it and the eel sauce too. The more spicy the sushi, the better!


This sounds so fun! Makes me want to train for a marathon/half, just so that I can have an amazing time with blogger meet-ups and eating my way through a new city!


Love sushi! My favorites are an eel roll, and spicy tuna. I pour shrimp sauce all over it too. I’ve worked in 2 restaurants, one as a hostess and one as the pastry chef/slave.
Monday is consisting of hunting some running shoes, watching tv and then sleep.


spicy tuna rolls!

Never worked in a restaurant but I did work at a shoe store. It was hard not to spend the money I earned on shoes!

Its a party at my house lol I am repairing a build a bear outfit my daughter lost a button off of and maybe watching some TV. Hopefully off to bed early!


I LOVE sushi but recently found out I’m soy intolerant, which makes sushi difficult…


I love any sushi with avocado and crab meat! Looks like you had a ton of fun!!


I prefer soupy ice cream. Don’t tell anyone or I think they might defriend me on facebook.


I LOVE sushi!! There is a place in Gainesville, Fl (where I went to college) that is my absolute favorite place for sushi. I miss it so much. I love anything with tuna, salmon, yellowtail, or eel. And I love anything fried and bad for me. ;)


I am seriously addicted to sushi!! There are a few places that I love in Denver which you guys will learn WHEN Billy chooses DU for law school! ;) There is also one really awesome place that delivers to my house–amazing

I am pretty sure I am collapsing on the couch tonight. Gym worked me this morning and didn’t get a ton of sleep last night, so I think it’s justified!


ugh study for HOURS tonight–> 8 am exam tomorrow! not exited!
so i took a study break to read your post and um girl can i just tell you that you are GORGEOUSSSSSSS! like really though absolutely GORGEOUS!
i love love love your hair how did you curl it?
basically i just want a JANAE makeover where you provide a full copy of your wardrobe/ makeup/ hair essentials. this needs to be your next giveaway with me as the winner of course!!!
hahah but also CONGRATS ON YOUR PRRRR again SO PROUD!


those are some gorgeous gals! and believe it or not, i’m going out for sushi tonight with the hubs old Kiwi friends YA SUSHI MAMA!


This is really awkward, but I neeeeeeeed to share this with you.
I follow your blog, so I know about you going to Vegas and all that. I had a dream last night that I was in Vegas too, staying at a really crappy motel. I was in the bathroom doing my hair and for some reason you come bouncing in to help me out. In my dream you had written and published a book and I had that book setting out on the counter when I was doing my hair. I was so embarrassed that I was reading it and that you were there and was praying to God you wouldn’t notice it and realize how big of a fan i was and how excited I was that you were there doing my hair. Then in the corner of the room by a giant pile of really dirty running shoes you spotted a yellow snake. We freaked out but went back to doing my hair (you were skipping while doing this by the way). Then you know in weird dreams how all of a sudden your somewhere else.. ya that happened. Im guessing we were then in the living room of the really crappy motel. I was across the room from you and the snake just started going in circles around the room, and each time it went around it got a little bigger. It got to the size of an iguana, but a human size iguana and was yellow with pink stripes. It was as big as we were tall, so we started freaking out because it could eat us. And you were by the door but you wouldn’t leave because you were sincerely worried that i wouldn’t make it out alive and that I would be eaten. So we played that game where you can’t touch the carpet and can just jump on pillows, blankets, and couches since the carpet is hot lava. The iguana apparently got slower as he got bigger and we both made it out the door just fine….. and i could drink soy sauce too and had two pb and jelly roll ups today already.. were on the same wave length right now…


Love sushi! Tuna Tataki is my favorite with aspargus and avacado.
I have worked in 6 restaurants. I was a manager for 7 yrs in one.


Aaron is very excited that he made it to a picture even if it was the back of his head hehe. Ahhh I am sorry about the heat. We tried to go to Ghiradellis last night. I really really wanted it (I did not have any at the meet up) and we got there at 11:02, it closed at 11, I was sooo sad!


NO sushi. I have worked in at least 3 restaurants that I can remember. I LOVED it. NO plans for Monday night except chilling out.

The Kidless Kronicles


I LOVE sushi. I like the “rainbow rolls”. It’s a little bit of everything. With a side (bottle) of soy sauce.

I worked in one restaurant as a hostess. I tried to help a waitress bring a customer a plate of food and ended up burning my hand. That was the end of my dreams of becoming a waitress.



I think I have the same medical condition ;)

Grilled PB with ice cream on top is heavenly!!! A total cure for said medical condition haha….


I love sushi! Salmon sashimi is my favorite, and I love anything with avocado, too. :) No plans tonight – might be the only night this week I’ll be at home on the couch…

Worked at a couple restaurants in college – Billy and I worked at the same on in Austin, but just missed each other by a couple of months. :)


Not only did I work in a restaurant, but in an ice cream shop at the mall. It was a small one that was done cold-stone style so I got to make all the ice cream and then mix it all up every time someone ordered on the little frozen slab of rock. I also made waffle cones and shakes, smoothies, etc. It was really really cool and I ate so much free ice cream when I worked there.


