Guess what…..If you come to Utah you will instantly have a group of runners/bloggers/foodies to go to yogurtland multiple times a day.  Hey, my dentist told me to stick to soft foods today which I reminded Billy as he was confused as to why I needed to go there again for the 17th time this week.

Amylee, Ash, Rachelle, Me and Sarah.

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I was hoping that he would forget the soft foods ordeal when we went to dinner with Mer (my grandma).  But he didn’t.

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I did convince him to let me get a chicken/feta salad with poppyseed dressing as long as I promised to only chew on one side of my mouth. Um, that was tough because I had to eat slow….I am a FAST eater.

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Have you ever been to a restaurant that offers delicious pumpkin cheesecake samples?  You know those ice pellets…….heaven.

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We trecked on over to Mer’s house and look what I found in her fridge, we must be family.   All that matters are drawers full of peaches.

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Okay, it is a new fridge but she definitely stocked it with the most important items first.

This picture was taken as I was laughing because I made a funny, I asked Mer if she wanted me to kneel so that we could be closer in heighth.  She thought it was funny too, obviously.

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We were on our way to costco when we were driving by my sis’s and knew that we had to stop by and get her kids all wild before bedtime.  Let’s just say that the below scene did not end happily.

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Somehow they all fit into the crib and this is their ‘fake sleep’ pose….pretty convincing.

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Fast, slow or medium eater?  What about your family/significant others?

-Fast for me and Billy is medium-slow.

What is going to be the BEST part about your weekend?

-Sleeping in tomorrow followed by a workout with the sister…hallelujah!

What is your favorite thing that has pumpkin in it?

-Pumpkin cheesecake with a thick layer of graham cracker crust and loads of whipped cream.

Are you an ice pellet fan?

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I would have to say I am a medium speed eater, but it depends on how hungry I am! Haha, my fave thing with pumpkin would be pancakes or oatmeal :)


CHEESECAKE SHOT!!!!! Those are the only kinds of shots I want to do atm. Not gonna lie. Other ones can wait until later. Slash I want to visit you and get froyo errrdayyyy I miss it Syracuse doesn’t have any froyo!!!!!


I’m such a fat eater! I always try to remind myself to slow down but usually it doesn’t work!


Ok, I so need to come to Utah…YogurtLand? Sounds heavenly…

I would say I am a medium paced eater…except for pizza, then I am a fast eater.

Best part of the weekend: I leave for vacation tomorrow! Yipee! We are going to Ocean City, Maryland.

Favorite Pumpkin dish: Oh gosh, do I have to pick one? I love pumpkin. I love the Starbuck’s pumpkin latte. But I also love pumpkin pancakes and pumpkin muffins! Oh, and Dunkin’ Donuts has great pumpkin coffee. It should be coming back soon. BTW…I haven’t been able to find canned pumpkin on my grocery store shelf.


Yes, please come! AHHH I am so happy you get to go on vacation tomorrow, I want to hear all about it. Now I am craving pumpkin pancakes. I haven’t been able to find pumpkin in my store yet either, BOO. Have an amazing time!


Fast if I am really super hungry but if you get me talking we could be at the dinner table for hours!!

I’m not a huge pumpkin fan (shocking I know!) but I found a salad mix that has a pumpkin vinagrette and its delicious.

Best part of this weekend will be sleeping in! I’m wiped :)


Pumpkin vinagrette…that sounds interesting but if you like it, I trust that is amazing. I hope you get lots of sleep this weekend!




How do all your posts ALWAYS manage to leave me looking like I have a hanger in my mouth- you are hilarious! Compared to the rest of my family, I am a slow eater…which sucks as sharing meals with them gives me real tension…one bite too slow may mean my chance of a meal is out the window ha! I have never had pumpkin in a sweet form (yes I know, I’m a ridiculous blogger) but what you just described in making me drool…just kidding….kinda ;)!


YOU ALWAYS MAKE ME SMILE:) Um, can I send you some pumpkin cheesecake? Okay, I tried commenting on your blog and I think it went to spam…save me!!! I want to COMMENT:)


Woo comment salvaged :D…made my day! Happy Fridaaaaay!


