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While I was running on my treadmill this morning I watched an Ironman documentary on Hulu that a reader recommended for me to watch.  It was beyond incredible.  I cried 4 times throughout my run because of the show.  Poor Billy had to listen to it at 6 a.m. too because I had the volume up so loud because I wanted to soak up every word of their experience.

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I highly recommend watching it whether you are a triathlete/runner/athlete/biker or just love watching inspirational stories about people that overcome so many obstacles and they are SO motivational.

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I am wanting to get into tris more than ever now!

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Any recommendations for sports related motivational movies/documentaries?  They are my favorite!

What athletes MOTVIATE YOU?  Anyone in particular that you really look up to?

-Of course Kara Goucher but now Chrissie Wellington is a new favorite.

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Thanks for the recommendation! Can’t wait to check it out!!


I love going on Pininterest when I don’t feel like working out – search for fitness motivation and you get all these workouts, photos, quotes of PURE motivation.
love it

xoxo from Trinidad


Um I am the queen lover of all things cheesy sports related. Funnily enough, I’m not usually into the running movies. Cool Runnings is my fave of all time, followed immediately after by Rudy and then all three Might Ducks. And then I also love For Love of the Game. Oh and Remember the Titans….plenty more but all of these make me CRY!


I’ll have to check it out.


Spirit of the Marathon and the Hood to Coast movie are my favorites! I’m not usually a big fan of documentaries, but the Hood to Coast one is VERY well done and will make you laugh, cry, laugh again, and inspire you overall. It’s fantastic!


I’m going to be doing my first tri in two weeks …there is a kayaking portion instead of the swim. I just signed up on a whim like 3 days ago. Haven’t trained. What have I gotten myself into?


I can’t wait to watch this!


we are in that video! hehe, lots of fellow friends too. INSPIRATIONAL INDEED!


WHAT…….AHHHH GIRL, B and I are going to watch it again right now and I will be searching for you two!


I can’t say that I’ve seen any good sports movies recently. Though, if you want a documentary on dogs, Dogs Decoded on Netflix is so good!


OMG that was on universal sports last night!! I was totally watching it! ITS AMAZING!!

Kara Goucher is definitely my athletic inspiration – she’s been through a lot of the same stuff I have and came out one of the best runners in the country! I also love Joan Benoit Samuelson, the 1st woman to ever win the olympic marathon , girlpower FTW!


Watching Ironmans are the most inspirational thing in the entire world!
Oh, and that picture of your niece in her outfit is the cutest. She can match her outfits better than I can!!
And for good ice cream, if you’re ever in Texas, try the Blue Bell Birthday Cake ice cream. It will blow your mind!!
Happy Tuesday :)


Bryce and I have watched a few Ironman Documentary and we cry every time!! Seriously it is crazy. We have gone down to the St George Ironman the past two years and cheer at the finish line the last couple of hours, and I cry again!


MEGAN….um, when can I see you?! I miss you!! When is your next tri…..I really want to train with you! LOVE YOU!


Watch the one were a guy crashes on his bike, then pick it up and walks it barefoot miles away from the finish point, barely makes the cut off time and then runs a marathon. Amazing!!


Ahhhh now you got me watching while I’m at work…looks like I’ll be unproductive for the next hour! :)


I watched that right after it was recorded, loved it!!!!
I just watched Spirit of the Marathon…loved it too, but u may be biased since it was centered around the Chicago Marathon, and I live in a suburb of Chicago right now…
Also Four Minutes…true story of the first guy to break a four minute mile! What makes it awesome?…..real interviews with all the guys in the running for it…they’re like 70+ now! So inspirational!!!


My friend does Iron men (And he’s done the 100 mile in the Florida Keys) but you know what is amazing?
He has Multiple Sclerosis. His Drs didn’t think hed be walking by age 20. He’s 33 and off all of his meds.


Run for your life! It’s on Netflix Doc!


This one makes me CRY every time.

The Kidless Kronicles
Wag More, Bark….


