Yogurtland redeemed itself.

I spent yesterday afternoon shopping for Billy’s B-day presents….it is his BIRTHDAY TOMORROW!!! Please plan on celebrating by singing Happy Birthday to him with your family and friends followed by eating a cupcake or ice cream sundae in his honor.  He will greatly appreciate it.

Shopping works up an appetitie (I didn’t even buy myself one thing…that is a huge accomplishment) and I came home and dinner was all ready.  Salad, watermelon and leftover CURRY.

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I promise it wasn’t even my idea but I may have been the most excited to ride our bikes (with family friends) for fro-yo.  These are all of our bikes…..we took over.

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I went for a fro-yo suicide (just like my favoriteCEREAL SUICIDE)and it was heavenly.  Every flavor and almost every topping. I loved every bite.  While eating we had a wonderful discussion of our favorite cereals to mix together and whether we like soggy or crunchy cereal.

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Didn’t you know that you don’t have to shower or wash your hair on days that your hormonal levels are trying to eat you alive.

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The bike ride home was dark and downhill…..it was kind of creepy and my adrenaline was sky-rocketing.  I only had 12 gnats get stuck in my lip gloss.

Charlie was glad to see me when we got home and found a little fro-yo that got stuck on my ear somehow.  I am a messy eater.

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I will be dog-napping him when we have to go back to Utah. 

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1.  What are your favorite cereals to comine?  Crunchy or soggy?

-Cinnamon life and frosted mini wheats: I never claimed to be normal.  SOGGY ALL THE WAY!!!!

2.  What do you think Billy asked me to make for his Birthday DESSERT!?!?!

-Whoever guess correctly will win 15 hungryrunnergirl points redeemable for swedish fish.

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The combo of raw oats and Quaker Oatmeal Squares makes my heart smile. I like it crunchy in my yogurt or soggy in my almond milk.

Red Velvet Cake?

PS: Did you see pages 82-83 of this month’s Women’s Health?


NO!!! I haven’t gotten my issue….how come? What was it about?
Red Velvet Cake….now I am craving it big time, I might just have to make that too!


Yay for Yogurtland! It’s my b-day today…yay for July bdays :). I replied to your email the other day! Oh, and love the pics of you and the dog!




I’m eating a cereal suicide bowl right now! My current favorite is Kashi Heart to Heart, PB Puffins and Cheerios! I HATE soggy cereal, and it’s always my goal to reach the bottom of the bowl before I end up with soggy bits.

I’m guessing Billy wants snickerdoodle cookies???

Or if all else fails, go to Yogurtland!


AHHH your cereal suicide bowl sounds AMAZING!!! You guessed his second choice!! You are GOOD!


I was never a fan of cereal because of how it goes soggy, So crunchy! Recently I have started to eat cereal more and my favorite combo is Multigrain Cheerios and PB Puffins!


I must try PB PUFFINS….everyone talks about them and loves them and I have never tried them…must have now!


My birthday is tomorrow too!! Happy birthday to Billy!!

I love crunchy cereal & I don’t usually combine — I still to Honey Bunches of Oats!


BRI!!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW!!! You guys are TWINS!! What are your birthday plans?!?!


It’s my 21st and I’m currently living/interning in NYC so out to dinner & then drinks with my parents and best friends!!


I am beyond elated to discover that I share my birthday tomorrow with Billy!! Woo-hoo!!! Virtual jumping high five, Billy!! Happy Birthday!




1. What are your favorite cereals to comine? Crunchy or soggy?
Your posts make me smile every morning :-) And your face looks beautiful, per usual, you crazy girl!

Love Fro-Yo Suicide but there is also Fro-Yo/Cereal Suicide where you use 15 flavors of fro yo mixed with fruity pebbles, cocoa crispies, captain crunch and cinnamon crunch. YUMMAY

I like half soggy cereal – I like to have a little crunch so usually compensate by eating my cereal super fast. Fave cereals to combine? Honey nut cherrios with Cocoa Crispies. mmmmmmm.

-Cinnamon life and frosted mini wheats: I never claimed to be normal. SOGGY ALL THE WAY!!!!

I’m at a loss for the dessert for Billy…swedish fish pie?


