Running in Paradise

No, I did not google, ‘most beautiful place in the world to go run’ and put up pictures that I stole from someone else. These are real life pictures via iphone while running at the same time at Newport Beach. How could you not live while running here?

Photo 4

The best running bffs ever: Sarah, Pam and SR. I will spare you a picture of me taken that early in the morning; I was still hung-over on cinnamon rolls.

Pam texted me yesterday that I should be prepared for this morning’s run because it was going to be Chilly…um, I walked outside this morning and started sweating. I think our perception of weather may be a little different;)


I know you are all thinking they have killer legs, I thought it all morning too.

I forgot my Garmin in Utah and borrowed Billy’s high tech touch screen one for this morning’s run. I tried to figure it out for 3 seconds and got frustrated and almost threw it in the ocean. I am going off of Sarah and Pam but they said we did 14 miles. I think they were just trying to make me feel better about myself and we only did 7 or something and they continued on after I left at double the speed I was going. Did that make sense to you? Yeah, me neither.

Photo 1

Really California? Really?

Photo 1 copy

I only got lost three times on the way home (where are the mountains to tell me what direction I am going) but I had a good time listening to, Tupac’s, California Love “California knows how to party….California. Welcome to the wild wild west….where you never find a dance floor empty” on full blast as I was riding high on endorphins.

Off to go to Billy’s family’s favorite tradition! You can read about last year’s day HERE!

All time favorite state to run in:


What is your favorite thing to eat (FOOD WISE) after a run?

-Egg sandwich; oh wait that is my favorite thing every morning.

Have you ever run on the sand?

-I did for three strides and my calves are already sore because of it.

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Oh Newport!! I love running on the boardwalk! It is the best place ever to run! I am lucky to get to run there for an entire week every summer!! So fun!!

My favorite thing to eat after a run is fruit.. And about an hour or so later I like to eat Toast with Nutella!

I LOVE running in the sand.. It is such a great workout! I usually do it at least 2 times when I am in Newport! Only 1.5 miles though and back on the boardwalk!! :) Have fun at the Play!


my favorite state i’ve never run in is also california. every morning here in cold, cold northern virginia i think of SR and RER and feel jealous they are running in warm weather.

my favorite thing is grilled cheese that my fiancé makes.

and yes- i’m from virginia beach originally and most people don’t realize how awful running in the sand is!


I’ve only run in New York State and only for a few kms so I think I need more experience before I pick!

I have ran in the sand in is super tough. I definitely felt the burn too :)


Great Pictures! I knew you would have a blast! My favorite thing to eat is a bunch of bread….honestly – i love bread. :-)

xoxo from Trinidad


LOL! ‘California Love’ came on the other morning when I was driving to my group run, how funny! I hadn’t heard that song in years!!!


Actually just got back from a run of the back bay in Newport during my lunch break. It’s awesome working so close to such an amazing area but I do still wish it were on PCH so I could hit up the ocean views. Glad you’re enjoying CA!


Gasp! Did you just mention SRs real name?


California is so pretty! I went to San Fran this summer and fell in love. I really want to go to LA sometime or maybe Orange County :)


It’s OK, I lived there for years and got lost like every day. Whoever planned those roads was on drugs.

I’ve done more running here in Utah than I ever did outside in Cali when I lived there, pathetic, I know. I DID love running in Long Beach along the water. And I love running up by my parent’s house.

I think mine is an egg sami tooooo!!!! SO GOOD. Or a breakfast burritto. Oh man, there is this place in Long Beach called Holy Molle OMG their breakfast burrittos are the BEST EVER.

I did Junior Lifeguads when I was a teen and we did a lot of sand running. Barefoot. It was intense.


California is the bet! And yeah, we consider 45 degrees cold!

When I went to San Diego in September, I decided to go running on the sand since it was right there. But after running on the sand for 5 feet to get closer to the water, I turned around to get to a real running path because it kills! On that same run, I saw a group of soldiers running on the beach in pairs. One would throw a medicine ball as far as he could and his partner would sprint to it, pick it up and do the same for his partner. They must have done that for miles. Insane!


Jealous!! Glad you’re having fun!


I hate running on the sand, but Mike loves it. It’s probably because he’s used to running barefoot.

Those pictures make me sooooo jealous! I need runner friends and to live in a much warmer place.


I also LOOVE running in California. My aunt and uncle live on Coronado Island (in San Diego) and it’s like a flat/humid-free heaven there!!!!


Okay, so how “chilly” was it? Because yesterday it was 22* and windy here when I went for a run, and it was pretty dang chilly. Go ahead. Tell me so I can be even more jealous.


