One of my students moved here from Canada and brought me in some candy…

Photo on 10 27 11 at 8 14 AM  3

Notice anything different?  Where is the ‘s?

I don’t know if it was all in my head or if they really did taste different but the chocolate on both the REESE:) and KitKat tasted better to me than their American versions.


Today’s workout was 60 minutes on the eliptical while I was half-asleep.  Other than an episode of Fresh Prince of Bel Air and reading a chapter from my book, I don’t remember a thing except the fact that my feet fell asleep for the first time ever on the elliptical.  I have heard of that happening to other people before…has it ever happened to you?  Do you know what causes it….I guess I could google it but I am already 4 minutes late to my dentist appointment.  Speaking of which, I probably shouldn’t have eaten a KitKat and Reese right before my appointment


I saw this at Walmart the other day and it was the first time in my life that I wasn’t tempted to buy a cereal that had 88 grams of sugar per serving in it.

Photo 9 copy 4

Cocoa Pebbles + Lucky Charms?  Am I the only one that hasn’t seen this before?    I know I put together some crazy cereal suicides but this one might be a little much even for me.


You have two more days to enter my RUNNING SHOES GIVEAWAY!!!


Do you workout the day before a half-marathon?

-Normally I do not workout the day before a half-marathon but for our half on Saturday we are running it just for fun and it will be more like a training run so I think I will hit up the elliptical tomorrow morning…..lack of exercise=lower patience=sad students.

Favorite candy from another country?

-Nothing beats gummy bears from Germany.

Fresh Prince of Bel Air fans out there?

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No workout for me 2 days before my last half, or this one. I find myself a little less mentally sharp……and kind of groggy, but I accept it all in the name of running my speedy 10 minute miles in 2 days :) hehe.


You better let me know how your half goes in TWO DAYS! You are going to rock it speedster…just wishing we were running the same half together!


That candy is hilarious!! I wouldn’t be suprised if the recipes were slightly different. My coworker is Canadian and brought some candy back with her from her recent trip (no Reese for me…) but it was good.

I think my trainng plan has me doing a mile or two the day before my half, but I might be making that up…


No no no. No working out the day before the BIG race. To me, a big race.
Toblerone? Does that count. Lindt is another good one.
Not much of a fan. But now I am wondering what I should watch on the elliptical later.

The Kidless Kronicles


I don’t think I”ve ever had candy from another country. I’ll have to tell my husband how deprived I am and see if he will take me on a trip outside of the US. I don’t usually work out the day before a half but I have been trying to do a spin class the day before my long runs during my training for my full.


Hi Jenae! I was reading the Today show website and thought you might enjoy this story!


Christine, thank you SO much for sending me this link!! What an incredible story and it makes me so happy she is still able to participate thanks to her guide dog. I can’t wait to share this story with my team!


From my candy tasting experiences, I’ve noticed that American chocolate isn’t nearly as good as some other countries out there. Somehow this doesn’t surprise me… I don’t know what it’s called, but I have a German friend who brings me German chocolate when she goes to visit. It’s SO good! It’s silky smooth, melty, chocolatey goodness!


I LOVE PB cups!! That photo just brought it all back! :P

GOOD LUCK for your half on Saturday! I know you will be amazing even though you are just running it for fun :)

Oh, and I love Fresh Prince. Will Smith is the love of my life <3


whats funny is before I scrolled all the way down to read that the cereal didnt’ sound good to you I was thinking “mmm that looks delicious”


Will you forgive me, I don’t know what I was saying……who am I anymore?


Woah woah woah…let’s not get crazy. There is no such thing as too much of a cereal suicide combo. It would be even better with that Reese on top. Sugar coma? I think YES!


Megan, I am so sorry and you are right, all cereal tastes better together and the Reese (or 4) on top would make it that much better:)


My sister just moved back from England and said the same thing about the candy, even the american candy tasted better over there. I feel jipped that we’re living with sub standard candy over here!

We lived in Germany for a few years when I was a kid and I love ritter sport and kinder eggs. Of course now that I can get all that stuff at World Market, which is pretty much awesomesauce.


