Triple Tangent Tuesday!!!

It is TUESDAY and I know that you look forward to getting through your weekend and Monday as quickly as possible so that you can read about a little bit more randomness in the life of Janae.  Previous Tangent Tuesday’s HERE, HERE, HERE or HERE.

1.  I couldn’t resist this picture because I already miss her way too much.  Is it weird that one of my very best friends in the whole world is five years old?

IMG 7514


2.  My sister and I are freckle twins and it is one of my favorite things.


Sometimes we put our freckle boxes together and hold our arms in the air and yell, “Freckle Power Unite” and awesome things happen.

Can you guess which arm is mine?


3.  Remember how I used to hate to shower and never had enough time for adequate hygeine.  I am a changed woman.  My MIL has a habit of always showering at night (even though she does in the morning too) because she says it is the best feeling to wash the day off and go to bed clean.  I now copy her and take a bath EVERY. NIGHT.  I look forward to it so much. I also shower every day after the gym. I know…who am I.  My how things have changed.  Next step, washing my hair more often.

Photo on 7 19 11 at 3 23 PM

I did get into the bath tub fully clothed and took this picture with my computer.  The things I do:)


Don’t forget to check out my training post……I somehow managed to compare running to fro-yo.

GUEST POST on the amazingly/beautiful/awesomest LAURA’S BLOG



Do you like taking baths?  How often do you take a bath?

Do you have freckles?  Any freckle patterns?  Birth marks?

Does your significant other like sweets or candy?

-He could definitely live without them (I know…crazy) but he does enjoy them when he has them.  I think he would rather munch on a sleeve of saltines or a bag of peanuts.

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I think your arm is the one on the right, because it looks like the person was sticking it into the frame more “enthusiastically” (if it’s possible for an elbow to be enthusiastic… ;) ). Am I right?!

I’m not a bath person. My mom lovvveess them. I do not. I get too hot at first, and then the water gets cold too quickly. Nope. Showers all the way.

My husband likes sweets, but doesn’t have to have them (like you said). I, on the other hand, must have something sweet after EVERY meal!


Oh I agree, arm on the right is yours!!




Hey baby girl, just want you to know we miss you!!!! Love, Mom and Dad




If I didn’t have to get my hair wet, I would totally shower all the time. But the process of drying my hair/making it look good is soooo looong, that I never want to wash it! It’s pretty gross.

My boyfriend loves candy, maybe more than I do…which is SHOCKING.


MORE THAN YOU DO!?!!?!?! WOW!!! I agree about the getting your hair wet part. I have mastered keeping my head out of the water and rinsing off a sweaty workout at the same time:)


I like baths too! They are SO relaxing!

My husband does not love sweets or candy, so my sweet tooth has diminished significantly! Hah :)

Love the bathtub pic!!


I love your freckle twin thing!!! I don’t have a sister, and I am way jealous that you have a freckle twin – I want one! Freckles? Yes. Lots. All over. I am a red head. I even have white freckles.

I hate taking baths. I don’t see the point of soaking yourself in dirty water haha. But I am an afternoon/evening showerer. I don’t like having to blow dry my hair (takes FOREVER), so I let air dry and go curly or straighten it the next morning. Genius time saver. But I usually work out after work, so no sweat head to deal with in the AM. Right now with school out, I workout first thing, but who cares if I have sweaty hair all day? It’s summer!! ;)


My bf loves candy just asmuch as I do. A trip to Sugar Mountain costs us $15 and its gone the sameday..shameful, but true!


15 bucks……girl we are a lot alike. Sugar Mountain>savings account.


I have 4 freckles on my chest that could be connected to make a cross.. kinda cool!




I LOVE taking baths. I don’t have a bathtub here in London, but I move home in three weeks and can’t wait to be able to take them again!

I have lots of freckles — I’m a redhead. :)

And no significant other for me, but my dog likes sweets! :P


I love your matching freckles, that’s so special. I love sisters!!

I always take showers at night because I don’t have time in the morning and find it relaxing in the evening!




Haha, for some reason your freckle thing reminded me that they just announced a new Captain Planet movie. [Please tell me I’m not the only one lame made the connection!]


My SO just likes…food. Lots of it. Way, way too much in fact. One day I’ll wake up and he’ll be 400lbs.


Yay for baths! I’m a fan. My husband can take or leave sweets, and I’m so jealous. I only take :)


I shower at night to “wash the day off” too, I hate getting into bed dirty. Which is odd, since I clearly do not have a problem going to school after my morning gym sesh without showering, oops…sorry fellow classmates !


