My sister is the couponing queen.  The other day she got 50 boxes of Kellog’s cereal for $25 and today she shared with us a deal we couldn’t turn down.

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She had a coupon that got us 5 crepes for $3.  Seriously?

I am warning you in advance to not scroll down if you are allergic to happiness, haven’t eaten yet today or trying to not eat sugar/carbs/chocolate/more sugar or butter.

Nutella with banana’s.

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My BIL’s waffle.

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Butter and cinnamon sugar.

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We asked the girl working there how many crepes we should get per person and she said that she couldn’t even finish ONE by herself.

Mistake #1:  Never trust someone with your dinner decision when you are not related to them or someone that does not know how much it takes to fill you up.

We licked our plates clean and felt like we hadn’t even eaten.  They were delicious, don’t get me wrong, but for a meal…….definitely not for us runners and worker-outers:)

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So, we did the logical thing and drove down the street for the dollar menu.  Baked potato (with ketchup) and chili.  The AC was on full blast in Wendys and so HOT food sounded really good!

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And then we practiced throwing my neice up in the air and catching her.  We are now banned from all Wendy’s within a 25 mile radius.

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(This Wendys is right by the college and that is why they have pictures of football and dancers all around).


What are your favorite Crepe toppings?

-The cinnamon sugar and butter was my favorite!

Are you a couponer?  Have you ever seen Extreme Couponing?

-I need my sister to teach me her ways!

What was the last ‘new to you’ restaurant that you tried?  Did you like it?

What is the BEST part about your FRIDAY!?!?

-Early out day at school…….maybe a bike ride up the canyon:)

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I tried an Indian place a little while ago! loved it. Best part of my fridays? getting off work early :)


Mmm can’t go wrong with a Nutella crepe. :)

I am working on becoming a couponer, but I just started! Nothing extreme, though.


You guys are awesome. Where does your sister find all of these deals?? I want those crepes!!!


Okay Janae, the scenery in that picture of you and your sis is RIDICULOUS! I am not jealous, I am not jealous…..:)

The last new restaurant I tried was a Japanese steak house…I had sushi.

Happy Friday!


COME VISIT ME!!! I will show you all of the beautiful places here:) Okay, I LOVE sushi and now I am craving it big time. Hope you have an amazing weekend!


nutella w/banana–yum!
I may have to make that myself :)


Also, your sister should do a guest post on how she gets her hair to look that cool. Is that natural? Maybe the weather in Utah is kinder to hair than Florida weather is :)


GREAT IDEA…I will totally have her do one! She went to hair school and is really good at styling her hair. My hair does much better in Utah compared to the humidity in California so that could be part of it too:)


Utah looks so beautiful with the mountains in the background!


I have never had a crepe in my life! :( So sad.

Haha, I just saw the show the other day for the first time… those women take it to the SUPER extreme. I am all about saving money for sure and definitely use a couple of coupons when I find good ones for things I need, but a years worth of diapers when you don’t have a kid seems like a waste of space?! Although I COULD use 68 jars of peanut butter!


OMG. Those crepes look so delicious! Nutella crepes are the best thing ever. I wonder how difficult they are to make? :)


I want to eat your BIL’s waffle :D yum…..I may have to go to this dessert place this weekend to get a Belgium waffle mmmmmm. I love that your sis is a couponer. I am not but I wanna learn after watching that extreme show! Some of those people save over $1000!!!! that could buy me so many things.


It is DANGEROUS letting other people help you portion control!! Lol. I don’t remember ever having crepes, but my husband loves them so I need to try them!


BAHAHAH You need to try crepes!! PS I tried leaving a comment on your blog but it doesn’t show up…check your spam:)


I’ve never been a real crepe fan, but those look yummy…but then the baked potato looks yummy too!!


Happy Friday Janae! The best part of my day today is that I am going to a wedding!! I am very excited to dress in something other then work clothes and workout gear :)


What did your sister do with 25 boxes of cereal? I always say I am going to cut coupons and get some great deals, but I can never find coupons for things I want.

Also – how do you not get awful headaches after eating so much sugar?


FIFTY BOXES!!!! She put it in her food storage and will probably last her family a long time wahoo!! I don’t know why I don’t get headaches….I guess I have done it for so long that it seems natural ha!


i’ve never had a crepe before (GASP!) but those look absolutely delicious!! especially the banana and nutella one…i’m a total sucker for nutella!

i’m not really a couponer…if i come across one, I def use them, but I dont actively search them out, haha.