I remember reading that recipes DO differ for American and Canadian chocolate – I think it was that Canadians found American chocolate too waxy, and Americans found Canadian chocolate too sweet! But not you, apparently. Way to be! :) There are different methods of production (Canada’s is based on the UK’s method), and also in the States, a lot of chocolate tends to be “chocolate flavoured candy” rather than actual stuff from the cacao plant.

That’s enough info for today, haha!


Good to know…it wasn’t all in my mind! Girl, you know I LOVE info like that, I need to know all I can about candy!


That’s why we love ya! :D


Best candy from another country = Kinder Chocolate from Germany (I think). SO SO Good! You can buy it at a lot of US stores now though since it is getting more popular.

And I love Fresh Prince of Bel Air!


My comments on your blog keep going to SPAM…booo!! I need to try Kinder Chocolate!


Oh no! I fixed it for you :) No more SPAM!


That is dizzle’s favorite cereal. No joke. And… it’s delicious.


Can I come over for a bowl to test it out?


I am not cool enough to know much about candy from other countries. I’ve had Korean candy, but not a big fan! This makes me really want a good Peanut Butter Cup, though.
Yeah- that cereal looks too weird for me. Not the sort of combo I like.
Since I’m just running the Halloween Half for fun, I plan on running a few miles tomorrow morning… if I can get myself up in time!


My favorite candy from another country comes from the UK and is a chocolate bar called CARAMAC… we used to have it in Canada years ago but no more.

It is in the shape of a choclate bar, but the color is caramel and the flavor is chocolate/caramel. Love it.

We have Reese’s in Canada… have never seen that REESE pkg here. Odd.


European chocolate rocks my world.


I love Mexican candy! There’s so much variety, you have to try them all!

I liked the Fresh Prince when I was a kid. I can still sing the entire theme song and do that hand shake thing that Will and his friend did all the time.


Billy does too! I guess I need to try it out! I LOVE the theme song and that is awesome you still know it along with the handshake!


My feet have fallen asleep while on the elliptical too! I don’t know why it happens… So strange!
I love all the chocolate from the UK. It’s the best!!!
I don’t run the day before any race. Even if it’s just a 5K.


Yes, I know what you mean. I read an article about how the US is now changing a lot of chocolate to stuff to be “chocolate flavored candy” and not real chocolate. So basically it is not as good and doesn’t taste as pure :( They make crazy Japanese flavored kit-kats, like wasabi and strawberry, those are always fun too. I have never run a half before but I think I might do yoga or pilates the day before instead of elliptical or running to try to not use the same muscles, like an active rest…best of both worlds?


My feet always fall asleep on the elliptical–drives me nuts!

Not sure if this counts, but the hot chocolate in Paris was the absolute best! It was literally like a melted chocolate bar in a cup.Mmmmmmm!


Ok, you have to try that cereal! It’s ahmazing! I also discovered fruit loops with marshmallows the other day, the box is almost gone……..

I don’t work out the day before a race either.


I don’t have a fave candy from another country but can vouch that African Coca-Cola products are AMAZING. They don’t have any of the artificial stuff so they taste so much more refreshing and delish. It was the reward after each day in the Ugandan villages this summer :)

Hope the dentist is fun – wait, that’s impossible.


I definitely don’t workout the day before a race… but like you said, this is more of a training run for you, and therefore not giving it your all… so that is fine :)
My feet have fallen asleep on the ellipticall! Well the bottoms at least.. so weird indeed.
Not going to lie, that cereal sounds pretty dang good! Those are two of my favorite cereals and in one bowl? Oh my goodness yes


The Haribo gummi bears are the best!! I have heard from a lot of people that the chocolate here in Canada is better!! Smarties apparently are a big one. I’ve never tasted American ones so I wouldn’t know!


Aren’t Smarties in Canada a chocolate candy? Cuz in the U.S. there this chalky tablet-type candy.