Medium, unless it is salad and then slow with all the chewing.
Haven’t decided what the best part of the weekend will be. The True Blood finale maybe.
Yummmmm. Muffins. I need to find a recipe.
Not an ice fan.

The Kidless Kronicles
Wag More, Bark….


Ah, I love pumpkin cheesecake! Especially with a swirl of caramel on top!

Cute outfit, Janae! I love the white shorts with the little belt!


Thanks Laura!! Okay, I need to try the swirl of caramel on top of my cheesecake, that sounds incredible!


I got so excited yesterday cause I got a pumpkin spice latte for the first time this fall! YUMMY!!!!! Also, can I tell you how adorable I think it is that your nieces and nephews are so used to you snapping pics that they’ll “fake sleep” for you?!


HA…..they are so used to me taking 500 pics a day of them:) I hope there are MANY more pumpkin spice lattes for you this season!


I’m SUCH a fast eater…I try to so down but I get bored! Heh.

Pumpkin Cheesecake sounds awesome but I’m quite the fan of these pumpkin roll cakes:


Thank you thank you thank you Holly for that recipe….I must make that ASAP!!!


First things first: I am not jealous that you live in gorgeous, heaven on earth Utah. Nope, not at all (lies!:). We just bought a house in Fl but I keep telling the hubby we need another house in Utah. Maybe someday :)
Second, you should wear braids all the time. You look adorable!
Third, we have no Yogurtland in my town. Just a place called “Yep, It’s Yogurt”. How is that the same? :)


Okay, don’t kid with me about having another house in Utah so we could play all the time. Good thing you like the braid because it takes all of four seconds ha. Yep, It’s Yogurt?!?! That is an interesting store name ha…have you tried it yet? As long as the fro-yo is amazingly delicious and they have a thousand toppings I think that they are the same thing!


It’s so bizarre but I’m a slow lunch eater and a fast dinner eater [vice versa for my fiance] haha :P Best [and worst] part about my weekend: school was canceled today so we have a 3-day weekend due to flooding… I’m kinda bummed cause there’s a lot I was planning to accomplish at school today :/ P.S. Favorite pumpkin [quick] dish: plain Greek yogurt + pumpkin + cinnamon + stevia + cereal/ crushed graham cracker = pumpkin pie in a bowl!


FLOODING….NO, I am sorry that you missed out on doing all the things that you had planned today but I hope you have a relaxing day. Okay, your pumpkin mix sounds INCREDIBLE!


I am a FAST eater. Like a legit animal. I’m really embarrassed sometimes. It’s kinda like I think my food is going to run off my plate and I have to get it down as fast as possible!

Toronto International Film Festival is on so I’m going to see a movie this weekend! All the big stars are in town. I’m going to spend today looking for Ryan Gosling ;)


Have SO much fun at the Film Festival and I am expecting many many pictures of your awesome weekend!


Your outfit is super cute:):) where did you get it?? I live all the way down in Price but if I am ever up North I am going to stock you cute bloggers at your FroYo meet ups:):):)


THANKS CHRISTIE! I am serious, if you are EVER UP NORTH, please let me know so we can go for froyo. Thanks for your sweet comment, the shorts are from old navy and the belt and top are from nordstrom:)


I’m definitely a fast eater. Once when I was out to lunch with coworkers and their food came first, I told them to go ahead and start because I’d finish before them anyway. My food came ten minutes later and I totally beat them…they were amazed.

Pumpkin spice latte :)


BAHAHAH…that absolutely makes my day. I think it would be perfect if we went to eat together, we would demolish our meals SO fast!


Bahahahah Mer is so hilarious!! That photo is CLASSIC.

My favorite thing with pumpkin is my Mom’s famous pumpkin chocolate chip cookies..they are to die for!!! Maybs I’ll post a recipe soon :)

Oh and I LOVE your outfit!


THANKS ANNA!! Oh my…I can’t wait for that recipe and girl you are going to rock your October half!


pumpkin bread and pumpkin spice latte’s are my ALLL time fav. oh, and pumpkin beer.
and last year i discovered i am pretty good at making a pecan crusted pumpkin pie…soooo delish!


Pecan crusted pumpkin pie…, I NEED that right now! I might have to steel the recipe from you:)


i can totally send it to you! super easy!


Yes please do!!!!


