My most random dinner ever and a crazy race!

I had a minor heart attack when I walked outside of work yesterday.  I knew it was raining in the morning but besides that I had no idea what was really going on outside.  I need to get out more.

Do you see how close that snow is to me?  I am close to being within avalanche range…..that is a little too close for the beginning of October.

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I found a race that Billy might actually sign up for.  It involves chasing a person dressed up in a hot dog suit  to his favorite hot dog stand (J-dawgs), eating a 3 lb. hot dog (I am exaggerating on the weight of the hot dog, but the thing is massive) and running back.

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Too bad I will be in New York, otherwise I would totally do it.

Mhhhhmmmm running after eating a hot dog, that would feel awesome.


The most random dinner of my life occured last night:

1.  TJ’s whole wheat pretzels dipped straight into the cottage cheese container.

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2.  A pancake with peaches, syrup and cool whip with a side of snap peas dipped in ranch.

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3.  Grand Finale:  I stole Billy’s mac and cheese.

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My taste buds are now dead.


Don’t forget to enter my RUNNING SHOES GIVEAWAY!! ———————————————————

1.  Have you ever done a race that involved eating food as part of the competition?  Would you ever?

-If it was ice cream, yes.  Have you seen the one where they have to eat a dozen Krispy Kremes at the turn-around point?

2.  Who is RUNNING the CHICAGO MARATHON this weekend?  Has anyone run it in the past?  Is it on anyone’s race wishlist?

-I definitely want to run it someday!

3.  What are your thoughts on snow……love it or hate it?

-I think it is really pretty as long as my toes are warm and I have had a few cups of hot chocolate.


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Oh my gosh! You’re going to run in the NYC marathon for sure? That is awesome! What is your mileage built up to now? You got this, girl!!

I did a donut race like three years ago, that’s probably why I haven’t had a donut since!!

Snow is blahhh, but definitely fun to run in!


We have a 14-miler this weekend….so we shall see how it goes. I am definitely GOING to NY but who knows if I will actually run it:) YOU DID A DONUT RACE….how many did you have to eat?


It was a dozen! I shoved them all together and tried to make a sandwich out of them to get them down faster! But, I felt them all sitting right in my stomach waiting to come up. Yuck! I had to slow down to like a 10 minute mile because if I ran any faster, there would be trouble!! Haha.


Every year, the Bolder Boulder has people along the course with any type of food/drink imaginable. It’s not required but it’s fun, so I’m pretty sure I’ve had cupcakes, beer, swedish fish, pretzels, etc while running that 10k. Oh, and done a slip and slide!

I LOVE the snow! It means ski season is almost heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere!!!!!!


Oh, I know someone who did the Krispy Kreme challenge… she told me much puking is involved. Ew.

I think I’d still try a few eating races though… I love running, I love food… makes sense to do them together, right?

I’d love to try a plain old eating competition too. Nothing too major, maybe just an old fashioned pie eating contest. I could definitely handle any sort of dessert. Or burgers. Or tacos.


I love snow, because living in Fl, I have only ever seen it in other states. I don’t think I could combine running and eating, I have a weak stomach…lol


Yikes, that race sounds awful (but I don’t eat hot dogs, so that’s prob why) —but I’d do a race if it involved eating bagels, waffles, or a huge salad. Or fro yo!

I am a fan of snow when it comes at the right time and when I am cozy and warm during it!


I think the scarier part of the snow isn’t snow, but “avalanche range.” YIKES!

I’ve never done a race that involves eating because I’d probably end up throwing it up. I usually can’t eat for like 2 hours after I race.

I didn’t realize the NYC marathon was so close. Maybe I”ll convince Mike to take the train up with me and come watch you run!


I would love to do a race with food, I actually want to organize a short winter run race with chocolate at every station! Not for 2012, but maybe 2013 :)
I say I hate the snow, only cause we have it 6-7 months of the year but who know maybe I would miss it! I actually hate the cold temps more than the snow though.