WHAT?!?!?! That is MADNESS! I thought they were chocolate everywhere! I’m going to NYC tomorrow. I need to pick some up to see what you are talking about! Now I know why Americans love our Smarties! I just thought the chocolate was different.


Canadian Smarties are awesome! Janae you must try these :) I was running The Hartford Marathon and a girl started yelling at me to ask if I had Smarties. She recognized the Running Room jacket and figured I was Canadian. She was a Canadian living in South Carolina and we had a great chat about food that she was missing. I can send you a taste package if you like!

I think KD (Kraft Dinner macaroni and cheese) is different in Canada too.


AHHHH Okay, I tried the Canadian smarties too and they were incredible…they tasted like sixlets but better. American smarties=gross. Oh my goodness, that makes me so happy Chrissy that they recognized your jacket and assumed you had smarties ha! I need to try the mac and cheese asap!


They have chocolate Lucky Charms already..I’m not a fan of the concept. Overkill. I love Australia’s mix in M&M’s.. Its one bag with crispy, plain, and peanut..its a lime green if you grab a handful you get a bit of it all! Honeycomb is a winner there too, especially in ice cream.

Don’t run the day before a big race.

Do you ever microwave your candy or eat it from the freezer? Wholeee new world. Fun fact a Reeses Pumpkin is 2/3 peanut butter and 1/3 chocoate, but a regular Reeses is 1/2 and 1/2.


Okay, I need to try the Australian ‘trail mix’ of M&M’s, that sounds SO good! I need to try out the honeycomb on my cereal asap! I love freezing my candy! Thank you for the fun fact, you know that anything about candy is my favorite kind of fact!


Yay! German gummy bears and Haribo’s rock!! I only eat the vegan ones, but same good stuff! And Milka and Ritter Sport and everything… so good! But we can’t beat American Granola, in my opinion… And OF COURSE, we don’t have enough Frozen Yogurt Places *sigh*.
Big hello from Germany and rock that Half Marathon, lady! xoxo, Annika


Wait there are such things as vegan gummy BEARS….ha ha I crack myself up:) Come visit me and I will take you for froyo and buy you as much American granola as you can eat:) Thanks for the good luck, hope you are having an amazing day!


My feet ALWAYS fall asleep on the elliptical. That’s one of the reasons I rarely ever use them. That and I don’t belong to a gym anymore…

I work out before all of my races. If I take a rest day before, my legs feel stiff and awful during the actual race.

Fun fact, the US has more restrictions on chocolate and food than other countries, so the chocolate in Canada probably does taste better :)


Canadian candy (and pretty much most food) really does taste a lot better! I used to live there and still have family up there and I’m always asking them to send food down. Take full advantage of it, especially the “smarties” (they’re more like M&M’s but 123123089x better).


Girl, HOW ARE YOU!!! Did you get your results? Okay, I tried those ‘smarties’ too and they were the best things I have ever eaten, heavenly!


Yes! Overall I’m really happy with them. Tell Billy congratulations, he did amazing! Any ideas where he’s going to apply yet?
I’m most likely holding off applying for at least another year because I just got offered an amazing new job. So we’ll see what happens with that.


Yes! My feet fall asleep too! Let me know if you figure out why that happens.
I love Lindt chocolate truffles!


My feet always fall asleep on the elliptical…but it’s more like the tingly, half-asleep type of feeling so it’s actually really uncomfortable. SO weird!!

I’m not working out today or tomorrow before the Halloween half because I’m pretty sore…


I love trying foods that come from other countries. I remember drinking a Diet Coke once from Japan. The U.S. version is much more sweeter. Weird.

I’m a huge fan of Fresh Prince! Every time the theme song comes on I break into rap. And it’s crazy to me that Will Smith looks almost exactly the same as he did then (except without that crazy hair and bigger muscles).


Loovve the Fresh Prince!! Haha so many memories there :D


I don’t usually workout before half marathons, but I’ve never run a training half. When I used to swim, my coach wouldn’t let us shave our legs for MONTHS before our big meet (I know this is gross, but everyone does it in the competitive swimming community). People said it was for drag, but I’m pretty sure it was all mental. If I was to run a training run I would totally put the same philosophy in action. Run before, then if you have a great run, you know that at your A race, you have that much more to give with an off day before!