Swedish fish pie…that sounds HEAVENLY to ME but I don’t know if he will go for it! I LOVE your half soggy half crunchy theory…you are BRILLIANT! I MUST try the fro-yo and cereal SUICIDE…I am drooling!


oo I love crunchy cereal. the soggy stuff makes me gag every time!


So there are no yogurtlands by my but they just opened a Menchie (or soemthing like that) little just down the street and when I saw it I instantly thought of you!
My BF was always taking pics of everything and driving me nuts but since I started blogging, I am the one taking all the pictures. FUnny how things changed.
Also we have been dating for almost 10 years (will be 10 yrs on July 15), I am hoping there is a ring in my near future


You must go to Menchie’s ASAP…you will love it!! 10 years…CONGRATULATIONS, that make me so happy and I can’t wait to hear about the future plans;)


I pretty much love any kind of cereal. I lived on it in college.

Happy birthday to Billy tomorrow!


I love mixing Kashi Go Lean Berry Crunch and cherrios :)


I am a crunchy cereal girl all the way! In fact, I’m combining Corn Pops and Honey Nut Cheerios right this moment! YUM!!! We rarely keep sugared cereals in our house but I was having a moment of weakness with the Corn Pops. :)

I’m going to bet that you were asked to make Key Lime Pie for dessert! It is a great summer treat!

**Keeping my fingers crossed for those 15 points! I sure do love me some Swedish Fish!!** ;)


Good guess with the Key Lime Pie…..I think I will have to make that too and maybe just send you swedish fish anyways:) CORN POPS are SO GOOD!


ha you are funny! You couldn’t have a fat face if you tried! Your blog always makes me SO excited to move (next week) where I will live across the street from a yogurtland. DANGEROUS I KNOW! You can come visit! :)

My guess for billy’s dessert…hmm.. Snickerdoodle cupcakes?! :)


ACROSS THE STREET FROM YOGURTLAND…..I am SO jealous!! I would literally go broke though!! Snickerdoodle cupcakes, I forgot about those and need to make those NOW!


I am going to make a food budget and a yogurtland budget…both will be equal. ;)


I don’t usually combine cereals, but I bet that my favorite “junky” cereals of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Golden Grahams would pair nicely together. ;)

I have absolutely no idea what dessert Billy has requested. But if it was me, I think I’d request carrot cake. I saw it on another blog recently, and now I have a craving. :P


ummmumum.. brownie cake? I don’t know. I just made that up. I wanted something no one else said.

and hey, at least bugs stuck to your lip gloss usually means they’re not up your nose. you may be onto something there..


Strawberry Shortcake!!


You and billy are so cute together…Happy Birthday Billy! I’ll make sure the kids sing to you tomorrow. They LOVE singing happy birthday when they play with the fake cupcakes in their playroom!

I don’t really like mixing cereals…or shall I say I never tried…maybe I would like it…what I do know is I HATE soggy cereal. I actually tip my bowl when I am eating so the cereal isn’t constantly in it.lol…yeah just as crazy.


SO happy your kids are going to sing for him:) You make me SO happy!!! I will forgive you about the hatred towards soggy cereal:)


Crunchy cereal. I love Oh’s and Lucky Charms!
Billy asked for rice pudding.


SOGGY all the way – Fruiti Pebbles & Cinnamon Life — so good!

Happy Birthday to Billy!!


cereal mixing is definitely the way to go. last night, I had a huge ass bowl of cereal for dinner and it included: honey bunches of oats, cranberry almond crunch cereal, kashi go lean honey almond clusters of goodness, crunchy raisin bran, PEANUT BUTTER (the key to all good bowls of cereal) and dried fruit. And now I want more.


OH MY GOODNESS…I NEED YOUR BOWL OF CEREAL right this second….I am DROOLING, that sounds SO amazing!!! I need to start adding PB to my cereal bowls!


Yay for birthday’s. My husbands is today and mine is next friday! Gotta love us Cancers! Did he ask you to make him your snickerdoodle cookies????




Janae I love your blog to pieces and read it every day, but you’ve got to stop putting yourself down so much! I mean this in the nicest way, but in every single post you comment about how you look weird/bad in a picture, and 99.9% of the time I NEVER would have noticed or thought whatever you said about yourself. You’re beautiful and fast and I wish you would stop being negative about yourself.