I saw this on TV last fall, loved it!!! Is it the same one with the older man that ate raw potatoes on the run??? Some of these people have been doing an Ironman every year for 30+ years! Crazy!! I would love to get into tris… but need to get my running in order before I start. And I am kinda freaked by open water swims. ANY athlete inspires me!! I think mom’s with kids who still compete at the top of their group are amazing!! I just hope to be able to workout once I have a family, let alone compete in races/tris.


That’s awesome! I would at least like to do a 1/2 Ironman one day!


Check out the video on the St George Marathon home page…that will make you weepy!

And check out this one on Kara (the music is great!!):


Thank you so so so so so much Toby!


Even though I am in Canada and can’t watch Hulu (Grr!!) I am going to try and find this somewhere else because I totally want to see it!! I love documentaries like this, and tri’s too!! You should totally do a tri (more a few of them! :)) I did my first two 2 summers ago and I love them!! Swimming is my strong suit, so it’s been fun trying to improve my running and biking!! My goal is to do a half ironman next fall or early 2013 due to the training taking months to get into the endurance groove but starting with a try-a-tri or sprint is totally worth it!!! :)


No hulu……booo! Will you teach me how to swim?


Haha I know it sucks!!! :( I can definately help you with swimming!!! I raced since I was 8, and went to university in PA for swimming !! If you have any questions or need some tips let me know! :)


Now you need to watch the 2010 world championships — they are equally, if not more, inspiring. You can watch for free at But you will most certainly CRY — I cried like 4x when I watched recently. So good!


Ahhhhh Kate thank you so much for the link, I was wondering where to find it!!!


Yea, isn’t coverage of the Ironman world championships pretty amazing? I try to watch it every year. My favorite inspirational running movie is Spirit of the Marathon – I’m assuming that you’ve seen it before, but if you haven’t you definitely should check it out. It follows runners as they prepare for the 2005 Chicago Marathon. It perfectly shows the marathon spirit.


Noooo, we can’t watch that documentary in the UK :(

Never mind, I’ll just need to keep using you and Paula Radcliffe as my inspirations :D



I think that was me that recommended it! I have watched it a few times and I just love it! I’m glad you enjoyed it too!


It was and thank you thank you thank you!!!!


You should check out Living is Winning. It’s a documentary and available on Netflix DVD, but there’s a waiting list. It’s about my cousin Drew, he’s a personal trainer in Atlanta and former professional cyclist. He has done the Ironman in Hawaii. He also is a leukemia survivor. He’s simply amazing! Drew is obviously a hero for anyone.


Wow!!! Thank you for telling me about this!!! Your cousin is my new hero and I can’t wait to watch his story!


Just watched it. I may have to try a tri now. :)


Though I don’t have a particular athelete that I admire, I must say that I admire all handicap athletes. While running my half-marathon a few weeks ago, I saw the group of handicap athletes go by. I was amazed. I was so inspired. What an awesome event to complete while overcoming such an adversity. Seriously, kudos to them, they amaze me.


that was seriously so motivational!! I am running my FIRST Half marathon April 22nd..Needless to say I am SCARED to death. I have only ever ran one race in my life, a 5k in April..I have never been a runner. I did gymnastics for 13 yrs, 2 years of cheerleading, and 3 years of karate. I am nervous, scared, but I have the Lord and he will get me through it!! If a 72 year old lady can do the Ironman, well then by golly I can do a half!!


Girl you CAN do it! I am so so excited for you and you are an inspiration to me!!!


Thanks for the link Janae!! Can’t wait to watch it! :)


Do you know if the movie is on netflix? I can look myself but I just decided to be lazy instead and ask :) I could use some inspiration once I start HIM training!


Hey Miss Janae—I thought you said on your regular blog post that today was a cross training day?? Hehe WHYYYYY is running so addicting??


ha…this post was actually from yesterday but I forgot to post it until today…running is addicting ha!