BAHAHA I do the same thing to my poor students….no time for showers in the morning:)


Yours is the arm on the right with the blue-ish circle around the freckle square. Right? I must know if I am right. I gave this long consideration.

Ummmm …. the last time I took a bath I was birthing a baby, and the one before that was probably 10 years before. Maybe I should have stuck with a simple “no” on that one, but hey … water birth is my tangent for the day.


GIRL…you are RIGHT:) You make me laugh so hard. Okay, that is the COOLEST thing ever that you gave water birth….WOW!!! You are absolutely amazing!


My cousin and I have matching hand freckles…we feel pretty darn cool!


All nine kids in the family have a freckle – well, it’s really a small mole – on their left cheek! I mean, booty cheek! Except me. So I guess I was adopted.


BAHAHA!! What happened to you not getting a freckle…that is just not fair!


I have freckles everywhere and a couple birth marks. :]
Matt likes candy almost as much as I do, but he doesnt like swedish fish :[ Hes more into chocolate candy while I go for fruity kind. We can both appreciate some sour patch watermelons though!


okay, that is really crazy about ur sis and u having matching freckle marks!!

now as for baths, not gonna lie, as a seinfeld fan i think they’ve summed it up the best: ‘u’re sitting in a pool of ur own filth.’ sorry, gross mental picture there, i’m a shower gal! :P

PS-if u happen to wanna take a peek i just posted part II of my little yogurtopia story that u were in…i hope u like ur toon self, i only hope it does u justice ;)


UM… that post from your Mom made my day. SO SWEET! I miss my Mommy… Mr. Husband got a job 1,300 miles away from our families… which includes MY best friend (my 3 year old nephew). Weird? No.

I love baths with bubbles.


1300 miles away….NO!!! Good to know that I am not alone in the whole best friend is twenty years younger thing:)


My significant other has a birthmark on his side that literally resembles a heart with an arrow through it… love <3 haha AND he does like sweets – just not AS much as I do. Reeses are his thing, but anything chocolate-y and PB-y will do :) And ice cream cake… so basically a Reeses Ice Cream Cake is his favorite thing in the whole world. Hopefully right after me *duh*


ICE CREAM CAKE IS MY FAVORITE!!! I love that he has a birthmark that looks like a heart and arrow through it!!


Just so you know, I’ve now informed him that he and his birthmark are famous since he’s gotten your reply :) *iamsuchadork*


My sisters and I are freckle twins we have patterns on are arms and toes!! I love baths :)


Craig loves candy, he does not eat it often but every once in a while I catch him buying a bag of Skittles or sneaking in some M&Ms. I think it is the cutest thing in the world, sometimes at night he will make Strawberry Milkshakes using my healthy Almond Milk and Ice Cream (only because he always forgets to buy regular milk at the store lol.)
I am a total bath lover. I don’t sleep well if I don’t have my nightly bath, I know crazy. Every night before I go to bed I make a huge protein shake and eat it in a nice warm bath…I am a goof.


It really does help me sleep too!! ALMOND MILK AND ICE CREAM….that is awesome:)


What are you reading in the tub?? Do you normally read in the tub??
Any book recommendations?


YES!!! I LOVE reading in the tub. It is very tricky not getting your hands wet though:) I am reading ‘The Help’ and it is absolutely amazing!


You’re arm is on the left?

I’m loving Billy’s jorts. He’s rocking them. :)

I shower at night for real and then rinse off in the morning just to wake myself up.


Ahhh love the freckles… i have some on my leg that look like the handle of the big dipper. i sometimes draw in the square shape next to it and connect the dots… but your arm next to my leg would be the real thing!! hahaha


That is HILARIOUS!! Connect the dots….I must try this:)


freckle power unite! hahaha hilariousss!!!
actually me and my two cousins al have freckle “beauty marks” on the left side of our faces right next to our noses…weirdd?
and my BF is OBSESSED with watermelon sourpatch kids. gone in like 2 seconds.


I just want to say that your blog makes me SOO happy. And I am not a cheery person, but every single day I feel so much better after reading your posts :D Thank you!!!!!!!


HANNAH!!! Your comment made my day!! THANK YOU….you made my day so much better because of your comment!