If i want to be technical, i suppose there was a ton of new restaurants I tried on my trip to El Salvador, lol…but back here in Jersey, wow, its been a while since I’ve been to a place i’ve never been before, that actually makes me kinda sad!

Best part about my friday is that i’m totally looking forward to curling up on the couch with my book tonight…I have a very very busy rest of the weekend, starting with a long run tomorrow morning. worst part about my friday? figuring out what my carbalicious dinner is gonna be. hopefully it involves sweet potatoes!


Nutella and banana crepes!

We ate our weight in those in Paris! We adored them so that we now make nutella and banana pizza on pizza night at home.

We use whole wheat pizza crust so you know they are healthy. ;)


Of course it is healthy if it is whole wheat crust:) I am going to copy you and try my own nutella and banana pizza at home! Thanks for the great idea. PS I would LOVE to go to Paris! Someday:)


I actually don’t coupon.. :( I know I should but then I would buy stuff I really don’t want or shouldn’t eat. I love Nutella!


Cinnamon and sugar sounds yummy, but I think the banana and Nutella would be the winner for me!
I don’t use coupons near as much as I should!
Best part of my Friday is that it is Friday! ;)


I’ve never even had crepes…that nutella one looks pretty awesome though!!!!!
Best thing about my friday will be finishing with school! hahaha


Nutella Crepe – YUM!

xoxo from Trinidad


Those CREPES… I need them! Okay, also, Utah is gorgeous! I am going to move there and we can hang out every day, okay?!?! :)


You better not be kidding….I am going to search for an internship for you to do here and you can move in the basement and we can play everyday of our lives!! Pack your bags gorgeous girl!


That nutella and banana looked amazing! I don’t have crepes often, but I’m sure that’d be my fave!

And PLEASE tell me where that “Awful Waffle” place is here?! I obviously need to get there…and quick! :)


I love coupons! the only reason I get the Sunday paper is so I can clip out the coupons. I watch for stuff to go on sale, then use a coupon and its even more inexpensive! The trick is to not buy something jsut because you have a coupon—find coupons for necessities that you buy each week anyway! then you really save money!


Crepes smell so amazing and they always remind me of living in Italy. There’s a little spot right next to St. Mark’s Square that makes crepes and it is seriously the best greeting to the square. Anywho, that butter and brown sugar one sounds simple and delicious! Perfect for me :D

That picture of you and your sister is gorgeous btw!


The best part of today’s friday is that I get to see Taylor Swift in concert tonight!!!! I’m almost 25 but still love her music like I’m a 15 year old haha. I’m so ridiculously excited.


I AM SO SO SO JEALOUS!! Have an amazing time and I can’t wait to read all about it. PS I listened to her song ‘Mean’ on repeat 20 times yesterday:)


You are not alone :) I am 32 and still love her like a teenager too!


I love Nutella and powdered sugar on Crepes!

Yes, I’m an extreme couponer. I have a friend from church that runs a website and she leads classes to teach all of her tips. We have cut down on our grocery bill so much.

The Cabernet Grill is the last restaurant we tried that we have never been to. We went for our Anniversary and it was absolutely delicious! It’s in Fredericksburg, Tx so we won’t be able to go back until we go back for a weekend of fun thrift and antique shopping.

The best part of my day today will be starting the weekend early. My husband gets a half day on Fridays and we are going to make the most of our weekend before the kids start preschool next week.


Oh. my. gosh. This post makes me want to go to Germany and get a crepe from a stand. So. delicious. Nutella is definitely the best topping.

I try to be a good couponer…. but I really suck at it. I subscribed to, but can’t figure out their system, and I can’t get the coupon printer to install correctly on my computer or something because the coupons I download never print.

And best thing about Friday… it’s the day before Saturday, which is the day before Sunday, which is the start of my weekend!


NUTELLA on my crepe! With strawberries :)


I think I’d keep going back to that place over and over again just so I could sit at a table, eat my crepe, and say “AWFUL WAFFLE! AWFUL WAFFLE!” repeatedly.

it’s just so fun to say.


