Relying on Technology.

This morning I realized I have a serious problem

I am addicted to something more than I am to peanut butter, skittles and broccoli combined.

On the way to work this morning I got stuck at the train stop for a train that was at least 8 miles long and going 7 miles an hour. When I finally got to work I had an hour before class started to get everything ready for my lessons, enter in grades and ya know….check up on you guys:)

Opened my computer and NO INTERNET, it was GONE.

I freaked out a little bit, started shaking and almost drove to McDonalds to use their free wi-fi because my entire days worth of lessons REQUIRED the use of the internet.

Photo on 9 15 11 at 11 31 AM

Good thing that it doesn’t take the internet for me to take frustrated self-portraits.

After five minutes of asking WHY ME and trying to figure out how I would be able to go through the day without any internet connection…..can’t take role, can’t show my students the funny youtube clip that I found for them that went PERFECTLY with what we were talking about, can’t use the articles that I needed for my lesson, can’t send EMERGENCY emails regarding cross-country regions etc. etc. etc.

Finally It came back on.

Photo on 9 15 11 at 11 31 AM  5

But I realized in the 29 minutes of being stuck with no connection how DEPENDENT on the internet I am.  Between communicating with my BFF’s to being able to fulfill my job responsibilities, I NEED the internet.

Photo on 9 15 11 at 3 03 PM

In other news, a student called me out today on me eating my pb plain and straight from the jar habit.  He said it was gross and than I said he was gross for not eating straight from the pb and using a clean utensil to extract his pb from the jar to eat it on something else.


Training page about WHY THE MARATHON


Are you DEPENDANT DAILY on the internet?  For work?  For school?  For entertainment?  Could you do your job without the internet?

-Yep, I need it for work DAILY and blogs/hulu for my entertainment.

What was the longest that you have gone without the internet in the last 5 years?

-Our honeymoon 2 years ago…..I didn’t get online for 2 weeks.  I think Billy is the one that hooked me on technology because before him I barely knew how to send an email let alone make a blog.

What is something that is NORMAL to you that other people find strange?

-PB with a spoon, never wearing shoes in my classroom or a lot of places for that matter, the fact that DRY sounds make me sick (think paper towels rubbing together) and my hatred towards washing my hair.

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HAHA. I had the EXACT same freak-out yesterday when it went down because of a storm. FOr an.entire.HOUR! Heaven forbid?! It was horrible. I use it for work, for reading, for checking updates, for literally-EVERYthing. I couldn’t do anything on my plan (I work from home part-time). But it came back, and I was VERY grateful!

I don’t like PB, but I do like Almond butter and sometimes eat it straight up. YUMM!


Getting my Master’s online means Internet is a must! Plus I am one of the only people in the world without a smart phone, so I have to go online to check my email, and get my entertainment or shop.

Apparently, I tie my shoes really weird. Anytime anyone sees me tying a shoelace, they ask why I loop around twice. It looks normal to me, and the shoe gets tied, so it doesn’t seem so strange to me!

I can’t wait to see what you guys make with your new goodies – I have bought various things like that before but then didn’t really know what to do with it, so now I know I’ll get some good ideas!


I think blogging is synonymous with internet addiction. Seriously.

I have gone at least one week every year without internet when I go to girls camp, otherwise I’m pretty addicted to it. I did go without iphone for lent earlier this year and managed to do okay, so I think I could give it up if the situation required it. But I wouldn’t love it.


Take my internets and I’ll cut you.
I can go one day. i think. maybe. maybe not.
I sit funny. I don’t sit “indian style” I sit one leg directly on top of the other knees on top of one another. It’s comfortable.


i could do my job without internet, but I couldn’t document any of it….and then the doctors would have no idea what I did all night which would be a biiiig problem.

that stinks that your morning started off rough, but tomorrow is Friday and you will ROCK your century!!!

last summer i didn’t have the interent for 2 weeks when we went to Italy. if it weren’t for the fact that I was soaking in every second and did not want to come home I would have gone crazy, but when I moved this summer I went almost a month without internet at my apt and had to go to lots of random places to use their wifi


I need the internet for my job too — plus I like having it!!! The last time I was without internet was…I have no idea! There are random weekdays where I don ‘t check email/blogs/etc — but that doesn’t happen too often.


Yeah. Being without the internet as a teacher these days is hard. That’s when you pull out some notebook paper and pencils and have them start looking up vocabulary and writing definitions though . TORTURE haha.

When the power goes out at home, or DSL is down, I have a minor meltdown until I find old-fashioned things to do, like dusting.


Oh, I HATE dry sounds too! Even worse than the paper towel rubbing, is the tearing of a paper towel or napkin. Ugh! Makes me cringe!

Yep, need internet for my job…I work at an IT company. :) I don’t even know the longest I have gone without it…it’s at work, at home on my phone…sometimes I feel a bit too connected.

My “normal” thing is I must “cycle” bath towels…clean towels must go on the bottom of the stack in the linen closet otherwise you just keep using the same 2-3 towels over and over again. Same applies to dishes, jeans, etc. I’m crazy.


