First Day of California

Can you see why we come out to California as much as possible?  These were just waiting for me on my bed.

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Billy is in heaven with Charlie at his side and football games playing.

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Speaking of Charlie, he has his own Facebook account.

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Not only do my in-laws have the best treats everywhere you look but they also have the best produce.  The salad dressing I used was Mango Vinagerette.

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Even though it isn’t cold and I am in a short sleeves shirt and slept with the window open, hot chocolate was necessary.

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Time to make cinnamon rolls!


What have you done today?

What is your favorite thing to bake?

-Cinnamon rolls.

How old were you when you got on Facebook?


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I think I was about 21 when I got on Facebook as well. I did a long run this morning followed by delicious Baked Eggnog French Toast Casserole. yum!


GREAT JOB on your long run and now I am craving baked FT casserole…that sounds amazing!


oh gosh hot chocolate sounds sooo good right now. have a great trip!


You better get yourself some hot chocolate!


looks like a perfect first day to me! we’ve been kinda lazy today. i woke up, did some blogging, did my workout, ran a few errands, and now we’re lounging until a Christmas party this evening.

my favorite thing to bake… hmm… this is tough considering i enjoy most baked goods! probably any kind of cookies because i like to eat the dough while baking!

i got a facebook the summer before my freshman year of college, so i guess i was 18?


Your lazy day sounds amazing. Have a blast at your Christmas party!


I was slow to the uptake on facebook…I was like 25!

Today was boring and awful cause all my finals are due :( BUT….I just finished my last one for my last class!!!! All I have left is my thesis and I am done with grad school forevvvvvvvvvvvvvver! :)


HEATHER….I am sorry today was so lame but CONGRATULATIONS…you are my hero! Way too go!


I want to make cinn rolls, but need a recipe, will you share?


Yes of course!!! Next post!


I cannot wait! Thanks! :)


We finished all our last minute Christmas errands and braved a trip to Costco! I love baking cookies :)
I think it was 2006 when I got on Facebook, so I was 22.


Was Costco out of control!?!?! I can’t even imagine!!!


Um, I want to go to there. Do your in-laws have room for my family too?


Yep, come on over!!!


Went to the gym and ate all day!!!! My favourite things ever! I love baking anything! Cookies and muffins are fun :)

Enjoy your stay and eat some chocolate for me!!


Welcome back to CA :)


On a completely unrelated note…as someone who reads and never comments- I put goldfish on my salad the other day because of you and it was the best idea ever! I think my husband thinks I am crazy!


Bahahaha hey Keri! Your comment made my day! You should make him try it and he will understand why you do it….because it is delicious! Have a great night!


I LOVE PEPPERMINT BARK. Sorry I’ll stop shouting now.
Have you had the peppermint Hershey kisses yet? Oh man they are BEYOND amazing. I go through like a bag a week.

Hope you’re having a great time in california!


Mmm, goldfish on salads are so good! Tonight I was making teriyaki chicken with pineapple with a salad on the side. Then at the last minute, I dumped the chicken and pineapple and sauce on the salad–such a good decision!

Today = coffee, cardio, strength train, trader joe’s, salad beast, sketching, watching netflix in the tub

Favorite thing to bake = cookies

18 when I got FB–it was the summer before college!


Hahaha I love that their dog has a facebook. I got facebook when I was 18, when I got my college e-mail address. That was back when you had to be in college to be on facebook! So long ago…


Today was my long run day and then out all day Christmas shopping and went to the annual Christmas church I’m watching Toddlers and Tiaras. . Egg sandwiches and double fudge brownie ice cream for dinner.

I had facebook at 17…phasing out of it now.

I love to bake chocolate chip banana bread.


I had graduated college already so I think I was at least 22 or 23 when I joined but I didn’t use it for a good year or so after that. That can’t seriously be Charlie’s birthday??!! A 17 yr old dog?


I’ve had facebook since the eighth grade. I KNOW. Too young. Anywho. I would be in heaven with chocolate, puppy, and football too. I am so easily pleased!


Welcome back to Cali! It was 60 in SD today and I drank hot chocolate…twice! Hoping it’s perfect weather tomorrow for us, we’re headed to Disneyland!!


Today I picked my brother up from the train station, we went to yoga, got Taco Bell, ran a mile downhill to the store for baking supplies, walked back home, baked cookies and fudge and are now going to dinner and shopping. You asked ;) Welcome to California… and it is cold… for us!


Oh and FB? Eeeeek. I think it came out when I was in my late 20s. Like 27 or 28? I can’t remember, but I was the moderator for my college girls. I was an advisor for my sorority and had to make sure they didn’t have “inappropriate photos” lol. Sheesh, I am old.