Lindsay, you are 100% right! This is something I have struggled with my whole life! Thank you for your help and reminder to be more positive about myself, I really appreciate it and will definitely be working on it!


I am currently obsessed with Quaker Oatmeal Squares mixed with Kashi Heart to Heart Toasted Oat cereal. CRUNCHY! :)


I mix honey nut chex, pb capn crunch and cheerios!!!! :D
That froyo looks incredible!


I’ve always been a soggy cereal girl- I actually will pour cereal & then wait a bit so that the milk makes it soggy before I eat it. :) I NEVER drink the milk that’s left over..it makes me gag! And…well, you can just use the leftover milk for MORE cereal ;)
Mmmmm Billy’s birthday dessert…something with ice cream? Ice cream cake??


You’re right. Whenever I feel like I’m fat, I should just come to your blog and look at all 98 pounds of you and feel better about how I’m 155 pounds. You are a gorgeous athletic girl – stop being so negative about yourself and realize that those types of comments make people like me feel like big fat ugly cows.


Jen, I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart! I did not mean to hurt anyone and being more positive about myself is something I am really working on in real life and on the blog! I hope you accept my apology!


DUH, Billy wants you to take him to Yogurtland again for his birthday!


Soggy cereal gives me the heebee geebees!!!


As a fellow 7/7 birthday haver I’m gonna go with carrot cake for what Billy wants. (because that’s what I want haha)

it’s all about the soggy cereal. Pb puffins and honey nut cheerios! Do it!


It is your bday too! Ahhh that is so exciting! Happy pre-bday! What are you going to have for dessert?


I LOVVVVVE CRUNCHY CEREAL, sorry but I hattttte soggy cereal. yuckkkk. If Billy was smart, he would ask you to take him to yogurtland for his birthday :)


No mixing of cereal allowed! I’m a hardcore cereal connoisseur ;)


Um… can we please be best friends and eat strange combinations of soggy cereal together? And then follow it with Yogurtland? And take super excited pictures of everything? Because that would make me kind of giddy.

Okay, with that awkward moment of stalking behind, I have to say I’m actually really boring with mixing cereals. The only ones I normally mix are different types of Cheerios – cinnamon and honey nut or cinnamon and chocolate are pretty delightful combos. Boring, but delightful.


WE ARE BEST FRIENDS!!! Strange combos of soggy cereal and yogurt land…you spoke to my SOUL!!! I have wanted to try the chocolate cheerios SO SO bad!!


DO IT. Right now. Go to the store, buy them, and eat them. Seriously, whatever you’re doing is not as important as getting your hands on chocolate Cheerios. They are delightful. They are my favorite late night snack in the world, and that was is saying something, because I have a serious sweet tooth.


Love Charlie! Please bring him back and we can go on dog walks together every single day.

I hate soggy cereal. Just can’t do it. But I do love to play the bottomless cereal game where I refill my cereal bowl until I can no longer breathe and have to unbutton my pants.


Honey Bunches of Oats–crunchy style! Or, there is Nature’s Path Organic Flax cereal with pumpkin seed. It sounds way too healthy to be good, but it is DELICIOUS. Seriously.

Hmmm…Billy’s birthday. I have no idea. Strawberry shortcake?


Pumpkin seeds in cereal….I MUST TRY THAT ASAP!!!


Crunchy cereal only…and I would actually prefer to eat dry cereal than with milk. I’m weird I know. :) Favorite kinds are: cheerios of all kinds (esp. strawberry, chocolate), protein special K, & Trader Joes’ Oat Bran Swirls. mmm.

For Billy’s bday…maybe chocolate molten cake with ice cream?


Now I am craving molten cake!! I LOVE dry cereal too (especially cinnamon toast crunch) and I have never tried strawberry cheerios…that sounds AMAZING!!


I love Kashi Go Lean mixed with Kashi Crunch…I much prefer to eat my cereal crunchy…my favorite way to eat cereal is with yogurt and pb.
Happy Birthday to Billy, I would guess that his favorite dessert would be Ice Cream Sundaes.


You are pretty close on your guess:) I need to try cereal with yogurt and pb….that sounds absolutely amazing!