I posted about Yogurtland today!!! When I was in California last week I got to try it! We don’t have it in Oregon….we have a ton of other fro-yo places and I have to say Yogurtland is the BEST!!!! And seriously, I only knew about it/tried because of your blog!!


Hahaha what is your sister going to do with all that cereal?? I’m not much of a coupon clipper, but I try to be!


Her kids will gobble it up FASTER than we think ha:)


The cinnamon sugar and butter sounds AMAZING…..


hahah LOVE IT!!
and yayy bike ridee :)
have fun girl<33!


Oh my WORD the Awful Waffle looks FABULOUS!!!! If Nutella could get married it should be to a banana.

You have such a wonderful family. I love how you all do so much together!! It is so important :)


YUM!! Those crepes look delicious! I try so hard to be a couponer but I suck so bad at it.

Love you friend have a fabulous Friday! I hope I get to see you at Yogurtland today. Woo hoo!


Those look so good! I’m pretty sure I’ve never had a crepe before =O
Crazy, I know. Extreme couponing is awesome I wish I could do that, they get everything for almost free.
The newest restaurant I tried was Season’s 52 and it was AMAZING.
The best thing about my friday is relaxing and working out then seeing my friends tonight!
I’m super jealous of the scenery you have!


50 boxes of cereal for $25- talk about a good deal!! :P
Those crepes look really good :D
Best part of my Friday…eating almond butter for the first time. ohmagosh- it’s heaven! :)


ahhh I love crepes! They are so good. I will eat them with any topping. My favs are nutella and bananas, apples and some cottage cheese filling my grandma makes, it may sound gross but it is really good


haha I don’t get the whole couponing thing. Who can store 50 boxes of Kellogs?! Or rather who would want to haha. I had a friend purchase 50 cans of tuna one time because there was a sale. He got through them at a shocking rate though lol.


Ha…they actually have a room for food storage in the basement and with her three HUNGRY kids they actually don’t last that long:)


O.M.G. the picture of you and your sister is so beautiful with the scenery behind,, love it!


THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!! You are so sweet Melissa!


There is a place in Manhattan Beach called Uncle Bill’s Pancake House. next time you’re in CA you HAVE to try it! Best french toast on earth!


Holy crepe, those look good! I’ll take the butter and cinnamon sugar one please.

My sister is a couponer and I can’t believe all the stuff she gets. It doesn’t help that she’s already a bit of hoarder and this is just feeding her habit. At what point is a coupon intervention necessary?


I like your crepe combo with the cinnamon sugar & butter…except I would add peanut butter too! (But I add peanut butter to EVERYTHING!)

The best part of my Friday was video taping my daughter for 1.5 hours trying to capture her rolling over. She sees the red light and stops in her tracks! Therefore NO ONE believes me that she is rolling over at 10 weeks! Sigh! :) I will catch her in the act one of these days!!!!!!!

Your sister’s hair looks super fab in this picture, I like the waves/curls! And as always, I LOVE your blog! I added your blog to my page, hope that’s OK! (Should I have asked first? Sorry I’m new to blogs and blog etiquette!)


JENNIE!!! YES, of course that is okay…thank you SO SO MUCH! Good call on adding the pb:) Oh my goodness…that is so neat that your daughter is rolling over at TEN WEEKS old, so exciting!


I could eat Nutella on anything. I will to take this dare. But I know for a fact that the best way to eat a crepe is with Nutella. Or else, I like them plain, maybe with a little powdered sugar.


Y is there a Y on the mountain?


i love crepes!!! there is an amazing new crepe place that opened in orem! the chocolate lovers one with nutella and choc candy = amazing.


A friend from college was on the original Extreme Couponing special (and came back a second time when it was aired as a series). I had no idea he was on the show until I saw the before-commercial teaser and thought, “That guy kind of looks like Nathan.” Post-commercial: “OHMYGOSH that IS Nathan.”


What is the BEST part about MY FRIDAY!?!?

Successfully survived my first week of school — I love, love, love my new kiddos… but I am one tired girl!!

The best part is going to be dinner tonight with my three best girlfriends… Baked Zeti and TONS of Garlic Bread! Yum :)


the nutella one looks the best!! i love fruity/sweet crepes.

the last restaurant i tried was an amazing pizza place, and tonight Im trying a new Greek restaurant…I’m SO excited!

enjoy your bike ride!!


