Cake Mistake and A Nightly Goal

What?  You don’t get distracted when going to Walmart JUST FOR EYESHADOW (heaven forbid I go a day without a layer or two of junk on my eyes) and come out with heavenly vanilla frosting too?

Photo 9

I did in fact buy that (new to me) brand of eyeshadow because of how excited I am for my upcoming marathon.

It was the weirdest thing, the person at the cash register couldn’t understand why anyone would take a picture of the above mentioned items and still didn’t understand why after telling him that it was for a running blog.  Frosting= why else do people run?

Okay, I had a reason for buying frosting.  We are having a cross country party tomorrow.  I tried so hard to be a good person and make my team cake until I realized that my Kitchenaid forgot to mix the bottom of my bowl and a clump of powder landed on top of my batter.

I wasn’t about to pour the batter back into the bowl and so I mixed it in the pan.  As we can tell from Billy’s LSAT scores, he is definitely the genius in the family.

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A long time ago we made pita pizzas and the leftover sauce has been staring at our face for the last two weeks.

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We decided to have spaghetti with roasted broccoli (tossed in olive oil and garlic) and garlic bread (Orwheat Healthful, my new favorite bread).

Billy and I set a goal to drink a glass of milk every night.

I went one step beyond and made a goal to eat a cookie with my glass of milk every night.  I know, I know, I am an overachiever.  I have no explanation for my yellow palm…..maybe it is because of too many pumpkin cookies.

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That is a UFC fighting match playing on our TV, and you thought I was weird before…..little did you know that I really enjoy watching guys beat each other up in an octagon shaped fence.


What is your WEDNESDAY workout?

-Treadmill session of 6 miles at an easy effort!  I may even go lift tonight at the gym with my sister but I am not making any promises.

What was the last thing you watched?

Do you have a favorite cake mix?  Chocolate, vanilla or cream cheese frosting?

-I am all about the Devils Food cake mix.  Vanilla.

Want to share any goals that you have set recently?

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wed workout: bike and weights- have fun running!
i love NYC makeup, bonus that its super cheap
my goal lately is to not eat out…i need to save money
i mix things up in the pan all the time…you know itll just make a mess switching bowls again and you cant afford to lose that extra mix :)


I couldn’t believe how cheap it was…I am already in love!! You and I are so alike…we can’t lose any of that mix:)


Ahh I love that frosting- no cake necessary, just hand me a spoon! Did the cake turn out well? I have too many favorite flavor cakes so I am going to be sneaky and name a few of them: funfetti, marble, carrot and Devil’s food cake…good lord I’m hungry now! No workout for me today as Wednesdays are my rest day…which also works out well as my gym is shut today for Diwali!


It did….not that I tried it at 8 a.m.:) How could I forget about funfetti…HEAVENLY! Enjoy your rest day!


Your cookie goal is awesome haha.
My workout today is going to be an easy run + strength training :)
The last thing I watched was gossip girl on Monday night!
Hmm I like both chocolate and vanilla.
My goals are to get straight A’s in school and to start making different meals instead of the same old stuff!


I forgot about Gossip Girl…I need to catch up! YOU GOT THOSE STRAIGHT A’s!!! You can do it!


Wednesday workout: weights , heavy weights (dead lifts, shoulder presses, pull ups, squats with weight, crunches on giant inflatable ball) – I know I worked hard if I can’t raise my arms to wash my hair. LOL

any kind of cake is good as long as it has cream cheese frosting :)

Have a great day!


HEAVY WEIGHTS…you go girl!! Let me know if it hurts to wash your hair tomorrow…I just don’t wash mine when I am sore:)


Powerwalked for 40 mins this morning! :D


NICE JOB LAUREN!! Did you do it outside or on the treadmill?


Wednesday is AB day, no running. Pillsbury Funfetti with Vanilla Frosting..whenever I use a boxed chocolate it always is too dry/bland for me so I have to add chocolate chips.


