Remember how I texted my friend last night to force her to go to a 6 a.m. spin class with me?

She didn’t text back.  It is the weirdest thing because everytime I see her around town after her not texting me back she says she got a new phone and didn’t have my number anymore….10 phones a year seems a little excessive….hmmmmm;)

I didn’t end up going because I had no ‘friend’ to motivate me to drive the extra way to the gym that offers classes.

Someone must have forgotten to wash her mascara off last night.

Photo 1

I did, however, have my heart set on SPINNING and remembered, ‘Janae, you are a spin instructor….I am pretty sure you can kick your own butt and get a killer awesome workout.’

I skipped on into the CARDIO CINEMA to jump on the spin bike (I am not even kidding when I tell you I was STOKED to spinify) and both bikes were taken (yes, our gym only has TWO spin bikes).

Um, don’t they know that I had my workout all planned out and they were interrupting it?

Fine, I will just get on the elliptical until one of them gets off.

As soon as one person would get off……I would start walking over and some person would push me over and sprint to steal my bike.

This happened 4 times, I am not even being dramatic.

Finally, I asked a guy if he could just leave his stuff on the bike and come get me so I could use it after him and guess what happened……a lady MOVED it all off and started spinning away by the time he came and got me and walked over to the bikes.

I will get my spin workout in today whether or not it is at 10 pm.  When I am craving spin, I will get my spin on.


What was YOUR workout?

When do you plan your workout?  When you get to the gym, the night before, the week before or months before?

-When training for a race usually I have my workouts planned out for the month but lately it has been the night before and I dream about it all night;)

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I have to plan the night before or otherwise it wouldn’t happen.


Wretched gym rats!! Use your elbows…they serve as the perfect pointed weapon!


HILARIOUS! :) I love that line. I may have to use it in my every day life.


Gah I wouldve shot that lady! It drives me nuts when people hog the cross trainer (our gym only has 2)! Hope u get in your workout- although based on ur sweat factor, it looks like the cross trainer already kicked your butt :)!


I hate when i have to fight for machines. People can get so crazy possessive of gym equipment!
I haven’t done my workout either… Can I come to spin with you? I promise I won’t “get a new phone” and “lose your number.”


Rude! Some people at the gym (and in life) make me angry!
I hope you get your spin on tonight!


Shame girl!! That’s horrible!!! People….they never cease to amaze me;)


Okay I’m codnnvcei. Let’s put it to action.


I guess it would be creepy to stand and stare at the person during their whole workout so you could grab the bike right after they get off. :-)



I would never move somebody’s stuff off a machine at the gym.


Not to rub it in or anything, but my workout today was a spin class :) At my gym you have to “reserve” a bike, and you’re only allowed to reserve it 48 hours in advance. Today at 9am, I called to reserve a bike for 5:45am on Friday morning and there are none left! And I’m FIFTH on the waiting list. And my gym has about 30 bikes! I’m not too pleased. I forgot how crowded the gym gets when the summer comes to an end. Boo!


I can’t believe your friend just ignored you, it would be one thing to write back & just say she was tired, but to not text back..rude. …and lame!
& those people at the gym must of been having a bad morning too- yikes! Sorry you had such a bad morning :( I KNOW this afternoon will be better for you!!


That is so obnoxious when I was doing the stairclimber and my gym only had 2 working ones there would be this one lady that would barely walk faster than you would walk up a flight of stairs and stay on it for an hour! Luckily i dont really use the stairclimber anymore but that same barnacle as my hubby and I call her was on the precor the other day when I wanted to do reverse eliptical. Some people are just super obnoxious. Hope you get to spin soon.


My workout today was a swim this morning. I didn’t have a scheduled “set” I was going to do. I was just doing what I felt like, which ended up being an old “set” I used to do + some drills + random 100s. Haha. Later, I will ellipticize and work on my abs a little bitttt.

Usually, I try to have a mindset before I get to the gym. Just so no time is wasted considering when I go to lift these days, it’s at 5:30 AM. So, I’m pretty sure if I didn’t have a set goal for those days, I would probably stand there and fall asleep. Haha! Or be wayyyy too overwhelmed because my brain couldn’t function on its own that early!

