Opening up: cutting out foods.

Happy Sunday!!

Today we are talking about cereal.  As you know I go through different food obsessions frequently and like talking all about them until I get sick of them and move onto the next.

At this point in my life, I would choose a bowl of cereal over a bowl of ice cream everyday. I know that is quite shocking but I am currently obsessed with the delicious carbs covered in cold cold milk.

What would HRG be without a self portrait of me posing with my lastest favorite food?

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Picture taken earlier this week before I went to the gym.  My stomach doesn’t like dairy before I run but loves it before I spin, pump, elliptisize etc.

As I was sitting around working on a class syllabus after school on Friday deciding what cereal suicide I was going to create when I got home from school I started looking back on my cereal relationship.

Why had it been so long since I enjoyed cereal so much?  What was the reason that I kept it out of my life until this last summer while staying at my in-laws house?  For so long it had been something that I just didn’t even think of eating or buying.

An experience came to mind that I must have pushed back to my subconcious for a long time and I finally remembered.

Freshmen year of college was probably the hardest year of my life.  Sure, I had a lot of fun but there were a lot of really LOW POINTS during that year.  My roommate hated me and spread some awful rumors about me, leaving me friendless in the dorms (luckily I still had my amazing high school friends that I hung out with a lot).

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Anyways, Freshmen year was also a time that I started a diet called Atkins.  It sounded perfect to me, a meal plan that allows me to cut out all carbs (aka happiness) from my life and still be considered healthy?

I remember one day in my first sememster of college coming back to my door room alone and getting out a bowl, spoon, milk and my special K low carb variety cereal and eating almost the entire box in one sitting.  I was crazy stressed from the engineering calculus class that I was taking, a roommate that hated me, being extremely HUNGRY because I was denying myself the right amount of calories, family situations and breaking up with my high school boyfriend of 3 years that week that I turned to the only food I had in my door room and ate the whole thing.   Yes, I am a STRESS EATER.

It obviously made me feel awful and I went straight to bed.  The next morning I vowed I would never eat cereal again.

It just became normal to me that I didn’t eat cereal for so long even though I long forgot about that day and why I avoided it.

I guess I thought that I could never trust myself around that food again because I would end up eating the whole box and feeling sick again.

Ha, in your face old brain of mine.  I am enjoying my cereal one bowl (actually two bowls) at a time, whether it is an afternoon snack, breakfast or midnight snack while watching movies with Billy.

I have vowed to now make up for all of those years without cereal in my life by enjoying a bowl or two a day.

Good thing my kitchen is stocked up with more than enough to last me a few weeks:)


Did you ever try Atkins or any other fad diet during your life?

-I tried all of them but I think that Atkins was the most extreme for me.

Did you ever have roommate problems?

-Luckily just freshmen year……I do not want to relive that year ha!

Can your stomach handle dairy before a workout?

Since we are having a tribute to cereal what are your top three FAVORITE cereals?

-Oatmeal squares, frosted flakes and mini-wheats.

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I have done Weights Watchers before. It was actually really good for me.
I love Kashi Go Lean Toasted Berry crumble with milk (It is crunchy and I HATE soggy cereal). Without milk- Lucky Charms and Frosted Flakes.


I have heard great things about Weight Watchers but I never tried it!! Good call on the without milk category too:)


My whole family did Weight Watchers when I was in high school I believe (maybe college) and it worked pretty well. It lets you have a lot of variety. I am debating joining online since I am working once I get a few paychecks because it was so easy once you got into the swing of it.


I tried Atkins for exactly 1 week. I could not stand how much prep work it took and the fact that I was eating foods that I didn’t care for. I wanted my carbs back something fierce!

My three favorite cereals ever have to be Frosted Flakes, S’mores (can’t remember who made them, but I used to eat it dry by the handful out of the box), and Trader Joe’s High Fiber cereal.


never been on a diet but I have counted calories…if that counts.

YES I had roommate problems. It was more so /w helping out and not cleaning. Some people are a disgusting mess!!!

NOPE :( no dairy before workouts :( PS: are those lucky charms in the pic??? that is MY MOST FAVOURITEST CEREAL EVER!!!!!! (and please don’t mind all my “u’s” in words alas, I am Canadian)

PS: cereal hasn’t been a “treat” for me in quite a while b/c of all the calories but maybe I will indulge tonight after my bike ride!


I haven’t necessarily done any “fad diets” but I have definitely restricted calories in the past. Dieting in general is just not a good idea.

I had roommate issues my freshman year, as well as having an all around low point in my life too. It was a hard transition for me.

Nope, my tummy can’t handle dairy before working out…or mass quantities of it any time for that matter.

I love cereal too. I love Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Reese’s Puffs. In the more “healthy” category, I enjoy any kind of granola, Wheaties, and most Fiber One cereals.


mmm I love all cereal! Mainly not healthy ones though.. love frosted flakes and lucky charms


I tried Atkins after high school and lasted about 3 days. I couldn’t handle it. i was a raging lunatic.

You know I’m a Weight Watchers fan, but it is NOT a fad diet. It’s a lifestyle change. ;)

I had roommate problems my whole 3rd year of college. there was 6 of us in one dorm apt. Our RA was called in a weekly basis.

top 3 cereals: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, and Frosted Mini Wheats. YUM!


I have roommate problems all the time… my husband doesn’t always do as I say!

I have tried just about every diet but I actually gained weight on Atkins and I have no idea how that is possible except I ate mass amounts of meat to make up for the lack of carbs!

Cocoa Pebbles is da bomb and gluten free! I heart it bunches!


The only legit diet I ever did was Weight Watchers. I did a lot of calorie counting, and cutting out certain foods to try and help my weight, but in reality the only thing that ever worked for me is running.

Never had roommate problems, but only lived on campus for 1 semester, so that’s that!

I dont typically eat dairy before a workout, so I honestly dont know if it affects me!

