Shopping, Quesidillas and Billy’s Present.

I can officially be a part of the blog world now.  I caved and used my July teaching paycheck (to its entirety) to get something at Lululemon. I will show you later if you are good.

A Ferris Wheel?!?!   Oh yeah, well our mall in Utah has a pretzel maker and a Claire’s…take that California.

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We got home and Billy’s ‘big’ b-day present FINALLY CAME!!! (I ordered the wrong one and had to send it back and wait for it to come again).  Charlie feels the need to help him open it.

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The GARMIN 610. Why do I buy him things that I am going to covet?  Best part of marriage…what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is MINE.  JK I will stick to my 305 because this one is high tech and has a touch screen that my sweaty wrists would probably end up breaking and getting shocked.   (It is on the gear page under accessories in case you want to know more).

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I am about to be kicked back out of the blog world cool kids.  Lulu gave me a luna bar and I took one bite and it made me gag, make a really sad face and turned my bangs extra greasy.

I am sorry, please forgive me and give me an apple with peanut butter for a snack instead.  If it makes things any better, Billy really liked his.  Maybe his taste buds are normal and haven’t had to suffer through 7 lbs. of swedish fish a month….okay, week.

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Dinner was a winner.  We ate while watching chopped because who could actually watch a food network show without eating at the same time.  It is impossible.  Same thing goes with Biggest Loser, all that working out and eating lettuce makes me hungry.

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Obviously a completely different dinner than last night. A quesidilla.  Isn’t it funny how you can use the exact same ingredients to make 5 different mexican dishes.  Pre-dinner snack was edamame and green beans and no, they were not covered in cinnamon-sugar.

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PS if you think that is all the salsa I used, you are probably a new reader.  I just didn’t want you to be scared with my normal 2 cups of goodness on my plate for the picture.

PPS…..Check out my GUEST POST on the amazing Chelsey’s BLOG!


What do you use to track your mileage?  Map My Run, Garmin, Nike +, an app?  Do tell!! Do you like it?

-I LOVE my garmin 305….even though it is ginormous, it makes it easier for me to see.  Billy will do a review of the 610 after he uses it!! He is stoked!

Luna bar fan?  What is your favorite flavor?

-Maybe I just tried the wrong kind…enlighten me on what one’s are good.

What’s your favorite thing at Lululemon?  Is there anything you are wanting?  Do they have one near you?

-I don’t think there are any in Utah….correct me if I’m wrong:)

What kind of things do you get your significant others for presents?

-As long as it is electronic, he is a happy camper.

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I love Lululemon and half live in the wunderunder crops. Luna bars are ok, I like the Chocolate Peppermint one but I find the only good ones are either the PB or Chocolate flavors. Boo on the fruit ones.


I have tried to like bars, but I’m with you give me the real food! Luna, specifically, made my tummy hurt…..I’ve never had another because we are still in a fight for that.

My hubs likes to pick out his own presents, so the best I can do is open and serve him a beer while wearing something skimpy. hahahha


Sweet present for Billster! What a good wifey you are. And uh oh…Lululemon is addicting BE CAREFUL!! Haha :) And do you say quesadilla like you spell it?? “quesidilla”? Because if you do that makes me laugh. I had quesadillas for lunch yesterday!! Twinsies. You are funny and I don’t really like those bars either so you aren’t alone!


Best wife ever! Billy is so lucky!

I’m really bad about keeping track of my distance. I usually just run by time and make a guesstimate about distance and I occasionally used Occasionally.

Also, I covet so much from Lululemon. Unfortunately, it’s waaay to expensive for my poor student budget. I exclaimed really loudly how excited I was that they’re building one close to my parents’ house so maybe my mom will use that as a Christmas gift hint…


I really hate certain LUNA bar flavours too but I love the iced raisin cookie, smores and almond and cranberry flavour. I havent tried all of them though… I defs want a lululemon headband at least! I love their store :)


I have a Garmin 305 too. And you’re right, it’s huge! I have to wear a wrist sweatband under it to keep it from spinning around on my wrist.
I think I’ve only had one Luna bar and I didn’t like it either. I was probably too afraid to try any others.
I don’t have a Lulu near me and I’ve never been to a store. Everyone seems to love their stuff though.
I get Paul tools for gifts. He just loves them. lol In fact, I got him new running shorts and a shirt for his birthday in April and he STILL hasn’t worn them! Next time he’ll get another saw or something. ;)


I use my Garmin 110 to track my runs. It’s just high tech enough for me. If it had more features I’d prob pay more attention to it than my run :D I’ve never tried a Luna bar or been to a lululemon. I prefer Lucy Athletic gear. They’re tops are adorable and I love their crop pants. My hubby is pretty easy to shop for. His birthday is Halloween and his favorite thing to eat is anything pumpkin. Makes for easy birthday treats :)


Those bars are nasty :( The only ones I like are the Raw bars because they are only nuts and seeds. I don’t like all that gooey stuff.