BTW, I never did spin and I want to… But, I’m scared. You may have already written an entry on spinning but you shouldddd think about writing a motivational one for us noobies. ;)


People are maniacs at gyms! That’s so ridiculous!

I haven’t gotten my workout in yet, but it’s pouring rain out and I’m kind of hoping my running buddy cancels and I can have a date with my treadmill.


Hubby and I lift weights together every day at 1 o’clock – it is a nice break from the workday.

I have a running partner and we run 4 days a week: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday.

I also work out with a triathlon training group every Saturday morning, and I swim two mornings a week before work.


I typically mentally plan my workout the morning before tackling it after work.

marathon training does that to you… ya know, that whole “there’s 5 miles written on my schedule for today” deal.

WHAT THE HECK to those jerks on the bike? that’s what my old gym was like with the treadmill and the middle-aged walkers. killed me.


Oooo!!!! Waiting for a treadmill when someone is walking is just plain painful!!!!


I have to plan ahead and it always upsets me when somebody foils my plan by being on my machine!

BTW – I went to Utah for the first time this weekend and I totally thought of you when I spotted a Cafe Rio!


Um, why didn’t we hang out?!??? What did you think of Utah??


Utah is GORGEOUS!! We stayed with a friend in SLC for a day on our loooong drive from Dallas to Seattle. I can’t wait to go back, I loved it.


I hate when that happens! Well…not with spin bikes because I hardly ever use them but with treadmills. So rude!
I usually plan out what I do that day, and my runs are planned WAY in advance since I’m in a marathon training cycle!


super super rude!


hahaha UNBELIEVABLE! that woman just moved his stuff?! people in the gym are cray cray.


OMG Janae that’s craziness!!!! you need a tazer hahaha just lase the person as they’re trying to steal your machine!

I can’t stand having to wait for a machine I’ve been planning to use.. gets me in a funk. Guess I’m spoiled, I actually prefer when my apartment gym is EMPTY and I have the whole place to myself and can do ridiculous yoga and Jillian moves in the mirror without being embarrassed!


man, that’s annoying. at my gym every machine has a number and there is a sign up board for peak hours especially to avoid these kinds of situations. Sorry you didn’t get to spin :(


that sucks….I would’ve just asked them to move. Or put up a sign. I would’ve approached that lady that moved the guys stuff for sure!!!!


I have to watch it I know! Many friends have told me about it..but the only thing I seem to be wahnticg on television is baba ramdev’s anti government and pro-India policies.


Um that is ridiculous. She obviously needed the extra endorphins. Rude!!!


I hate rude gym goers. I can’t believe that witch moved his stuff off and just hopped on. What if he was just stepping away to use the restroom?

I am a little OCD when it comes to my work outs. I plan out everything! I must do what I planned. I can not skip or slack but I can add extra. :-)

I plan on most of my days too when it comes to what I will wear, what time we eat, etc… It drives my husband crazy!


My workout today was a 45min. Spin class (sorry) and then a few of us headed over to a new gym and tried a TRX class. AMAZING! I loved it.


I can’t believe that! People are RUDE!
If I’m training, I have my workouts planned out. When I’m not, I just wing it. Which is sometimes why I get lazy…lol…and why I *need* a training plan. ;)


That is just INCREDIBLY rude. To move someone’s stuff, feels like a violation.

I am always “training” for something so my planning is whatever is on the training plan. But I have added strength training. Whatever the trainer does with me on Tues I try to do again at least once in the week.

The Kidless Kronicles
Wag More, Bark….


I guess you can say I “plan” my workouts. I generally do the same thing everyday. Not EVERYDAY, but like… every Monday and Wednesday are the same, every Tuesday and Thursday are the same. Friday is my wild card day. Saturday is super-run day (or long bike day when I’m not recovering from stress fracture #3). Sunday is rest day. I guess that is a plan?

I would stand next to the bike and stretch until that person got off. Then you can jump all over that bike!


You’re so awesome Janae. :D If it was me, I would’ve given up after that lady — but props to you for deciding that you’ll get your spin in tonight even if it kills you!