Kashi Heart to Heart, Oatmeal Squares, and Frosted Shredded Wheat


Kashi Go lean crunch, oatmeal squares, cinnamon toast crunch! ;)


i just tried the Paleo diet intuitively made sense to me…but after a couple weeks ive decided its not for me. its just something thats not realistic for me..i love carbs and dairy…so they arent going anywhere!


I went to boarding school my junior year in high school. I was supposed to go back for my senior year, but I had such a mean roommate that I couldn’t wait to get out of there. She struggled with serious eating disorder (I talking throwing up in bags and hiding it in her closet). I tried to befriend her, but she ended up telling the girls on our hall that I was the one with an eating disorder! She spread terrible rumors about me, made fun of my faith, rearranged the room so I couldn’t even yer my own closet… the worst part about it was that the school kept trying to mediate our relationship. She would tell them that I was impossible to live with and that she would never get along with me… the school finally gave in and separated us in March. It was too late by then… I have never been treated so terribly by another person in my entire life. It was about 12 years ago when this happened and I have never forgotten the horrible experience. I understand where you are coming from… thankful to God for healing my heart through the years. I understand what you must have been going through your freshman year. You are awesome and I love love love your blog!


My tummy cannot handle dairy before any workout, sadly.
I was never a cereal fan. hated how it went soggy or made the milk sweet. But this past year or so I have started to like it more and more. I was actually addicted to Vector last summer! And now I can’t eat it. haha. I love Multigrain Cheerios, they are my favorite!


Roommate problems are normal for freshman year!! AND I have eaten a box of cereal in almost one sitting too…..felt awful.

Now I eat it in moderation and it feels awesome :)

I love frosted wheat squares, Fiber One (I really do!), and Kashi Crunch!


cereal is, bar none, my favourite food. i have “given it up” a few times in the past, and i only became miserable, depressed and carb-deprived. yup, i’ve stress eaten cereal, too, and felt awful after…that has not happened in a really long time because i know i can always have another bowl.
that’s fun that you’re such a fan! (best way to eat it: mix 3-5 different types in one bowl!) :)


I used to cut out peanut butter completely. Never again! It’s wonderful :)


Sounds like you had a rough freshman year :( glad you got past it! And got past your vow never to eat cereal again! I love me some Cinnamon Chex (it is gluten-free, so I can have it!!)


Thank you for sharing! :)

I don’t know that I’ve ever tried a fad diet. I’ve had an eating disorder but that basically involved….not eating haha. I made no attempt to disguise it by trying special diets I guess!

Roommate problems, yes. The girl I lived with junior year – who was my best friend sophomore year??? – would lock me out to hook up with her boyfriend and like…all times of day, and when I tried to talk to her about it she was all “you’re just jealous cuz you don’t have a boyfriend!” umm no, I just need a place to sleep at night lol…

I LOVE CEREAL! I never eat only one kind at one time though. right now I’m loving 1. Kashi GoLean Crunch of the Honey Almond Flax variety; Kashi Cinnamon Harvest; and Cracklin Oat Bran (sounds gross, its actually pure sugar) .


obsessed with cracklin oat bran! People who get turned off by the name/ look of it are seriously missing out! its the BEST :)


Freshman year was a nightmare for me as well!! I also had (sometimes still have) a fear of cereal. I LOVE it so much, but I still associate with some not so great times. Every so often though I hear Cinnamon Toast Crunch calling my name..yum!


I am a total emotional eater. I have tried really really hard to eat as intuitively as possible. Since starting running this past May, my eyes were finally open to exactly what it was that I was doing to myself by eating everything in sight when I was bored or depressed. And because I am eating when I’m truly hungry and stopping when I’m not, I actually have increased the amounts of food that I am eating…weird. Oh, and maintaining a 15lbs weight loss.


I couldn’t agree more- now that I’m not counting calories and am eating when hungry, it’s funny what I actually eat. I’m definitely a substitute eater too- I eat when I’m bored/ hungry/ mad/ fill in the blank. Great post, janae!


I think I told you this before, but I am so cereal obsessed that my family knows that is going to be the dessert chosen for my b-day, they really are so sweet for humoring me………..and now these same people buy me “cereal mugs” as presents. (I like to rotate them with the seasons)

Favorite: cinnamon life
Favorite suicide: regular life, frosted mini wheats, frosted flakes.


I tried Atkins for two months because my parents were on the diet. They didn’t ask me to be on it with them but I volunteered to “support” them. I decided I was unhappy on the diet and while I did lose weight, I didn’t think it was worth it. I’m glad I stopped because of all the unhealthy revelations about the diet that came out later.

Thankfully I’ve never had an unfriendly roommate but this could also be because I can be over-accomodating. Some call it being a door mat, I call it being non-confrontational. It’s something I’m working on.
No dairy in my life with the exceptions of some cheese and ice cream. Never a lot at once though. I just can’t handle it at all.

Oatmeal Squares, Cocoa Pebbles, Cinnamon Life = LOVE :D


I found most balance with The Zone where “good carbs” are allowed. I felt energized too. I have strayed from that but still keep that 40-30-30 ratio in my head.

You have truly transformed and exude confidence, but it is so nice that you can share your experiences which readers can further relate too!


My parents did Atkins (or something like it) when I was in middle school, and I remember having to drink grapefruit juice at nearly every meal. I still hate it! I have done a few “fad” diets but they never lasted long. Hungry Natalie = cranky and no fun.

Roommate issues….let’s just say that your freshman year of college sounds like my senior year of high school – it was awful.

I can eat dairy before lifting weights, but I try not to eat it before doing any intense cardio.

Right now my fave cereals are: Cascadian Farms organic kids cinnamon crunch, Fiber One honey squares, and oatmeal (I am a dork). My favorite sugary cereals are Golden Grahams, Lucky Charms, and Raisin Bran. I love all cereal!!! :)


My fav cereal ever is… “Great Grains: Raisins, Dates and Pecans”. I literally get excited to go to sleep so I can wake up and eat it. When I was traveling abroad, I carried a box of it in my suitcase. It took up a lot of space, but was so worth it!