I have never commented before, but I love your blog — so funny but also very ‘real’. Google to the rescue (I have no idea how accurate this information is):


KENDRA…thank you so much for your comment, you made my day! Sleepy foot syndrome…it all makes sense now, thank you so much!


Love candy ( I dont care where its from!), Love the thought of that cereal (its like cereal heaven) and LOVE the Fresh Prince of Bell Air. I always get sleepy feet on the elliptical I thought it was my broke down shoes glad to know I am not the only one it happens to!


You are not alone and we sound a lot alike Shannon! Candy, Fresh Prince and cereal lover!


That cereal looks like dog food….on crack! Haha. That’s so sweet of your student to bring you the high class version of a peanut butter cup. :) When I went to England I didn’t try any candy. I wish I would have, I missed out!


YES to gummy bears from Germany! <3 That cereal is sort of scary. Hope the dentist appt went well. :)


CAN YOU DO ME HUMUNGO FAVOUR pretty pretty pleaseeee??! You see- I’m from Canada and we know good food :) One time my husband and I bought that slightly more expensive, but organic Heinz ketchup. Well, I immediately turned to him and said “holy crap….this is CANADIAN ketchup!!”. It turns out that in Canada they use real sugar in stuff like condiments, whereas in the States, they use high fructose corn syrup. SO! can you pleaseeee read the lable and see whether the dichotomy exists in candy too?!? I’d LOVE to know this :) (Oh, while the student was nice enough to bring you candy, they should be severely punished for not bringing you Kinder Surprises’ or anything Cadbury, or Aero bars!!!)


She had this awesome little ball thing that had a toy inside…is that what you are talking about. I might have to make her go back to get me some Aero Bars:) Okay, I need Canadian ketchup! Okay, so I looked on a label of my Milky Way and I didn’t see dichotomy!! So does your candy have dichotomy?


A dichotomy isn’t a thing… it means “The splitting of a whole into 2” (hence the di- prefix.) I think she was asking whether or not the candy had real sugar in it to see if “this dichotomy” (of real sugar in CA and HFCS in USA) that she observed in ketchup exists in candy too.


Wow….I need sleep ha. Thanks so much for clearing that up Eleah!


My left foot sometimes falls asleep on the elliptical. But only the left. Weird!!


My feet sometimes fall asleep on the elliptical too! Guess we should google it! lol


I’ll take a Reese’s from America or Canada … I won’t discriminate!! ;)

And I can’t think of a particular candy that I like from another country. But I do remember that the hot chocolate in Paris was ah-mazing!


whoa that cereal is ridiculous….yeah, that might be a little much haha. I do work out the day before a race actually – I usually rest 2 days before then do an easy 20 min shakeout run the day before!! I think elliptical will def help keep your legs fresh :D


My feet always fall asleep on the elliptical, what is up with that?!?
I live in Canada, and every time I go visit my family in Utah, I’m shocked that you don’t have chocolate smarties down there?! They are the besssst! I have to stuff my suitcase full of them because my American cousins are totally in love with them, have you ever tried them?
I used to take a rest day before any type of race, but I’ve found that a short cross training work out ( I really like swimming!) the day before gets me pumped up/warmed up for the next day!


I know…I tried some of the smarties too and they were incredible. Our smarties are awful! Next time you are in Utah we have to hang out…froyo date?


That would be fantastic! We may have smarties but Canada is seriously lacking in good frozen yogurt places. I looove Earth Fruits in Provo, such a good topping selection!! I’ll bring king sized boxes of smarties :)


yea for canadian chocolate!! [sez cathy from canada] – now you need to try smarties and coffee crisps!
that cereal mix looks insane – i love cereal, but i don’t know if i could handle that combo!


Holy cow, I tried the smarties too and they were SO SO GOOD, I am hooked! I need to try the coffee crisps!