Brittany, can we be best friends forever. 1st- I can’t believe I forgot about the amazingness of funfetti and second….you add chocolate chips, you are brilliant!


hahah coul could the cashier NOT make that connectionnn?! yayy have a good run today girl! and that cookie looks AMAZINGGG

any dark chocolate cake (dairy free!) and pb icing= my fav in the worlddddddddd


Pb icing….you made me drool:) Hope you have a great day and good luck with all your business in school!


I will run for 45 minutes and do abs after work!
I am trying to drink more milk too! I haven’t barely drank it in a year. That cookie looks soo good, now I might be eating one for breakfast ;)
I am not a huge fan of cake of I do love angel food cake with strawberries!


Wahoo…hope you have a great workout after work. Let’s do our milk challenge together. Oh, angel food cake is amazing!


I thought that last picture was a meatball at first. I’m glad it’s actually a cookie.

My Wednesday workout will be whatever run my running buddy decides we’re doing tonight. In the rain, with our headlamps. We’re really cool like that.

The last thing I watched was Big Bang Theory last night.


Wait, it is a meatball:) We are obsessed with Big Bang Theory, I die laughing every episode! Have fun in the rain…you are hardcore!


I missed you & your blog while I was out of town this week! So glad to catch up on your life :)
So I haven’t read about Billy’s LSAT results..but I’m guessing he did awesome?!?! I’m totally going to catch up on all of the posts I watch out for random comments on old posts ;)


I adore you!!! I MISSED YOU and hope you had a blast!! He did do great! Can’t wait to catch up on YOUR life!


Yum! I would drink milk EVERY night if it meant I got a cookie also! Tell Billy congrats on his LSAT!


I will send you some cookies to get you to drink your milk:)


Haha! In that case, bring on the milk! :) I have actually gotten better about drinking it…I drink almond milk which apparently has more calcium than regular milk?? Chocolate syrup helps me meet my quota!


I’m talking Tals snowshoeing today in the foothills since we finally got some SNOW!! The first snowshoe of the season is always a brutal workout–but it will be so nice to be outside!!

I was just debating the fave cake mix! I have a Halloween party on Friday that I want to make cupcakes for, and I thought to myself, “Who better to ask that the sugar mama herself?” (That would be you!) Any awesome suggestions for Halloween-inspired cupcakes??


SNOWSHOEING…already….WOW!!! Have so much fun. Yes, I am the sugar mama….that is the best compliment I could ever receive:) I would do devils food for the base and food coloring in pb frosting to make it orange. You could even put one of those halloween themed oreos that have orange frosting in the middle of your cupcake or something:)


This morning’s workout: 1200 meter swim
Last thing I watched: the Little Couple on TLC (they are too cute!)
Frosting: Um, all of them. Especially strawberry frosting with maraschino cherries on top!


DANG…..great swim!! i haven’t even heard of the Little Couple and I will be trying to find it on hulu. Can I please try some of that frosting that you mentioned?


Wednesday w/o … 5 miles in the AM (check), gym tonight for some strength training while the kiddies swim.

I watched the first half of BL last night …. now today I have to stay away from blogs that discuss it so I don’t ruin the ending.


Wahoo…our workouts today sound quite alike:) Bahaha, don’t worry I am always a week behind with BL, I won’t share any spoilers!


Haha that pumpkin cookie you’re holding kinda looks like a big meatball! :)

My Wednesday workout is a 30 minute run on the treadmill with a full body weights workout afterward.

My favorite cake mix is Funfetti!! And my favorite frosting is vanilla – I can eat it by the spoonful no problem. ;)


It is an oatmeal cookie!! AWESOME WORKOUT….I want to come up and do weights with you sometime. Do you go to Golds?


I actually do weights at my house! I don’t even currently have a gym membership. :( I wish I did, but it’s not in our budget right now, and it doesn’t make a lot of sense since the closest gym I’d want to go to is a half hour away. (We live in Eagle Mountain aka the sticks. ;) ) Seriously though, we need to plan a froyo and/or Cafe Rio meetup!


My Wednesday workout is doing two miles! Thank goodness for tapering.

