My 1/2 B-day Celebration.

You would think that after a long drive and being away for two months we would go home first to unpack…..but no, we headed on over to the classic Sunday Dinner at my parents.  We drove up to my nieces and nephew dancing around the front yard waiting for us!

When I got there my sister reminded me that yesterday was my half birthday……(I think she takes 1/2 bdays more seriously than the real day).  I have never celebrated my 1/2 bday until yesterday and I think it will be a new yearly tradition.

She had a present for me that is probably my new favoritest thing ever.

A purse that is specifically made to store candy and take it with you everywhere you go.

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Doesn’t the little one look like she is planning something diabolical, like stealing my candy purse?

Expect to see this on HRG very often.  I have already filled it to the brim and if you ever are in Utah and you think that you see me but you aren’t sure, the way that you will be able to tell is whether or not the person is wearing this skittles purse.

I will not be taking this off unless my job doesn’t think it looks professional enough.

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My mom had all of my favorite foods ready for us.  Lasagna, peas, fruit and of course bread that is 4 inches tall and loaded with butter.

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And what would a welcome home/half-birthday celebration be without overdosing on ice cream?

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Last day of summer…….PUMP & ELLIPTICAL (with the sister), COSTCO and staring at my suitcase trying to figure out how many weeks it will actually take me to unpack.


When is your half birthday? Do you celebrate it?  Do you want to celebrate it?

What meal would/does your mom make specificially for YOU?


How do you get out of ‘vacation mode’ and back into your normal exercise routine and only eating ice cream one time a day?

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You guys are so adorable!
My half birthday is April 28 which is my husband’s actual birthday. So, we celebrate his real, my half in April and my real, his half in October. Works out pretty well!
My mom makes homemade french fries just for me! They are delish.
Getting out of vacation mode is so tough the first few days. Once I settle back into a pattern though, it’s not so bad. Well, until winter comes and then it’s so cold I don’t want to get out of bed. ;)


My half birthday is November 18th and while I don’t celebrate it I always acknowledge it in my head.

Getting out of vacation mode is hard for me but sometimes the change to routine gets be back on track.


My mom would make me pierogi. Or meatloaf. Or mock lasagna. Or split pea soup. Or chili.
…she’s a very good cook. ;)


So sweet!! :)

Love the skittles purse! Could you ask your sis where she bought it from?? My daughter would love a skittles purse! (fav. candy) I’d score a few mommy points with that one! :)

My mother would make me a Korean soup w/ kimchi, brown rice and mochi for dessert!

Have a happy Monday!!


Hahaha, the bed photo is classic! How fun. :)


aw i love it!!!!!!!!! happy half bday girl!!!!!! and getting outta summer mode is tough! i like to write down a game plan of hoe i am trying to “schedule” my days and then just go from there!


March 12th, but I have never celebrated it, next year I will, too fun not too :)

My Mom bakes for me, either my favorite oatmeal chocolate chip cookies or muffins!


Good luck this school year! It is always hard getting back into the swing of things…but I like routine. You will be fine and be back in your groove before you know it!


Good luck with the new students! Usually I’m totally ready to get back in my routine after vacation. It’s like my body knows it was on break! I do try and be a little more leinient with myself the first week back though. :)


I find it AMAZINGLY awesome that you celebrate a half birthday. I do every year, june 15th! but alas, my husband doesn’t so it’s just me :( LOVE THE new purse!


That picture is hilarious with the little one…she totally looks like she’s planning something.. too stinkin cute! :-) My mom always makes me homemade perogies…YUM! My sister and I have each others half birthday – isn’t that weird.. Jan 20 – her bday and mine in June I guess YES, we do celebrate our half birthdays I guess! xoxo from Trinidad


My half birthday would be in april but I dont celebrate it…although i am incredibly amused by the thought of it. p.s. love the skittles purse!

My moms not the best cook ever lol…so its usually my dad who cooks on sundays when we come home for dinner…and my favoritest dish (which is one that I’ve also learned to make over the years) is his “stuffed rice”…its layers of white rice with heavy cream, extra sharp cheddar cheese and asparagus..all baked in the oven. the fattiest dish EVER but thats why we save it for those sunday meals (whatever you eat on sunday doesnt count right?)

i just had to come out of “vacation” mode last week and it wasnt bad…Im such a creature of routine that I was excited to get back to my work and exercise schedule..I eased back into my mileage last week after taking almost 2 weeks off of running and its going well so far. Bouncing back harder then ever!

Happy monday!!


You candy bag is so cute! :) I’m a little jealous.
Now that you’re back to school (I will be soon, too!), how do you find the time/energy to work out? I’ve found that even if I’m pretty consistent during the summer, once school starts back up, I either don’t have enough time or I fall asleep on the couch due to sheer exhaustion. Help!
My mom makes me a chocolate pie :) Yum!