WHAT those twin freckles are AMAZING! I am guessing that your arm is the one on the right?? Um Jordan does not even care about dessert and it breaks my heart. :( THANK YOU again for guest posting for me today! You are the very greatest! :)


I love baths in the winter to warm up since I am almost always cold! But not so much in the summer.
I have freckles that pop out in the summer, my favorite freckle is one on my nose and my brother had the exact same one too!
Heck yes my hubby loves sweets, he gets angry if I pack his lunch without a “treat”. haha


Do you like taking baths? How often do you take a bath?
Yes, but I have to limit them while pregnant. This is going to sound OCD and weird, but if I take a bath I need to shower first “to wash the day off” and then I can relax and soak in the bath for about 10 minutes.

Do you have freckles? Any freckle patterns? Birth marks?
Yes, I have a couple of freckle patterns on my arms. No birth marks.

Does your significant other like sweets or candy?
Both. Just tonight we tried McD’s Rolo McFlurry and it was the best treat I have had in a long time.


All three of my kids have a single freckle on each ear, just like their dad. It’s the only way we know he’s the father since they look nothing like him otherwise.
I unfortunately have way too many freckles, moles, and other random spots. I have to go the the dermatologist every 6 months to get something removed.
My husband loves ice cream.
Baths – only in the winter.


Janae…I’ve been really enjoying your blog for some time now! It’s great! I’m glad I found it!!!!!!!!!!!! Your pictures always make me smile and I’m jealous of your tan…I make Nicole Kidman look tan…so that’s sayin something!

My husband is obsessed with candy…I make homemade candy to give away as gifts and I have to double the batches all the time because he “helps” me pack them up! :) You two would be fast friends!


HI JENNIE!!! I am so so happy that you commented, you made my day!!! Homemade candy?!?! I can send you my address around Christmas time:)


Hahahaha. Soooooo many of your posts leave me cracking up. And I think it’s awesome that one of your best friends is a five-year-old! Your passion for your family is amazing. :-)


I think your arm is the one on the right. : )
I don’t take baths very often. I’m like your MIL where I like to wash the day away and I shower at night.
I don’t have many freckles, but I do have some. I also have some birth marks. I have one on the inside of my right knee. When I was a little girl I thought it was dirt and couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t get it to come off! lol
Paul likes sweets and candy, but he’d rather eat a bag of pretzels. I’m the one in the marriage that has the bigger sweet tooth. :D


Love these tangents!

I have twin freckles on the back of my neck with my mom – weird thing is, I didn’t have them until I was an adult and now I do! This may mean I’m slowly turning into my mother but she’s the bomb so I’m not mad about it!


Oh my, freckle patterns?! I have TONS! My arms look a lot like you and your sis’s, actually! Sadly I went to the dermatologist last week and he had to remove one of my bigger freckles on my thigh for a biopsy. I’d had it since i was, like, 6 years old!!!! I actually miss it (I know, I am SO weird! But it was a part of me for so long!).


My Tuesdays are usually incredibly boring, but here it goes:

I went to the gym around 2 pm today. I just wanted to zip in, do my workout, and zip out. The gym is so small it is usually just one or two people, and I have no issues with people bugging me on machines–but not today.

Now, I am a nice person. I am very friendly. But when I am on the treadmill, I am in the zone. I look angry, and sweaty, and am just trying to “feel the burn” so to speak. I put on my ipod, crank up the “Mumford & Sons” and I am set.

Welllll….there is this guy that has joined my gym. He is probably around 30. Not an attractive guy, and I am wondering now if maybe he is homeless because for the past two weeks, he has been in the gym almost the entire day. It doesn’t matter when I go, morning, noon, or evening he is THERE! He is always hogging the Stationary Bicycle and he will not move. This strangely irritates me, but today he took it up a notch.

After homeless-man’s semi-sweaty bike routine, usually he just goes over to the entrance and sits in a chair for 45 minutes to an hour, but today, while I am twenty minutes into the treadmill he plops himself Indian style behind me. I know this sounds crazy on my part, but he was so close he could literally have scraped his knees on the the treadmill belt he was so close. He was so close he could reach out and touch me. Thankfully, he didn’t. It really CREEPED me out! Of course, I am too non-confrontational to talk to him about it, but if it continues I am going to have to do something.

There is my tangent! Is it befitting of Tangent Tuesday?


your arm is definitly the one on the right.
i retake pictures for the sake of blogging all the time.
my mom also takes a bath before she goes to bed.
i however do not.


Billy LOVES chocolate. Chocolate ice cream. Chocolate and anything peanut butter, etc. But he has serious control with desserts and only eats them every now and then. I pretty much eat some sort of dessert everyday. :)


I don’t have any cool freckles but one of my brothers has one in the shape of a chilli pepper and another has one in the shape of a whale!! I’m not lying they’re crazy looking!!!! Yay for freckles!!