I will SO be at your race! Chocolate at every aid station. SIGN ME UP!!


That race is here, in Raleigh NC. Run 2 miles, eat a dozen Krispy Kreme’s, and then run the 2 miles back. But it has become so popular (and so many people were vomiting) that now you just have to eat one and can take the rest of them with you.
I have seen another race that is a relay and each leg eats some different, and strange.
LOVE snow. As I watch it fall from in front of my fireplace. Not to run in.

The Kidless Kronicles


Oh my goodness…that sounds CRAZY! Do they eat the rest of them as they run?


I didn’t USED to like snow when I was up at James Madison Univ. in VA because I was always so cold…but now that I live in FL I MISS the cold weather a lot! And I especially miss the Fall!!!


I have always wanted to run the Chicago Marathon as well… what do you say we do it next year?! :)

I don’t mind snow as long as the nice plowmen clear the roads and sidewalks so I can run thank you!!

Peaches on pancakes = heaven on Earth


LET’S DO IT…seriously!! I hope you aren’t kidding and we can eat peaches on pancakes to carb load.


I have never run a race that has involved eating while running.

I ran Chicago last year when it was 90 degrees and pure sunny. Good times.

Eh, I love snow for Christmas and when we go snowboarding. I enjoy a good snow storm so I have an excuse to stay in and watch movies all day!


90 degrees….OUCH, that sounds painful! I love having the excuse to stay inside all day long when the weather is awful:)


I think I would have a HUGE stomach ache if I did a race that involved food, but I have ALWAYS wanted to do the Chicago marathon someday…just don’t know when! Thoughts on snow, I LOVE snow from Thanksgiving to New Years…then after that I am ready for spring, sunshine, and flowers :)


I actually did the krispy Kreme challenge 2 years ago. I did it for fun though and ate 2 donuts because I was hungry. My brother in law ate all 12 the year before and puked at the end. It’s a fun race because lots of people dress up like donuts, but if you are really there to eat the dozen maybe not as fun!


YOU DID IT…that is awesome. Your BIL did 12….I can’t imagine. Okay, I really might have to do that race someday.


what a random dinner!! but i’m the queen of random so it doesnt really seem all that crazysauce to me…i did laugh at your last post about using the flaming hot cheetos as croutons..i’ve been sneaking those into my meals daily TOO LOL!

I read about that krispy kreme donut race a while ago back in a runners world issue..all I can say is the thought of it made my stomach hurt :X

i would LOVE to run the chicago marathon one day!

I love the first couple fallings of snow in December..and then after that i’m completely over it. the past couple winters here have been brutal, snow bashes us over the head for a while and everyone starts getting sick of shoveling their cars out and traveling to work..ugh!

I forgot you are coming to NYC! we should have a fro-yo or carb loading date together! i didnt get into the marathon this year but I can at least pretend right? :)


Wow snow already huh? Well at least it is really gorgeous to look at! Never done a race that required eating, not sure my stomach would be able to handle that. Maybe if it was SPK’s or gummi bears, but not real food. I can’t believe that in 48 hours I will be 1 hour into the chitown marathon. So excited that I want to run it NOW!


In DC we have a race called the Burrito Mile where you get a huge Chipotle burrito, and one you start eating, they time you for that and then you run a mile. I think most people throw up afterwards…


OH MY GOODNESS….that sounds KILLER, I can’t even imagine doing that race.


We’re still having 90 degree days down here. I’m super jealous.


Great idea for a race set-up…I see it drawing alot more runners, so the charity profits more!
LOVE snow! Miss Colorado for that reason!


