I have turned into a newborn and slept more than 70% of yesterday.  It was the magic cure to my cold because I woke up feeling SO much better.

What you don’t sleep with both your arms and legs crossed? Too bad the flash from the camera woke me up….I had only been napping for 3 hours and was shooting for another 3.

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This is what Billy get’s to wake up to every morning.  It’s okay to be jealous….I can send you a picture of me drooling with make-up smeared all over my face with an audio recording of me snoring so that you can have a taste of how lucky Billy is to have me.

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Dinner time came and we rode our bike’s to RUBIO’S!! Isn’t my MIL’s little basket the cutest thing ever? However, she get’s kind of mad at me when I try to sit in it when I am feeling to lazy to ride my bike.

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As I was saying, “I’ll have the grilled chicken salad”….. I stopped.  I remembered that not many restaurants (except Cafe Rio and Costa Vida) can make a better salad than I can make at home and you only live once and I probably would have stared at everyone else’s taco’s as I chomped on my lettuce regretting my decision so I GOT TACO’S!!!

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One shrimp, one fish on corn tortillas with beans and chips.  I licked that plate clean…..a two mile bike ride makes a girl hungry:)  Good thing the bike ride home was ALL DOWNHILL because I was FULL.

Remember how my FIL brought home 28 bags of swedish fish……well this is what he brought home tonight from Costco. I got goosebumps when I saw two bags of broccoli and a crate of raspberries.

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Don’t forget to enter my GIVEAWAY!!!!

If you are bored and want to see more pics you can always check out the DIDN’T CUT IT PAGE!!!


1.  Do you ever get food jealous!?!?

Almost everytime I go to a restaurant and Billy orders something different from me…..all of the sudden I am CRAVING whatever he is eating and making (threatening) him to share with me.  I also get food jealousy when looking at food/cooking blogs.

2. Where do you buy your produce!?!

-COSTCO…it is the only place that has the correct size portions for me.

3. How do you normally sleep?

-At night I ALWAYS sleep on my stomach and for naps I am usually on my side because I fall asleep while watching tv.

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Wow, super food jealous of you’re Costco haul–nice work! Living on an island is fun but it’s hard to find good quality veggies and fruit. Yesterday, I paid almost 8 bucks for a big bunch of grapes – BUT it was SO worth it! :-)


Those tacos look super yummy :). I usually sleep on my side or stomach…the back is totally overrated


I’m food jealous of your Costco produce! I always get food jealous of other’s meals, but thankfully, people usually share with me.
I love Costco or local farmer’s markets for produce.


I never get food jealous at my boyfriend, since he loves all things beef, but when I eat with my friends, they seem to always order something I love, so that’s why we share!

When I lived in Hong Kong, which has grocery stores and open-air markets everywhere, I used to buy groceries every single day. But now that I’m back home, my mom does all the grocery shopping. Sometimes I’ll grab a jar of nut butter, or 10 ;)

I always sleep on my side! And apparently that helps with the snoring lolol


I always get food jealousy, especially when I’m checking out blogs! :)


I always sleep on my side or my back but I have to sprawl out and take over the entire bed


I always drool over what the hubby orders and then steal a few bites ;) We are great wives!
I love Costco produce! I buy all my berries there, spinach, tomatoes and cucumbers. The rest of my product I buy at the Farmers Market.
Stomach sleeper for sure!


Kim J. – Any of the wedding songs by Vitamin String Quartet I esillpaecy like Don’t Stop Believing, All I Want Is You, or In Your Eyes. Also, I love Romeo and Juliet by Dire Straits am I dating myself here?!?!?!


Didn’t know the forum rules allowed such brilliant posts.


I always get food jealousy…the only way to cope is to go out to eat with someone you love and split two entrees! Good for you for deciding on the tacos :)


totallyyyy good food jealous…that is why i always make sure my boyfriend orders something different from me…so when my food comes and i change my mind….you better believe my fork is on his plate! hahaha
loveeeeeeee COSCO its the best place on earth.. really tho
i love trader joes too the prices are really really reasonable!
and totally a side sleeper with the mouth open and drool everywhere :) oops! haha


Sometimes I am jealous when my bf orders his “I don’t care about fat/calories/fiber/nutrition type meals” and I opt for the healthy stuff but I try to remind myself why I do it. Oh and I sneak bites of his!


hahaha, food jealousy if a vicious cycle!! If Shane orders something with no meat, I will usually end up stealing some bites to alleviate the jealous feeling :p


lol yep I get totally food jealous if it looks/smells better than mine

I think I usually sleep on my stomach, but if I’m tired enough it could be any way at all lol


good for you for choosing the tacos! They look delicious! Not gonna lie ive been getting sick of seeing your salads without dressing for meals so this is a nice change. Keep it up!