Ice cream CAKE?! YUM!


Well, if I were Billy then I would ask for red-velvet cake with cream cheese frosting! Holy YUM! My favorite!

I’m all about crunchy cereals. I can’t think of my favorite combo.. I like all cereals!


i don’t think i have EVER eating just one cereal together….cinnamon life is the besttttt with fiberone…fiberone honey clusters, some kashi go lean, a little go lean crunch on top…and a few frosted miniwheats….its heavenly!
and im gonna say red velvet cake??!
and my bday is fridayyyyy! look at that july bdays are the besttt


FRIDAY!!! GIRL!!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I am SO SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! What are your plans?!?! I NEED to mix cinnamon life with fiber one, clusters and miniwheats….you are BRILLIANT!!!


hmm I will guess he wants you to make him Churros for his birthday.

I likes soggy cereal, not TOO soggy but I don’t want to be crunching on it really. I like cereals that are sort of sweet but not overly so. Kashi heart to heart, flakes cereals, Puffins (i love puffins). I like kashi crunch but its too crunchy to eat in a bowl, so its better for snacking (also doesn’t count that way). I don’t really like the twiggy cereals/ super high fiber ones. Bit too fiber-y.

I think everyone should be allowed to feel bad about themselves/laugh at a bad photo of themselves/etc. on their own blog. Everything is relevant anyway. Just because you are thin doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to have a bad body image day like everyone else. Can a 155lb person not then complain about feeling bad/not liking a photo of themselves because a 200lb person might be reading their blog.

But of course, feeling more positive about yourself is always a good thing. I struggle with this myself. Though I know I am not fat or ugly in the least, I can’t help but sometimes FEEL like it, or cringe at a photo of myself. It’s something I am working on too, also with the help of my wonderful hubby who is always baffled when I sigh at the mirror, examine my skin sadly, change my shirt three times (it’s too TIGHT/clingy etc.) he’s like… umm why can’t you wear something tight? It looks good on you. hahaha. Men are so straightforward aren’t they. It’s refreshing.

Have a great day Janae! Happy b-day to Billy!


Oh Laura, I abswolutely ADORE YOU!!! I LOVE snacking on Kashi crunch too and I NEED to try these puffins that you talk about! Thank you for your sweet comment, you made me feel so GREAT!!! It really is so easy to be positive about everyone else and think they look amazing but it is so hard to do the same for ourselves ya know!?!?! You have a KEEPER for a husband!!! He sounds AMAZING!!!! You deserve it!!


yes it IS easy to be postive about everyone else and get down on ourselves. Just make an effort to fight it and see what everyone else sees.
Don’t feel like you have to keep it all in – you have to be yourself, this is your place. If you want to say damn my face looks fat in this picture, well damn it you say that! But then sit your butt in front of that mirror and say I AM BEAUTIFUL TODAY! And believe it ;)
I would suggest you try eating some peanut butter puffins out of the box. I cannot be held responsible for that box being empty shortly after though. I think they make those boxes with a hole in the bottom.. just sayin’


i agree, and I have now taken over your blog in comments! ahh sorry! :)


I LOVE mixing my cereals!! And soggy is my fave!! My brother is coming to visit me from America tomorrow- and you better believe he’s bringing some good ol’ American cereals!! Life, captain crunch, chex, and wheaties are my favorites that come to mind!!


THAT IS SO COOL that your bro is coming to visit you!! Yes, you need to show him ALL of the amazing cereals this country has to offer!


Lol! Happy Birthday to Billy for tomorrow! :-D I promise to sing :-P That is very good news that Yogurt Land was open…woo hoo for fro yo suicide! I don’t really mix cereals very much, but I like them both soggy ad crunchy, no preference. I’m a cereal purist, I guess, lol! But I like the wholegrainy healthy kinds, not the sugary kiddie kinds. I’m so sorry your hormones have been making you tearful, Janae – mine do the same, they are EVIL!!! They make me burst into tears for no reason at all, as soon as that time of the month approaches. Sending you big hugs and female empathy! ;-) xyx


Girl, I adore you!! I am so happy you are going to sing!! Cereal purist…..you are hilarious!!! Good to know I am not alone in the evil hormones area!!!


aww…thank you for your lovely response, it made me smile! :-) adore you back, lol! xyx


Chocolate cake?? Or red velvet cake?