Ha! Once, when we first got our house, we let the oil run out by accident. We woke up and it was 42 degrees in the house. I will never let that happen again!

I’ve never worked in a restaurant. I don’t think I’d be very good with customer service.

My Monday night plans are dinner and a book. I’m so exciting!


To your soy sauce comment–apparently while running long races you should drink soy sauce packets. I was just talking to a friend about this the other day! His friend keeps them on him and drinks them while he runs because the sodium is good for you! So drink on!


That is such a good idea, you better believe I will be trying that!


Hope to be able to meet up with you one day and eat lots of yummy food and talk about running and blogging.


I looooove Sushi, I have a favorite place here that its around $15 all you can eat for 2 hours. You can imagine how much I dig it.

Havent stopped by for a while, congrats on your new PR girl!



Never had sushi..not sure how I’d feel about the texture of it.

Monday night I will be watching the rest of Keeping Up with The Kardashians and The Next Great Baker. I picked up neat new cupcakes from a bakery. I definitely think presentations matters. I get wayyy too excited when I see new designs on cupcakes tailored to the holidays…snowmennn..arctic animals..obsessed. Oh and when I see the extra big cupcakes..I get even more excited. Maybe its my calling in life to create buttercream animals all day..

Any updates on Billy’s law school applications…?!


I worked in one restaurant before! Never again…:)


way to go on the PR! Vegas looks awesome!!and I LOVE sushi. Never met a sushi roll i didn’t like :)


and PS: I was at trader joe’s today and I bought the cilantro salad dressing that you love. Thought of you :)


47 degrees?! I can believe it! I froze on my walk/run today.

I LOVE sushi and I love the same stuff you listed, we should go.

I worked at Islands Burgers when I was in college. I haven’t eaten there since, I can’t handle the smell of their fries.

I got back from my walk/run almost an hour ago and I am STILL COLD. Tea. Chocolate. And blankets. That’s about it.


I’m not a meat eater so my favorite roll is sweet potato! My fave sushi place makes it all fried up with this amazing sauce on top-YUM! I went through a phase where I ate sushi every weekend and I’ve gotten over that-(mostly because I cant afford to eat out! haha)

I spent my monday night doing a little christmas shopping! had to skip my monday night bodypump because of a slight wrist injury =(


Can’t believe it was so freaking cold. I think I would shivered forever and made a nest out of my covers.


I LOVE sushi! I really don’t have a favorite I like trying the most interesting item on the menu most times!

I have worked in 5 restaurants too! Serving and the food industry has a whole is SO much harder than it seems. I have a special place for bad waiters/waitresses since I used to be one;)!

My Monday night plans consisted of a 5 mile treadmill run, dinner with my hubby and now reading and relaxing!

I’m a new subscriber and LOVE your blog!


I crave sushi all the time! I love the seared ahi tuna :)


EEL, EEL, EEL! Love it! I’ve never worked in a restaurant because I don’t have the patience to deal with people! Tonight I hit up a killer spin class from and treated myself to a piece of chocolate peppermint cake!


Omgosh!! Jess, in your first picture, is my old softball coach! I was wondering if you two were going to meet up since I saw from your blogs that you were both in Vegas. She was the one who first introduced me to your blog when I first started my own, she always has wonderful things to say about you! Looks like you both had a wonderful time!


Yay! yes, Jess. You’d love Janae and she would love you….and your delicious baked goods! ;)


SPICY TUNA!!!! I am salivating. Thanks.

I worked in TOO MANY food-places to count. But – it put me through college, so whatevs. My favorite was a Creperie… and then best part was that I live in the apartment above it with my bestie. Living above a Creperie = amazing.

Monday night plans: We went to our town’s Christmas parade :)


FUN…I hope you had a blast at the parade, that is awesome! Yep, spicy tuna is the best and the Creperie…I would never quit!


It was so nice meeting you! I seriously want to bottle your energy and drink it for breakfast every day.

Spicy tuna is my jam. I’m pretty sure I could eat that every day.


I could eat sushi every day and every night!! In fact, my bf walked to the sushi place next door to us last night to get us dinner only to find that it mysteriously shut down in the middle of the night. Massively sad that I now have to walk across the street to get delicious spicy tuna and seaweed salad.


Uh yes. I am a HUGE sushi fan. I actually just talked the hubs into taking me out for sushi this weekend. Yum yum! And I’ve worked at a couple restaurants. But they were all pretty ghetto and I don’t think I would eat the food there. And Monday night plan is to eat some casserole and ice cream and watch Desperate Housewives. Good way to end the day. :)


You are going to have a blast going for sushi! Hope you enjoyed your awesome Monday night of deliciousness and good tv!


I love sushi! We have a sushi bar in our student center that I may or may not spend the majority of my monthly money stipend at.. yumm I work at a bagel bakery right now if that counts as a restaurant!