I like to make this really awesome cake in the fall. You mix a big can of Libby’s pumpkin and a box of Duncan Hines spice cake mix, follow baking instructions on the spice cake box and you have a delicious pumpkin spice cake. But, it isn’t complete without a dollop of whipped cream…so good, and ridiculously easy.

My goal is to get through this half marathon coming up with bum feet and a strained Achilles tendon. I know I shouldn’t do it, but I’m not a quitter.

I just hope someone is there to cart me out in a wheelchair at the finish line! :(

Have a great day, Janae!

By the way, how much of that frosting actually made it on the cake?


YAY for tapering and I hope you loved your two miles. Oh girl…I am so sorry about your strained achilles…are you going to Physical Therapy? I would say about 10% made it to the cake:) I WILL be making your cake…that sounds incredible!! And easy:)


Workout—-eliptical and teach BodyPUMP. I hate store bought frosting, but this really good cream cheese one my sister makes is divine!

Have fun on your run!!


Chocolate cake all the way. Just a little helpful suggestion, if you want to avoid the dry clump issue, put the wet ingredients in first. I read it online a while back and it really works.
I’m watching The Emporer’s New Groove with my kiddos this morning.
I hope to squeeze in a few miles today, if not, I’ll be Shredding it up with Jillian.
My goal is to increase my mileage and hopefully run a half next spring.
P.S. Congrats to Billy for rockin the LSAT!


Oops…posted in the wrong spot! Sorry!


Um, Christine…you are BRILLIANT!!! Thank you so much, I will have you to thank for my future cake successes:) Good luck getting in some miles today and thanks so much for the congrats, we really appreciate it!


You’re welcome! I decorate cakes as a hobby and read it on a website. It was nice to help you since you have motivated/taught me countless times…including today. I managed to run 3 miles before it got dark out. Thanks for all you do, love your blog!


May I get your sisters recipe!?!?! Have fun at PUMP!


Haha, the flour on top made me laugh! :) Usually cream cheese frosting for me although sometimes classic vanilla can be nice. Never chocolate, never!
Not sure about today’s workout yet. I ran 10 miles yesterday and my schedule is messed up from being sick so we’ll see!


Just send any cake that you get with chocolate icing to ME!! AHHH awesome job on your 10 are an animal!


I hate when I find a clump of flour in the batter! Oh well, I’m sure they’ll still be DELICIOUS!

Today’s workout is a nice and easy 3 mile run! :)


WAHOO, have fun on your 3-miler and it still did turn out delicious and yes it is 8:21 a.m. and I tested it out!


I say all frosting. I thoroughly enjoy eating it right out of the container.

I am switching up my goals big time right after my race this weekend! My focus is going to me more on strength training. I will still be doing cardio, but it will be shorter and more intense. A lot of HIIT training and heavy lifting coming my way! I think it will make me a stronger runner for all of the races I want to run next year.


Good call on the ‘all frosting.’ You rocked your race Christina and YAY for more strength training, will you and Dean come be my personal trainers?


Wednesday workout: Walk with kids, Teach Step and Water Aerobics back to back. A long day.


May I please come to your step and water aerobics class someday…that sounds like so much fun!


hi! i just discovered your blog and i cant get enough…i am so excited to have found it :)

my latest goals = new recipe each week (i am a cookbook whore and should really actually use them…)


HEY ELISE! Thank you so much for your sweet words, you made my day!! A new recipe each week..that is AWESOME! Okay, this is funny because half-way through writing this comment I clicked on your name and it took me to your blog…um, I have been reading your blog since you lived in New York…..this is awkward ah:)


hahahaha….well CLEARLY we are meant to be besties then!


Wednesday workout: Let me be honest here for a moment. My workouts have been non existent recently. I will do some stretching and a walk around the pond with my puppy.

Last thing I watched was Body of Proof.

And my favorite cake mix is Devil’s food or some sort of chocolate. There can never be enough chocolate.