Hey girl! I love that flick as well! A few days ago I told you to sign up for IM Louisville 2012 with me and you had asked if I had ever done a half. So I am going to answer your question here…My first half is IM Augusta 70.3 on Sunday! I am so freaking excited and loving taper week :) So seriously let’s do Louisville.


Running the Sahara is a great one about 3 guys that took a few months to run 2000 miles or so across the Sahara and it’s available on netflix instant. My favorite fiction movie is American Flyers. It’s an old Kevin Costner movie where he’s a pro cyclist. You will cry.


I always love Spirit of a Marathon and plan on watching it right before my first marathon in Chicago in a few weeks. My husband and I also watched a documentary on the guy who ran 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days – that was a great one too!


Triathletes are incredible! A women that I have been following recently is beyond words…she is unbelievable at what she can accomplish at age 42. Dara Torres the Olympic swimmer is such an inspiration because she has proven to be better than even some women our age..early to late twenties. I can only dream to be like her but, it doesn’t hurt to imagine it :)


I have a crush on Kara Goucher. Kidding. Lol. I’m also falling in love with Hope Solo and all the Nike Training Club App women athletes.


Saint Ralph is an awesome movie – I def shed some tears during that one. I’ll be watching this vid tomorrow at some point, got it book marked though! And I’m commenting about two posts in one comment – black rice?? I wonder if that comes gluten free at all… sounds awesome!


Ugh. I hate that websites like hulu don’t work overseas. :(

No love for the military families, man… no love. lol


Thanks for the link!! I had a rough swim this morning and came home feeling defeated…I needed this video to light my fire. :)


Delilah DiCrescenzo – and not just cuz she has a song named after her :)


Just keep on watching these things. Lots of tri…keep watching…and then sign up!!!


Guess what BFF? (I’ve missed having the time to catch up with you and my other blogging friends) … my brother and his wife registered for Lake Placid IM July 2012 .. and guess who is going to cheer? Me and my favorite 5 half-pints. Can’t wait.


I have always wanted to do a tri but the swimming puts me off. I’ve never been THAT strong a swimmer. Would adore the bike and running sections.


I’m just starting to look into tri’s and holy cow. I watched this during my break at school and my friends were making fun of me crying because of it. SO amazing….maybe someday I’ll be crazy enough to do one too :P Thanks for posting!


this is a geeky question, but HOW in the world do you get movies to play on your ipad. I cannot for the life of me figure it out (unless I buy them from itunes but I REALLY don’t want to do that because I’m super cheap and would rather use Hulu or something :)


I do not know if you have seen this book but when I saw it I thought of you and wanted to share it with you, its called “You Are an Ironman”!!!! Should be a good read. Thank you so much for sharing this movie I love that inspirational stuff! I have already watched it and I love it and also cried 4+ times! I am a cyclist and I have wanted to get into tris also. I wanted to start small (because I am not a runner☺) so I signed up for one called Iron Girl, I do not know if you have heard of it but they an all female sprint tris. I live in Portland OR and unfortunately the one I signed up for was cancelled.


Ahhhh thank YOU for the recommendation! I can’t wait to read it! I am so happy you loved the documentary! Let’s do a tri together someday!


ok this question has absolutely nothing to do with this post but, i was curious how you like your new balance minimus shoes? I am thinking of getting them but am nervous to transition to a more minimalist style. any thoughts or advice??


Hmmmmmm I did like them but I changed my name and I don’t think minimalist is for me ya know?!? Just make sure to really transition slowly!


This youtube inspires me every time (and makes me cry..)


I adore Chrissie! She is such an amazing athlete and I don’t recall ever seeing her without a smile on her face.


Okay I just watched this – if I hadn’t already run 12 miles today I would go out and do 15! :P

Makes running seem much easier than tri! Which is true :P


I LOVE watching Ironmans! I cry. It makes me want to do tri’s but there’s one problem. I am not a good swimmer and a chicken to cycle on the road. Ok, so that’s 2 problems. I just know of too many cyclists that have either been hurt or killed.


watching this now! so inspirational!


I’m glad I’m not the only one who cries when watching the ironman triathalon.

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