Attitude really is everything.

Obviously, I don’t tell you everything on the blog and I really try to keep it positive because who wants to read a depressing blog but there is something I do want to tell you that I didn’t think I was going to.

Yesterday I got mad at Billy for going running.  Real mature, Janae.  I was mad that I couldn’t go with him and had to stay home on the couch.  Clearly a valid reason to get mad at the nicest person in the world.

While he was gone I realized I hit rock bottom with my attitude and regards to my health.

As soon as he got home I tried to be overly nice and it was probably annoying but that is besides the point.

I was doing great all day and then when I woke up this morning it hit again.  I was angry and sad over not being able to run and obviously it isn’t fun living with pain.   Somehow I got out of bed and started driving to the gym.

I talk to my students ALL THE TIME about perspective and realized that I was being a hyprocrite.

I really do love spin, I love the elliptical and I LOVE doing weights so why be such a Debbie Downer about just missing out on one little aspect of life when there are so many other things to be thankful for and to enjoy!?!

It’s like being told you can’t eat one flavor of fro-yo (pb is my favorite) but you can still have unlimited amounts of every other flavor and being mad about it.  Who cares if I can’t eat one of them when there are so many other options and of course toppings to choose from and enjoy.

Yes, I did just compare running to fro-yo.

I squeegied (you know those things that you use to clean your car windshield) my eyeballs and decided to look at this issue in a possitive way rather than getting mad at such a silly thing and hurting the person that I love the most by getting mad at him over silly things.

IMG 7939



Do you ever have to squeegie (I have no idea how to spell obviously) your eyes and look at things in a new way?

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Awhhhhh. Girl. I spun for 80 minutes today yeeeeuhhh!!


gaahh, Janae, that is totally something I would do. I got so mad at my brother for running without me on a day I had declared as my “off-day.” I JUST WANT TO BE INCLUDED IN ALL RUNNING ACTIVITIES ALWAYS. we cant help it. ;)


Awww I am sorry you aren’t able to run, but you are right – there are so many other great ways to get your sweat on!

I am heading to the gym this afternoon for a little circuit training and some elliptical-ing.


I totally get your squeegee analogy!

I have to say, you are the most relate-able blogger I have ever met (read?)



KRISSY, thank you so so much for your sweet comment:) You made my day!!




um yep, been there. Its hard mentally! and the froyo comparison is spot on! But this when i think God is teaching us to appreciate the abilities in life, whether to run, bike, swim, kayak, snorkle, haha. you know.

When james was injured for 3 months. He rarely worked out, maybe some swimming, no running or biking. I often wondered how he could remain so pleasant to be around, haha. But really, he knew that it was rest that did him good and that was the bigger picture. Oh to be like our husbands, so care free. HA!


James is my hero (well, so are you Lindsay:) That is amazing how he got through his injury so well! You are so right about God teaching us to appreciate our abilities….I love you so much and your view on life!


I missed the start of spin class today so I ran on the treadmill instead. I was so upset about missing spin :( I totally get the same way if I can’t do something I want too. Earlier this year while friends were running the Disney Princess Half and I couldn’t (because I was getting married soo), I totally spent that morning pouting around the house. hahahaha


Umm I almost related running to fro-yo for you but then as I read on you did it for me. That’s either cool or creepy.
Hang in there with the running, You’ll get there eventually. Better hang back and get 100% healthy! Plus you can still do soooo many other activities


WE ARE TWINS!! I think it is cool, not creepy!! Love you girl!


I’ve completely done that before – somehow knowing that you CANNOT have something just makes you focus on it and want it more. We all have those moods where you take it out on the person closest to you (most likely bc you’re pretty sure they’ll still love you even if you’re an evil witch that day) but the important thing is that you saw that and changed the way you were looking at things :)

Hopefully I make it off work at a decent hour today to get in some awesome gym time — whenever I miss the gym more than one day in a row I start to get very cranky and irritable! Blame it on my addiction to exercise endorphins…


I need to squeegie my attitude right now too. I got injured on Sunday, completely throwing my back out from deadlifts and what I thought was going to be a somewhat easy recovery is now blatantly going to be a lot more time off than I initially thought. I can’t sit without pain, I can’t stand straight. Laying down is my only relief. All I can think about is “there goes all my progress with strength training and running” so I’m trying to put a positive spin on it, but it’s hard as I lay here on the couch! Needless to say, there has been no workout for me today :(


Oh thank goodness. I was beginning to think you were perfect! Turns out you’re totally normal and human just like the rest of us! ;)

Um, I got mad at my husband for running a 1:45 half marathon in June (San Diego RNR). He BARELY trained for it, whereas, I have busted my A** training for my past 2 half marathons and have run a 1:48 in each of them.