Have you heard of the Krispy Kreme race? You run to the Krispy Kreme store eat a entire box of doughnuts and then run back. I think it sounds insane! I might puke, but hey it would be an experience. I can’t believe there’s snow already in October! Crazy! I like snow for a few days, but I’m a Texas girl so I love my hot weather. :)


I’ve never done a race with food and I honestly don’t know if I would ever want to. You can keep your snow, I don’t want it here. I agree its too early. Finally, I am running Chicago this year!!My first full. I’m excited but not happy that its supposed to reach 80 degrees.:(


AHHH I am SO SO excited for you Kayla!! You are going to rock it. Hmmmm 80 degrees….what are you going to wear?


lol oh that is random!! Just a quick question…it could be a dumb one…but…are you planning to definitely run NY? I don’t know if I missed it in a post and I am too lazy/should be working to look back….I just want to know because I havent done much running in the last 7 weeks, and I am still planning on running my marathon next Sunday…my Dr. said cycling and cross-training should be fine while I am injured to keep my aerobic up, but I still feel like a crazysauce for still planning to run….I just want to know if more people/Dr.’s/athletes have done this or don’t think it is completely crazy…


HEY GIRL!!! I am GOING to NY for sure and I am trying to get in some quality runs and I think I might decide the night before. My doctor has said the same thing as yours and I think that if you kept your aerobic up and your doc okayed it, you should be fine. I am definitely going into it knowing that if I do run it, it will be a personal worst but I am okay with that. GOOD LUCK and I will be thinking about you!


Thanks for the confidence boost, seriously! I am doing the same as you…I am going to the marathon no matter what, because I have close friends running the marathon and half…but I am going to decide the night before, and I might even start the race (hey I paid for it!) and just go into it knowing I might not be able to finish, or the finish will not be ideal…but I am definitely planning on at least starting it (hopefully finishing fingers crossed!) I will be thinking of you out in NY in a month!! woo hoo!!!


Snow is so pretty! I like it for the first week when its fresh and glittery. But then living in it isanother story!


pretzels and cottage cheese?? Hmmm, actually sounds really good but have never tried it! Guess I’ll have to give it a try…


You have to try it and let me know what you think:)


I HATE snow. HATE it. And I live in Michigan so I have to deal with it quite a bit.


BOOO, I am sorry. This may be a stupid question but are there ski resorts in Michigan? Do you ski?


There are ski resorts here but I don’t ski. I don’t participate in any winter sports. Perhaps if I embraced the snow a little I would enjoy it more… NAH. I’ll just continue to hibernate and complain about it. :)


Snow was crazy, right?! My work (church) is in SLC, and it looked like a winter wonderland in the valley! I was like, “WHAT?!” I like snow, but not THIS early!!


IN THE VALLEY….NOOOO!! I swear it has never started this early. Utah has gone nuts.


If I saw snow at this point, I might pack my bags and literally be in the car to Florida within 10 minutes. Thankfully, it’s supposed to be 80 again this weekend here! Ugh, just the thought of snow is making me cringe!


80….can I please come visit you…thanks:)


My brother and I always joke we’ll do the Krispy Kreme one as a team. I’ll run and he’ll eat. :)

and I HATE snow. Ugh. I’m dreading the day it starts up here in Boston!


BAHAHAH I think my brothers would also love to do the Krispy challenge as a team…our brothers sound a lot alike:)


I am so excited for you to see my city!!! Bring some snow!!!


ME TOO, can we play!!! I really well, it seems to follow me everywhere I go:)


I’ll bring mittens. I have lots. I’ll also bring swedish fish, they’re better frozen.


I lovee the snow! But I get sick of it really fast :D


YES!!!! so glad to hear the Chicago marathon is on your to-do. If you are ever in a 100 mile radius of me we must meet up…..ok??

Random eating: isn’t it the worst when you just open the fridge and eat. I find myself going from a pickle to a grape….and think wow this is weird. That pancake looks fantastic by the way.


Can we run it TOGETHER!?!?! You know you would be my first priority if I was within range:) Oh girl, story of my life…..Billy thinks I am pure crazy!


OMG we got probably the same amount of snow as you guys yesterday. I was dreading watching it fall further up the mountain, about 1,000 ft above me. I’m a fan of looking at snow from afar because it’s pretty, but I had when I have to live in it. It’s just too freak’n cold and slippery!!! Especially the ICE!