I am definitely a fast eater. I actually just went on a business trip with my male co-worker and beat him eating EVERY TIME by at least 5 minutes (like lick the crumbs off the plate kind of finished)…it was kind of embarrassing.


HAHAHAHAH I love it….don’t be embarrassed, let’s be proud of how amazingly quick we are at eating ha!


I agree… he should feel embarrassed for not MANNING UP! ;)


I am a super slow eater….I am always last to be done–it is kind of annoying but funny at the same time. My husband is SO fast at eating!

Best part of the weekend :my husband is coming back!!! woot!


I am so happy he is coming back, wahoo! Girl, if we ever eat together I will probably end up eating half of your food once I am done with mine:)


Oh my gosh I eat so fast that sometimes my husband hasn’t even started his meal before I’m clearing up after mine… *ashamed face*


BAHAHAH Our husbands should start a club about having to eat alone……I usually finish mine and then start eating his, he loves it!


I am a fast eater! So much that it’s embarrassing sometimes! :)

The best part of my weekend will hopefully be killing my long run in the morning! 15 miles will be a new personal distance record for me!


GIRL…you ARE GOING TO KILL YOUR 15-miler…I am SO SO excited for you. I want details.


You are so sweet and supportive! Thanks for the words of confidence!


fast eater for sure. I actually have to remind myself to slow down….so maybe now I’m a medium eater. Sometimes I may even be classified as a SLOW eater…..but that’s only when I’m out /w people b/c I don’t stop talking …EVER ;)

I get to go to a wedding tomorrow :D

I love my moms pumpkin PIE….and I was gonna save this for my blog, actually I will. So come to my blog October 1st and you can see my one true pumpkin LOVE affair :)

PS: loved all your pics in this post. Hope the tooth is feeling better


THANKS GORGEOUS GIRL!!! Have an amazing time at the wedding and have an amazing RUN TONIGHT;) Can’t wait for the pumpkin pie recipe!


Totally a fast eater. It runs in my family, I swear. My hubby married into the right family because he’s a fast eater too. (That was obviously one of my qualifications.)
I’m looking forward to lots of BBQs with friends and family this weekend. We have three to go to! Pretty much all our meals covered…sweet.
Pumpkin chocolate chip bread and/or muffins. Obviously they have to be perfectly moist and delicious though. Some added cream cheese frosting never hurts either. ;)
Definitely a fan of ice pellets!!!


I heart your outfit in those pics – so preppy cute!

I am heading to Ohio for my dad’s wedding this weekend, wooo party party!

My fave thing with pumpkin – that is a hard question…pumpkin spice latte? Yummmm!


THANKS DIANA!! Have an amazing time at your dad’s wedding and I hope you get a ton of pumpkin spice lattes this fall!


I am a fast eater, but trying to slow down! Mu husband is a medium eater I would say.
We are going to a wedding this weekend!
Pumpkin cookies :)
We were just at Kneaders when we went through Utah on our way home from California!


What did you get at Kneaders? It is so good huh? Have an amazing time at the wedding and now I am craving some delicious pumpkin cookies!


The turkey bacon avocado sandwich – it was good! Their pumpkin bread looked soo good too!


You look beautiful in those pictures and I love your outfit!

It depends, sometimes I eat normally but other times I’m shocked when I realize that my food is already gone and I just started eating.


THANKS JACI, you made my day! Ha, I know what you mean about when people are completely shocked that I have already licked my plate clean:)


can I just say I am SOOOO excited for fall foods? pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin pies, apple pies, caramel apples…umm..halloween candy!? this maybe why fall is my favorite season :)

i’m a very fast eater…I can seriously chow down, its bad. Kevin on the other hand, is a very slow eater. Sometimes I sit and stare at him after i’m done to either a) make him uncomfortable or b) share some of his food since obviously my stomach hasnt registered yet thats its full, lol!

best part about my weekend is jets football!!! i dont have much planned otherwise, and thats ok, bc last weekend was insane and sometimes a girl just needs her rest. (except for my 12 mile run of course, half marathon in 3 weeks!!)

GAHHH i’m sorry, i seriously cannot choose what my favorite pumpkin item is because I am a pumpkinaholic. its prob worse then your love for peaches. lets not even talk about how long I hug the pumpkin pie so that no one eats it on Thanksgiving..i really dont know why my family keeps inviting me back..