Definitely dependent on technology. I enjoy getting emails, comments on my blog and reading others blogs. It’s just like getting old fashioned mail in the mail. I don’t need it to be a stay-at-home-mom but i use some tools online to help keep the kids busy. The longest i’ve gone without it is for a week and a half on vacation. I’m a firm believer in enjoying my vacation without checking my phone or internet. I also eat pb out of the jar and I don’t eat cotton candy bc the texture freaks me out.


Our honeymoon (5 years ago tomorrow!) was the longest. We were in Tahiti for 2 weeks. Slightly remote ;) I wasn’t as addicted back then though as I am now. I made not survive 2 weeks without the internet these days.


I definetly rely on the Internet more since being in school and becoming a blogger! I really hate dry sounds too :)


Ahahahaha I know exactly how you feel! This past weekend I was without the internet for a solid 24 hours and felt so weird! It’s crazy how much time I spend on the Internet between school, work, and free time.

Eating peanut butter out of a jar is NOT weird in the least bit. Dipping my grilled cheese in a bowl of ketchup may come off as weird to others but I LOVE it, so who cares? :)

Have a great Friday tomorrow!!!!!


Yes, I am completely dependent on the internet. When we moved into our house, we had to wait a couple weeks before they could come hook it up. I went nuts!
I don’t like dry sounds either. Or dry textures. Especially if my skin is dry. I am a hand lotion addict for that reason!


I can’t go 30 minutes without the internet. LOL.


I definitely have a technology-addiction, but I’ve been better recently about keeping things in balance. And I think the longest I’ve gone without technology was on my honeymoon, too. And I gotta admit … it was pretty nice! :)


a.) I adore your top! B.) this kid should know the best way to eat pb is with a spoon, with a finger, with an oreo or with celery duh! do his parents not teach him anything!? c.) I rely on my smartphone b.c. my job lives under a rock and we do not have internet access at our desk computers! Yes it is basically like a prison ha!


Honeymoon. 10 days. No internet. I loved it.
There was this other time when our power went out (no lights, no tv, no internet, not being allowed to open the fridge) and after LESS THAN 5 MINUTES, hubs said (and I quote) “Whelp, I guess we can learn how to play cribbage.” 5 minutes and he pulled out our last resort – board games. It was fun though :)

I don’t know if I have weird things that I do or not. I should ask my students.

GOOD LUCK ON YOUR CENTURY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You need a video cam on your helmet. Like a live-web cam. Make that happen so I can pretend I’m as cool as you? Kthanksbye.


Haha, I loved how you called out the student back. At least you use a spoon – I sometimes just do the peanut butter fingers trick. I’m addicted to internet during the school year. In the summer, when I’m a camp counselor, I only have 2 hour breaks each day. Then, I end up doing internet for about 30 min/day, so I have time to shower & run & hangout with other staff. It’s actually SO nice to have that break from the internet, cell phone, and other technology.


I can’t live without the internet, how would I blog, how would I stalk other blogs, how would I keep up with my celeb gossip?! Argghh! Life would just stop in its tracks lol


i absolutely FREAK OUT when my internet goes down. like, seriously! partly because it messes with my plans (you know, read blogs) and also because i DON’T UNDERSTAND TECHNOLOGY. i just learned, in the last six months, what i modem looks like. don’t ask me to find the router!
so, i TOTALLY feel for you, janae!!! panic morning!!
longest i’ve gone without internet??? maybe 10 hours when traveling to aruba??
i LOVE pb straight from the jar. nothing wrong with using your finger to scoop, either!


Yes!! This happened to me at school just last Friday, I about died! I could not get any of my emails from parents, all of my lesson plans/videos were in the internet to use and of course, what was I going to do on my lunch break??? I was in pure panic mode most of the day. When technology shuts down my life shuts down.
My fiance can’t stand that I eat egg whites microwaved with cottage cheese and jelly together. It makes him want to barf, but I think it is soooo gooood.


…They let you use YouTube at your school? When I taught math at a junior high, they disabled YouTube. Do you have any idea how many awesome math videos are on YouTube?

I had to disable the internet on my phone last month. Painful!


you think dry paper towels rubbing together is bad? try the noise made from scratching panty hose or a rough carpet :S ugh.


Lol!! I am grateful for the Internet because it brings you into my life every day. HRG has become a fix I just have to have.


I’m addicted to the internet! Seriously. I can go without cable and a million other things without any problems, but I am on the internet all day I feel like!! I’ve gone a few weeks when I’m traveling, but it’s still bad :)

Girl, my entire life seems normal to me but people frequently tell me I’m weird! I love eating potatoes raw, I never wear matching socks, and I watch What I Like About You every morning….to start!


I’m definitely a daily internet user! I guess I’ve unplugged here and there, but not for a whole day – hahhaha. Bloggers unite!


Oh goodness, I start flipping out when the internet gets slow, let alone when it’s gone!! We didn’t have internet for a while this weekend because we were having issues finding a cable hookup and outlet that were next to each other and worked. We got it figured out though.

I think that my honeymoon was the longest I went as well. OR when I first moved to Utah and I didn’t have internet at the house. I had my phone but it wasn’t reliable. So not only was I alone in a new state, but I also had no internets!