That looks lovely!! I’m a tad jealous ;)


Ah, wish I was closer to Newport! Yep, running in SoCal is the BEST and you better believe Dr. Dre and Tupac make an appearance on my running playlist! :)

Running on the sand is SO HARD. I can’t do it. I’m a wimp.

I find immediately after running I’m rather UN-hungry. But I gulp down some chocolate milk anyway. I don’t get hungry until maybe an hour later and now that it is “cold” outside, I want something hot like soup.


Hehe, was this intentional or just a brain fart? “How could you not live while running here”

I was trying to figure out the meaning of this sentence if it was intentional or if you just swapped the words on accident.

Sometimes I wish I didn’t have to work (and the fact that I live 45 minutes south, but still. Not that far.) Would have loved to join you guys for a morning jaunt (probably would have been dying at your easy pace, but whatever).


Bahahaha definitely an accident! I do that sometimes when I talk too….my brain gets confused ha!


I suppose there could be the “running undead” or something.



Hey now, it’s chilly for us weather wimps! It’s raining in SD right now but by Christmas it’s going to be sunny and…70!! LOL! WELCOME TO OUR BEAUTIFUL STATE!!! Only in SoCal do you get this rad weather in December. NorCal gets winter, we get total AWESOMENESS :)

Glad you get to enjoy it while you are here!


I just LOL’d at the idea of you rocking out to Tupac. You never cease to surprise me and I love it.


SO pretty! It looks like an amaaaazing run! This is sorta-kinda cheating, since it’s not a state, but my favorite place to run is Switzerland. Hands down. Amazing.


Jealous! Did you give them hugs from me? If not, you’ll have to on the next run! Stepping out the door to run on that landscape this time of year would be heavenly! Enjoy!! I would have to agree with you that Cali is my fav state to run in. Year round climate control, yes please.


You are making me SO jealous!! I was in Cali in like Sept and ran along the beach where we were…best. ever. !! Favorite state to run in = Hawaii. :) I’m glad you are having so much fun!


Um, the baby picture (on your previous post)? RUDE. How am I supposed to get rid of this baby hungryness?! Nowhere is safe!!!!!

I would love to run in California. My favorite state is still UT. I’m so in love with mountains it’s a joke.


Looks like a beautiful way to start the day! So jealous! I ran when I was in New Orleans for a wedding last spring. It was really pretty, but super humid! I would love to run in Colorado or Cali some day.


Oh, running on sand is not easy. They do a race here before the Preakness – where they “pack the track for human runners”. We run on the sand loop the horses run. It was not packed much at all; it was like running on the soft sand at the beach. We had to do an entire mile. It doesn’t help to know that the horses do it in less than 2 minutes.


I haven’t run in Cali – but I have in FL and I loved it so much! Nothing is better than new & beautiful scenery!


I miss running in Virginia! Beautiful scenery with every type of weather.

An apple with peanut butter and hot chocolate. In the summer it’s usually an apple and a pop sickle.

I ran on sand for the first time last year at Myrtle Beach, SC. It was SO fun and beautiful (night run)! I would only listen to the waves and my breathing and it really helped my running.


Beautiful pictures – I wish it looked like that where I live! I had never run on the sand but I bet it’s tough!
After a run, I usually eat a cliff or thinkthin bar or an bagelwich with egg whites.


I love running right here in Florida. I’ve only ran in Chicago and San Fran. I wasn’t a fan of the hills in San Fran and Chicago is pretty nice, but not in the winter!


Gotta go with New York as the best state to run…Central Park rocks. Although, it probably wouldn’t beat Cali at this time of year seeing as you’d freeze…


What a gorgeous place to run! I love to run in Minnesota, Colorado, and the DR. Ok. That’s everywhere I lived. But they all have their pros & cons. Right now I’m sick of the snow in CO though!!!

I love to eat pizza after I run!


My favorite place to run is Hawaii!!!!! It is ALWAYS gorgeous there, any time of the year! Ocean, mountains and happy chilled out people all around. There is nothing better than that Hawaiian spirit and slow pace of life there. Top that California!
Next favorite is Montana – for beautiful views, deers in my back yard and high elevation.
I do like California tho, especially OC! Ran Huntington Beach Marathon in Feb and had a blast!


Running on the beach is nice only if it’s hard-packed sand, that loose stuff doesn’t work so well!


So you ran on the peninnsula and down to the wedge…such a gorgeous run! I work about a mile from there so all of my daytime runs are down that path!


So pretty! I miss living in California :( It is definitely my favorite state to run in, but I live in Washington now. WA is hilly and rainy but I am used to it!