Lululemon is the bomb! I have a few things I’ve collected over the years and love every one of them. Tip…don’t put them in the dryer. Hang them to dry. The tag may so you can dry them but I think they do better hung up. But I’m kind of psycho about my laundry….enjoy!!!!!


I’ve never TRIED a Luna bar! we’re so behind.

And I live my little engine-that-could that is my 305. ;)

so jeal of your lulu bag. gimme that!


RDKRBi ybkofdfntphf, [url=]edswnkmmhnap[/url], [link=]elblnvntruvr[/link],


I use a Nike Sports band that my husband bought me. It’s good enough for now, but I’m hoping for Garmin for my birthday or Christmas. :)

My husband loves sports, especially golfing and Ohio State football. So gifts often involve one of those things. :)


Lemon Zest is the best and only luna bar I like, especially if it is melty from sitting in a hot car. I don’t eat protein bars much though, I would rather have a candy bar because they are about the same amount of calories. Reese’s cups have protein, right?


I use the Nike + app on my’s great because it tracks exactly where I run, gives me stats every mile, and shows me a detailed map afterwards of my speeds. It’s awesome, plus its FREE (and currently the word “FREE” speaks my love language).

I’m with you on Luna bars..EXCEPT..the peppermint chocolate one is actually really good! Try it!


I think I haven’t tried Luna bar… And they don’t have them in Germany. But obviously no bummer… haha. I remember liking Clif bars. I think I might order some online. It is not easy to get such stuff (Clif bars, Gu chomps, Frozen yogurt…) in Germany. Booo for that!
I have a Garmin FR 405cx and! I’m totally out of money since I bought it (more expensive than in the states, Germany rocks!) but it was definitivly worth it!! Plus: Running is more fun and I’m finally planing on my first half marathon in August (not very impressing for a crazy runner like you, I know…) and definitivly wanna run a marathon some time (next year?).
Nope, no Lululemon either! But they had a giant store in SB, love it!
I always tend to buy presents for the bf I can benfit from, too! We girls are totally clever!


I have a garmin 305 too and love it! ( I stole it from my dad…woops) I went to lululemon yesterday and tried on just about every style of every article of clothing in the store, but unfortunately didn’t buy anything becuase the prices are crazy! I have the luon running capris and love those, as well as the power Y tank tops. My next purchase will definitely be the running split shorts- perfect for the summer heat! Also- love the slip-less headbands, they are the best


Yessss!!! Welcome to the Lululemon addiction. I used to live down the road from that mall (I recently moved to SLC :) ) you should try going to their Saturday morning yoga class! It’s a lot of fun AND free.


Oh man, I totally agree. I want to like Luna Bars, but just can’t do it!


I love my Garmin, I don’t know how I ever lived without it! But I have the older bulkier one that is the size of my head ;)
Never tried a Luna Bar! Not sure I will now!
I love Lulu’s running tight and shorts, they fit soo good :) We have one about an hour away so not bad at all!
I usually buy the hubby clothes, video games or experience type presents. I like the last one the best since it usually means something for me too ;) Greedy wife!


what an awesome gift!!! ive been dying to get a garmin, but havent been able to take away from my clothes and shoes obsession long enough. I currently use map my run to track my mileage :) im hoping i can convince kevin to buy me one for my birthday this year haha

i used to eat luna bars alot, but they really do taste pretty processed. I havent eaten one in a while, they are ok when you are in a jiffy or on the run. Larabars are a bit better tasting in my book!

embarassed to say i dont know what lululemon is…time to google!

me and kevin are essentially the same in that we are big kids. and we like to joke around that we are a hipster couple. past gifts for him have included woolrich converses, wayfarer raybans and a nintendo DS ;) on the other spectrum..hes bought me a hello kitty toaster, wayfarer raybans and gift cards to road runner sports…ahh he knows the key to my heart. <3


What a sweet, thoughtful birthday present 4 Billy! :)

I have the Garmin 110. I love it and never leave home without it (on runs :) ) !! I love seeing my progress and analyzing good runs vs not-so-good runs! Its such an awesome training tool!

I’ve never bought anything @ Lululemon. I stick 2 my tempos and running tanks from random stores.