I have been a Weight Watcher well under my goal for years. I like to stay current with their new programs as they roll them out… liveable and healthy.

Did Atkins for about 3 days once. Who can live on 20g of carbs a day? Without fruit, veggies, grains and such? Not me – no energy. Yuk!

My favorite cereal right now is something we can only get in Canada – how is that for a change? It is called On Track – high protein and mix of flakes, buds, twigs and puffed things! Love it.

Sorry your freshman year was hard. I hate mean girls!


you look beautiful in both pictures, but the most recent one of you (where you have reignited your love for cereal) you looks so radiant, young, gorgeous and happy. i don’t know you in real life, but i’m proud of you!


WOW!! Jaci, thank you so so much for your sweet words, you made my day!


I have never tried any fad diets but I have tried the I’m-not-going-to-eat diet and the I’m-going-to-throw-up-my-food diet and they were both very bad choices.

I had serious roommate problems. I loved my roommate for a good year and a half (we roomed together sophomore year too) but then then second half of the year she went a little crazy and started reading my diary and telling everyone what it said and reporting me to the health center (I may have wrote some crazy stuff in there). I promptly got an apartment and moved out. I have not spoken to her since.

I never thought about whether I could eat dairy before a run. I always have a cup of coffee with half and half before a run but I’m not sure if that counts, it is a small amount. I have no idea if it would bother my belly.

And my three favorite cereals are: Shredded Wheat (with maple syrup, blueberries, and strawberries but I also like it plain), Honey Bunches of Oats (although this doesn’t fill me up for breakfast so I only eat it for a snack), and Frosted Mini Wheats (yes, I apparently love wheat cereal).

Glad you started eating cereal again! You’ve been missing out.


I have also done WW online. And it worked. Now I track food occasionally using MyFitPal. com.

I had some mild roommate problems my freshman year. Like they would eat all of the good food out of my care packages when I wasn’t around. Then I had a single for 2.5 years.

My stomach can only handle about 1/2 cup of dairy at a time no matter what I am about to do! And I wish it could handle more cause I love ice cream and cereal.

Fav cereal: a fresh box of cheerio’s, frosted flakes and cocoa puffs

The Kidless Kronicles


I’ve never had a roommate and never tried Atkins!!

Dairy makes me die before a workout so i actually dont have much of it at all. I drink Almond Milk with my cereal, but it’s definitely an acquired taste!

I really love all cereal but my top ones right now are PUFFINS, every Cheerios under the sun and Kashi cinnamon harvest! I would eat ceral for every meal if it had more nutritional value!!


I love cereal almost as much as I love chocolate and peanut butter! I’ve really been digging Fiber One Caramel Delight lately (it’s my healthy version of the most awesome-est cereal ever: Cinnamon Toast Crunch!), but I also love Lucky Charms and Trix and Frosted Flakes and basically all of them!


Oh yes, I’ve done the Atkins thing. I think it can be done in a healthful way, but regardless, it’s just not for me. I love my carbs too much. :) I do Weight Watchers now and it’s really helping me overcome some food issues I have/had.

I never had roommate issues in college. All three years, I lived with my best friend from high school and we had a blast! Thank god, I can’t imagine a bad roommate. :(

I LOVE cereal too. I don’t know if I can name my ultimate top three, but I do love Frosted Mini Wheats (and the strawberry ones, mmm), Cap’n Crunch with Crunchberries, Honey Bunches of Oats, Honey Nut Cheerios…ahh, I could go on and on.


I really enjoy cereal but rarely eat it for breakfast because it doesn’t keep me satisfied. There was a year in my life right after I graduated from college that I ate cereal all the time – I almost always had at least eight boxes just for me. But I realized that I have no sense of portion control when it comes to cereal and I was eating way too much of it. Now I keep only a box or two in the house (we have Raisin Bran right now) and eat it as a snack. I do love Reese’s Puffs and Oreo O’s…not even sure if they still make those though.


I’ve tried them all. I look back on those days and just remember how nothing made me happy. Even if I was losing weight, I hated the food I was eating and the restrictions.

I didn’t get along with my freshman roommate. She did some things that didn’t coincide with my values or beliefs and brought that into our room several times.

My stomach can’t handle dairy at all before a workout. You think I would learn after the first time.

My favorite cereals are grapenuts, frosted mini-wheats, cracklin oat squares, and honey bunches of oats. Unfortunately, I realized this morning that I can’t do cereal while pregnant. It gives me horrible heart burn and indigestion, that my medicines won’t help.


I have never tried a fad diet. I just try to eat clean and healthy.


So many silly diets in my past. I did the Special K diet where I ate it for 2 meals each day. Pretty sure I never lost weight because I thought I could just eat as much cereal as I wanted—it’s tasty!
No dairy for me before a workout, and actually I usually eat cereal plain or with yogurt now. Favorites: frosted shredded wheat, frosted flakes, and cinnamon chex. Yum!


I have never dieted, ughhh I hate diets… it is all about living a healthy lifestyle. I have never had the need to diet, but for people who need to I think they really should asses their habits and focus on living healthy :) no diets needed! And I have had some seriously tragic roommate problems, thank goodness it is in the past! Fave cereals (at the moment) : oatmeal squares, Cracklin Oat bran (get yourself a box, thank me later :D ), and Puffins (all kinds!) -sorry that is kind of cheating. dairy and I are not friends. BOO. but at least I have my almond milk! I am SO glad you got over your hating on carbs, cereal lovin’ for life!


oh no! I forgot Cinnamon Life – sorry for the annoying comment reply, but I would NOT be able to sleep at night without a shout out to the cinnamon life ;)


Whoa, your freshman year roommate sounds like mine! My freshman year was a disaster. I think that’s part of the reason that my closest friends are still HS friends, not college.