Sabrina, everyone needs a break from working out and that is OKAY, walking and stretching are so good for you (especially if a puppy is involved). I am going to have to google what Body of Proof is!


Devils food cake mix, vanilla funfetti frosting. Sooooo goooooood.


You are so completely right about the funfetti frosting, I could live off of that!


I love UFC fights lol. My hubby used to do MMA, though, so it isn’t totally random.

I just laid out my winter training plan and there are a lot of goals I have associated with it… losing a little bit of body fat, gaining muscle and definition, lifting heavier, getting at least somewhat visible abs, etc.


That is so awesome that your hubby used to do MMA! Wahoo for winter training plans!


I personally like frosting more than I like cake….could definitely go through an entire container of the stuff while watching a movie or something! :D
Workout: Spinning!! My dad went with me, which was awesome!


Agreed….I like one inch of cake and three inches of frosting:) That is so cool that your dad went to spin with you, I am jealous!


We had conferences round 2 last night……..I came home and put a spoon in the exact frosting you were buying.

2 easy miles tonight.

Goal: When I shop I tend to buy new clothes, I want to shop and buy new accessories for the outfits I already love. I am looking for a new fall coat, shoes, and some new jewelry pieces.


ROUND 2……already!?!?! That is crazy!! Erica this is creepy, I bought some new clothes yesterday after school and realized i didn’t need them…I NEED ACCESSORIES…can I join your goal. Have fun on your run tonight!


Wednesday – Weights (lower body)

I will admit I like UFC too, some of those guys have SUCH nice bodies .. some not so much.

I like Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Icing .. Heavenly.


I could not agree more with you about the UFC Guys ha!! Have fun doing weights and hopefully you get some red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting SOON!


Body Pump and 25 minute run (short due to injury).

And I love vanilla the best! : )


I tried to leave a comment on your blog but I think it went to spam, save me!! Bummer about your injury:( You are inspiring me to go back to pump!


haha I saved your comment from the depths of spam! I don’t know why it did that but that’s for popping by to visit my blog!

The new release for pump came out this week where I live and it’s REALLY good, you should check it out!


my mom always used to make box mix funfetti cakes when i was growing up. the sight of funfetti these days takes me back to my childhood. todays workout is 12×400’s at the track @ 5k pace. recently my hubby challenged me to a santa 5k in december and although i love the man to pieces, i need to beat him:)


KILLER WORKOUT!! You better beat him…what are you shooting for? PS your post the other day on strength training inspired me and you know what you said about Lauren’s abs….I think that about YOUR abs.


hahaha–i feel like that cake mistake could totally happen to me.

SO..the plan today was to be up at 530 am to run 7 miles and i woke up at 6 am instead…BAH. so i ran 6 miles speedily..oh well. something is better the nothing!

last thing I watched was the little mermaid on my iPad during my run..hahaha. i’m 27, i swear.

favorite cake mix is a toss up between red velvet and FUNFETTI!! i’m a sucker for any frosting but mmm cream cheese frosting is pretty much perfection.

Goals include…really trying to eat more balanced and healthy. although, wings will always be a major food group in my opinion. i’m also trying to stick to my goal of weight training more frequently…and i WILL sign up for a marathon next year..until then, i want to focus on getting my foot feeling better and getting more involved with crosstraining rather then running all the time :)


I hate when I wake up late. You made my day saying that you watched Little Mermaid…I will never stop watching that show!! Wings must be included in a healthy diet:) Yay for weight training and I am STOKED about your marathon:) Get that foot healed ASAP!


Definitely white cake with white frosting!! I’d eat the whole cake if you left me alone with it!

Did 4.5 miles outside this morning in the dark with my running buddy! Kind of a spooky foggy dark morning. Will hopefully get in some Jillian this afternoon.

My goal is to do my first half marathon. We are shooting for a Mother’s day half marathon – we’ll get a finishing medal and flowers at the finish line!!


WAHOOOOO…that mother’s day half sounds awesome and I know you can do it. That fog sounds scary…perfect for Halloween. Want me to send you a white cake with white frosting?