You and Kevin’s dinner time sounds exactly like mine! That is hilarious. Okay, you are going to rock your 12-miler and I am stoked for your half-marathon! Okay, now I am craving halloween candy BIG TIME!


Fast, slow or medium eater? What about your family/significant others?
– Fast. I think it stems from those days you were only given 20min to buy food AND consume it before class started again… and I hated being late. My BF is the slooowweeest eater ever so I always feel crazy eating next to him haha

What is going to be the BEST part about your weekend?
– renting a ROAD BIKE for my first BIKE RACE!!!!!!!!!!

What is your favorite thing that has pumpkin in it?
hMM… really I just love making jackolanterns!

Are you an ice pellet fan?
to throw at ppl? heck yes. super fun.


AHHH I am stoked for your road bike race, you are going to do amazing and I can’t wait to read all about it. Ha, that is funny because I threw half of that cup of ice at billy…we think alike:)


I’m a super-slow eater, and everyone always has to wait on me. I’ve never ever tried pumpkin, but it seems like it would taste sweet potatoe-ish…

Have a great weekend!


I used to be a slow eater before I had a baby. Then I got into the habit of hoovering my food because inevitably, he would poop, start screaming, want to eat or whatever. Even though he is 4 now, the habit stuck and I am usually done with my food WAY before my son or fiancee. Kind of embarrassing actually.


Ha, that is definitely a good reason to eat quickly!!! I don’t even have an excuse:)


OK before I read your posts I always scroll through and look at the pics and then go back and read the post. i dunno why, your pics are always frickin hilarious and today I couldnt wait to see what the deal was with the 500 peaches in the empty fridge haha


Ha…thanks Andrea, you made my day! Yep, I think I will be going over and raiding the gam’s fridge this weekend! Have a great day gorgeous girl!


I’m like the flash of eating.
I have an exercise class tomorrow with Healthy Happier Bear!!
I love pumpkin roll with the cream cheese frosting!!

How tall are you? You always look tall in the pictures!


I am kind of tall I think….almost 5’9.” Now I am craving a cream cheese pumpkin roll…yum! Have fun at your class tomorrow, you are going to have a blast!


Yay! Tall girls unite!


I’m a ridiculously fast eater. When I’m out to eat with coworkers I have to constantly remind myself to slow down. My family is used to it, strangers probably think I haven’t seen food in a week.


Ha, I have to remind myself that too! We would be the perfect dining companions:)


I’m a fast eater. When food is delicious I don’t talk I just eat!
The best part of my weekend will be sleeping in, playing with our puppy and hanging out with my boyfriend :)
My favorite pumpkin food?? PUMPKIN BREAD! So good!!! I could eat a whole loaf of it!
Happy Friday!


Do you have a good pumpkin bread recipe? Have fun with your puppy…I am extremely jealous!


I eat everything after 9AM superfast. Breakfast is a slow ordeal because I’m not awake enough to chew.

The best part of this weekend — MY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW!!


GIRL….HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Eat some ice cream, swedish fish and bday cake:)


I guess it depends on what i’m eating….If it’s ice cream, I pick the teeniest spoon and eat it as slowly as possible (not letting it get too melty though). If it’s cereal…watch out!!


Ha, that is funny… that I think about it, I do the exact same thing with my ice cream and cereal, we are way too alike!


I eat fast! I eat like the food is literally going to run away if I don’t gobble it down quickly. It’s a little scary. haha

Best Part of my Weekend? Maybe a kickboxing class. I feel like kicking some butt! Also plan on getting in on some of the 9/11 commemorations going on here in NYC. I can’t believe it’s the 10th anniversary, and I want to be involved in remembering those who lost their lives.

Fave Pumpkin Thing: I love pumpkin muffins, topped with creamcheese frosting. mmmmmm.


There is ALWAYS good excuse to get froyo ;)
The speed of my eating depends on if I’m talking. If I barley talk, I’ll wolf down my food. If I’m busy talking about everything, it’ll take me hours to finish a meal.
I’m excited to sleep in too!! I’m not sure what will happen over the weekend but just being off is something to be excited about.
I love pumpkin. Right now it’s oatmeal, but coffee too!
I’m SUCH an ice pellet fan. I could eat ice all day I love it.