Wow, the snow looks beautiful. I love snow as long as I am not freezing. I’m more of a summer girl. I just like the fall and winter for the clothes.


I love snow for like a day and then I’m over it but luckily it doesn’t snow where I live (good thing because people her can’t drive in it at all). I cannot eat during or after a race but I’ve seen doughnuts at races before as well.


I am running Chicago on Sunday! game time!!




That would be so nasty to run after eating a hot dog. I’d want to be at the front of the pack, if you know what I mean.

I like snow, but from a distance. I’m totally not a that-cold type of girl. I like your idea of the hot chocolate. That would make it totally bearable but only if it also had whipped cream on top. :)


From a distance…..SO TRUE!!! Ha, I do know what you mean:)


I haate the cold, but if it’s gotta be cold outside, I want snow in the ground. ;)

can I have some of billy’s mac and cheese? aaand an eating contest is most certainly on my bucket list.


I plan on running Chicago next year….my brother just moved there 2 weeks ago so I can visit and run a marathon :)


That is AWESOME! Um, maybe I will do it with you next year too:)


snow?! are you serious? i didn’t know it started snowing that early! wow! i live in arkansas so we MIGHT see snow once or twice a year and it will MAYBE equal about 4 or 5 inches. :) but i am a lover of summer, so it doesn’t bother me at all! since we rarely get snow, school and work is always let out even if we get an inch of snow, so that’s fun!


AN INCH….okay, it is official, I am moving to AK!! That means I could almost eat fro yo every day of the year with that kind of weather:)


1. Have you ever done a race that involved eating food as part of the competition? Would you ever?

-No. I have a hard enough time figuring out what I can safely eat BEFORE a race. I can’t imagine eating DURING a race!

2. Who is RUNNING the CHICAGO MARATHON this weekend? Has anyone run it in the past? Is it on anyone’s race wishlist?

-A couple friends from my triathlon training group are running. I plan to do it soon. It is on my list. My list is getting very long. I need to step it up. Maybe 3 marathons a year rather than two?? I need to quit my job. Do you think I can talk our CEO into paying me to train for and run races rather than paying me to manage people’s money??

What are your thoughts on snow……love it or hate it?

-I dislike it immensely. I also despise the cold. Which is unfortunate since I live in Alaska.


Girl, I think you should totally quit and go into full on marathon training/running races for your job…can you imagine how much fun that would be to just travel around and run in the most amazing races in the world?!?! Someday:) ALASKA….you probably laughed at my little snow freak out ha!


Well, the only problem with running races full time is that you need someone to bank roll it. Now, I know you can get sponsorship and all that, BUT you have to be uber fast – and I am not. I just LOVE training for and competing in races.

No, I did NOT laugh at your little snow freak because I totally understand it!! I see the snow creeping down the mountains here and I want to take the next flight OUT. I am quite literally miserable in the cold. We spent the whole summer in South Africa last year and I told my hubby, “I think I was MEANT to live here!” It was 75-80 degrees every day, and it was their WINTER! I am not a fan of running on the treadmill. I am also NOT a fan of running with icicles hanging from my eyebrows and my nostrils….but that is what happens when you run in 20 degree weather. My rule is – run outside unless it is -4 degrees or colder. But you know what? -4 degrees is very, VERY cold. And did I mention the darkness? Good thing I LOVE my children. They were born and raised here so they think this is normal. To them this is home….May 2018 the youngest one will graduate from high school….I have a countdown!


The Chicago Marathon is on my bucket list of races to do before I’m 50 :). Someday! Until then, I’ll just watch Spirit of the Marathon over and over and pretend like I am there.
I really love running in the snow- it helps slow me down on my long runs since I am being careful not to slip.


I’m running I’m running, me me me! I’m totally a spaz this morning. Pre-race adrenaline is running hot through my veins (or maybe just too much coffee this morning). Woop woop!!!

You have to run it one day – only you and 40,000 of your closest friends!


I AM SO SO STOKED FOR YOU and I can’t wait to hear/read all about it. you are going to rock it. Can I run it with YOU one year?