If you did that I’d have to eat it and that wouldn’t be good!! :)


I soooo want cake right now! I am a vanilla/vanilla girl all the way. Not a fan of chocolate, so any non-chocolate cake (vanilla, spice, carrot, lemon, Funfetti, etc) paired with vanilla frosting makes me a happy, happy gal.

Goals this week: integrating Insanity workouts into my running schedule to get that added bonus of cardio and plyo and strength. Lofty goals, yes. Oh, and I want to sign up for my next half marathon this week too!! (Eeeee!!!)


WAHOOO for Insanity…those workouts are CRAZY!! You can do it, you can do it!! Which half marathon are you thinking of? Send me any of the chocolate cake that you get:)


All of my chocolate is coming your way!!
Signing up for two… Disney World in Jan and The Dismey Princess in Feb. (Disney race freak here)


I love cake. it is maybe the only sweet I cant say no to ever. it is delicious and i will take it in any form.
i adore devils food mix tho because it is so moist and delicious. my mouth is watering thinking about it…..


I can’t say no either……want me to send you some devils food cake?


as long as you sent it to me pre baked and frosted and extra delicious, with powder on top!! haha kiiiddding ♥


thank you for making me laugh husterically.

I could go for some red velvet cake right about now. My substitue is the yoplait yogurt version of red velvet cake. Yummy but there’s no frosting!


I need to try that yogurt version….I think it would be perfectly acceptable to add your own frosting to it:)


Girl, I was just about to ask you to borrow some of that frosting to mix it in. Since the yogurt is only 100 calories I figured I have some wiggle room with a can of frosting… just sayin ;)


Frosting and eyeshadow, sounds like something I would buy! Haha, you are hilarious girl :)

Wednesday workout is a cross-training day on my half-marathon plan (YAY)! I’ve been feeling a little bored with the treadmill because it’s been too cold here in Wisconsin to run outside the past couple of days. I’m thinking stairclimber and a little incline walking? A nice change of pace :)


YAY for switching it up and CROSS-TRAINING!! Stay warm in Wisconsin!!!


Well for me it’s “wicked fast Wednesday” and I will be doing a tempo run this evening!


YOU ARE WICKED FAST….enjoy your tempo run!


Boxing and MMA are the only sports I like watching. I especially like how they hug it out when it’s over. Awesome. “Um hey, I may have just repeatedly kicked you in the head, but I really like you”

I drink a glass of milk every night-with a graham cracker.

I like Duncan Heinz yellow cake mix with homemade chocolate ganache buttercream. It’s dreamy. Make it with an extra egg and substitute the oil for melted butter.


OH! and milk for the water-whole milk.


I love it when they hug it out! Good call on the graham crackers…I will be trying that at home and your yellow cake mix substitutions sound INCREDIBLE!


I baked last night toooo! fun!

I have an appointment with the weights after work :)

I watched the Biggest Loser last night.

I LOVE FUNFETTI. That is all. A second is yellow cake with chocolate frosting :)

My husband recently set a goal to gain weight. Since I’m trying to lose weight, I just tell him to do all the things I’ve stopped doing hahaha.


I can’t wait to watch the latest episode….do you have any spoilers on your blog before I click over? GAIN WEIGHT!??!?! Boys are so crazy!


My blog is spoiler free! My twitter is slightly less so… haha but nothing crazy :)

Yeah, he lost 5 lbs. this month without trying. I lost 5 lbs. this month and felt like I was going to eat my own arm… hahahaha.


I buy similar products together like that too :) We would be great shopping buddies haha
This morning I went for a 7 mile run sans music and it was very nice! I was pretty tired going into it though so I just took it easy.
The last thing I watched was the Biggest Loser last night… I have been watching this show pretty much every.single.season since it started, yes I am obsessed :)
Favorite cake mix is chocolate… Duncan Hines, Betty Crocker, Pillsbury- they are all good! My birthday cake is always chocolate with a vanilla frosting but I ask my mom to put some food coloring in to make it PINK! A lovely pink cake… extra frosting paaaalease :D


Good to know I am not alone in my randomness. GREAT RUN and I need to try running without my iPod. Do you have any spoilers on your blog before I click over to read….I haven’t seen the latest episode:) You are adorable…pink frosting sounds excellent!