Even though I missed the point of your blog, I am so grateful that you mentioned the AC and Wendy’s. Is it just me or has Wendy’s struck a deal with the devil so that they won’t ever have to pay their AC bill??? EVERY Wendy’s I’ve been in (and that would be 2 in the past 3 years) has blasted their AC to temps way beyond necessary.


My first crepe ever was with nutella and bananas. It was the bomb diggity. That’s when I discovered my passionate love for that chocolately creamy jar of nutty goodness.


Those crepes look awesome. I love nutella on mine =)
Nice call with the dollar menu. Cute pics =)


The best crepe topping is hazelnut cream. Not Nutella (though that’s good too) but actual hazelnut paste. My senior trip for high school involved stopping over in a couple tiny little French villages and lemme tell you, nothing beats homemade, fresh out of the over crepes served to you by a cheerful French man. Nothing. I miss that trip. And the crepes.


I had a banana cream pie crepe at a place in Long Beach, CA that I wanted to MARRY. I still dream about it. I also had a savory Crepe Carbonara that was amazing as well. I wish I lived in Long Beach instead of Florida so I could have crepes all the time.


Oh my goodness. Those Crepes look so good!!! I actually just blogged today about couponing! I love to coupon! I’m not as in to it as the people on the show but I know how to save money and get good deals!! I love it!


This recipe looks like it fell down from hevaen. Only, I gave up nutella for lent. It was between nutella and butter. And I decided that butter is a necessity in life. So, until then- I’ll have this bookmarked to make! I can only imagine how lovely this must taste. Oh gosh. I miss nutella!


The last new restaurent I tried was Hemingways Island Grill. Seafood, of course! Best part of today is going to a Thirty-One party!


One crepe or waffle?! Never enough! I always eat at least twice the amount of food as everyone else and they always say, “Where does all that food go?” They forget that I’m a runner, not just calorically immune!


I gotta say I LOVE your sister’s hair. Is it naturally curly? If not, HOW does she get it to do that??


I’ve actually never had crepes but those look amazing!!


I was excited for the title of this post because I thought it was a Salute Your Shorts reference. It was still awesome though. The nutella and banana looked amazing. Ya, I love when people say things like “oh I could never finish that” and then I can eat five of whatever “that” is without batting an eye. The best part about my Friday was some pool time! Have a great weekend!


I have seen Extreme Couponing, it’s nuts! I couldn’t believe all the deals that those people would find! I am always trying to find a good deal, but it’s not as easy as it looks lol you really have to do your research


Can you believe I’ve never had a crepe until this summer? They were homemade and absolutely delish.
I made the mistake of watching Extreme Couponing with the hubs and he thought it would be a great idea if I started couponing. A few Sunday papers later and I gave up. It’s a ton of work and a lot of stores have changed their coupon policies due to the popularity of the show.


That cinnamon sugar one looks awesome! We used to play the Grocery Game but fell out of the habit over the past few years. We did save a lot of money though when we really made an effort! Our Friday night was super exciting – dinner at Jason’s Deli, Home Depot run, and spent 3 hours trying to hang a decal in our master bedroom. It looks awesome but a lot harder than I expected! Have a great weekend!


I cut coupons all the time from the weekend circulars [but only for things that I actually use, not random things so I don’t overbuy] but I always forget them when I go to the store- fail haha!


YUM! Those crepes look delicious- I’m with you- I would be all over that cinnamon sugar one! :)
WOW! Your sister has some skills- 50 boxes for $25! GO her!!!!
I do use coupons, but lately I’ve been slacking on them. Need to get back to using them often.
Happy weekend!


One word: Nutella. AWESOME

Loving the posts lately. I hope with school coming you don’t start slacking on the blog!! I think I say this every time I read your blog but I’ll say it again… I’m always hungry when I leave. Time to eat a Janae sized salad with everything I can find in the fridge!!


best crepe EVER from this little place in Boston is called “The Hippie” and it is a regular crepe (maybe slightly sweetened) with: granny smith apples, cheddar cheese and honey. PLEASE TRY IT. I KNOW YOU WILL LOVE IT AND FLIP OVER THE COMBO!! It’s seriously insanee


Love bananas and nuetella crepes. Happiness :)


I love nutella, and honestly ketchup on potatoes is the best, no matter what form they are in!


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