Yuck snow, I hate it!! Takes twice as long to get anywhere and I hate getting snowed in because there goes my workouts lol. On the flip side it does look pretty and it also gives me those wonderful snow days!
Your meals look so much like mine, I tend to make something sweet and then always eat my veggies on the side.


The sweet is a NECESSITY……plus I usually have dessert after. You are right, it is much harder to workout with SNOW!


I HATE the snow unless I’m snowboarding in it….other than that…I just say NO to SNOW!

xoxo from Trinidad


Um that race sounds so awesome! Seriously Janae you must make him do it. I must go watch this race.

Your dinner sounds about like mine. Like I seriously had 3 dinners last night. oops!

YL today at 4 if you can come!!


I haven’t lived in an area that gets snow in 5 years now, but I lived in upstate NY and Illinois for the majority of my life.

My thoughts on snow, in chronological order:

First snowfall of the year: OH YAY! SNOW! Look how pretty it is! Everything is magical! Gumdrops and lollipops! This is so great I could vomit sprinkles!

One month in: Wow…More snow. Yep, it’s there.

Two months in: Why is the snow gray and nasty looking? It looks like a big pile of anger on the side of the road.

Four months in: I will poke Mother Nature in the EYE if she doesn’t quit it. This is stupid! I hate snow!

End of snow: YAY! IT’S SPRING! WHOOT! Crap…Bathing suit season is just around the corner.


BAHAHAH I loved how you shared your feelings on snow….I am the exact same wake. The mother nature part, hilarious!


i think i would be down with one of those doughnut races but i cant even eat hot dogs on a normal day! haha! hope to see you today! if not today…very soon!


Nope, haven’t done a race that involved eating but what a wonderful idea! I need to find such a race!

I know several people running the Chi-Town marathon this weekend. Good luck to you all!

I like snow as long as it is on MY terms. :) I’ll go to Tahoe or Mammoth to ski but when I’m done, I want to pack it up and go back to the beach!


There is a Cupcake Run in Eagle Mountain on Oct 22! You can enter the cupcake division which means that halfway through the 5k you eat as many cupcakes as you can (get minutes off your time for said cupcakes), and finish up the race.
It is done by the Cupcake Charity which helps local families who have been hit with cancer, this year it benefits a 6yr old who is fighting brain cancer.
You should check it out!


SERIOUSLY….are you doing it? I think I might have to!


Yep! I’ll be there! I am actually on the committee so I’ll be running the kids race with another runner pal, but I’m hoping to be able to run the 5k as well!


(when I saw “running the kids race” I mean putting it on. :) Though it would be awesome to win a race, I don’t think it would go over well to win the kids race!)


Oh my goodness, it’s been cold here this week and I am not. Okay. With. It.


i looove snow. i love skiing, but i want to be all bundled up and warm. I’m going to Alaska next week and am so extricated to see glaciers and snow and moose…and hopefully some whales :)


hahaha that is the BEST dinner ever!! that pancake looks freakin awesome – and mac and cheese is always a win. :-P

I’ve totally done that krispy kreme race!! OMG your stomach hurts so freakin bad afterward….if you ever do it, don’t drink any water for awhile after or else the donuts WILL expand in your stomach….I learned this the hard way…..


Wow I can’t believe the snow formed in such a straight line like that…crazy!

I think Colorado is supposed to get some snow this weekend, what a foreign concept to me here in Virginia!


I can’t believe it is snowing in Utah after the hottest St George Marathon last week. Yes I survived it (after 2 bags of IV fluid for severe dehydration), no I didn’t BQ. Rats. Oh well, time to recover and pick the next race. All I know is I will be picking a cold weather race for sure!


i am running chicago on sunday!!! just got back from the expo…the excitement & nervousness has officially started…!


Racing with food sounds a bit interesting, I don’t think I could do it. My stomach is sensitive enough, I don’t do well with doughnuts and hotdogs to begin with, add in running and I would most likely lose them haha.