I am going to run an easy 4 miles to and from the city hall to pay our water bill. :-)

I love all boxed cake mix. I am all about convienience.

I have a few goals, but I can’t share them just yet. I promise to do so in 4 weeks.


I HEART FROSTING. omg. thank goodness i run. i could eat frosting all day long. on sunday after ragnar i woke up craving cake. seriously!?! okay…that happens most days…not just on those after i run. but cake is really so amazing. at least the frosting part is ;)


What is your WEDNESDAY workout? – 50 minutes elliptical this morning
What was the last thing you watched? – Jerseylicious Reunion Special :)
Do you have a favorite cake mix? All cakes and all frostings work for me. :)
Want to share any goals that you have set recently? Nope. hee hee


BAD news that your mixer didn’t do it’s job properly. I probably would have taken that as a sign that I was supposed to keep all the brownies for myself…

I’m going to visit my new gym this evening as my membership started on the last day of September and I STILL haven’t been… I’m training for a road race on Sunday so that’s my excuse! So I’ll be doing a bit of cross-training :)


I was at walmart last night too….I didn’t see you :P oh ya I live in Canada :(

Ya, I’m sure your cake turned out fine if you mixed it in the pan. Who cares, no one will be the wiser. I have a huge craving for broccoli now…going to bake some!

my workout will be the treadmill…I’m going to go by feeling so I don’t know how long or how hard I may go!


When I trained for my first half marathon, I decided that for each mile I ran, I was allowed one cookie. By the time I made it to the 10+ mile runs, it was hard to keep up. But I persevered and made it happen! :)


Wednesday workout…going to try to run. I’ve been having weird pain in my shins though…different from shin splints. I don’t know what’s going on but I might end up in the pool instead.

Last thing I watched…does a P90X video count? I love those workouts!

Also a big fan of devils food and vanilla icing. Yum!

Goal: I ran my 1st half over 2 years ago. I’m doing my 2nd next month and I want to beat my time but just a little bit!


I like how you can buy candy and eyeshadow in the same place in the USA. ADOPT ME.


Wednesday Workout: 4 easy miles and a spin class. Building back up my running endurance!

The last thing I watched was X-Factor

Cake Mix: I just kind of love cake mix in general. I could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If I had to pick, I’d say yellow cake. If you mix it with CHERRY PIE FILLING and bake cupcakes, it is delicious! I like Funfetti frosting :-)

Goal: To find a race to run..and run it!


I don’t really know why we don’t just mix things in the pan anyway.
6.2 miles ran this morning- yeah, it’s REALLY cold outside now at 5am.
The last thing I watched was an Office rerun as I fell asleep last night.
I could really just bypass all cake and eat frosting. I am 3 yrs old and really love the Rainbow Chip frosting.
P.S.- I watch UFC with the husband, too.


“cake” and “mistake” should never go in the same sentence! Especially when frosting is involved!

My workout of the day consists of running errands and getting a pedicure with my mom. Ive been sick tho, so i have an excuse right??

So i finally bit the bullet and made a blog! Except my lack of readers hurts my self esteem. Think you could link my blog in your next post? I will send you frozen sweedish fish! =D


BEST GOAL EVER! Love you sweet friend. And yum I would have ate that frosting plain. I love frosting!!


I have a date with the elliptical tonight. I did my half this weekend that I was telling you about and I beat my time!! I’m still on the runner’s high. I really needed that boost for the RNR marathon. However, I’m nursing my knee – really hoping that it’s not my IT band misbehaving.

Last show, 2 Broke Girls.

My favorite icing is Vanilla but I’ll eat whatever I can get my hands on.

My goal, to finish (injury fee) my first marathon on Nov. 5!!! :) BTW, I have just lost my second toe nail. How does one protect them for an up coming marathon??