I’m not a bath person at all. Don’t think I have been since age 11. I have a lot of freckles on my arms too. Your Disneyland pictures make me miss that place. My significant other doesn’t even have 1/2 the sweet tooth I do, but he does love milk shakes once in awhile. I on the other hand have to have sweets after every meal.


I have a freckle on my palm and I always feel deeply connected to people who also have palm freckles.


I have a freckle in my left eye!!! I tell basically everyone I meet because I think it is the coolest thing ever :))))


Hey there!
Lurking around blogs again to avoid working (e.g. finishing my final paper) and waiting for running-time and Body Pump afterwards! Yeah! Getting work done before won’t happen anymore… ;)

I have quite a lot freckles everywhere… Including on my butt. It looks like a Cindy-Crawford-beauty-spot. Just happened to not to be on my face. Haha! My sister has quite a lot and had some removed because they got darker…

I take bath more often in wintertime. Cold, snowy german winters…

My boyfriend likes sweets and candies, too. But he is a different eater than me when it comes to sweet stuff. Every once in a while (week?) he would just eat a whole package flat of whatever is handy (candy bar, cookies, cake, gummybears). I tent to eat a little bit every once in a while. Unfortunately I am a bis snacker when it comes to sitting at the desk finishing up work. Oh well…
Hugs from Hamburg!


I love baths! I never get to take advantage of our bathtub though because 5 adults sharing 1 bathroom equals someone always knocking on the door. In my fantasy land though I get to sit in the bath and drink a cup of tea and chill out to music for a little while.
My little sister has more freckles than I do. When we were little she would call them her ‘fairy kisses’ – so cute :)
My significant other definitely has a sweet tooth. He loves torturing me by showing me bags of pretzel m&ms over Skype because we can’t get them here yet!
Just wait until I get to LA Ben…


My mom and I both have a freckle on the bottom of your second toe! A bit strange?!?

Jason “doesn’t like” sweets that much. Yet he usually consumes 2/3 of the dessert if order one to share when we go out. I think he believes sweets are too girly!


That’s so cool and fun that your sister and you have the same freckles :D My hubby could have a piece of fruit and call it dessert. On the otherhand I must have dessert in true dessert form. A pint of ice cream would last me 10 mins and would last him a week!


My sister is my freckle twin too!!! We both have one the same size and shape on our left arms, not gonna lie..totally might try the “freckle power unite!” haha


I am african amiarcen with a honey almond complexion. I have adult acne, which leaves me dark spots?My adult acne leaves me with dark black spots on my face. Are there any homemade concotions that will actually work to get rid of these ugly black spots on my face. I have heard about lemon juice. I have been using Ambi for discoloration since i was about 15, but i hear the hydroquine is not good for prolonged use.


I’m SO glad you asked about freckles because I have Orion’s belt on my arm. Okay, it’s actually just 3 freckles in a line but it sounds so much cooler when you compare it to a constellation.


I say the arm on the right is you. You both look super tan, but your sister might be slightly tanner.

Baths? They’re ok, but I like them really hot so I have to keep adding more hot water. Maybe once a month or once every 3 weeks? They make my fingers pruny.

Freckles, yes. patterns, no.

Hubs likes Candy. He can do a number on peanut butter cups or peppermint patties. We both like Swedish Fish/gummy bears/Sour Patch kids. I’m like you – I’d polish off that box of Mike & Ikes in no time.


I try and take a bath each and every night. I have two birthmarks on that look like freckles near my nose. I’ve had them forever. They used to be more prominent when I was younger and my skin was smooth and age spot free. Now I’m old and they kind of blend in more, ha. I have started getting more freckles as I age in weird spots like on my toe.
My significant other could take or leave the sweets; I think it’s a man thing. He likes “chip and dip” which is tortilla chips and salsa.


My Tuesday…filled with 66 screaming little girls at elementary cheer camp. LOTS of fun and LOTS of Justin Beiber!

I do like to take baths, but we don’t have a bath tub…how sad is that? We have a really nice, large walk-in shower, but sometimes I would love a bath!

I definitely have lots of freckles and a couple birthmarks!

Daniel can completely do without sweets about 99% of the time – I just don’t understand it. However, when he is craving something sweet, it’s going to be BIG and very sweet!


My boyfriend ALWAYS has a candy stash somewhere – if not multiple places. I can’t complain :)


Running is a high like no other. I laughed out loud when I read your tag line. Competition is good and when you run, you only compete with yourself. How cool that you have an example of how YOU determine YOUR attitude and that at any point in time YOU can CHANGE it at will. Now that’s power!

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