So it totally snowed at my work yesterday! It didn’t stick and it turned back into slush but still. I had a mini panic attack because I want more Fall! I am loving it though. The mountains look amazing though.


Ummmm…could you PLEASE come to FL & make me some pancakes?!?!? Yours looks so good- love the addition of the cool whip- YUM!
Pancakes with a side of Mac & cheese is my IDEAL dinner ;) Sounds so good!


I’m running an 18-mile race this weekend…


I like the way your mind thinks when it comes to food. Who ever said dinners had a standard layout anyway?? I like looking at snow when it falls, maybe standing outside in it for 3 minutes… this might sound kinda gross but I really like licking snow off the ground (if there is enough) right when it falls down and is all soft and powdery. I think this will be my first year without a snowy winter… kinda sad but I love the TX heat!


I want to do a wierd food race SO bad. Preferably one with chocolate and cupcakes.

I love the FIRST snowfall. Then, I’ve had enough haha.


I ran the PF Chang’s Half Marathon in January the last 2 years and they have a free lettuce wrap half way through… true is sounds good now but when I was running, lettuce was the last thing I wanted to eat : )
The SLC marathon has a “temptation station” set up with alcohol for those that dare.. I’m not again a shot but my lungs and throat are already burning from the brisk air! If I was really struggling .. I might ; )
Krispy Kremes are not my friend! I could eat them all right off the assembly line!
So NO I haven’t competed in a race where food was the challenge but those were some pretty interesting ones I have seen…

No Races for me this weekend, I’m just gonna train for my Half in January! I like running races in different cities because you get to see a good part of the town/city while running and that’s always a good distraction!

I’m so anti-snow/cold/ anything below 85 degrees and yes I’m born and raised here in Salt Lake City, UT. I have never snow ski’d or snow board’d .. I have been snow tubing, it was fun but let’s get real it still has the word ‘snow’ in it. The “seasons” (ha) are the worse, there is no real fall (if there were one, it would be on the cover of every magazine because the trees are so pretty) and spring is always soggy and then blazing hot (just like I like it)… *sigh* I guess me and my love for the sun will just have to relocate to Phoenix, AZ… where I will soak up the sun instead of shovel it!


I would most definitely do a race involving food. A dozen Krispy Kreme donuts – no problem.
I love the snow for about 12 hours a year and only when it’s pretty and white and fluffly.
I may have to put up with brutal summers but in exchange I get to have my 70 degree winters (which I still think is cold). Current temp – 85 degrees.


When do you think you’ll be able to run a marathon again?
Just liked you on Facebook, can’t believe I hadn’t done it before!
Have a nice weekend :)


I love to ski…but in general I’m not a cold fan.

I have a friend who lives in Flagstaff that hot snow today!!!! Eeeek!!! Also, they are predicting the worst winter in Chicago this year! :( Gotta get out of here!!!


Your posts always crack me up, but this one is near the top of this list. Your dinner last night: Hilarious. And that hot dog race: Made my sides hurt from laughing.

Uh – I ran a race where they served soup and beer at the end. The VA Beach 10k… that counts, right?

I hate snow. I take it back: I like it on Christmas and that’s it. Otherwise, I can’t stand it. Thank goodness I live in Texas.

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


First snow fall is pretty, but then it gets nasty from cars and walking in it. I very much so hate snow, even though I live in WI and we have it like 13 of the 12 months of the year. I need to move I think.


I am still laughing about the Dawg Race. All I can picture is some guy coming out of Starbucks minding his own business and some dood in a wiener suit runs by being chased by a hoard of people. And him thinking…”WTF….weirdest day ever”

*PS for all those PG readers WTF stands for What the Fudgecicles..


Haha that is a pretty random dinner but wow, that pancake looks absolutely amazing :-)
I love the first day of snow when it coats everything and looks beautiful but after that, I hate it! It just makes it so hard for me to get around and what with my condition it makes me like the elderly on snow; I have to shuffle and falling would be disastrous!

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