So yeah. I’m totally mature too.

The thing is, he KNEW I was going to be mad. HA!!! He knows me so well…

So I’m back to working my hiney off again, and I am looking at breaking his 1:45 as a challenge.. NOT a defeat.

Workout this am was 6 miles with speedy intervals. Hurts so good!

Hang in there, girl.


OH girl….I am so far from perfect it is scary. I could probably write a separate blog on how ridiculus I am ha! YEAH, I would have been mad at him to for running so fast and NOT TRAINING!! Girl, I KNOW that you will break 1:45. I am hear cheering you on! GREAT WORKOUT!!


1500 recovery swim!


I know you want to be positive but posts like this also make us readers know you are a real person! Since real people have mad days and moments.

Great on you to realize this attitude and to turn it around :) And before you know it you will be back running!

I am going to do 45 minutes on the eliplitcal tonight and maybe some ab work.

Have a great day!


girl i am exactly where you are at! like really tho! way to get on the positive front about your injury! it sucks and i hate even watching random people run because i get jealous. it is silly and i need to realize hey yeah i cant run now but in the future i will run! and that is all that matters!


I know all this too well!

My husband didn’t run for 2-1/2 months and skipped 2 races he wanted to do because I couldn’t run, and he didn’t want to upset me. It upset me, actually, that he did that! It upset me that someone who CAN run, didn’t do it, even though he thought it would make me feel better. I did get jealous of his running (when he started up again, which he did when he saw it was getting close to ME being able to run again), but not really mad. I felt more mad when I’d pass people on the street running. My friends don’t talk about their running with me any more unless I bring it up first. I’m guessing I’m sending out a vibe after all! :)

And I know what you mean about the other activities. The first 6-7 weeks I was allowed NO activity whatsoever, and I was on crutches. When I got cleared for the pool, things got better, but it wasn’t running. Next came the bike which again was better but not good enough. Then walking… Still not running! I enjoy those things but it’s still not the same.

Well, yesterday I got cleared to run. 93 days after the hip/pelvis stress fracture. I got to go 1/2 a mile and I was so excited….I did it and I was so happy…but I am not sure my hip liked it. (I also fell off my bike earlier in the day so I’m not sure if it was that or the run? Both?) Now I’m back to feeling really worried and scared, kind of like you. I’ve kind of decided to take it day by day. I will try again once this feels right again.

We’re both getting closer, right? Hang in there. You are very strong and smart. Think about all you’ve learned so far. This will make you so much healthier and an even better runner in the end! :)


It is like one million degrees here right now, and I have a 12 miler to do today. He humidity is so bad that it is extremely foggy out right now and we are under a heat warning…so I’m not sure how to fit this workout in safely. Fingers crossed that it gets a little cooler out later tonight.


ummm, could you get out of my head? seriously. today i have been a big ol’ grump. like mayor of grumpville. it hasn’t been pretty. except my attitude is because i feel useless without a job, in a new town where i have nothing to do and no one to do stuff with. so, i’ll just have to grab ahold of those squeegees and get to work on my own attitude :) thanks for the reminder!


Your honesty and vulnerability are so inspiring. To answer your question, yes I have “squeegie” moments where I cry and get it all out and then turn my sail in a more positive direction.

I’m having a down-ish day too, so don’t feel like you’re the only one. Probably the one thing I WANT to be doing right now is working but I haven’t been able to find a good job! How frustrating is that!? Especially when my husband is working his tail off in law school.

So no worries. We all have those moments. Keep your chin up. Know who you are in God. And trust him with everything that you have.