Love that blue shirt Janae! And your Grandmother is too cute!

I am a VERY VERY slow eater.. probably because I eat most everything with chopsticks! Andrew, my boyfriend is pretty fast… unless he is playing a video game while eating a meal… multi-tasking slows him down.

The BEST part will be swimming!!! I unfroze my gym membership so I could use the pool while my silly stress fracture heals. I am actually very excited!

I like pumpkin but ADORE Kabocha squash! I put it in everything and anything I would put pumpkin in… it’s amazing in oatmeal and PIE <3

Ice pellets ROCK. I used to manage at a hotel and our one an only little ice machine had the most amazing crushed ice pellets. What is it about perfect ice?? Gets me every time ;)

Enjoy your workout with your Sister! Those are the best!


I am so excited that you are going to be hitting up the pool! Thanks for your sweet comment and good to know I am not the only one obsessed with ice pellets!


How sad is it that I’ve never been to Yorgurtland?! Another reason I need to come visit.


Oh my dear goodness, your grandma is just the cutest thing ever!! Love it!


Thanks Autumn, she really is!


Your ganndma is so cute!


I’m a pretty slow eater lol… and my husband is uber fast so he gets done and just sits there waiting for me to finish up and stop talking ;) lol…


um ICEEEE love it
girl your hair is SO PRETTY did you know that like lets trade cause i WANT IT!
and your nieces an nephew are the freaking cutest ever an i would play with them all day too if i had the chance!
i cant wait for fall foods and i am def gonna try pumpkin in my oats for the first timeee can’t waitt! happy friday girl<3


Emily, you always make my day! Thank you for being so sweet to me! Come play with me and my nieces and nephews, we would all be the best of friends:) LOVE YOU!


I LOVE your outfit, so cute! Especially the belt, great touch.

I’m on prep right now wishing we worked at the same school so we could hang out.

Pumpkin Bread. It is my grandmothers recipe so it warms my heart and fills my tummy!!


Okay, this is creepy because I am on prep right now too. Is your school hiring? We would have so much fun together (I have a feeling we would sneak out and go on a run and pick up lunch while we were out). I don’t think it could get any better than that. Um, good luck closet eating at the in-laws and I hope you get SOME alone time…… LOVE YOU!


In my family you have to eat fast or you don’t get seconds. You’re Grandma is the cutest thing in the world! She’s so beautiful.


I’m a fast eater which is funny bc i used to eat super slow growing up, probably bc i talked too much. This weekend we are driving across town to window shop for houses. I say window shop bc we are looking at different neigbborhoods to get an idea of where we want to move next spring. It is still a ways away but i’m a planner and like to get ideas. I’m a sucker for anything pumpkin. I loce pumpkin rolls or pumpkim cheesecake. Btw,grandma is too cute.
On another note we took the family to TutiFruti our local froyo and my kids are hooked.


Fast, slow or medium eater? What about your family/significant others?
Fast because if im not i either dont get any of the food if we’re sharing because Im competing with hubby and 4 kids, and also because im usually busy cutting up someone else’s food or stopping arguments. Im always the first one done at a business dinner

What is going to be the BEST part about your weekend? Start of Soccer this weekend. Tomorrow will be crazy as I am coaching two teams and then watching my oldest son play but it will be fun. Im also making spaghetti and meatballs tonight for tomorrow’s dinner so that is always a treat for us

What is your favorite thing that has pumpkin in it? my friend makes pumpkin muffins that are a weight watchers recepie they are very delish.

Are you an ice pellet fan? I certainly wasnt during labor when thats the only thing they would offer you but in the right circumstance yes


I’m giving you a new job. find me a career in utah, and I’m there. we’ll run and eat and play and go to yogurtland every day, and my life will be completely happy.


I will be spending my lunch break researching job for you here….this better happen!


I wish there was a fro-yo store around me, but at least I have 2 Ben & Jerry’s within 10 minutes walking from my apt. If I’m ever in Utah, I’m going to Yogurtland everyday!
This weekend, I’m excited for the farmer’s market + a long run with a friend (who just signed up for her first half marathon!).


SO FUN!!! I love it when friends catch the racing bug:) Have an amazing time at the farmer’s market…I am jealous!