I used to eat cereal constantly in college. They didn’t have a great vegetarian menu, so I ended up eating cereal a ton.


oh my goodness. I LOVE MY CEREAL. I actually do a review of cereals every sunday on my blog I’ve dedicated a day to cereal.
Currently I have about 10 boxes.
I love giant bowls of cereals! I mix greek yogurt and milk and then proceed to dump half a box of cereal on top and make a smoothie/cereal bowl. It’s amazing. I’m so happy you’ve found your love for cereal!


Hey Janae! I’ve been reading your blog for a long time and i dont think
I have ever commented… But I wanted to say thank you, I run too and have been too restrictive, but you have helped and inspired me to let go. Your happiness is contagious!! Believe it or not, I have not had ice cream in probably a year… but guess what i refueled my tempo run with last night?? A phish food shake from ben & jerry’s (just like choc milk, right?) inspired by you– not fro yo i know, but close enough :)!!

Anyways, I just wanted to say thanks and sorry about the long post!

P.S. I am on a huge cereal kick right now! haha


AHHHH ABBEY!!! I am SO SO HAPPY YOU COMMENTED! You made my day and I am so so happy you enjoyed phish food and you are right, it is just like phish food:) Keep me updated on how things are going and keep fueling yourself so that you can be the awesome runner that you are:)


I LOVE CEREAL! Aghh; so great, I only eat it for snacks/dessert though because it is just not filling enough for breakfast (for me). I love: Cinnamon Life, Strawberry Shredded Wheat and Honey Nut Cheerios. I used to eat Reese’s Puffs like it was goin’ outta style, but now it makes me sick to even look at.


Oh, lordy, the diets. I’ve tried ’em all I think. Atkins, Fat Flush, South Beach.

The problem for me is the moment I say I “can’t have” something, it immediately becomes the only thing I crave. I haven’t mastered the right calorie/nutrient balance my own way (yet), but it’s inifinitely better than feeling crazed that I “can’t” have something!

I don’t think I’m an emotional or stress eater. I just like to EAT and unfortunately, I can eat a lot! Hah.


I’m not going to lie, I have a hard time understanding how anyone couldn’t like you!

I have done a few diets, but the one that was the worst was the Slim Fast diet. I had a shake for breakfast and a shake for lunch and then a regular dinner and I was always cranky and starving!

The last “diet” I did was called The Good Mood Diet and it actually is what got me interested in healthy foods and the healthy living community!


Good for you!!! I tried to cut out carbs for a little bit…but it didn’t work out so well for me….I looove carbs!
Favorite cereals: cheerios, pb capn crunch and honey nut chex


A post about cereal is my fav kind of post, I love the stuff!

Did you ever have roommate problems?
Ugh my freshman year I was tripled in a double room with 2 girls who were total opposites of me. It’s obvious they were meant to be the paired up roommates, while I just got thrown in there. We hated each other but.. whatever, life goes on!

Since we are having a tribute to cereal what are your top three FAVORITE cereals?
Honey Bunches of Oats, Quaker Oatmeal Squares, Cap’n Crunch PB Crunch


Freshman year was a low point for me too :( not for roommate issues but just adjusting and transitioning issues…. rough! I hate thinking about it! But on a different note… when I was running a lot the only thing that sat well in my stomach before runs was 2% plain yogurt! Strange for a pre run meal, it doesn’t work for most people but it did for me.


I don’t know what diet this was, but I remember a time when everytime I could control what I ate I would eat lean turkey and lettuce. Yeah, I dunno what I was thinking.

And my stomach hates dairy at all times. Fortunately, I have supplements that I can take if I want/need ice cream.


Did you ever try Atkins or any other fad diet during your life?

– I was lucky and picked the right diet when I decided to actually try losing weight. I lost 50 pounds on Weight Watchers and am coming up on 10 years having maintained that loss. More or less. I feel healthy, but could lose a couple. At this point I’m just too lazy to try.

Did you ever have roommate problems?

– I only had a roommate one year. We were total opposites; I was decidedly fat and she lived at the gym and only ate plain baked potatoes. We didn’t have huge clashes, we were just so different. What was funny is that we were one room of a 4-room/8 person suite. Names – Kelly, Kelly, Kristen, Kirsten, Kira, Emily, Elizabeth and me. Can you tell I went to an Irish Catholic university?

Can your stomach handle dairy before a workout?
– Dairy is not a favorite for me, so I don’t know – I’ve never tried.

Since we are having a tribute to cereal what are your top three FAVORITE cereals?

1.) Barbara’s Peanut Butter Chocolate Puffins
2.) Kashi Go Lean
3.) Trader Joe’s High Fiber Cereal

Wow – with those cereal choices I’m totally an adult. I don’t wanna be!


This story makes me happy (well sad….but THEN happy!). Cereal has definitely been a huge fear food for me too, because I have eaten entire boxes MANY MANY times, mostly just in a fit of emotional/boredom eating. But i LOVE cereal… so so so much. I seriously feel like every second blog post of mine is about cereal ha.

I’m SO JEALOUS of the ridiculous sugarbomb cereals you guys have in America!! Marshmallows simply do not exist in cereals here and it breaks my heart!!!!!!!

Favourite cereals (of the moment.. it changes pretty regularly):
1. When I was in the UK I fell in love with a cereal called ‘Crunchy Oatbakes’ which I *THINK* is the same as your ‘Cracklin Oatbran’?? It was the BOMB and I miss it sooo much :(
2. Froot Loops. If nothing else, I enjoy the colours.
3. Crunchy Nut Cornflakes.

…. plus anything with ‘clusters’.

There’s a website here in Australia called USAfoods that imports stuff – I just placed an order for $100 worth of cereals and chips :\ hahaha i have a problem but i CANNOT WAIT!

Oh and my stomach is like yours: it LIKES dairy before a workout.. except running!

I’ve never had a roommate… and therefore never had roommate problems. THANK GOD.