For my hubby…he likes watches and gifts from the heart. He’s really easy. If I buy him a “lowrider magazine” he’s happy. He always receives lots of candy from the kids for his birthday, holidays!

Luv ya sweetie and have an awesome Thursday!! :) xo


I really don’t like bars…I would rather eat “real food”!


Luna bars taste like tar. Don’t bother. Cliff bars and powerbar harvest bars are better


I still have yet to purchase anything at Luluemon :( I cant afford it!

But I love the macadamia nut luna bars!


I actually use an app on my Droid called “RunKeeper” which tracks my time and mileage using my phone’s built in GPS. It’s pretty neat! It also maps out where I’ve run, and every 0.5 miles, it reads out my mileage, time, and average pace (although it scares me to death every time it starts talking).

Luna bars are okay… I liked the mint chocolate chip kind that I tried.

I try to get my boyfriend presents that are thoughtful but can also entertain me haha. For instance, I bought him tickets to a music festival that he had wanted to go to for his birthday, and of course invited myself to go along, and it was a ton of fun!


I have a serious Lulu addiction. I’m pretty much a walking billboard for that store, and soon I’m gonna have to sell off my left kidney in order to support my habit. Ahh well, you can live with one, right? ;)


Nice job with your purchase from lululemon =) Also, awesome gift for Billy. I am almost gonna have to buy one for my hubs as well. He keeps using mine and it is messing up all my data!



Weeeeeeee I can’t wait to see what you got at Lululemon! I’m sure it is amazing! I am not crazy about Luna Bars – Larabars all the way! Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Flavor stuck in the microwave for 12 seconds! My mom gave me the Garmin 305 for Christmas and it changed my running life! It is amazing!


I love Billy’s present!! How awesome!!!

I use my Garmin 205 to track my outdoor runs. I writer everything in a notebook as well as on the Runners World log online. I love it.

I’ve had a Luna Bar before and it was really good… but it was also after a half marathon so dirt would have been yummy at that point!!

I’ve never gotten anything from Lulu but I really, really want to! Maybe if I have some birthday money leftover I will!!

Jess loves watches. I got her a white ceramic DKNY watch for her birthday. She LOVES it.


Hey Janae,

Today is my last day of university for summer and then I am joining your world of teachers on holidays!!!

I can’t believe you didn’t show us what you bought at Lulu!! I have a prediction though :)

I have the Garmin 405 and it’s a bit of a love/hate relationship. I track every mile both on my watch and on my blog but that watch is kinda tricky to maneuver and sometimes has battery issues.


there’s at least one lululemon in SLC at 9th and 9th, i was just there 2 wks ago. happy shopping!
ps their run speed short are the best running shorts ever. i know ppl think tempo’s are heaven, but don’t knock lulu running shorts til you try them.


Hahaha! I ALWAYS get hungry when watching Biggest Loser! I thought I was the only one and definitely felt a bit guilty about it :)

I ordered the Garmin 110 – the less bells and whistles the better for me. Should be here soon and I.AM.SO.EXCITED! For some reason I keep thinking it’s going to transform my running but that might be setting the bar a bit high.

The only protein bars I care for are the Cliff Builders bars. Usually only half at a time.


I have the gamin 405 and love it! It’s like an appendage on my body now :)

I eat Luna bars a lot, but I think the soy flavor in them turns people off. Some flavors are just plain gross, but I do love the white chocolate macadamia and the new one, chocolate dipped coconut. That one tastes just like a Samoa girl scout cookie!


LOVE luna bars, always have! I even run with a group of girls sponsored by Luna, and we raise $ for breast cancer awareness! Try the Luna protein bar, cookie dough flavor. Try it. Try it now.


Try Iced Oatmeal Raisin and Cookies ‘N Cream. Those are my favorite. [Note: They are only good if you are in a situation where you don’t have the choice of the real thing. ;) ]


pps you might like the kids clif bar called the Z bar. they taste like cookies and brownies


I’m not a fan of Luna Bars, either! I do really like Larabars and the Clif C bars, though- especially when they’re refrigerated.


I used to use MapMyRun, but now I have a Garmin 305! OBSESSED.

There are TONS of Lululemons in NYC, but I just can’t bring myself to spend the $$… maybe one day…

I’ll eat a Luna bar if I’m hungry, but I’m not in love with them…

Joe and I don’t really get each other presents… Although he DID get me an iPod touch for my birthday in May!


I’m with you, give me real food! Bars suck!
I don’t own ANYTHING from LuluLemon. But that is because I work for Nike and develop Apparel, so I don’t dare buy anything from competitors! However I have heard it is awesome. I can’t wait to see what you got!