I thought bringing PB to work in a plastic baggie and scooping it out onto my banana with a spoon was normal. I am thinking from the looks and laughs and “WHAT”S THAT” it’s not… Oh well. I was full and happy.


My job is to find things on the internet, so I use it literally ALL day long. I am also addicted in my personal life…I check FB and running blogs on my phone before I even get out of bed!


THis post couldnt have come at a better time! For the last 2 days, a fusebox at home has blown up which means no internet. The first night I almost lost it out of boredom…then I discovered magazines and settled for the slow-as-snails’-ass internet on my blackberry! I sound like such a dork admitting this but I actually came into work super early to eat my breakfast and use the internet to catch up on blog reading :)! hahaha!


The only way I can do my job is with the internet. I work on our company’s website… So when the internet is down… I just sit there and look at the screen waiting for it to come back up! Two weeks ago it was out for five hours! I read my book…
I put mustard on tuna fish sandwiches and I’ve gotten some comments about that. I didn’t know that was strange? I also eat pizza with ranch dressing… People over on the East Coast think its weird when my family and friends in Oregon think it’s perfectly normal :-)
Happy Friday!


Do you eat in front of your students while you are teaching? I do. It really bothers them, but until I get an email from one of their parents or my principal Im going to continue.
I LOOOOVEEE your super cute black teaching shirt!


I’m definitely addicted to the internet!! If it goes down for a few minutes I panic. I suppose I could live without it but I really, really don’t want to!

Happy Friday Janae!


When we lost power for a week, I was pretty lost without the internet for the first few days, but then I kind of got used to it. I was crazy happy when it came back on though!


1. I do need the Internet for work but I could function for a bit without it. I learned my lesson a few years back so I am better at downloading documents to work on in the event I lose Internet connection or connection to our server.

2. Like you, 2 weeks for my honeymoon… 9 1/2 years ago! I used to go without while on vacation but since I got my iPhone in April… Not so much. I am writing this from vacation now!

3. Run. This is why I am glad I found your website. My friends and family just don’t get my addiction to running, but they support it!

Ok when I firs read your post quickly, I thought you ate pb, skittles, and broccoli combined as in at once in one dish! Ha!


I practically cry if my internet / phone service is out for .25 seconds. Eating pb with a spoon is totally normal!!


Once at work my internet was down for 1 1/2 days and I was so usless. 99% of my job requires me to be online and I was so damn bored. Ugh. Horrible. Plus I do so much online banking at home that I would go a little crazy if my internet shut off.

The longest I’ve gone is probally a week while on vacation. In February when I go on my honeymoon with Tyler we will be gone two weeks… I can’t wait to be cell-phone/internet free :) I think itll be a nice break.

Something normal that I do that others find strange? Umm…go to bed super early. Most nights I like to be in bed by 830, and I wake up with Tyler at 5 am so I can spend a half hour with him before he goes to work. <– lots of girls I know think I'm crazy for that, but I just love him so much and want to hug him before he leaves. <3


Hahaha! It’s always such a pain and a shock when the internet doesn’t work – I totally feel your pain, lol! I use it all the time, for work, for writing and researching articles, for blogging and blog reading, for movies…our wireless broke for a whole week last week and I used my phone for internet instead…I had to have it, lol! :-P Isn’t it funny how you get used to it?
I don’t know how long I’ve been without internet…maybe 3 weeks on holiday or something?! Hehehe…no idea. You just get so used to having it, lol!
Hmm…my love of piles of green vegetables or buttercup squash is pretty weird…people always call me up on that if they don’t know me. They totally think I’m a freak, lol! My oatmeal creations are pretty bizarre too! :-P
So glad you got the internet back workign! Crisis averted, lol! ;-) xyx


Whenever the power goes out I realize how much I rely on technology… And its A LOT!


this kid would be disgusted by julie ( then !!! It has been kind of a different year for my at school. It’s my senior year and i have my own apartment off campus and I dont have cable or internet haha. I (long story) have to be home every weekend for dr’s appointments and my internship so I thought it was a waste of $ to get internet/cable for 3 days a week… so for 3 days I only have internet time when I go to the library…and then I do a massive blog stalk and people think I’m just really into whatever I’m reading and being really studious…little do they know… hahah

ps. i really like your “why the marathon” post!!


i went to school junior spring of high school in the bahamas (post facebook invention) and didn’t have internet for 14 weeks! i also didn’t have showers for this long. but the internet was waaaayyy more of an issue


1.Are you DEPENDANT DAILY on the internet? For work? For school? For entertainment? Could you do your job without the internet?
I do use it for work and scoping out coupons and deals!

2.What was the longest that you have gone without the internet in the last 5 years?
I think the longest was about a week when I was a counselor at church camp. Geez that was like 5 years ago.

3.What is something that is NORMAL to you that other people find strange?
I do the pb and spoon thing. That’s all you need! I put egg whites in my oatmeal. I also make crazy cottage cheese, yogurt, protein powder concoctions. My husband has gotten used to the weird things.

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