Cereal is freaking awesome! I didn’t ever go on a diet, but I went through a disordered eating period where I just didn’t really eat much of anything and I lost 20 pounds…eek, so scary! Dairy doesn’t not agree with my tum tum before exercise and it cereal doesn’t fill me up enough for breakfast so now it is usually my nighttime snack! My fav cereals are Honey Bunches of Oats, Peanut Butter Bumpers, and Cinnamon Life :)


I’m in complete disbelief that someone could dislike you!!
Atkins ruined my relationship with food for years and I thank GOD I over came it!
1. Multigrain cheerios 2. Frosted Flakes 3. POPS


Me and my boyfriend in college one night decided to make some dessert cereal. We got a big blue tubberware bowl filled it with 2 different kinds of cookies ( Keebler Rainbow M & M cookies and maybe Vienna Fingers) and then filled the bowl up with milk let the cookies get mushy and so soggy they were almost unrecognizable and sat and ate it like cereal with spoons. Probably something I should consider doing more often.


ahh girl i TOTALLY understand this! my senior year of high school slash first semester of college was HORRIBLE and that was when i linked all my disordered eating habits with this unhappy time in my life—enter food restrictions GALORE
i am so so happy for you that you have gotten out of this period of your life!!!!
<33 love you girl


I love cereal too!

I tried doing the South Beach diet. I was HATEFUL on it. I was so bitter and angry because I couldn’t eat any carbs at all.


Ahhh and I think we even put donuts in that bowl.


I cannot tolerate dairy at all anymore. I start the day with a green smoothie with soaked raw oats in it. I also love chia seeds in it but that is only a few times a week. If I do eat cereal its with rice milk but for the most part I’m learning its just empty calories and the good feeling doesn’t last long. Paired with the fact that I have 4 going on 5 children cereal is expensive and I can bake/cook for a whole lot cheaper!


I just wanted to say that I love that picture of us. And I love you. I miss, truly miss our dance parties and dinners at Costa Vida and Olive Garden. . . Mwa!


I can’t do the whole follow a diet plan. When I did “diet” it was just based off eating smaller portions/less calories and no junk food. Atkins sounds so crazy, in a bad way!!

I have to try soooo hard not to eat a whole box of cereal in one sitting. What I like to do to keep me full, because let’s be honest cereal does not keep me full for more than an hour, I have started to make cold oatmeal (pour almond/soy milk into oats and let soak in fridge, then mix in 1 serving of cereal with some more milk. It works to keep me feeling satisfied because I don’t get hungry and get my cereal fix in too!!!


So glad that you are able to love cereal once again!

I am a major cereal lover myself :)

Your freshman roommate sounds like she was absolutely horrible, sorry that you had to go through that…..


Are you on the dailymile??? I recently joined and read your blog, which I found through my friend, Courtney’s, Sweet Tooth Sweet Life.


Have you ever tried Pop Chips? They are potato chips that are “popped” instead of baked or fried. They are freakin delicious. I always buy a bag thinking I need a good little snack and then eat the entire thing. Pirates booty is also a weakness of mine.

Other than those awful eating disorder diets, self inflicted starvation, I haven’t tried any by the book diets.

So glad I remembered that I LIKE food and I dont want to wither away to skin and bones. YAY for running and good coaches! Thats YOU to all those highschool girls!


You are just the best and I LOVE that you are willing to open up about things like this on your blog. I admire you so much for that because so many girls go through this. I was anorexic for 2 years in college and ate NO carbs at all. When I did eat them I got deathly ill because my stomach had shrunk so much it couldn’t digest them. I am so so happy that I can eat them in massive amounts and not feel guilty about it anymore.

Best cereal is cinnamin life, lucky charms, and fruity pebbles. Sugar, sugar, sugar, ha ha!


Sounds just like me with cereal! I would diet crazy all week, eat only x amount of calories, and then Sunday night I would allow as much as whatever it is I wanted…which was always cereal. I would pour three to four bowls of different kinds of cereal and eat it all dry. My stomach would hurt like crazy afterwords and the next day my fingers and face would be so pudgy, I think because I restricted carbs so much during the week that my body reacted poorly. To this day, I still don’t buy alot of high sugar cereal, I find the oatmeal satisfies me much more. I do love Kashi Go Lean and usually eat it as a snack, and of course in moderation. My top faves would have to be Kashi Go Lean, Peanut Butter Puffins and Kashi Go Lean Crunch.


Wow! I can’t imagine living without cereal! But, now you must make up for all the bowls of deliciousness you’ve missed out on ;) I actually used to be terrified of eating cereal because “it had to many carbs”. But one day I told my brain to kiss my butt and haven’t stopped eating cereal every morning since.
My stomach can’t really handle anything before I workout, so I stick with a banana and some applesauce.
I’m going to a community college so I don’t have to worry about roommate problems! Thank goodness!!
&I don’t think I’ve ever done any fad diets. But, I have gone extremely low with my calories and tried to exercise to much. whoops…myyy bad. But, now I don’t and I fuel my body with the foods it needs :D

Have a great day!!


i did a variation of adkins (cut out some carbs), south beach, but mostly just calorie restriction :/ over that now!
it depends on the dairy…sometimes i’m fine w/ a work-out afterwards, but other times its horrendous on the tum. i can usually handle a little less intense work-out afterwards.
faves: reeses pb puffs, frosted flakes, smacks. lucky charms.


I totally understand where you are coming from. I would always cut out food groups because it was bad and would not allow myself to have any of it.
I started weight watchers in high school when my mom was on it and it was actually not that bad. However, I did count the points CONSTANTLY. I also ate a LOT of processed foods such as frozen meals and stuff just because they were low in points so I’m pretty sure I was restricting myself from the actual amount of calories I needed because I did workout a good amount.
Last year in college I had a problem with one of my roommates but she ended up pretty much living with her boyfriend so we didn’t see her much!
My favorite cereal is Quaker Oatmeal Squares and Kashi!