1.) I was definitely food jealous last night when we went out to dinner. I ordered a spinach salad, which I thought was going to be delicious.. and my boyfriend had cannelloni… I helped him finish his cannelloni
2.) I usually buy my produce at our grocery store Hyvee. If I could get it at a farmer’s market I would but I always seem to miss it somehow!
3.) I sleep in the fetal position!


Having Celiac Disease, I get food jealous a lot when I see people eat regular food. Especially if I’m craving something in particular.


Costco produce is amazing – I’m proud/ashamed to admit I can eat an entire bag of broccoli by myself before it goes bad. And I got through almost the whole bag of spinach. I have ridiculous food jealousy. When I go out to eat with my sister, we always get two entries and share them, but she lives 400 miles away so that’s rare :(. No matter how good mine is, I was everyone else’s too. I have to fall asleep on my stomach!


1. Yes I get food jealousy, especially when looking at your tacos!
2. Produce at the grocery store or local orchard when it is in season!
3. Sleep on my back but sometimes roll over to my sides but then it makes my hips hurt :(


I usually don’t get food jealous as I am normally tearing into whatever I have in front of me. Have you seen “No Strings Attached”? There’s a scene where Natalie Portman is told that she eats like a baby dinosaur. My bf says that’s totally me. What can I say? When I’m hungry, I’m hungry!

Glad you’re feeling better!


I LOVE fish tacos… so I’m a little food jealous of you right now! ;)

And I get jealous of other people who can cook and bake better than me. Every time my friend Pamela invites me over for dinner, I’m super happy to eat her food, but I’m also jealous of her mad skills. :P


I’ve been in a constant state of food jealousy for the last three months because I have to eat DORM FOOD. Ew! When I’m home though I get my produce either at Trader Joe’s or Safeway. I try to sleep on my back but my favorite position is on my side.


I love sleeping on my stomach, but recently have had a little trouble with TMJ so have been making an effort to sleep on my back (and I guess it’s good wrinkle prevention).


I didnt know sleeping on your stomach = wrinkles!!! Good tip!! :)


I guess it makes sense, putting all that pressure on your face for so many hours. But still, it’s so comfy!


I’m so jealous of the awesome time you’re having in Cali! Bike riding everywhere? Yummy food? Swedish fish galore? So amazing!


YES ALL THE TIME!!! I want every food I see on every blog. All the time. Slash I lahve bike riding and mexican fooodddd


I always get food envy! Lucky for me I have a husband who doesn’t mind sharing. Or maybe he does mind, but he lets me have a bit anyway.
I sleep on my side always! I can’t sleep any other way.


I love that you guys are biking everywhere, how fun! I totally get food jealousy. I always want what everyone else orders. :)


Given I live with a man whose metabolism knows no limits, I deal with food envy every single day. Especially when he busts out the ice-cream-covered-in-caramel-sauce-and-whip-cream most nights.

I buy our produce from the local grocery although I would loooove to do the farmer’s market thang. Problem is we live in Toronto finding/paying for parking at the market will cost you your right arm and your first born. Hopefully when we move to Connecticut (next Friday!) there will be one more accessible!

I sleep on my tummy or on my side snuggling the boy from behind unless he kicks me off of him for being too hot. Apparently I’m 27 and menopausal and he can’t handle my hot flashes.

Happy Funday Sunday Janae!


I am so food jealous over all the amazing fresh Mexican restaurants you have out west! Those tacos look amazing and your CafeRio salads are always to die for!! I do have food envy sometimes! Doesn’t everyone???

I get produce from several stores. Costco, Trader Joes, Publix, Whole Foods . Just depends on where I am at the moment. Usually though it’s always Publix since it’s the closest grocery.

I ALWAYS sleep on my left side. I used to be a stomach sleeper before having babies and then got used to side sleeping when pregnant. Now I can’t even nap unless I’m on my side.


Totally jealous that Billy gets to sleep next to that haha…you’re hilarious! I’ve been getting my husband back turned to me lately. Is he trying to tell me something? Like get away? haha

I hate when I go out to eat and will not commit to ordering something, put the order in, and then start thinking about something else. Those are the nights I kick myself for just not getting what I really wanted/first thing that came to mind. Then I sulk and husband tries to keep me happy – he’ll make a great father one day lol.

I LOVE costco, but the closest one is like 45 mins away…which totally sucks arse. Last summah, we had one 5 mins away from us and I would frequent it ALL the time…miss those good ol’ days.


I get food jealous anytime I see any food that is not mine for the eating! I sleep however I land I am not too picky but I can’t sleep on my stomach.
also I have a basket on my bike too! I call it my beach cruiser cause I’m supa dupa fly!


You HAVE to try CSA (Community-Supported Agriculture) boxes. We order one every week and it comes chock-full of seasonal, organic veggies and fruit and they’re sooo yummy! Some of them even let you order eggs or fresh flowers with the box.
Oh, and I always sleep on my side but I heard it gives you old lady boobs so I’ve started sleeping on my back.


