A fun spin workout!!!

Either my nose went really crooked or I moved while taking the picture but either way I was trying to demonstrate for you how it looks like I went running under waterfalls when in reality it was just my head trying to produce a way to cool mself off.

Photo 2

30 minutes elliptical (I am loving my elliptical time because I get the internet from the restaurant next to the gym and I get to catch up on reading BLOGS).

30 minutes wicked spinning.

Here is how the spinning went down:

-3 minutes HEAVY hill climb out of the saddle (increasing tension every 30 seconds).

-1 minute SPRINT in the saddle with the tension of a flat road.

-1 minute JUMPS with the tension of a medium hill but I also used it as sort of a recovery because it felt like my heart was about to explode.

Repeat as many times as you want….I did 6 repeats and tried to increase a little bit in speed and resistance each time.


What was your workout?

If you could buy ANY piece of at home equipment right now, what would it be?

-A spin bike for those times in my life I have to neglect my treadmill.

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Last night, my workout was 30 minutes on the elliptical, BodyPump class, then back on the elliptical for another 30.

I sooo know what you mean about the sweaty eye thing! I love it when I have so much sweat, it flings off of your lashes when you blinks. Sweaty lashes = successful workout.

The one piece of equipment I want is a TOTAL GYM. Heck yeah – I’m talking about that Chuck Norris/Christie Brinkley endorsed weight sled! I went to a spa a few years ago that offered a “Total Gym” workout class. It. Kicked. My. Butt. I work out regularly (usually 6 days a week), but this thing rendered me so sore, I couldn’t do a decent workout for nearly a week! DOMS to the extreme!

Hope you get some good FroYo tonight to soothe your sore mouth!


Okay, now I want a total gym too….let’s do it. Oh how I LOVE DOMS! Dang woman, killer awesome workout yesterday!


I would love a fancy treadmill. the ones with the fans and the TV :)

Randomish question: Have you seen those bikes that have the TV to simulate going on a bike ride? Are they comparable to spin classes? I don’t like the (only) spin teacher at my gym, and I miss it!


YES, I have seen those….I want one bad! I bet that they are very comparable to spin classes but it all depends on how much you put into it you know?!?! K, you should come move here and come to all the amazing spin classes around here…okay, see you soon;)


I’d drive from SLC for an amazing spin class!!


Can you come to New York and be our spin teacher?! That workout sounded awesome!
If I could buy any piece of equipment I’d probably buy a treadmill. It’d be great for when it gets down to 10 degrees in the winter!
Tonight I’m going for a run. My legs are pretty tired so I’m not sure on the mileage.


Yep, let me just ask Billy real quick:) I hope you have an amazing run today and that your legs feel fresh and awake!


I wish you lived in Florida so that you could teach me spin! I would love to go to a class, but they don’t offer it at 5am :( Boo! I
I know that yo uwould be an AWESOME teacher though..and fun to have a class with!


Um, how about you move here…..I don’t know if I could handle the humidity…I live in a desert ha! We have 5:30 a.m. classes here….COME!!


I took a kicka$$ kickboxing class this morning! The instructor makes us do tons of lunges and squats, and my legs kill! Also, I thought of you today, because I forgot to bring another bra to the gym, so I had to put my sweaty sports bra back on and wear it for work. (Luckily, I was just working a 4-hour shift in the Kids Clubhouse at the gym, but STILL.)


I am going for a run here shortly and will do some yoga afterwards.

I really want a treadmill, but right now we need to refinish our basement first!!


u always make me feel lazy….but yet motivate me at the same time…OH HRG….lol much luv from Trinidad


You’re an animal on the spin bike!

I’m not sure what my workout will be yet. I’m thinking a hills run, since it’s too nice outside to run on the tm.


My workout was a killer this moring. 1st time I ever did my long (12.5 miles today) during the week before work. I’m loving my compression socks right now!


AHHH DANG WOMAN…that is awesome you went that far before work!! Good call on the compression socks!


Workout was expresso bike and precor today 12.2 miles on the bike and 15 mins reverse on the precor.

I would like a rowing machine for at home, there are two at my gym one of which makes an obnoxious noise and the other is usually tied up by someone when i want to use it so I don’t get that in my rotation enough


I’d love to have a treadmill at home someday! Then I could stop paying gym fees!


Sounds like a tough workout! I just bought a treadmill, but I’m still waiting for it to arrive and I swear it is taking FOREVER! But after that, I would love to get an elliptical. One day!


I am STOKED that you are getting a treadmill!! What model is it? I want an elliptical too…..dang, we should just have home gyms!


That sounds like a KILLER workout!! What exactly is a “jump” in spinning?

I would love to have either a treadmill or a stair master..ohh maybe someday :) Or if I could.. I would want both haha


HEY YOU!!! Basically, jumps are lifting and lowering out of your saddle. I usually do them in counts of 4 and you just lift up out of the saddle directly above your saddle:) Hope that helps!