Yum.. whenever I see my parents (which is rare lately) my dad will cook me the most amazing chicken marsala pasta. His marsala sauce is like NO other and I have tried to recreate it but just cant!
PS. you purse is adorable and matches you perfectly!


mmmm that food looks so good!!! My half bday is Jan 29. My real bday is way more fun cause I can be warm and happy outside!!


I thiiiiink my half-birthday just passed and I definitely would be up for some gifts and some celebrations!

My mom would make grilled salmon, steamed broccoli, and sweet potatoes!

I would say ease back into it, but if not… Well, I guess your calcium will be good!


Lol about the half birthdays! When we were growing up, my mom would get us a cupcake or a fancy cookie or something on our half birthdays. Honestly I loved it, and yes, in my head, my half birthday is still a big cause for celebration!


And I thought I was the sensible one. Thanks for stentig me straight.


I blew completely past my half birthday without even noticing. Oh well (Aug 5). Sweet skittles purse, that’s awesome.

My mom doesn’t make me special meals, but she does make me special desserts!


Just what the dtcoor ordered, thankity you!


Weeeee, what a quick and easy sluoiotn.


Ok now that I am the age I am.. I don’t celebrate half bdays.. in fact I’d like to stop celebrating all together! LOL


I love that your mom made special dinner JUST for you and you got a 1/2 birthday present! Great welcome back.


every month i think “x months til my birthday!” and since my bday is in january and i dislike it so close to xmas, i tried forever to get my family to switch my bday to my half bday, therefore july. it hasn’t caught on yet. :(
welcome home and LOVE that photo of you all piled on the bed. your family will be so happy to have you close by again!


Sounds like the perfect 1/2 bday celebration! I love the picture of everyone piled onto the bed! :)


It’s awesome to see other people celebrate their half bday! I always received weird stares when I told people that it was my half birthday (it’s on June 3).

My mum always makes Salmon for me. I’ve tried to make it as good as hers but have always failed miserably.


I ADORE THE LITTLE ONE. she always looks like she’s planning something diabolical. she reminds me of stewie from family guy… only way cuter. ;)

I hope that doesn’t offend your sister. I mean that in a totally cute/funny way. aaha


I have never even thought about my half birthday, I need to get on that and start celebrating! I’m sure once you get back to work after a few days you will be out of vacation mode!


I guess my half Birthday would be March firs because my Birthday is coming up on SEPTEMBER 1st!!!! Yahooooooo!!

Hmmm my mom would probably make me PIZZA or veggie burgers :D

Getting out of vacation mode is the worst. It takes at least two weeks for reality to set in. Surround yourself with your family and take out an AGENDA. Those things scare me to death but it makes me realize that serious things are up ahead!


My half birthday is Sept. 6th and while I’ve never celebrated, I’m sure to let everyone know. When I was younger, I would countdown until my birthday from that point. I don’t do that so much anymore. Maybe we should have a party this year.

My mom has so many amazing dishes that I love, but I’m a spaghetti kind of girl. Next would be steak and potatoes.

I always gave myself a vacation from vacation for a few days after returning home. I try to do laundry, the errands like Costco runs and grocery store shopping, and then I take the second day to relax and do nothing. After that, I start back to my normal routine. I prefer a light exercise to ease my way back, like swimming, or brisk walking through the neighborhood.


I’ve never seen a purse like that before- very cute! My mom makes roast beef, mashed potatoes, and cheesy carrots for me. That’s probably my fav home-cooked meal! Never thought about celebrating my half-birthday. Might have to start. :-)


What a neat artcile. I had no inkling.


Well…my actual bday bday is next Tuesday. I cannot wait!!!


I think my half birthday is on Feb. 20th- and I honestly don’t want to celebrate it. It’s summer and there’s not a whole lot to do in Michigan, but in the winters there’s really nothinng to do except stay inside and try to keep warm! I like my summer birthday a lot better!
Getting out of vacation mode is tough! It takes me about 2 weeks to actually get back into the swing of things.
&I’m so glad the Sandwhich Guy won on Food Network Star last night!! He’s hilarious! :P


That is too cute! you have such an awesome family – LUCKY!


That is the coolest purse ever! What a great half birthday present!

Getting out vacation mode is hard! I’ve never found a good way to ease back. It’s always like jumping into an ice cold pool on a really hot day; shocking to the system.


Dude, I definitely want to celebrate my half birthday…the more birthdays the merrier, lol! :-P I don’t actually know when that is though…I’m not maths inclined ;-) Loving your bag and welcome home, that is all too cute and so heart warming! <3 My mum is lovely, she always makes a whole tray of roasted veggies just for me, whenever we have them. one tray for everyone else, one tray for me :-P My favourite thing to eat in the whole entire world (Well…favourite thing that my Mum makes anyways!) Happy Monday, happy Pump and happy Costco! <3 xyx


I LOVE that your sister had you celebrate your 1/2 bday! Fun fact…Tripp (the B/f) hates celebrating his birthday, but his birthday is actually my 1/2 bday and it is actually next week! (8/24) so he told me NOT to throw him another bday party (i didnt listen when he told me that last year, and I threw him a surprise one anyways :) ). so I told him that is fine, I will just throw myself a 1/2 bday party so that we can still have friends over and eat cake :)


Awwww your back! Welcome back!! Love, love, love that purse. You better not wear it around me because I might steal it. he he

Lets run together soon? How many miles are you up to? Seriously we must run together at least once a week okay! Enjoy your last day of Summer!!