If it makes you feel better, I think you had a very mature reaction to the immature moment :)

We ALL have moments like that though, so don’t worry about it. There may be plenty of other things to do but when you can’t do your FAVORITE thing, sometimes being able to do the other things don’t matter. And it’s ok to be upset about it for a little while. I know you are going to heal quickly and be back out there in NO TIME!!

PS I just discovered PB fro-yo yesterday. Oh. My. God. And this coming from a girl who thinks peanut butter is nothing special.


Thank you sooo much for posting about this. I sprained my ankle about 9 weeks ago, and I’m still waiting on the clearance from my doctor to run. Yes, I can get sweaty doing spin and a hard yoga class, but it’s just NOT the same.

And it makes me grumpy.

I will try to work on my own attitude today too :o)


All the time. My personality just leans towards being pessimistic about things. I constantly have to remind myself that it’s (whatever it is that day) is not the end of the world. It is very easy to take it out on those you love the most. I have to constantly remind myself that my better half does not want to spend the first 30 minutes after he gets home listening to me complain for the rest of our lives. But while I try and remind myself to be positive and thankful for what I have, sometimes negativity does creep in.


I got mad at my best running friend for being able to run and getting fast without me when I had my stress fractures last year. I couldnt help it!
Then my friend let me borrow her bike and I started riding with other people and that helped some.
It’s completely normal to feel that way and what’s great is that you recognized it quickly!


I can totally relate with the jealousy thing. It is so hard to see others around us doing something we love but are not able to do. I experience this in many different ways. The worst is when I see all of my HS friends happily married with mansions and 3 perfect kids and then I look at my life and realize I am 25 years old and don’t even have my bachelors degree yet. Let alone a husband or children. I used to let these types of things bother me a lot but then I realized that I am happy with what I do have and that is all that matters.

Focus on the positive and realize that you cannot control the uncontrolables. :)


I’m new to the blogging world; I don’t have my own, and I still prefer to follow others’ from a far (i.e. I don’t post etc)…full on stalker style…but I’m making an exception for yours :) I’ve been following your blog for a month or so now and I must commend you on your ability to relate to so many people and on so many different levels. You have inspired/motivated me in more ways than one over this last month, which has been particularly trying for me. As such, I decided a post was due in hopes of returning the favor. I’ve been a “runner” for almost 20 years, more than 10 of those spent in competition…don’t be fooled, I was never that good… but I’ve been through my fair share of injuries. For me, and for many I’d imagine, running is more than just a way by which to exercise, it is a means of self expression and self awareness. With that said, it is understandable why we “runners” take it so hard when we can’t run. In light of that, your post about remaining positive and your fro yo analogy are spot on…and is part of what makes you such an amazing person…but when you do have those runner “lows” because you’re injured and it sucks and you cant run….go easy on yourself…a small amount of moping is allowed. Specific to the injury…did you know when a stress fracture heals it actually becomes stronger than the bone around it? Rest doesn’t just heal, it strengthens. You will heal from this injury and you will be a stronger runner because of it. Hang in there, and be kind to yourself.


MAGGIE!!! Thank you so so much for commenting, it meant a lot to me. I love hearing from others that know exactly what I am going through. You are right…I am definitely allowed to mope a little bit too:) The part about the bone getting stronger and resting strengthening me, made me tear up. I really appreciate you and I am thankful for your comment! If you ever want to email more about running just send me an email:) PS 20 years and more than 10 of those years were competitive…WOW!!! YOU ARE AMAZING!


Hey Janae- I’ve been reading your blog for a long time now (and love it!) but this is my first comment. This post spoke to me SO much. I’m battling knee issues which have taken me out of running, biking, swimming, and pretty much everything. Of course it’s when I’m training for a marathon. My husband is definitely suffering because of my injuries. It really is all about perspective. Thanks and enjoy your spinning and weights!


ABBY!!! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR COMMENTING!! I am SO sorry that you are battling knee issues right now and you can’t do running biking or swimming. That breaks my heart! I am praying for you and we can get through this!! Will you please email me if you are ever feeling down or alone…we can help each other out:)


Keep those thumbs up, Janae!!!!