I recently started shopping at Lulu because we got a store near me. It’s a trial run store so super small and not a lot but its nice to order stuff online (free shipping) and return it in the store. So I have been buying a lot. I love the cool racer back tanks. They are my absolute favorite. I wear them for running and under t-shirts. Yes I am gross and wear my workout clothes as regular clothes too. LOVE them!!!!


I’ve actually never had a Luna bar.. I don’t use a Garmin anymore, I run based on time. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!


LOVE my lulu — such great fit and quality — love their racerback tops and speed shorts to death!


since you have a fondness for sweets, I think you’ll like luna PROTEIN bars- 12g protein in these bad boys vs 9 in the regular bars. The best part about them- each one is covered in chocolate! I personally like the chocolate chip cookie dough and the mint chocolate chip.


I use a Garmin FR60 and love it. Not many people have it, it’s not as fancy as the others but it doesn’t use GPS (which is fine because I live in what seems to be a rural area, according to satellites) but I really like it. I have also used Nike+ and do like that, too.

I LOVE Luna Bars, though enjoy LARABARS even more. For the Luna Bars, the chocolatey ones are really good, if you like Coconut, the Chocolate Coconut one is just like a Samoa. Also the Caramel Brownie one actually does taste like dessert. I used to live off of those, but some are kinda sugary, so I cut back! :)

I am a Lululemon fan, and according to their page, there actually are two Lulu Showrooms in Utah – Park City and Salt Lake. Showrooms are more like pre-lulu stores.


Dying to know what you got at Lulu!!

I use a Garmin 305. LOVE IT. It’s my favorite running thing ever!

I really like the Luna Smore’s Bars. They’re my fave. The chocolate peppermint are also good.

I am addicted to Lululemon. I love their Run: speed shorts and have way too many pairs. I also like the Wunder Unders for Yoga and their Cool Racerback tanks! And their running jackets. And pretty much anything else they make. :) We dont have one near me so I order online or drive an hour and a half to the store like a crazy person!


I love Luna Bars, especially the White Chocolate Macadamia Nut. They are so tasty, and keep me feeling full long after other snacks have “worn off.”

I’m totally jealous of your Lululemon finds. It would take at least a whole month’s rent to pay for all the things I want from there.


We have Garmin 305’s and love them! We upload and track our runs on both the Garmin site and RunKeeper. We only use the runkeeper tracking because it links to our facebook profiles without posting the map of where we ran.

I don’t like Luna Bars either! But I do love LaraBars and eat Cliff Bars before running sometimes.


I use Nike+ because it is cheap and easy (Like me!) and I also input the info into an app on my phone so I can always be aware of how lazy I am no matter where I go!

I told my husband that some day when I grow up I want to buy a Garmin! :-)


Were you at the Spectrum too?!?!? I was there yesterday doing some shopping as well (at Lululemon too of course!).

I have been using MapMyRun, but I really think its time I invest in a Garmin.

I really love the Turbo running shorts, Run for Your Life crops and I can’t get ENOUGH of their Cool Racer back tanks – you can wear them with ANYTHING!


I like the Caramel Brownie Luna bar. The Chocolate Peppermint is okay too, but I agree that most taste pretty bad.

Love, love, love Lululemon. And they do have stores in Park City and Salt Lake City… or at least they did at one point!


I use Nike iPhone app to track my runs – it was free and does a pretty food job!

I think any meal replacement bar is usually gross! I prefer real food!

IMO, you can’t really beat lulu pants!! I’ve loved everything I’ve bought there!

Bday present for my husband are usually activity type things – I tool him indoor sky diving, a couples massage.. Things like that!

You are a good wife- what a great gift for Billy!


Ugh…I don’t like Luna Bars, either.Or any of those “bar things”, for that matter. My redneck self had never even heard of Lulemon until I entered the blogging world. Embarrassingly, I usually just give gift cards for gifts. If I know something specific, then I might attempt an actual gift.


I LOVE Lulelemon. Fortunately (or unfortunately for my bank account) I’ve lived within a 5 block radius of one the last few years in DC and now Philly. I’m addicted to everything they make, but my favs are their speed shorts, run: inspire crops, and their racerback tanks. Even their underwear are super awesome (if you feel like dropping $14 a pair)! As for timing, I also use the garmin 305. Its a must have for any tempo or long runs. When I get home I plug my data into I don’t know what I’d do without either of these things!