I remember going through a time when I would relate foods to a bad experience thus forbidding myself from that food. NOT anymore. I eat what I want, when I want and how much of it I want. :) Life is good!


I’m a stress eater as well, and also struggle with a “restrict and deny” approach, and then I’ll overeat on what I’m “restricting and denying!” It’s usually all the “bad foods,” but sometimes it’s just not feeling full. B/c of time I don’t usually eat cereal for breakfast- it’s usually something that I can eat when I’m driving. So, when I do end up eating cereal, it’s usually as an afternoon or evening snack. I love the Kashi cereals, Special K’s, and also the Trader Joes kinds.


You HAVE to try Special K fruit & yogurt! it is my cereal obsession (that has been going on for like…7 months? a year?) also Reese’s Puffs for cereal dessert.


I actually did the Special K “diet” when I was in high school. You know the one where you eat Special K cereal for breakfast and lunch and then you eat some type of healthy dinner. Yeah… I was basically starving all the time and eventually just ended up eating MORE to compensate for the depravation. Fast forward to grad school where I did not do a diet per say but I developed a very unhealthy relationship with food and began to restrict my intake which lead to lots of other issues over the next few years.

I had great roommates in college. But I had my first awful roommate experience in grad school (last 6 months but felt like 6 years). I will not go into detail in fear of getting in a bad mood for the rest of the night!

Fav cereals: Cinnamon cheerios, Cinnamon toast crunch or basically anything with cinnamon flavor! Oh and I also love Fiber One caramel delight. Yum.


this was such an inspiring, awesome post Janae! i never went on atkins…but i did spend 3 years without nut butter. can you imagine?!?! no wonder i was such an inveterate grump all the time!

also, can i just say that the fact that anyone has ever met you and not adored you blows my mind. those girls in college must have been a little bit insane. you’re such a beautiful person!


I adore cereal. I’d have to go with Lucky Charms, Cocoa Pebbles, and if I’m feeling healthy, Grapenuts are a good option.

Great to see you again on Friday!


I had my rough times in high school, luckily college was way better for me in the friends department… I think the fact that I played basketball helped, I had a pretty good core of friends with my teammates. My freshman roommates are still some of my best friends.

Lucky charms. Golden Grahams. Wheaties. Multi grain cheerios… I cheated with 4 :)


I’m pretty sure everybody had roommate problems in college! I think it’s to teach you to be careful about who you live with. Even some people you’re great friends with do not make the best roommates–and you don’t make the best roommate to everyone either!


Seriously…I could hang out with you everyday! Anyway…My freshman year of college my best friend from high school and I were roommates and ending up enemies at the end.
My top three cereals are : Lucky Charms, Frosted Flakes and OH’s
We go through soooooooo much cereal in our house. It is our go to snack!


The hubs used to do Atkins and it worked until it didn’t. Like every diet known to man it only works as long as you stringently follow it. As a result of his experience I hate all fad diets and don’t trust anything other than a healthy balance of fats, carbs and protiens.
Cereal = Lucky Charms, Honey Combs, and Multi-grain Cheerios.


i never tried atkins, but i was scared of carbs for awhile and tried to cut anything out of my diet that wasn’t low-cal and was super strict and miserable. Thankfully that fell through… thanks for sharing about your struggle, I’m so glad you can enjoy cereal now!!

somehow my stomach actually can handle cereal before workouts, I think it’s because toot so much regardless of what I eat :)


The only fad diet I’ve actually done to a “T” is Weight Watchers when I was like 12 years old. I was a very chubby child which probably contributes to everything I go through now.

I’ve had roommates from hell. Haha. My freshman year I roomed with my best friend from high school and we ended up hating each other. She moved out while I was at a block of my classes. Yeah. Then, the best roommate was a drug-addict with a boyfriend who drove from 45 minutes every other day to spend the night… Let’s just say they were up until about 4 AM making fun and letting the world know how “in-love” they were. It was disgusting. Worst experience of my life.

My stomach can’t handle anything before I run but I’m usually okay if I eat something before any other kind of workout, besides spicy food… Ha.

Cereal I cut out of my life a while ago… The only kind I’ve actually tried was Kashi this year so I don’t even know anymore. HOWEVER, I used to love Reeses Puffs. Actually, I pretty much did the same thing you did with those and that’s why I don’t eat cereal. hahaha, well shoot.


i love when you tell stories from your past like this! I think everyone can relate to it


Hey, are you thinking of me as you write this? :)

I’ve been “dieting” for the past 2 weeks, and it’s terrible. I didn’t really have a name for it, except for maybe “The Candida Diet”. Turns out I have ultra high candida levels (yeast) in my body, and it’s been causing some problems. I even think that it played a part in my having to get my appendix out on the 4th of July. It was causing some of my liver enzymes to be high (my liver was overworking to process all of the alcohol that was produced by the yeast!) My doctor said I needed to have a diet of lean meats, and vegetables, and after 4 weeks I can reintroduce low sugar fruits. My bloodwork also showed gluten & milk allergies (which can also be caused by the candida- leaky gut problems).

Let me just say- this diet NO FUN. So far I don’t really feel any better. If anything, more tired. I’m determined to see it through, though. My running has slowed down 30 seconds to a minute per mile, but I’m happy I’m still able to get out there.

The main things I’m trying to correct are my liver enzymes, and hopefully get rid of the brain fog I’d been having. I’m also hoping that side benefits will be weight loss & more energy overall with my running. Fruit will be my new candy in two more weeks when I can add them in again! (berries, grapefruit, pears).


Ive totally jumped on fad eating bandwagons in the past- who knew they’re called FAD diets for a reason?

My roomate in 1st year was hilarious, her nickname was “Tequila” and she didn’t make it past that year, but we were joined at the hip! Loved that girl!!!