Definitely need a good squeegee once in a while! We are all only human right?!


Awww, Janae, I’m glad you shared that with us! I know I’ve been there before, and I’m pretty sure everyone else has too. New perspective can change everything.

I did my Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning early this morning. I am also teaching Zumba tonight! Yay!


I know exactly what you mean. I’ve gotten mad at Paul for doing certain things without me before. I would feel so bad/guilty about it afterwards too.
Good for you for turning things around. It’s not always easy to do. You have an amazing outlook.
Just be sure to be kind to yourself!!!!! Ok?!
You rule. The end.


Does it make me a total crazy person that I would get mad at LD not only for running, but for getting faster while I was sidelined and couldn’t run?!?! OH YES I DID! He wasn’t trying to make me mad and I was being a total brat. I took like it was an “in your face move.” I can’t believe I am even admitting this! HA! It was ridiculous and I needed a quick attitude adjustment. You are doing such a better job than I did. I am certain I acted like my world was crashing down. DRAMA QUEEN :) :) :)


I’m even more immature. Once, I got mad at my sister for running. Not because I was injured or anything, but because I considered running MY thing and I thought she was trying to show me up. Luckily, I got over it and now I have the bestest running buddy ever. (how silly was I?) So yes, I squeegee my eyes at times :) and sometimes people force me to squeegee as well. hee hee


You have every right to be experiencing the things you are. It is very normal. And the good thing is you recognize them so they don’t consume you on the whole. You are doing great. Love ya!


You’re human after all. It’s okay to get upset about things. The adult part is that you recognized it and did something to change it. Way to go! (Wow, is that a mommy statement or what?)


It’s so true! There are so many flavors, what to do?!?! In the last few months I have really learned that perspective and attitude make a hugh difference in your life. Especially when you going through a hard time or major changes. It can be really hard to stay positive sometimes, but the reality is that everything is what we make it! High five to you and your attitude turn around girl! You rock!!!


Someone pointed this out earlier in comments, and it’s so true. Your blog really is very positive, and I think that’s why everybody likes reading it. But every now and then, you just have to throw yourself a tiny pity party, and it just makes you feel better.


I was planning on doing a track work-out with co-workers but I got to the fitness center and my shoes weren’t in my bag! What the heck!? I was so mad! So, the only thing I could really do was a Pilates class that was luckily starting in a few minutes. So I did an hour of Pilates on the reformer while pouting that I was not running.
also, thanks for admitting to us your attitude and feelings even though they weren’t positive! We all know you can’t be uplifting 100% of the time


awe girlie… It’s ok to blog how your feeling — it’s about being real. You will run again, in the meantime stay Patient…being healthy is way better than being injured! You rock!! :-) xoxox much love from Trinidad!


I angry lots when my hubs could run and I couldn’t. He would come home and tell me how fast he ran all happy and I acted like I cared. Inside I was so annoyed! It’s ok!! You will be up soon, although I know how this feels like eternity :( (Mamarunsbarefoot)


I’m honestly SO GLAD you wrote this post. While I was dealing with my hip/back injury a few months ago, I could not run at all, let alone run the half marathon I was training for. My boyfriend would come home from his run (while training for the Boston marathon) and tell me all about it while I was pathetically icing my hip on the couch. One time he came home and I totally snapped and said “will you quit bragging about your run?! you are being insensitive” and totally hobbled out of the room like an old woman. It was so pathetic but made me realize I was being ridiculous.


I’m not injured, but I get jealous of my boyfriend when it comes to running. He barely trains but is naturally fairly fast. I train constantly and I’ll never come close to hitting the times he does. Its frustrating knowing that the amount of effort I put in is so much higher, but he will always be faster. I just try to be happy that he runs at all because I know he only started to make me happy and have something to share with me… He usually meets me at the end of 5Ks with a water bottle and some fruit because he finishes a few minutes ahead of me, so I guess that’s a plus, too.


I used to get soooo mad at my ex-boyfriend (maybe this is why we are exes?!!) when we would go on climbing trips because he would sprint to the top of these mountains while I would be struggling and gasping for air. I could never keep up and it used to infuriate me! It’s nice to know that I’m clearly not alone on that one :)

I was supposed to head to the track with my pup for some intervals but since a monsoon just rolled in, it looks like it’s yoga and the treadmill instead!