It was so nice to finally meet you! You are such a wonderful, sweet, beautiful gal (Billy is a lucky guy!) and you kicked bootie in the race! Way to go :)

See you soon friend!!!


I LOVED meeting you gorgeous girl. You are so beautiful and your smile made me happy. Have a great day and thanks for your sweet words.


AAh such a fun day!! and yum to ice cream and sushi! you’re right sushi is like not filling at all haha. every time I go out for sushi i have to like come home and eat a 2nd dinner lol.


that meet-up was epic! and i of course loved seeing you!


I have never worked at a restaurant and I have never eaten grilled PB&J sandwiches … I will have to see that I try one …

Sushi … one all of my all time fav foods … my favorite … avocado hand rolls … sweet shrimp, squid, and octopus … I know I am one of those that love chewy textures!!!


Snap on the sushi- salmon avocado will have my heart forever..orgasmic! What was it like working in a sushi restaurant (besides eating your body weight in free rolls I assume?)! Was the fishy smell in the kitchen okay to handle? I love fish but the smell can get to me at times!


When I grow up, I want to take pictures with a life-sized sundae too. Is it gross that i buy my sushi from a south Texas grocery store. It is so tasty!


you know your ice cream sundae is a winner when so much whipped cream conceals what flavors are hidden underneath ;)

i worked at Pizza My Heart (< < best pizza in Northern California!!!) and also at Chk – Fil – A!! I hated the waffle fries because they disappeared SO fast and so you always had to stand next to the heat lamp and scoop, scoop, scoop. It was sweaty

love sushi!!


I’m SO glad to see you had such a great time! I’m sure it was a blast!

I LOVE sushi!! I don’t eat it nearly enough because my husband isn’t the biggest fan. My favorites are spicy tuna and any kind of salmon roll!

You better believe working at Red Lobster as a hostess was my first job. ;) It was great because I got to eat as many Cheddar Bay Biscuits as I wanted!


Looks like you had a great time and great food!

I LOVE sushi! Anything with salmon is my favorite.
I have never worked at a restaurant. I have always done retail… Hello Kitty Store for almost 5 years! :)
Tonight I am celebrating my blogiversary! :) I made Beof Bouguingnon! Yum!


Oh I LOVE that picture of us!!! “I can touch you in real life…er, uh…”

Spencer LOVED hanging with Billy (thank goodness for some testosterone for the boys!) and we are already wanting to meet back up with you all! You are truly amazing Janae, authentic, warm, magnetic and simply beautiful. Blessed to call you my friend!


BAHAHA That really did sound so crazy. Billy loved spencer too, this is a great thing….I am thinking like a big blogger couples cruise or something…you in? Um, Jess you were the sweetest most gorgeous thing in the world and dang those pants looked good on you;)


Hey, it’s Blonde Ponytail. She’s one of my favorite bloggers too :)


I’ve been loving your Vegas recaps! Sounds like you had the BEST time!
I hope you managed to catch up on some sleep since your trip! :)


I live for sushi I could eat it all day everyday!! I love eel and avacado rolls and seared tuna and drown my sushi in soy sauce and drink up the leftover with a straw ;). I worked in a restaurant for 3 yrs


I’m otes a sushi fan [but don’t dig the raw stuff]- anything with shrimp, crab, or smoked salmon, I’m sold :D Love the crunchyness from cucumbers and creamyness from avocados!

My Monday night was roaring with adventure: accompanied my Dear to the dentist, stopped at the pharmacy to get him some pain killers, microwaved some soup with a veggie burger, and fell asleep @ 8:45PM, HA! Oh, the life of a teacher…


Sushi is my weakness. Love it with all my heart. My favorites are the same as yours… I also like anything with cream cheese. So low in calories… ;)
I’ve worked in a bazillion restaurants…I was also a Sonic carhop in high school- skates and all.
Monday night= making dinner, folding laundry (barf), recovery run


Fav Sushi is a special at a place by me called an AVOCADO BOMB!

Worked at a Steak House here in TX.. wore the blue button up with the red bandana around my neck LOL and greeting customers by saying ‘y’all’… it was mandatory!!!

Monday nights are $5 fajitas at a place near me — wheee!!!!! Then watched episode of Rules of Engagement with the Roommate and BF… hilarious!


Ahh I love sushi! I loooove eel sauce too, so good. I like california and rainbow roll. Nothing with mayo!
I’ve worked in two restuarants. I’m kind of over it, but it was so much better than retail!


I hated sushi until I went to BYUH. I worked at the PCC as a waitress and basically had it for dinner every night. Good times!


I went to Byuh too! That is so cool you worked at the pcc!


I love spicy tuna rolls with brown rice. I even get my suishi at the grocery store now. They make it fresh.
Is Ashlen from your sushi restraunt pic a blogger too? She looks familiar to me


She has a personal blog! She knows a lot of people…maybe that is how you know her!


this makes me ridiculously excited for our meetup!


What blog does Ashlen do?

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