Looks fun! I LOVE crunch in my cereals, NO sogginess for me!


Cereal for me has to be crunchy! I like healthy stuff like Fibre One but I also love Cinnamon Toast Crunch in a big bad way!!


Cinnamon Toast Crunch is AMAZING. I think I need to go to the store and buy it NOW. In college I used to snack on that all day long!!!


Soggy cereal is just soooo good sometimes :) Cinnamon Life rocks hardcore, and you must try Cracklin Oat Bran cereal, it sounds gross and looks like dog treats, but is super tasty! Growing up, when I stayed over at my dads each morning I would have my “special bowl” : cinnamon toast crunch and frosted mini wheats soaked in chocolate soy milk and blobs of P.B. – yummm sugar bomb? :) I was an odd child


Your sugar bomb combo will be tried by ME tomorrow morning….that sounds absolutely amazing!! I NEED to try Cracklin Oat Bran…..where do you get it?


I’m actually not such a cereal person (I know!), but I totally blame my country for making sugary, disgusting tasting cereals. I tried almost every Kashi product when I was in the US and I loved it!
He asked for chocolate cake, shaped in the form of your butt? LOL.


BAHAHA….now that you came up with that cake idea he does want it!! KASHI IS AMAZING!!!


MMmm I love Froot Loops! They are definitely my favorite even though they aren’t good for me!! That’s exciting that tomorrow is Billy’s bday. July birthdays are the best! (Mine’s in July too!)


HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONTH GORGEOUS GIRL!!!! I forgot about froot loops…those are heavenly!


I love POPS and Berry Berry Kix. Sadly, we don’t have a yogurtland around where I love. Quite devistating :(


I think I need to send you a fedex freezer containing large amounts of yogurt land or you could come visit me:)


Can you believe it, I’ve never combined cereals! I must try this.

I bet Billy asked for your awesome looking cinnamon rolls. At least that’s what I would ask for since today is my birthday!!!


LARA!!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Can I send you some cinnamon rolls?!?! I think you should combine cereals for a special birthday treat!


Ahh, happy early birthday to the Billster!

I wish I had a fro-yo place with in bike riding distance! Just burn off all the calories consumed – perfect! ;)

CRUNCHY cereal all the way! My favorites are Special K, Rice Krispies, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and PEANUT BUTTER PUFFINS!


LAURA!!! GORGEOUS GIRL!!!! Billy says THANK YOU!!! I need to try PB Puffins…where do you buy yours?! Cinnamon Toast Crunch is one of my all time favorites too!


Wow there are a lot of July babies in this bunch! Mine is Saturday! CRAZY! If I have to settle for only ONE dessert for my birthday I will be upset… Jason better get his butt in the kitchen!

Happy almost birthday Billy and all the other July babies out there!


BAHAHA do you want me to email Jason a list of what he should make you?!?! You deserve at least 12 different types of dessert! Happy birthday gorgeous girl!


I cannot believe how many people mix their cereals. Just the thought of it grosses me out. I am a one cereal at a time kind of girl and I don’t like it soggy. Actually, I don’t really like to mix most of my foods. My mom just barely learned that about me. I don’t know how she missed it all these years.


Start small and just try mixing cheerio’s and something else that is pretty plain:) Just kidding, there are certain foods that I CANNOT MIX!!! How did your mom not know that about you!?!?


I love combining cereals. I had the best combination yesterday of rice chex, corn chex, chocolate chex, puffed rice, corn flakes, frozen raspberries, ground flax, and almond milk. Ha ha. It was every gluten free cereal we had in our cupboard and it was so good!


Oh I want those 15 points that are redeemable for swedish fish!!! First I thought rice pudding, but that didn’t seem enough for “birthday celebration” so my guess is ice cream sandwiches and or ice cream cupcakes.

PS. On an unrelated note…I don’t think you have to apologize for anything you write on this blog! It’s YOURS (and I love it)! If you say something about yourself that bothers readers, then they should be mature enough to stop reading (instead of making you feel bad about it).


Fav cereal?? Hmm I’ll have to get back to you on that one.

That curry looks AMAZING!!!!!