No dairy before running, my coach forbids it :p

And my ALL TIME favorite cereal is Natures Path Crunchy Maple Sunrise, oh my goodness, it’s so sweet and mapely and deliciously crunchy!!! It’s “gluten free” and organic, but I buy it because it’s tastier than any cereal I’ve ever tried!!!


aww! ashley, katie, nicole…i love those girls in the picture. that’s the janae i first met :) i haven’t tried many diets, as you may have been able to tell from me stuffing myself into a swimsuit after freshman year.

you like all the healthy-ish cereals! i’m a big cinnamon toast crunch and berry berry kix girl. they started making the berry berry kix differently though, which is a bummer, so i’m in the market for a replacement. apple jacks? oatmeal squares?


I don’t know how I am only just coming across your blog- I LOVE it! And girl, I feel you on the cereal- there’s nothing more comforting than a bowl of milk and cereal. I did crazily follow the Atkins for all of 2 weeks but the carbs found me! I remember being a total grouch, spending ridic amounts on the shakes and eating my body weight in eggs & cheese. So glad I saw the light…ie went back to carbs. Like you, cereal is one thing I could eat a box in one sitting if calories weren’t a matter so I stick to weighed portions, and trust me when I say that I always go back for seconds…1 bowl is never enough!

I haven’t tried PB Puffins but I am DYING to after seeing it so widely featured…although I can see it being dangerously addictive ;) !


AHHHH HEY GIRL!!! Thank you so much for your comment, you made my day!! Okay, Atkins seriously is so crazy and I was super grouchy too!!! I love that you said, ‘so glad I saw the light…ie went back to carbs.’ HILARIOUS!!!


Wow, thanks for opening up about this! I’m so happy that you have a better relationship with food now. It does a body good!

My roommate freshman year was super clingy and immature. Glad I don’t live with her anymore!

I don’t have problems with dairy–thankfully, because it composes a LOT of my daily eats.

3 fave cereals = lucky charms, kashi honey sunshine, cinnamon toast crunch


I don’t think I know a single serious runner who can handle dairy before a run. But lots of people (myself included) have to learn that lesson the hard way!


Cereal is one of those foods for me. I try not to keep it around because I really cannot control myself around it. I have tried having it around all the time to try to take away the novelty but it just didn’t work. Some people can’t keep potato chips around, I can’t keep a box of Oatmeal Squares or even Raisin Bran around!


LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog!!

My hubby and I did Atkins for about 2 weeks and then after being crabby at each other for the ENTIRE 2 weeks, we went out for deep dish pizza and beer. It is still the best pizza I’ve ever had after being deprived of carbs and fun for too long!!! Thank God we have found a happy and healthy life style of moderation!


I honestly moved out of my dorm room halfway through freshman year and the only room open was a single way at the back end of the hall…besides field hockey, I had no friends, because I was isolated, and even worse, I allowed myself to stay isolated…that is also the time I started vowing off certain foods, like peanut butter, carrots, nuts, etc…I just started eating normal amounts of PB this past year, and I love it…I can’t believe I left it out for so long! Cereal (and carbs in general) rarely graced my stomach throughout this period…I thought they made me fat and bloated…I was wrong…they are delicious and they fuel me for my running, lifting, ellipticalling, spinning…life in general…


Interestingly, I tried the Special K diet (like the exact opposite of your diet!). It didn’t last very long. I loooooove cereal. I ate it for dinner last night. :)

Mostly I just came to comment and say THANK YOU for introducing me to Make It or Break It!!! I watched FOUR episodes straight last night. My husband was laughing at me, but it’s good and makes me want to be a world-class runner. Why can’t I spend my whole day with a running coach?!


Thank you for your honesty!!!! I’ve done that before to… total stress eater right here. And then I don’t trust myself with the food – and completely cut it out of my life. It’s an unhealthy relationship, but I try to remind myself after a while I can try that ‘forbidden’ food again, it’s all about portion control and not eating to fill a void :)


Cereal is like my favorite thing EVER!!! I love PB Puffins, Kashi Honey Sunshine, and Kelloggs Warm Cinnamon Oats. They’re all SO good. Although I honestly can’t trust myself around a box of puffins. I know that’s lame, but it’s kind of true.


Love this post, thank you for your honesty! I’ve cut out cereal before for the same reasons as you – ate like a whole box in one go, scared myself, got way too controlling with it after. Now I eat it like you, whenever I want.
Andwers to your Questions! …
Did you ever try Atkins or any other fad diet during your life?
Mmmm…I went through a dieting phase and I’m sure I’ve tried them all, sadly. So glad those days are gone, I feel FREE! :-D
Did you ever have roommate problems?
Oooh, man, in my first year of Uni I lived with three guys who were the messiest, grungiest, drug and drink obsessed, worst roomates (for me) ever! Ugh! Bad times, I got so slepp dprived because of their partying ways that I moved home :-( although on the up side, I met a wonderful girl who was also living in our flat, and she is still a friend to this very day! Silver lining, lol! <3
Can your stomach handle dairy before a workout?
I don't eat dairy – neither my stomach nor my skin can handle it at all. Milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, ice cream, cheese etc are all no-gos. Although I dooo definitely miss them!
Since we are having a tribute to cereal what are your top three FAVORITE cereals?
Top three cereals?! Tough question! I love Quaker Oat Crisps, Keppogs Crunchy Bran and Fibre One cereal. Ohhh and GRAPE NUTS! yummmmmmmmy<3 xyx


omg i thought I was the only one. Please tell me how you were able to kick that cereal addiction I NEED HELP. I crave it all the time , Even when I am full it just feels like I NEED TO HAVE IT to be satisfied. Whats worse is i think it makes me lethargic and sleepy and has made me get off my workout routine for aver a month now…please help


In college I had great roommates and lots of them, we had suite style dorms so you had up to 7 roommates. I love it and loved having so many roommates. After college I rented a house with a friend of mine who turned into the most evil person I have ever met on the face of the earth. Yeah it was pretty bad so I feel your pain.
Favorite Cereals: Honey nut chex (or any chex really), Cookie Crisp (pronounced Coooooookie Crisp, like in the commercials) and Basic 4.