Do you ever get food jealous!?!?

Pretty much everytime I go out. I’m always the last to order.
2. Where do you buy your produce!?!

-I either go to BJ’s or Trader Joes…I’ve been gardening to so lets see how that works out!
3. How do you normally sleep?

-Side or stomach…depends on the night!


I always get food jealous!!! I always make my boyfriend share with me : ) I sleep sprawled out on the bed I feel horrible for my boyfriend because I pretty much take up the entire bed . . . as he calls it I spider monkey the bed lol!


So this has nothing to do with your questions, but I just made the froached eggs!! Can I just say…. Absolutely AMAZING!! NEW FAVORITE way to eat eggs!! Thanks for sharing!!


For some reason, if we go to a new restaurant, I ALWAYS order the wrong thing and just want to eat my husbands whole meal. He has just come to expect it!
Costco, Harmons or the downtown farmers market for produce. I was in Walmart once, debating on buying some produce and a guy walked by and sneezed all over the lettuce section! I guess that could happen anywhere but Walmart produce grosses me out now!
I’m a stomach sleeper all the way! As soon as these babies are born, stomach here I come! It’s sad when I roll onto it in my sleep and my babies have to kick me to wake me up to get me off of them haha poor kids!


I LOVE tacos. Sometimes I get food jealousy if I ordered what I wanted 10 mins before, not what I wanted THEN. hah.


I get food jealous ALL the time, esp in blog-land. Most people’s recipes turn out just a little prettier than mine and I want to jump through the computer screen to eat them. I’m always jealous of your beautiful salads.

I get produce from the fruit stands in NYC. Not sure how clean it is but it’s cheap. I wash it. Oh and Trader Joe’s. OBSESSED.

I sleep on my side away from the fan that is required to make my apt. bearable ;-)


I love to get my produce at my local farmers market as much as possible! Otherwise Safeway and trader joes (but I really think tj’s produce stinks!!)


I get my produce from where it is cheapest. I toss and turn constantly when sleeping. It’s ridiculous.


My husband and I solve the (ok my) food jealousy problem by trading our meals halfway though. A lot of the time, we find we like the other one’s food better! This only works one way, though, I am sad to admit. If he is jealous of my food, he usually only gets a bite. I should work on that…


I do the same thing with Daniel’s food. I also try to get him to try mine (demand, really) so we can evaluate whose food is better. If mine is better, I always say “I definitely win!” :)

We buy some produce at Sam’s (bulk) and then some at Kroger.

I like to lie on my side to rest, but at night I sleep on my stomach. Well, this is how I GO to sleep, but I tend to flip, toss, and flail during sleep.

Glad you are feeling better!


i think you guys are being spoiled, in a good good way! EMBRACE it!! love all that good food.


i get food jealous all the time, anytime i walk into a restaurant i scour the place and see wat other people are eating. anytime i walk by a spot where i see people eating i can’t help but take a peek and if i see something i want i get jealous. but don’t worry, i don’t actually steal any of their food. :P

i sleep on my stomach most of the time, but i also move around a lot while i’m asleep and wind up in some pretty wacky positions.


I get food jealousy A LOT!!! It’s just that EVERYTHING looks good to me haha

I have not had a costco membership until recently and I am excited about going and buying food there! Usually I just bought my food at regular supermarkets but it can get pricey with all that fresh produce!!


I def have food jealously! Well, at least when it comes to ice cream, peanut butter, pancakes, salads bigger than my head, and vegetables. Don’t ask for me to share them! I took my little 2yr old niece to Baskin Robbins yesterday to get her an kiddie scoop(which was way too little and too expensive!). I got sooo jealous! I asked her for a bite and lets just say she loves ice cream like I do. You prob wonder why I didn’t go buy me one. It’s because I have about 6 half gallons and I did eat a huge bowl after I put her to bed. I enjoyed every last bite. :)


I’m on a restrictive diet for health reasons and I totally get food jealousy. Then I cave and eat whatever others are eating because I feel left out. This only works until my belly judo chops me in the gut and tells me to screw off. :(

And I actually totally sleep like you do! It creeps people out because they think my arms laying like that make me look dead…or like a vampire.


You always want what you can’t have! I get very food jealous when someone is eating something different from me. It doesn’t matter if I love my meal or not!

Costco is awesome for produce but kind of far away. I usually end up getting it at the grocery store or at Lester’s Farm near the house when produce is in season (which by the way is NEVER is St. John’s)!

I sleep on my stomach with one leg stretched out as far as possible! So comfy!


I always get food jealous! I have a very kind hubby who waits to order until I see what I want a taste of! True love right?!
You can’t beat Costco produce!
I sleep on my side with my sweet poochie sleeping in the crook behind my knees.

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