There is a Chinese candy called “White Rabbit” that I love – it’s a milk caramel. I used to date a bar pilot and his job was to maneuver large ships up the mouth of the Mississippi to port. Sometimes I’d ride with him (scary, exciting, fun!) and the Chinese captains and mates would often give me White Rabbit. Sometimes I buy it from an international grocery just for sentiment’s sake.


White Rabbit sounds SO good! Milk caramel..sign me up!


Hi Janae: its true, they do taste different (I’m in Canada). A lot of the same foods (incl fast food, candy, processed foods, etc) tend to be saltier here and sweeter in the US. There was a big study done a few years ago that tested the same foods in Canada, the US and the UK and found each country preferred different things (salt, sweet, savory, etc.). I first noticed the difference for myself when my aunt was up here visiting from California and brought me some PB cups. I didn’t like your version at all. :) When I went to London on vacation a couple of years ago, I noticed a difference there as well. Each to his own I suppose!


Karen…thank you SO much for letting me know the truth:) Seriously, I couldn’t believe how much better it is. I can see why you didn’t like our version compared to what you are used to! I might have to come visit you and get a years supply of candy up there:)


Someone may have already pointed this out to you.

“Notice anything different? Where is the ‘s? I guess it is just one pb cup so it does make more sense (coming form the queen of using correct grammar).”

Why does it make sense not to have the ‘s? What does there only being one piece of candy have to do with it? The ‘s does not mean there is more than one of something; it is used to show ownership, among other things.


P.S. – I hope this doesn’t sound rude. I like to think my grammar is decent, too, and I’d want someone to point out to me such an error.


Swedish Black licorice coated in salt. Ooooh yeah!! Hits the spot every time I get a hold of that good stuff, which is rare. :(


I totally love any piece of Swiss chocolate!! :)

I’ve definitely zoned out on the elliptical before….haha.


um, why do you think we are moving to New zealand. AWESOME CANDY!! real chocolate and all!


My friend is from Canada and swears that the Kit Kats are different. We actually had to travel to Canada for work and she brought back BAGS of the stuff. She literally brought an extra suitcase for candy and Doritos (they have a flavor not available in the states).


My feet totally fall asleep on the elliptical–no idea why but it is pretty annoying! That chocolate looks delicious. That cereal looks disgusting. I can’t imagine any unhappy students where you are the teacher!!


I’m running a half this Saturday too! Mine is in New Braunfels, TX. I did my last workout tonight, just an easy 3 mile run. The only working out I have planned for tomorrow is walking around Sea World with my 2 year old. Have fun at your race! Can’t wait to see your costume. Oh, and I am a Fresh Prince fan. I watched it growing up. Favorite candy from another country would be those tolberone chocolates from France. I haven’t had very many foreign candies though. :)


GOOD LUCK IN YOUR HALF and I can’t wait to read all about it!! Have an amazing time at Sea World…I LOVE that place!


I always go to bed in the morning after my night shifts watching Fresh Prince on TBS…..but lately they replaced that time slot with Tyler Perry’s House of Payne…….It makes me ANGRY!!!! I was so confused at why those candy wrappers looked so bogus until I read the details! I never think about other countries food looking different than ours……ignorant American I am.


P.S. I registered for my very first, and maybe only, half-marathon!!!! :) I’m already having second thoughts!!!


Girl I have to take my Utah drivers test tomorrow, any tips from the master drivers ed teacher? If I have to redo anything, I am going to hire you as my personal tutor. You accept payment in candy, yes?


I just showed my hubby that cereal, because his two favorites are choco puffs an lucky charms. I feel like we will be heading in to buy that new find soon!
I love gummy bears from Germany too, but I love licorice all-sorts from England, they are definitely the best!


My feet ALWAYS fall asleep on the elliptical. I haven’t read all the comments, so maybe someone already said this, but I’ve read it has to do with your circulation and not actually picking up your feet. If you take a break and wiggle your toes and feet a bit it should go away pretty quickly. I can’t say if this is true or works b/c I just avoid the elliptical instead. :)


Have you had Buenos? They’re German and they are DELICIOUS! There’s actually a store here where you can buy them, so I may have to send you some.