Yuck, I’m sorry that happened to you. It’s amazing that even in college people can be immature and act like they are in middle school/high school again.


My husband has eaten a bowl of cereal almost every night since we got married. I used to get offended that he didn’t like my cooking (hahaha) but it is something he has done since he was a kid. Now , I am hooked! My faves, any type of Mini Wheats, Chocolate Cheerios, and Cracklin’ Oat Bran.


Isn’t it amazing how we suppress these events? I am really good at that. There are many things I have chosen to forget. I went on a ton of crazy diets. I also tried atkins which in my opinion is the least healthy diet ever invented. I could eat burgers filled with saturated fat and hotdogs but had to limit my fruit? How crazy is that? It made me crazy too. I would cry at the drop of a hat because I was carb-deprived.

Now I’m vegan and feel better than ever. It isn’t about restricting, it’s about compassion for all living things, including myself. It’s the most loving I’ve ever felt toward myself, my body and toward everyone else. I eat TONS of carbs but I need them, I’m a runner. I can’t believe we put ourselves through such hell at one point. It makes me very sad.

One of the most powerful things a counselor ever told me was, “Imagine yourself as a little girl. What would she think of how you’re treating yourself?” That made me cry because I would never want my innocent, childhood self to see me hurting myself and starving myself. I may have shared this little anecdote in the past but I think it’s a good reminder and it helps me to keep my behavior in check. It’s so important to not only be loving toward others but toward ourselves.

I am so happy you can enjoy cereal now. It seems so small but it signifies something larger. I am proud of you. I also enjoy cereal by the bowlful and I love every bite of it! :)


I, too did atkins back in college. Live and learn I guess…


I did Atkins in college and after college. The weight loss was great, but once I ate normal I gained all the weight I had lost back, and then some. Whatta train wreck! But I did immensely enjoy eating an egg, cheese and sausage scramble every morning and ordering bacon cheeseburgers from Burger King without the buns. Oy, now when I look back on it, it was awful!!


I also tried a low carb fad diet in college – I did the south beach. It definitely helped me keep off the freshman 15…but when I went back to eating carbs, I gained most of it back. Not sure how “healthy” that is. Glad to hear cereal is back in your life. :)


I cannot even tell, which one are you in the college photo?


Ha….the one with the white shirt:)


I tried the South Beach Diet once. It sucked. Except the microwave pizzas. YUM!
I was so lucky. I never had a roommate! My college had tiny dorms.

Favorite cereals: Puffins, Peanut Butter Puffins, and Lucky Charms!!!!!!


I could never do Atkins. I love carbs too much.. I dont think my boyfriend would allow me to ever try it considering how cranky i get :)
I just think you body needs carbs and lots of em!


Actually I am in the middle of my fad diet!!! Super yikes! i know, I have been so against the whole fad diet thing. Although I do like the whole concept of Weight Watchers, b/c they are more like a lifestyle changer. Anywho, the fad diet I am on, Medifast, is giving me such great results. 40 pounds lost since May. Just eating every 2-3 hours. I read Naturally Thin, and keep thinking that I can’t quit now but have to incorporate good eating habits in the long run. wish me luck. thanks!!!!


YES! Cereal is its own food group in my pyramid. I don’t like the wicked sweet kind of cereal, but frosted mini wheats are awesome. I actually have a weird obsession with grape nuts too. On the relatively unhealthy side, reeses coco puffs or something of the chocolate/peanut butter/milk blended together genre. As an aside though, I’m lactose intolerant so that builds a whole new problem to the food game I love so much. Cereal = love any time of the day.


Wow! I know I am commenting a day or two late, but I’ve been soooo busy with work(aka 21 First graders). This post hit me hard cause I was a sophomore in college running xc=hard. My mom decided to do Atkins. She def had weigt to lose, but somehow it affected me too. I had never drank a diet soda, cared much aboutcalories, etc. Anyways, I never did do low carb because I don’t really like anything unless it’s carbs, vegetables, fruit, or ice cream. But, after she started dieting I ate nothing but low fat,low sugar, or fat free and ran 6million miles . My eating disorder began! Still to this day as 28yrs old, I can never drink reg soda (wish I could quit drinking it all together, but I’m addicted to diet dew). I no longer buy low fat, worry or write down every calorie I ate, but I’m def not 100% I don’t think ed will ever go away, but I’m happy, enjoy eating too much to quit eating 1/2 gallon of ice cream in 2 days, and realize % may not be as fast as a runner as I was or as skinny , but who cares!! You and me are sooomuch alike. To our jobs, our eating habits, and our LOVE for Jesus, huge salads, and ice cream.


I deprived myself of carbs for a while and then did the same thing, I binged on cereal. I love it and now make sure to allow myself some everyday.


Aww you tracked back to this post in today’s blog post, I don’t think I saw this one before? It’s crazy how looking back at a situation like that can give you such clarity. I had a lot of food issues back when I was in university too – but at the time I thought it was normal to go on crazy restrictive diets and to go days on end only eating turnip and vegetables and thinking it was “healthy”.

I don’t understand how people can be so mean – you seem like the sweetest person in the world, I don’t get how this girl could spread rumors about you and make life so difficult for you. Some people just suck!


Janae! I think I am convinced we are long lost twins.

My freshman year at college my roommate hated me and spread awful rumors about me as well. She was always nice to my face but she posted them online on her blog. When someone showed me my heart broke because I had always tried to cultivate an awesome relationship :( I had no friends at that school, living in the dorms away from home was torture and I developed a super unhealthy relationship with food. I ended up withdrawing from that school, moving back home and going to community college to get enough units to transfer to a new school this fall. Just waiting on the application! That is also when I discovered running and completely changed my life for the better(:

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