My favorite frosting EVER is the Betty Crocker Rainbow Chip frosting. Have you had it? If not, I highly suggest going out and getting some right now. And the best way to eat it is definitely by dipping in graham crackers.
Tonight’s workout will either be Bodypump or an easy run, it just depends what time I get off jury duty :(
My goal right now is to finally get in a 9 mile run this weekend without any mishaps!


I love the UFC! My husband got me into it when we first started dating 3 years ago and I’ve been hooked ever since. I never thought I’d like watching guys beat each other up.
I’m totally not a cake person, I just see it as a vehicle to get the frosting in my mouth. And the flavor of frosting should always be chocolate, vanilla, or buttercream anything. So delicious.


Ran 6.5 this morning, chilly and drizzly. Perfection when it comes to running weather :)

I love frosting MORE than the cake that comes along with it. However, my favorite go to is the boxed funfetti cake. Yep, the upper echelon of cakes :)


I did 40 minutes on the elliptical this morning and some stretching. Will do some bike/stretching/sauna tonight.

Just finished Rachel Zoe from last night and working on Biggest Loser.

The Butter/Yellow cakes with the whipped chocolate frosting. YUM..

New Goal: no carbs after 3pm. Recommended by my trainer.

The Kidless Kronicles


My Wednesday workout was pilates. My half marathon is this Saturday, so it’s an easy workout week for me. Last thing I watched was Biggest Loser last night. I don’t have any goals right now, but maybe I should make one to stop eating my little boy’s Halloween candy. Just because he’s two and doesn’t know doesn’t mean I should. :) And cream cheese frosting for me! I’m about to go post a pumpkin bar recipe with cream cheese frosting on my blog!


My Wed workout? A short, bicep-burning high intensity circuit with rows, dynamic squat jumps, ab work, and dive bomber push ups + 200 jump ropesx5 for 1,000 jumps. I add jump rope sets in when I can’t/don’t run to keep my heart rate up and burn me out! Works every time. ;)

I love that you bought that eyeshadow b/c of the NYC Marathon…how exciting it’s getting so close now! :D

Frosting for me is secondary to eating ice cream WITH the frosting…in other words, chocolate (prob my fav!) or vanilla, it doesn’t really matter as long as it’s on a baked good and I can eat some ice cream. ;) hehe But you can’t go wrong with FunFetti frosting!

And as far as goals go, my main one right now is to stay consistent as my husband and I are traveling in the next few weeks…hotel treadmill runs, jump rope sessions, and lots of quick, tiring bodyweight workouts.

…fun post, Janae! :D


Now my 5k goal is set, I’m working at carving time of it! Yesterday, I carved a whole minute and 20secs of it :D

Thanks for the motivation! x


No workout for me, I am still recovering from my race. I might be recovering for the next few years, not sure.
Pumpkin cookies, mmmm.


Dark chocolate cake mix with chocolate icing and chocolate chips added to the cake batter. I am a chocolate girl all the way.

My goal this week – be active every day. This might not be anything major at the gym but just moving my body more! So far so good!


I am all about cream cheese frosting! I just made these pumpkin and chocolate chip cupcakes with cream cheese frosting last night and I can’t keep my hands off of them!

And this explains why my husband is losing weight while I’m gaining weight during our half marathon training. It all makes sense now. ;)


I love any frosting! Homemade cream cheese is fantastic, but only on certain types of cakes. You can never go wrong with store bought chocolate or vanilla! Try it on graham crackers, too. The best.

My goal is to run a marathon in the next month or so. I just haven’t picked one yet. Better get on that!


I love the UFC too!

Oh and huge congrats to Billy!


Healthful Orowheat is my fave bread too!


I made a goal to walk up & down 12 flights of stairs every day to my new office!!! Yay!! I like your cookie bonus! Great idea!


todays workout was 3 miles on the treadmill but i got excited and did 3.5!

new goal is to be more PRODUCTIVE and study more… its difficult being in college!

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