That is an awesome gift!! I was wondering what you got him :)
I don’t shop @ Lululemon- just so expensive…but I’m beginning to wonder if it is worth it..?
I use a Garmin to track my milage too- LOVE it. Would never switch!! :)
I’m NOT a Luna Bar fan either…so glad I”m not the only one!!
As for gifts for the hubby- anything Baltimore Ravens is ideal…or like you said electronics :)


I have the 305 as well and while it is big, I love that thing! What don’t I like at Lululemon is a better question! I guess their racer back tanks and run inspire crops are my fav. Such good stuff, worth the price in my opinion.


I am not a fan of luna bars either. I havnt had one in ages and just yesterday ate one bc it was on sale when i bought it. They have a bad after taste and kind of taste artificial to me.


I have a Garmin 405 and I love it!! I love anything that makes my running a little more exciting (technology is exciting to me!).

Also, Luna Bars are icky to me too- the texture is funky.


Tracking Mileage: I am oldschool…I use a map ;-)

I love Luna Bars! Smores is by far my favorite. I think it was one of the first ones I tasted and even though they’ve come up with great flavors since, it’s still my fave.


I love my Garmin 305- it makes me feel like an awesome running nerd that wears a calculator on her wrist. You know- to do intense calculating on the go.

I hate Luna Bars. I keep trying them thinking things will change but they never do. I think that’s one sign of my insanity.

There’s a lululemon in SLC! I keep talking myself out of buying a hoodie but I SO want one.

On a random note- I was diagnosed with a femoral neck stress fracture yesterday and thought of you. This sucks!


AHHHH NOOOO!!! GIRL, I AM GOING TO CRY…..I am taking you for fro-you when I get back. How did it happen? How are you feeling. I am giving you a big hug right now!!


My husband says it happened because I am an irrational runner ;). The usual- too much too quickly. I feel sad and a little blah about having to learn to love the elliptical again! Thanks for the virtual hug!


oh, and we had burritos last night- thanks for the inspiration! It was magically delicious!


OH GOOD…I love that you said they were magically delicious…isn’t that lucky charms?


right now I use runkeeper pro, but I am coveting the new nike gps watch. I like the cherry luna bar. That’s it. I love their tata tamer bras. They are perfect, especially when you are nursing. I go with anything gaming related. My man loves his xbox.


I am not really a ‘bar’ person either. Give me real food any day! Ha ;)


I am using a Garmin FR60 or something like that – I couldn’t deal with the honking GPS on my wrist, so I actually downgraded to the accelerometer on the shoe….

I LOVE LUNA bars (but I am also a LUNA Chix runner, so I guess it comes with the territory) – I personally don’t think you should write off ALL Luna bars – there are quite a few great flavors (Chocolate Fudge Brownie and Chocolate Dipped Coconut (think samoas) to name a couple) – I think you should try a new flavor and see if it is still yucky…I could try to hook you up!


I haven’t saved up enough for a cool Garmin watch yet so I use a free app made for any Android phone — called SoftRace. It uses GPS to map me and I can view my path right there on my phone! you can also set it to run, bike, ski, pretty much anything you can think of and it keeps a diary of your workouts. Only thing I haven’t figured out to do is how to track my laps… oh well, I guess average speed works out okay.

My mom and sisters love Luna bars.. I don’t. I prefer my calories in FroYo.

I finally splurged and got the Run Speed Shorts at Lululemon and LOVE them. Love love. most flattering shorts for running I own.

Guys’ presents are always the newest technology so they’re always soo expensive!!! gah.


What do you use to track your mileage? Map My Run, Garmin, Nike +, an app? Do tell!! Do you like it?

– I could not live without my 305. Then when I am done, I track on DailyMile (for a challenge there), a spreadsheet I share with a friend (to keep us honest), and Sparkpeople (for the points and for tracking nutrition). It’s a production.

Luna bar fan? What is your favorite flavor?

– They’re okay, but I don’t love them. I think that Chocolate Peppermint Stick is interesting.

What’s your favorite thing at Lululemon? Is there anything you are wanting? Do they have one near you?

– I have two tata tamer running bras from them, plus multiple running shorts. I only found them recently and am lucky they are not near me because my monthly budget would be blown!


I run with my garmin 305. I love it, except for how it looks.

My husband loves cycling gear for every present I get him. Either that or massages. I’m pretty safe if I pick one of those two things.


Ahhhhh look at you at the Spectrum!!! I love the Lulu store there! Can’t wait to see what you got :) That mall is one of my faves!

I like the Luna Chocolate Dipped Coconut Bars. Tastes like desert :) Ha!