Generally I love sweet cereals, so my favorite to combine are kind of uncharacteristic. Rice Krispies and Special K… no clue why, but it is ammmmaaaazzzziiiinnnnngggggg!


I have a cereal ADDICTION! Usually I eat pretty healthy but when it comes to cereal, all bets are off :) Lately I’ve been chomping on Cap’n Crunch, just because I read that they trying to phase it out of production because of its high sugar content…I’m staging a personal rebellion and buying a box every time I go to the store! :)


WHY oh WHY is there not a Yogurtland near me?! It’s not fair :( But I am glad you enjoyed the amazingness that it is :)
Soggy cereal for me too! Mini wheats are great when soggy, and also cocoa crispies!


I don’t eat cereal. Weird, right? But I do like combining things like peanuts and chocolate chips and pretzels and yogurt. Crazy, I know.

I say ice cream cake all the way. HBD Billster!


I always ask for red velvet cupcakes on my birthday… Or cheesecake… or yellow cake with chocolate icing… or brownies.. or all of the above.. its a good thing birthdays only come once a year :)


Soggy cereal is just gross. Sorry but if it’s not crunchy, I can’t eat it. And yes, you need a dog! Is your sticker chart full yet?!
I’d guess that Billy wants vanilla bean cake with fruit on top. Oh wait, maybe that’s me. I’m still thinking about that stinking picture of that cake that I desire!


I need a perfect soggy-to-crunchy ratio for my cereal. There must be a layer underneath that is totally drenched and soggy, a layer in the middle that is half soggy but has the tips poking out and still crunchy, and a layer on top that is completely dry and crunchy. I am a complicated woman.

I will combine ANY and ALL cereals. My current favourite combo is these bad boys (golden syrup and coconut? umm YES PLEASE), mixed with Froot Loops. Because fruit – and Froot – is a very important part of any diet :)

I’m guessing you made something lemony for his birthday dessert? Like maybe lemon meringue pie?!? hahah or maybe I’m just projecting my own current cravings onto him :p

And man oh man… i hope i’m right and this is REALLY redeemable for Swedish Fish… because they’re not sold in Australia and I wuff them :(


I am not a soggy cereal fan! I love Cinnamon Chex and frosted mini wheats best, but I have to eat them straight away with milk or even just dry as a snack!

My guess is that you’ll make him a nice rice pudding again for his birthday!


Happy almost birthday to Billy!! Very exciting. What’s his favorite dessert?? (Besides rice pudding – haha). Make something chocolaty! I actually love the crunch and the soggy of cereal so I’m lucky because I enjoy all stages of the bowl. Mushy wins if I have to choose. :)


If you like cinnamon, you will LOVE the cinnamon PUFFINS! I mixed mine today with the PB Puffins and nearly had a heart attack. That’s how good they were!

Maybe strawberry shortcake for Billy?!?! All I know is that whatever you make will NOT include BANANAS!


So my computer is freezing and I think it ate my comment (I apologize if it appears twice but it’s worth it for those 15 points redeemable for swedish fish!!!) My guess is Billy asked for ice cream cupcakes and/or ice cream sandwiches.


Cinnamon Toast Crunch! And it has to be crunchy so I eat all the cereal first and then drink the cinnamony (totally a word, right?) milk with a straw!

My guess is that Billy went for an ice cream cake?


You absolutely need a dog!

I never eat cereal but if I did it would be soggy Golden Grahams.

I guess Billy wants good ol fashion birthday cake.


Ahh I am so jealous, I don’t think the UK has really caught on to the wonders of fro-yo, there are certainly no places that sell it near me!
I’ve been an avid reader for the past couple of months and I love the way you write, you’re so funny! (sorry that sounds a bit creepy :-p)
Definitely soggy all the way, my whole family think the way I eat my cereal as a mush is gross!


cereal should be just in the middle of soggy and crunchy. Get it ready, jump in the shower for 5 minutes (or multitask with something else) and then it will be perfect and ready to eat :)


Just wanted to share, I recently learned of a NEW Yogurtland that opened near my work! I didn’t know of any near me, and assumed it was just a West Coast thing! I considered its opening to be an early birthday present to myself. I went twice in one week (last week). I will be back soon enough as I have so many more flavors to try!

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