Awesome job on your spinning workout! Spinning really can be so much fun!!

PS did you get the photos I sent you? My email hasn’t been to reliable lately so I just wanted to check!!

Have a great rest of your day!


YES!!! Thank you so much and I can’t wait to post it! You are amazing.


You don’t need a spin bike, just a bike trainer so you can hook the back wheel of your bike in it and then it will be a stationary bike. It’s awesome.

My workout today was a bike ride without the kid trailer for the first time in almost a year. It felt so easy! I loved it.


I used to go to your spin classes at the Golds Gym in Provo so I love it when you post your spin workouts. Your class was awesome. When I moved back to Seattle, my husband bought me a spin bike for my birthday. It was pretty much the best gift ever. I use it about twice a week on my off days from running. I definitely recommend investing in a spin bike. You can find some pretty sweet deals on Craigslist or KSL, I’m sure.


MEGAN!!! Oh my goodness you absolutely made. my. day!! Thank you so much for your comment. That is awesome that you got your own bike! How are you liking Seattle? Good idea to check out KSL, thank you so much!


Seattle is great! There are lots of fun running and hiking trails. It’s also pretty biker friendly so I see a lot of bikers commuting to work. I’m hoping to do the Rock n’ Roll Seattle Marathon in June next year but we’ll see how my training goes. I will say, I do miss running Provo Canyon though. :)


I went for a 13 mile bike ride before work and did a little strength training afterwards.

I have a bike trainer on order – it might be here tomorrow! I already have a treadmill, elliptical, and stair machine, but they are all in need of upgrading. I’m not sure which one to replace first. I really hate the gym, so I basically built my own.


THAT IS AWESOME!!! Dang, I am jealous! What kind of trainer did you order?


My workout today is an hour in Turbo Kick and an hour in Zumba!! Woop woop for classroom motivation :)

Love the pic. Just adorable.


I ran my first ever 6-mile tempo run! That amount has been haunting me for ages, and I got it in… 6 miles @ 6:52 avg. So excited!


DANG!!! YOU ARE INCREDIBLE SARA!! Congratulations speed demon:)


Rest day for me! My next workout will be some elliptical/bike combos though :)

I want a spin bike baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!


um i want a spin bike SO BADDDDDDDLY!!!!!! but really tho!
awesome workout girl and PS um did you realize that your arms look AmAZING?!


I literally laugh out loud every time I read a post of yours. I love spinning! I ran 5.50 miles today. I really want a treadmill at home so I can run inside when I need to without going to the gym!


OMG, I thought you meant running when you wrote “1 minute SPRINT”. I was thinking “Dang, that girl IS a beast!!!” (cause that would be crazy sauce, right? a 1 minute running sprint?! or am I just a whimp?)

Anywho… I vow to never just skim your post ever again ’cause clearly I can miss something uber important.

Glad your tooth-extraction went well. Did the tooth fairy visit with some FroYo?


You are not a wimp….1 minute sprint makes me sweat thinking about it. Yes, the froyo fairy definitely made an appearance! Hope you have an amazing weekend Lori!


I did 35 minutes of Yoga with Jillian, level 1 of Yoga meltdown, I really needed that stretch! I love it!
Tomorrow is a 4 mile run!
I can’t wait til my gym opens so I can get on a spin bike! I have never “spun” before and I am really excited to try it out!


Ran 3 this morning and went to see Crazy Stupid Love tonight. It was very good!
I would buy a kickass treadmill. Or that Tour de France bike I keep seeing advertised.

The Kidless Kronicles
Wag More, Bark….


I’d go for a treadmill, for the times when I just can’t get myself to get dressed to go outside to run, for the times when it’s too cold/hot/snowy/whatever, and for speed work.


I think I would go for the spin bike too. I have been stalking Craigslist for a good deal. I already have my Pilates Reformer in my basement (I am a pilates trainer) and I would like to have a piece of cardio equipment. Once upon a time I taught Spinning and loved it. However, I got more calls for pilates classes, so I let my certification run out. The gym I belong to doesn’t have Spin classes or any Spin bikes. (They told me they would when I joined during its construction–those liars!) Ok, I’ll stop rambling…


That is so cool that you are a pilates teacher! Okay, I am MAD at your gym….I can’t believe they lied. I think you should sue, life without spin is no bueno….BUY A BIKE and let me know what you think:)


I’d love an elliptical or one of the glider machines!


Do you find that spinning has helped with your running? Speed and endurance? I had been spinning twice a week for a while due to a foot injury. I just recently got back into running and thought I would be slower and lose some of endurance I had before, but I feel like I’ve gotten faster and can go longer so quickly after not running in such a long time.

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