By the way — I say this in the most non-creepy way but I wish we lived closer because I feel like we could be BFF’s and hang out all of the damn time!

Love your blog lady!


I usually plan my workouts for the week on Sunday. I start texting people the night before so that someone holds me accountable! I cannot be trusted to get up early in the morning on my own. my bed>running before 6 AM… well, most of the time anyway! My PT said I can run 3-4 miles tonight and I can’t wait to lace up my shoes after the babes are in bed!


So far today I’ve done a 5 mile run, 25 minutes of skipping and 100 squats (random, I know). I plan on going to the gym after dinner to hit the weights! I have my runs planned until the middle of October because I have a 10-mile race (nothing crazy) but if I don’t have a race I just plan the night before or once I get to the gym I do what my body feels like doing!

Damn that woman who stole your bike! Have a good spin tonight :)


I ran 1/2 mile warm-up, went to Pilates class, and ran a 1/2 mile cool down. My body is pretty our of alignment from running on crooked roads so it was painful, but I’m hoping to be back in alignment again soon! Pilates helps!

I am sorry you kept missing out on the spin bike. That is so annoying. I hope your gym buys more bikes!


Wow, people are intense at your gym!


umm no lie i woulda walked over and knocked someone off a bike.. for serious.


I’m training for my second half marathon and that helps give me some structure. Every Sunday, I plan out when my runs are and what I’ll do for my cross training. I’ve been trying to fit in at least one Pump class a week and the rest are either yoga or elliptical. Now that I am back in school (also a high school teacher!), it definitely forces me to plan out when and for how long I work out. Good luck fitting in your spin today!


ANGIE!!! You are a teacher too?!?! That is awesome. What subject do you teach. You are going to rock your 1/2 marathon and I agree about how nice it is to have a plan because it adds structure. Have a great day.


I teach English (9th, 10th and 11th graders this year). I’m the one who saw 13 Reasons Why on your desk and recommended it. Hope your school year is off to a good start!


ANGIE…that is awesome. Oh yeah, I totally remember that. How is your school year going?


How’s it going with your plan?I was really good last week. I miessd a run today though. It was freezing outside. I’m off to the gym first thing in the morning to make up for it.


Wow! Great to find a post with such a clear meagess!


I love each and every one of your posts. I seriously laugh out loud to myself because I think you’re hysterical (especially when you’re dramatic- but I believe you about the 4 times).

I try to plan out the night before but sometimes it’s more fun to surprise myself when I get there.


Jaci…….Your comment made my day!!! Ha, I really am quite dramatic but I think it makes life interesting. Thanks for your sweet comment.


Oh my gosh! I can’t believe those people at the gym…craziness! Guess everyone had the same idea as you to do a spin workout! lol


I am so over the gym. I used to go at least 4 times a week and hated the hassle of waiting for the machines, the time just to get there and back and the gas. Now, it’s either Exercise TV for me or trail running with my border collie! So much better! You reminded me why I didn’t renew my gym membership!


Today my intended workout was climbing the new rock wall our university just put in our activity center. I got about half way up, which wasn’t easy at all, but I got to a point where it was just physically impossible for me to go further. Definitely one of the bad things about being short- you just can’t reach some things.


Ugh I know exactly how that goes. I think we need to become the people who run through the gym to swoop up cardio machines.


That’s absurdly annoying. Seriously people, where’s your gym etiquette??


I can’t believe all those people stole your bike! You should have told them you’d been waiting. And if they were nice they would have let you use the bike…
I went for a five mile run with a running group and it was really fun. Cool weather and a little bit of rain. Great for a run :-)


I hate it when that happens! Sometimes I think the sign up sheet for the equipment it lame, but at a time like that it would have been perfect! I was a gym rat yesterday and spent two hours biking, running and lifting… I love gym rat days :)


I guess people really love to spin at your gym! Wow!


I feel your pain. We have 3 stairclimbers at my gym, but one is always broken. :( well, last week, 2 were broken so my friend and I couldn’t do it at the same time and the ellipticals that we liked kept getting taken. Ugh. I always plan my workouts a month in advance and I HATE when they don’t go to plan. I’m glad you ended up getting it in (read your next post already!)

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