Running on the sand is super hard. I can’t do it. Favorite food post run hmmmm good question, that is a hard one ice-cream haha ok maybe not right after. I like things with peanut butter like peanut butter and animal crackers yummmm or granola, always granola


I am living in LA temporarliy and my favortie part of SoCal is being able to run next to the beach whenever i want…. plus the always gorgeous weather helps make for a great run :). my next race is LA 13.1 and it runs along the beaches most of the way…. i can’t wait!


I’ve tried running on sand but it is NO FUN. no fun.


I live in Washington so I guess that would be my favorite state to run in. Beautiful scenery, not too hot. Favorite post run food is anything easy to make. I’m usually starving! Ran in the sand once when I was at the beach and I saw my son walking in the wrong direction away from me. He was lost and couldn’t find me. I sprinted to him barefoot, while in a bikini, yelling his name:)


Ummm that is like 5 million times more scenic than my dark 5am runs in 20 degrees on blah residential streets! Soak it all up for alll of us!


After a morning run alll about the protein–Chobani..or egg whites with fruit. But any other time..saladdd with italian. I like to eat light after running.

Not a beach runner..don’t like the instability of it.


Beautiful pictures! I thought San Diego was gorgeous to run in but my favorite place to run isn’t in the states! I loved my runs in Italy the most :D

I haven’t run in the sand before but I imagine my calves would hurt about 5 minutes after I was done! Enjoy your time in Cali!


Oh I am so jealous of those pictures! I have to plan a vacation to California like yesterday! lol


I have ALWAYS dreamed of living by a beach and running by the water every morning! I love your pictures! I will have to live vicariously through you for now!! :)


gorgeous photos!!!! i have always wanted to visit california (or live there). it just seems so amazing! my fav thing to eat after a run is an egg sandwich too- in fact, making one for dinner right now! :D


I have very similar pictures!! I did my 12 miler for my first half marathon in Newport last Easter!!!! I think Cali and Colorado are my favorite places to run… can’t beat the scenery either place!!!
I also love egg sandwiches after a run! Or a big bowl of cereal!


I am so jealous. I’ve only run in 3 states and so far Texas is my favorite. I love a good egg sandwich on whole wheat bagel thins after my runs.
I love that you check out your running buddy’s legs. I do the same thing and have to explain to my hubs and guy running friends that this is a totally normal, non-perv thing for running chicks to do to each other.


I don’t think you understand how jealous I am of you. California is the best place ever. I want to move there someday, it is BEAUTIFUL!!! I would die to run there. Maybe one day!
This may sounds crazy, but I’ve only run in my home state. Boring!
Right after a run, I drink chocolate milk usually. And afterwards depends on what I’m craving!


Oh my gosh your run looks amazing! I’m super jealous of the weather.


I found this and thought you should make one for your MIL ;)


Im super jealous. It has been really dark and drizzly the last few days and I am ready for some sunshine. or snow. either one, but just something pretty!

I love oatmeal and yogurt after a run…everyday :)


I’m going to pretend you said country instead of state…because I have never in the US! I LOVE running in London , especially around Buckingham Palace & the London Eye..breathtaking! Nothing beats pancakes or waffles after running…actually yogurt bowls bring stiff competition!


AH! Do the people that live in places like this realize how lucky they are?


How pretty!! It does look perfect :)


I run on a similar bike path when I visit my in-laws. It is one of my favorite places to run, especially in the winter!


Love the first picture! So beautiful! All of yall have beautiful legs!! You’re runners!


My favorite state to run in is home (colorado)… although I’m pretty stinkin jealous of that glorious run you took!!!
Favorite post-run snack is never the same– sometimes a latte from Starbucks, sometimes brunch at my favorite spot…
Never ran in the sand…


California is beautiful! Looks like you’re having a wonderful time! I think it is also my favorite state to run in too!!


It looks SO beautiful there! Wow! Breathtaking, such pretty skies, and I love that picture looking down the road with the beach houses. Wonderful. Yay, so stoked you had a great run with lovely peeps – have a rad day! <3 xyx


SO JEALOUS! Enjoy your holiday!


Looks like a beautful place to run! :) After a long run I love to eat a nut butter, banana wrap. They are the best thing ever. :) I have never ran in the sand, but I bet it hurts the next day….lol! :)


I would totes run more if I had beautiful places to look at like the beach B-) Maybe that’s why all those girls on the beach have banging bodies, they run all the time [haha]!

P.S. Fave food post-run: anything that I’m craving, not one specific thing…


I used to live right next to Newport and unfortunately spent most of my time in a fancy gym rather than running outside. Now I’m about an hour away and often contemplate making the drive for my long runs but have yet to just do it!

Favorite post run meal is an egg scramble of some sorts with salsa and usually a black bean patty or some ham.


Cali is my happy place!

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