Hahaha we celebrate half birthdays, too!!! My mom and sister made baked potato soup and salad for mine!!! :D


The picture of all of you guys in the bed is my favorite! Such a cute family!

And my roommate and I always celebrate our half birthdays! Even if we are the only ones to buy into them. My half birthday is December 12th! i love it cause the weather is so drastically different from my actual Birthday so there’s tons of different activities i can plan up for the special day :) Plus its close to Christmas time. and i LOOOOVE Christmas time!
(p.s. I also celebrate every 12th of each month but just in my head since everyone around me would probably get a little annoyed…)


I love your family! You have so much quality time together & it makes me miss my family terribly! I bet they missed you two like crazy.

I don’t even know when my half birthday is… I’d have to do the math right now… I guess it would be November 5th! Yay! Now I have something new to celebrate.

I hate unpacking more than ANYTHING in the whole wide world. Packing is easy – I just throw everything in and sit on my suitcase until it zips, but unpacking, that’s another story! Best of luck with that. :)


Welcome home! I would have definitely chosen your fun night over unpacking…because the sooner you unpack, the sooner you need to do post vacation laundry. Ick!


I ate a huge bowl if ice cream while watching food network star too :) were you happy that jeff won??


Bahaha, that purse is great. And your dad is one talented man!

I don’t usually let my mom cook for me these days because she’s not the best cook. :P


mmm I love Dreyer’s! I am all about a delish meal when I return—my mom makes fish, a huge salad, and ice cream for dessert .YUMM!


I always fear giving up the freedom that summer offers me, but I do find, and hate to admit, that the routine of the school year makes the routine of workouts and healthy eating even easier. I use Sunday as a big cooking day and lunch organization. Ohhhhhh just typing it I can get a little excited for that. haha. Here’s to hoping you find some of the same comfort.


i’ll celebrate my 1/2 birthday if it gets me a sweet bag like yours. I once made a purse out of duct tape, it was actually the same style as your new purse, but grey and duct tape…

i hate unpacking, so even if it’s clean i dump everything into the washer and then its like doing laundry, not unpacking and being sad about the end of vacation


My half birthday is October 8th and I always remembered it because it was my friend stef’s actual birthday :)

I like doing laundry right away when we get home from vacation otherwise I’ll try to live out of my suitcase for a few more weeks.


I usually do a sugar/refined flour cleanse for atleast a few days after a vacation!

Happy 1/2 bday!!!!


A very merry unbirthday to you! (I have waited all my life for that to be a semi-appropriate comment)

I think my Marleigh and you littlest neice could take over the world together!


LOVE that purse. So cute! My mom always makes me her homemade sauce and her fried chicken.


I’ve never celebrated my half birthday but this year my hubby instituted the birthday week. I’m all over that.
We’re getting back into routine this week – we start back a week from today. Since my kids love to sleep in it kickd my trash to wake up at 8:30 this morning.
I love how much you love your family and how much they love you in return. Are these your only hungry runner nieces/nephew?


I am so sad that you were in CALI for like ever and we never met :( I am going to Utah in September though!!! But to Zion :( Will you be going to the Foodbuzz Blogger Festival, SAY YES!


I love that picture of your niece! It’s actually a pretty scary face. Still super cute though. Only kids can pull off scary and cute. I can only do scary and ugly.


Love the purse!!!! I needs one with M&M’s!!! Who would have thought about 1/2 birthdays. I could definitely go for this idea. My birthday is Dec. 30th. So unfair. Right after Christmas and the day before New Year’s Eve. Ummm! I may announced to the family that we will be celebrated my birthday on June 30! Wait a minute! July 4th gets in the way. I wonder if I could go for 1/4 birthdays.


What a super cute bag! Happy 1/2 birthday girlie! lol


I turned 28.5 on my half birthday which was May 18, 2011. Only a few more months till the big 29! crazy! Looks like y’all had a fun day! Ps – I don’t really celebrate my 1/2 birthday but it was kinda fun sitting here thinking about what mine is…Yes, I’m cool like that. :)


Looks like you had a great half birthday. What an awesome family you have – that Skittles purse is the bomb. I need a candy/cherry/cookie/barbecue sauce purse. My half birthday is September 7 – maybe I’ll start a tradition of celebrating next month! My mom would make me spaghetti with a garlic/clam sauce, cookies, and halo-halo (Filipino dessert).


I’ve never celebrated my half-birthday, but I do celebrate “birthday month!” Ever since I was little, I can remember making a big deal about my birthday [to my family and close friends] and they started calling it “birthday month” becuase I would start talking about it in August! Some things still haven’t changed ;)


Too many compliments too ltitle space, thanks!


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