I run with the Nike Sport GPS (TomTom). I have a love/hate relationship with it. GPS is great until the Satellite drops! Grrrrr! It’s gotten better lately so we shall see. It’s much better than the Nike Sportband or the Nike Ipod w/sensor. I like the Nike Plus community- I have won a lot of free gear!


I use my cell phone when I run and I use the RunKeeper ap. It works perfectly for me and I can set it to update me on distance and pace.

I’ve never had a Luna Bar before. I recently stocked up on various protein bars because I had a ton of BOGO coupons. The first one was okay, the chocolate and caramel were good, but the actual bar part was pretty chalky and hard to eat. I’ll have to try Luna Bars.

And, I’ve never heard of Lululemon!


Oh girl you are crazy!! I LOVE Lunabars. I’ve been missing them big time in the UK. My very favorite is white chocolate macadamia, but I also love the peanut butter cookie, cookies ‘n cream, s’more, and chocolate caramel brownie or whatever it’s called. I think there have been new ones released since I’ve been over here too so I can’t wait to get home and eat some. :D


You live in Provo, right? Hate to break it to you, but there are TWO Lulu stores in Utah… one in Park City and one in SLC. Neither of them are full-fledged stores (they’re called “showrooms” so they have a limited amount of merchandise), but somehow I still manage to spend an ungodly amount of money each time I go in there. Can’t imagine what will happen once I actually make it to a TRUE Lulu store!

Try the Luna protein bars. They are really good… especially the chocolate chip cookie dough flavor! And this is coming from someone who is not a fan of bars in general!


AHHHH TWO!!! NOOOOOOO….this is going to be tough on my marriage:) I need to try the COOKIE DOUGH flavor, that sounds amazing!!


I use a garmin 405, it does the job.

Luna bar chocolate dipped coconut = delicious. Tastes like a samoa/carmel delight girl scout cookie!

I am not fancy enough to own anything from Lululemon :-(


I’m a Lululemon lover, but there isn’t one near so me I don’t buy stuff very often.

I do get their sale emails sent to me…bad idea…because all I end up doing is want want wanting clothes! I always wear Lulu headbands when doing my hair is just not gonna happen.


That is a good thing that it isn’t close to you…I am going to go broke if I go again!


Love you Janae! Such a fun post and you are just too cute. I have the 205 and love the largness. I am seriously blind and don’t think I could see the smaller screen.

Have a great day friend.


I love lululemon but my college budget can’t really take that right now ;) haha. Oh well… I’ll just cling to my two items my mom bought me forever ago :)

Also, I adore salsa so I am right there with you on that one!!!

& while I DO like luna bars (some flavors are better than others though) I don’t think anyone will begrudge you your apple + pb… if anything I would say that’s better for you anyways, less processed! :)

Reply your blog :)
I use the Garmin 4 something…it’s awesome, round, and light green. It gets the job done and it’s not super big!
I bought Luna Bar’s once but they also made me gag. I feel like they all have a strange taste. I’m sorry but it’s not going to taste like white chocolate and peanut butter AND be good for you. I’ll stick to regular PB and apples as well.
I have a serious obsession with lululemon. I too spend most of my paychecks there although I’ve tried to curb my habit considering I’m paying for my second masters out of pocket…I still shop though. Their pants are amazing. My friend Mo said it best…”They are like a bra for your but :)”
I always want to get good gifts for the significant other. He is they type of person who wants something and buys it right away, so it leaves me having to use my brain…a lot!
I loved answering those questions. Fun stuff!
P.S. I teach too…what grade?


I love, love, love Luna bars!! Top 3: Lemon Zest, Chocolate Coconut, Toasted Nuts ‘n Cranberry. The first two are great for satisfying a sweet tooth; the last is good when you want something a bit more natural and savory. I am NOT a fan of their peanut butter cookie flavor.


I love my Garmin 305! I don’t think I could handle anything more high-tech. I need to jump on the Lululemon bandwagon, although my paycheck doesn’t want me to!


Giiiirl, I don’t know what flavor you tried, but Luna bars are my jam. Specifically white chocolate macadamia nut and chocolate dipped coconut. Those flavors are muy deliciosos. And I’m really looking forward to hearing B dawg’s review of the garmin! I have the 305 too, but I am a geek and love new techy stuff.


I am so very blessed to work at lululemon atletica. I actually went to law school but working for a truly amazing company has been more than worth the pay cut. If you get one in Utah or if you end up in California, you should consider a seasonal position. It will change your life being around such amazing, sweat loving, goal setting people!!


Ahhh I want to see what you got!?!? I LOVE lululemon and actually have had to put myself on a budget for that store because I went crazy over the winter! (Their hoodies are the best!!!)