I can’t see anything in this post except how rockin’ your hair is in that first pic. Work it girl!


Those kiddos are seriously so cute! Love the fake sleep pose. How adorable are they. I love, love, love Kneaders! Headed there for lunch in 2 hours. They better still have some yummy samples. :)

Love you and it was so great to see you yesterday. I hope your mouth is feeling okay. If you need an excuse to eat soft food I’d love to accompany you are YL every. single. day. :)


sorry I had to come back and talk, well type more :P see, told you. I just forgot to comment my views on ice pellets. I hate them. I think this is b/c that is ALL they offer you at the hospital while you’re in labour….like it’s a treat b/c it’s not water, it’s hard water. LOL I think that would be what would kill you Janae, if you ever have kids – you won’t like that you can’t eat anything during labour :) lol

ALSO YAY rachelle – I’m envious of your real life hang out.


Your grandma is too cute!!!
I’m a super fast eater. That’s pretty impressive tha you actually ate it on one Side of your mouth, hope your mouth feels better!


I love how your little niece is just watching from the side lines as the others are flying towards Billy.. haha she is just so precious!!

I love pumpkin pie with whip cream… the pumpkin pie from Costco is SOO good!!


haha- you need a legit reason to go to yogurtland 17 times in a week? :P
I inhale my food! I need to slow down, but its hard to stop and think about it.
Best part of my weekend: I’m going to a concert!! yahoooooo :D

Have a great night!


That caramel apple looks so good. I lvoe those things!

I’m such a fast eater. I’m trying to slow down because I always tend to overeat. My husband eats way faster than me, so I feel like I have to keep up. Either that, or he eats my food too. Not having that!


Favorite thing with pumpkin … gooey butter pumpkin cake!! It’s ah-mazing. I need to make it again soon. It uses about a million pounds of butter and powdered sugar, but it’s TOTALLY worth it! :)


I am the slowwweesst eater ever. It takes me like two hours to finish lunch at work. I’m always the last one at the table at home. I always have been.


So glad to have met you all yesterday! I am already Yogurtland obsessed…meaning I went with you guys for the first time yesterday and right this moment I just got back from Yogurtland with some of my neighbors ha.

I am the slowest eater ever…I like to take my time. But with desserts I always eat WAY too fast – aka so I can eat more in a smaller amount of time to make me feel more normal?

My sister makes the BEST pumpkin chocolate chip muffins EVER. She sent me 20 on next-day air mail from Wisconsin last year for my birthday…they were divine!! Now I am craving them and will have to make them asap!

PS your nieces and nephew are adorable! And your grandma too (:


I’m a pretty speedy eater when I’m very hungry.

The best part of my weekend will be surviving a tropical storm that may turn into a hurricane…



Rita’s pumpkin Italian ice with vanilla custard! I can’t wait until they get in for the season


I am a fast eater, too!! I am glad that your mouth is feeling well enough to eat something other than soft food. Although I know you would love any excuse to eat froyo all day ;)
All of this pumpkin food popping up everywhere reminds me that I need to make PUMPKIN BREAD asap!!


Totally jealous of your Utah blogger meetups. Please have one between September 29th and October 2nd when I’ll be there. (However not on October 1st unless you want the meetup also be the “Cheer Amy on in the St. George Marathon” meetup).

Also, completely jealous of Kneaders. When I was in high school I would sneak out of choir early every day to go to kneaders for lunch.

Best part of my weekend: Football. And 6 boxes of fresh peaches and 6 boxes of fresh pears to work with.

I love pumpkin cookies. So much.

Super duper fast eater. However, since i eat so much I usually finish last.


OF COURSE WE WILL!!! We will have a big fro-yo date when you are here….can’t wait to meet you!


I just need to say that maybe you should make this blog into a fashion blog as well, because you are always dressed so cute!


Courtney, thank you so much, you just made my day!


i’d say i’m a medium eater, except for sweets…those go down rapidly!
wknd: baby brother is coming to town and i’m taking him to a beer-tasting festival! (ok, not a baby…he’s 23), all after my lovely long run around town.
best thing w/ pumpking…um, anything? definitely dessert-y…pies, bread, muffins, oatmeal, cookies, cakes, coffee; cant choose!

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