And, even though I spent 3 weeks in Germany, and 4 weeks total with my German friend, I didn’t try the gummy bears!

Oh, and Moser Roth (totally missing all the correct letters, and that may be the wrong name, but it’s something like that) chocolate from Germany is amazing.

I think just about any country’s chocolate is superior to America’s.


My feet only fall asleep on the elliptical if I haven’t stretched properly


Canadian speaking here: it’s all better up here! and smarties are called rockets, we have a version of smarties that are like a slightly less salty tasting m&m… don’t know how else to explain that lol. AH! I have The Fresh Prince on DVD! Will Smith is a gem :) let me know if you ever want to borrow them! ;)


I never used to workout before a race but one training schedule I followed last year had a little workout the day before. I swear my legs felt much better, more ready to run than if I rested the day before. Now I always rest Friday, light run on Saturday then race Sunday. Works for me. Have a good race!


my feet sometimes go numb on the elliptical, not all the time, which makes is weird because i never know why it does sometimes and other times not. but i think it’s because my feet are used to the pounding of running maybe, and also my feet sometimes get awkwardly positioned in the nook of the foot part of the elliptical. i’m not sure if that makes any sense, but ya….

i usually work out the day before a race, but if it’s a big one then it’s mostly just a shakeout type of thing and then stretching, maybe a few strides. good luck out there! :)


I am seriously hoping you are exaggerating when you say 88 grams of sugar?!! tell me you are kidding. why don’t you just give your kids a bowl of white granulated sugar and poor milk over it for breakfast?

I have my half this saturday too!! can’t wait! enjoy love!!
talk soon! xxxx


I didn’t mean “you” as in you are feeding YOUR kids that! LOL…i just read it back and that sounded rude! I meant the general public! LOL…sorry!


Holy sugar coma- just looking at that cereal gives me a toothache! After eating British chocolate, I can’t eat the American counterpart- the former is just too insane! If you think Canadian Kit Kat is good, wait till you try the UK one…as for Cadbury’s Dairy Milk: best.chocolate.ever!


whaaaaat…. I seriously can’t stand the elliptical or spin class because my right foot falls asleep in the first 2 minutes and then I feel like I’m going to die of leg amputation for the remaining 58 minutes :-( I’m jealous this does not happen to you…. I guess I should embrace that thing called — what is it? — oh, right THE INTERWEBZ and look that ish up.
and there is NO WAY Fresh Prince will ever NOTTTTTT be hilarious, the end! :)


Italian Baci candies make my heart sing. They taste like Nutella!


Try loosening your laces on your shoes. Sometimes this helps me when my feet go to sleep. All about circulation.

My favorite candy in South Africa is called Top Deck. Its milk chocolate on the bottom, with white chocolate on the top. I don’t even like white chocolate, but this stuff is amazing.


My feet used to fall asleep on the elliptical all the time, it was so weird! My laces were a little too tight, fixed that issue and never had them fall asleep again :)
YIKES on the cereal, my teeth hurt just thinking about it.


I totally agree – gummy bears from Germany are the best! The american ones, even the same Haribo brand, do not compare. They just have more flavor in Germany for some reason. My husband is from Germany and I lived in Austria for 2 years – def. addicted to the good gummis :)

Milka chocolate from Germany is also my favorite choc. – ties for 1st place on my foreign candy list with the gummis :)


English Chocolate is the best!


my feet frequently fall asleep when I work out–running, elliptical, everything! It’s so annoying.


Milka chocolate from Europe is THE BEST THING EVER! Its shocking how good it is. If you have a Cost Plus World Market nearby they sell it there! Before I left France this summer I bought a 7 bar value pack for 5 euros and shlepped it on the plane (the security guards loved it!). Also, Haribo STROUMPHS from Europe are delicious. EVEN better than the gummy bears :) I don’t know if you can find them anywhere though… Also, just to add on, anything with Speculoo’s in the title from Europe is wonderful.

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