I also LOVE that picture of Charlie knawing on the edge of the box!


I love lululemon! They are based out of the Pacific Northwest (i.e., Vancouver) so I’m lucky enough to have access to plenty of their stores here in Seattle. Their tank tops and hoodies are my favorite.


ahh I can’t wait to see what you got a Lulu. I love their stuff and would have a major problem if I could afford to shop there :(


I see a lot of people are recommending the Chocolate Peppermint Luna Bar. I’ll ditto that one — I don’t love Luna Bars, but LOVE the Chocolate Peppermint bar. It tastes like Christmas.


I think Luna bars taste like a rich desert:) Especcialy the caramel nut brownie. You have to try that one! I’d love to own some from Lullemon, but unfortunately I’ll have to pay for a plain ticket to the U.S first. ;) Mucho dinero.


LOVE MY GARMIN! it is the best!! ic ant wait to use it again when this stupid injury finally heals!!! ew luna not really a fan of bars in general besides kind bars and pure bars..but they are just nuts basically and dried who wouldnt like them! haha
I WANT EVERYTHING FROM LULULEMON! but im in college and therefore it does NOT fit in my budget :(
hahah i actually have gotten every member of my family heart rate monitors for b-days / christmas!!


Hubby bought me the 610 for my birthday! I LOVE it! You, I mean Billy will love it! ;) BTW – I have a mortgage so I cannot afford Lulumon :) Congrats on your purchase! Please send any coupons my way.


You are so lucky that you get paid throughout the year!!! We don’t have that option…


you need to try the caramel nut brownie luna bar – that’s my favorite and even my husband likes it! if you like mint, the chocolate peppermint stick one is delicious as well.

i lived within about a 10 minute walk to the lululemon at 9th & 9th in SLC — so dangerous! i love their power y and scoop neck tanks, and really want a dance studio jacket! all of their stuff is so cute and comfy. :)


I have a Garmin Forerunner 201 (ancient, I know!) and it still works like a charm. Can’t run without it!

I am limited on the flavors of Luna Bars, since I don’t like chocolate (I know, I know, I’m weird). The non-chocolate ones I do like are … Peanut Butter Cookie is a winner, Lemon Zest is good and my absolute favorite is Iced Oatmeal Raisin. It’s like a big Oatmeal Raisin cookie. (sort of)


WOW G-610-Billy has become and official HungryBoyRunner! Nice!

What is about the food and exercise shows that prompt me to eat–subliminal messages. Still cant change the channel!

Gosh, I have liked all the Luna bars I have tasted and have a box of Nuts over Chocolate in front of me.


Yay for Bilster!! I have the 610 and love it!!!! Such an awesome training tool. I got mine for Mother’s Day. My favorite Luna bar is s’mores. I eat them for breakfast a lot when I am out the door early. As far as Lululemon I love everything there. The Tata Tamer bra is incredible and I love the Swift Shorts. I have justified the cost to my husband because I wear those clothes more than my everyday clothes!!


just order the lulu online, it’s free shipping and probably free returns (not sure bc i’ve never returned). the SLC lulu is pretty small but they still have plenty of cute stuff!


Just wanted to stop by and say I love your blog. You crack me up.


I use MapMyRun religiously. I love it! I have never tried a Garmin or Nike+ though.

I love the classic Lulu “Power Y” tank. But I love everything there! Ah, to be rich…


Right now I use the Nike+, but I want a garmin so bad! Hopefully this Christmas. I am sort of a luna bar fan since they are gluten free, but they definitely aren’t my first choice. They don’t make me want to gag though. Ha ha. My hubby is happy with anything electronic as well. Too bad they are always so dang expensive! It makes holiday shopping a lot harder! I’ve never bought anything from lululemon, but I think their stuff is way cute! Just don’t want to fork out the money for workout clothes.


You have to try the White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Luna bars! Theyre my favorite!


HAHAHAH I don’t like luna bars either it’s fine. YOU ARE THE BEST WIFE EVRRRRR will you get me a good present for mah birthday? It’s JULY 30TH!! <3


I miss the spectrum!!! I can’t wait till i can go shopping there again when i move back in September! My fav thing at lululemon are their yoga pants – they are costly but they last forever and can be simply washed and dried!


I LOVE my Garmin 405!


I have the Garmin FR 60 complete with footpod. I am contemplating upgrading but I don’t want to wear a brick on my wrist. I am obsessive about tracking my mileage/pace and have a hard time running without it.
We have Lululemon here but I’m way too cheap to buy stuff there. I did buy a jacket (on sale) with thumb holes and I love it!
I’ve never tried a Luna Bar. I just stick to pb sandwiches.
Donnie always gets electronics for his b-day and since he’s a techie I can never surprise him.