I don’t think I’ve ever put marshmallows in my hot chocolate, I feel deprived. I think I should try it.
I hope you’re having an awesome day despite the not-so-sunny weather we’re having!


Grecia, your homework assignment is to have hot chocolate with marshmallows and I will be checking in with you tomorrow to see if you fulfilled your assignment.


I was 18 when I went on facebook. It was when you had to be a college student to be on it. Now anyone and their brother can use it!!!


My favorite Ghiradelli Peppermint Bark squares! Today we baked chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter blossoms for gifts. I had a few after my ten mile run this morning I deserve a treat. I enjoy baking almost any kind of cookie.


GREAT JOB ON YOUR RUN and I might come over for some of those cookies:)


Yum, I love cinnamon rolls!! :)

Today I wrapped gifts, did laundry, ran 7 miles, cooked a yummy dinner, and watched our wedding video with my hubby. It’s our 1 year anniverary tomorrow, so we had to get all sentimental and remember our special day! :)


The hot chocolate looks yummy!

P.S. Charlie and I share a birthday, although I’m much older!


I was 18 when I started using Facebook. Favorite thing to bake…hmmm so many since I love sweets, but cake hands down! Red velvet to be exact!


I started my day with HOT YOGA and spent the rest of the day baking cookies…so fun!

Still not on facebook. I know…crazy right???


My MIL set up a FB page for her dog…and the dog actually received a credit card offer in the mail! It is assumed this information was taken from Facebook. Creepy! Then, after a few months, FB shut down the account for the dog.


Today was my first day back in Cali too :-) It is the best!
I have been wanting to make cinnamon rolls. I’ll look for a recipe in the near future!


HEY YOU!! I tried to leave a comment on your blog but I think it went to spam….SAVE ME!!


Sounds like a great day! After lazing around all morning, I went on a nice 10-miler today…it always feels so amazing when I run that far! Steve had done lots of chores while I was gone, which was super awesome. :) I really should try goldfish in my salads! I’ve been putting pears in my salads lately and using cottage cheese as the dressing – so good! Tonight we went to Sam’s Club and got SO much stuff. We have a Sams card instead of Costco because it’s free for us, but since we live farther away we stocked up. it was actually really funny how much stuff we had for just the two of us.


Overdosed on sugar while making gingerbread houses tonight! What good is a 16 mile run if it’s not followed up by 500+ calories of sugar? I was 21 when I got on fb as well.


Woo that hot choc has my name all over it- yummy! My day started with a run and ended with a food coma…my kinda balance ;)


facebook addiction started: 21
facebook addiction ended: 25
today: games/desserts with the family
favorite thing to bake: undercooked cookies and brownies. I’m impatient and everyone knows they taste better that way.
& yay cali. so cal? i was born and raised here so lately i’ve been looking to possibly move and try something new.


That hot cocoa looks like it came from a gourmet coffee shop!! That + peppermint bark = holiday heaven…and cinnamon buns?!? everything in this post is kind of making me want to blast Christmas music and have a holiday party or something haha. And Charlie having a facebook…lol! My best friend made a facebook for her dog one time when she got bored of studying for finals :-P I was 17 when I got facebook, and had no clue how to use it until more of my friends got one!


I hate baking cinnamon rolls but they taste amazing! Jess


I bought a bar of that chocolate yesterday for my Dear’s stocking- hopefully it’s delic! P.S. Goldfish on salads= da bomb! I recently tried the sweeter Goldfishies [honey and chocolate, two different kinds] and they were fab!


I was 17…the summer before I went away to college! “Back then,” you had to be a college student to use Facebook.


DANG…anywhere that i went that offered up a full sized chocolate bar, it’d be hard pressed to make me leave! :)


My mom came into town Friday and we have started our week long bake-a-thon and made The Pioneer Woman Cinnamon Rolls this morning and my mouth is thanking me for delicious yumminess! I joined Facebook about 5 years ago.


That is hilarious that Charlie has a facebook. I got on Facebook after the MySpace phase was over.. Probably my freshman year of high school or 8th grade? I love baking everything!


I think I was 18 when I got facebook. Whenever it came to my school, I think that was freshman year.

Charlie is so freaking cute. You guys totally need a dog.

My favorite thing to bake is any kind of cookies.


I LOVE the Ghiardelli peppermint bark squares! We have a bag of those in our apartment that is quickly disappearing. I joined Facebook I think my junior year in college – so when I was 20? It was so different then!

I thought of you when I went to a gingerbread making store yesterday – the amount of candy and chocolate was insane. I highly suggesting locating one of those places in Socal! :)

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