YAY fellow FR60! I don’t know anyone else who has one :)


I’ve only had 1 luna bar and it was ok…nothing special. I’ve never bought anything from Lululemon either! Does that mean I’m a bad blogger?? haha..whatevs, I don’t care.


Love luna bars! Try the Vanilla Almond bar its really good! I don’t really like any of the other flavors.

I live in lululemon, once you try it you wont go back lol!!! I wear my wunderunders all the time and my speed run shorts!


ahh soo jealous of billy’s new garmin! i’ve wanted one forever. i use an app on my phone right now, but am really thinkin about just investing in a watch.
i love luna bars! lemon is definitely my favorite flavor.


Smores and White Chocolate Macadamia Luna bars are my favorite. The White chocolate ones taste like a candy bar and melt in your mouth. I think I’ve had the same bar you’re holding in the picture…it’s something with peanut butter and nuts right? I thought it was gross too. I got a pack of the minis and it was one of the flavors. I didn’t like it.


we don’t have Luna bars…..or Lululemon……but I do have a 305 and I love it too! oh….and we don’t have fro-yo places either :-o I know…i need to move to the States and eat yogurt with you every day!! :-)


I use the Polar FT60 combined with Nike + GPS, because I’m all about the ‘tracking’ aspect – I love being able to see my route and where my pace varies.

As for Luna, the first variety I tried was the Lemon Zest bar and I was NOT a fan. On a whim, I tried the S’mores variety and now I’m hooked!

I’ve never gotten anything from Lululemon – I may have to check them out… :)


i use my garmin 610 – the touch screen is amazing! and it is such a great watch – my bf got my 3/4 of it (i paid the rest) for my birthday this year – coz they’re so damn expensive here in australia! I haven’t fully used it to its full potential yet! but i love it so far!


The Blueberry Bliss Luna Bar is my favorite. It basically has blueberry jam on top. It’s delish.


I use the 305 too, i cant get my HR monitor to work right though :(
I’m not a big fan of luna bars and am too cheap for lululemon, but I am right on track with your 2 cups of salsa. everything must be smothered in salsa


I have used Nike + since it first came out and I love it. Now that my iPhone has GPS I just use the app, not the sensor in the shoe.

I’ve never had Luna bars…I’m not too big on the bar thing (I’d rather eat real food too) but Costco carries Trio bars and they are wonderful. Dried fruit, nuts and seeds….and that’s pretty much it!

Lulu Lemon is the best store ever. A few of my friends have worked there. I’m pretty sure Salt Lake has at least a showroom? No? Can’t wait to see what you bought!!


The only thing I get at Lululemon are the free pilates classes offered on Saturday mornings…it is just too darn expensive for a young college grad like myself! I just keep telling myself that sooomeday I will have only Lululemon workout apparel :)


Just thought you’d like to know that I started watching Chopped a few weeks ago because of you, and I’m hooked!!! Now I have my husband hooked, too, and he’s decided to look for some cooking classes to take. Make sure to post about any that you might know of.


Fave lunabar is Vanilla Almond.

I don’t like any of the chocolate ones…


I had a chocolate one….I need to try the vanilla almond…thanks for the recommendation!


I never bought anything from Lululemon because…well, I refuse to spend that kind of money on workout clothes! OUCH!


I have the Garmin 305 and love it! I wouldn’t run without it!
That’s a great birthday present!


I really want to see what you got at the Lululemon store. haha!!


We always watch Chopped when we eat!!! :)


hey sweetie! i hope you don’t mind but i nominated you for this…
you rock girlie!!


You’re at the Irvine Spectrum!!!! AAAAH your california posts make me miss it so much!


I agree. To me, regular old Luna bars are not good. They are a bit pasty, tar, and dry tasting. Some flavors are better than others (PB Cookie, White Chocolate, Coconut) but either way…just not really worth it.

Luna PROTEIN bars, however, are divine. Especially the Cookie Dough one. It actually tastes like a log of cookie dough dunked in chocolate. The stats are great, too! 12g of protein for 180 cals, much more sticking power with these.
tryyy it and tell me if you like it better, im curious! :]

But when will much of anything be better then raw fruit and peanut butter straight from the jar, really?


I use a Garmin. Luna bars? I think I tried one and it was ok. And Lululemon? I don’t think I have one close to me in S. Florida, but I have looked online and found some really cute things. I jsut can’t bring myself to spend that kind of $$.


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Thrilling post. Many thanks for creating my morning.

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