Love this post. I absolutely have to “squeegie” my eyeballs every once and a while. My biggest issue is about having to move from Florida to Ohio a year ago. Here I am, getting to marry the most amazing man in the world (in my unbiased opinion, of course ;) ), and I’m boo-hooing over the fact that I have to deal with a little snow. And honestly, I still to this day want to move back to Florida. It might happen. It might not. But either way, I have A LOT to be thankful for… regardless of what state I happen to call home. :)

Thanks for sharing, Janae! Great post, as always!


so true, girl!! Great post!


I TOTALLY understand how you feel. I sometimes get a little upset when my family talks to me about their races, their training runs, upcoming things, etc. because I just CAN’T train like that or plan for the future just yet with my injury. It’s frustrating and it can be hard to hear about. Though I like doing other things at the gym, running (and running outside, which is what I can’t really do right now) is my passion and it’s hard to accept that I can’t do it.

But I think you’re right about the perspective. However, I still think your feelings are valid. Maybe not to the point of getting “mad” at Billy about it, but I totally think you have a right to be upset, out of frustration for yourself. You’re a smart cookie, girl!


Janae, I just read this in a blog and thought of you…

Whatever you may be missing right now – a person, a place, a feeling, maybe you are injured and missing running – whatever it is, have peace and take heart – remember that any goodbye makes room for a hello.

Hang in there!! :)


Janae~ I just read this and thought of you…

Whatever you may be missing right now – a person, a place, a feeling, maybe you are injured and missing running – whatever it is, have peace and take heart – remember that any goodbye makes room for a hello.

Hang in there!! :) :) :)


HOLLI!!! WOW!! Thank you so so much! I am printing that out and putting it on my mirror. I really appreciate it! It gave me the goosebumps!


Thank you for being so honest and true, geez you are MORE of an inspiration with each post! I have totally had the same feeling, and have gotten upset seeing random runners run by me when I was injured… I felt like such a brat, and realize how silly I was. Attitude IS everything, and you have such a positive one girl! Have fun with your chocolate, vanilla, cookies n cream, and all the other types of fro yo and soon you will be back to running, I mean PB fro yo :D


OH LILLY!! Thank you so much for your comment, it meant a lot! Good to know I am not alone with the whole jealousy thing!!! You are right…I will be able to eat my PB fro-yo in no time!


Thanks so much for an great, honest post! My workout today was unfortunately only a 4 mile run/walk..I think I’ve been overtraining and need a break. I posted about it on my blog today, and though I’m not recovering from a specific injury per se, like you, my body seems to be recovering this week so it’s been hard not running as far. I’m glad you still have a positive attitude about the your situation though. Whenever I’m feeling down about not being able to run as far, or only being able to do the elliptical, I start listing all the things I’m blessed to have-legs that can walk, arms that can lift, etc. Maybe this helps?


OH GIRL!! TAKE A BREAK!!! I am SO sorry that you had a bad run today but you will be back if you listen to your BODY and rest (and eat fro-yo!) Let me know how things go!!


Whatever, men expect that women get mad at them over irrational things. :P You were frustrated, so it’s understandable.

I ran 3 miles and almost died of heatstroke.


haha…oh, i’m the same way, i get jealous if people are able to do what i can’t…we’re only human! but nice that u were able to shift ur perspective back to positive mode.

it’s totally understandable to have breaking points sometimes because u are going thru a tough time with the injury, but after a good vent it’s best to pick urself back up and hop on that bike/elliptical and get er did. keep it up girl and time will pass! until then enjoy the other parts of life…plenty of froyo included! :)


janae – thank you for this post. thank you for making me feel normal. earlier this year, i pulled my right groin muscle (from overuse – shocker, huh?) and was out of cross training for weeks and running for months.

my boyfriend continued to run and workout all the time. he even ran a half marathon. it was SO HARD to go to the race and see thousands of people doing the thing i wanted to do most in the world. but could not. it felt like a slap in the face. i was so angry.

but i realized, i had no one to be mad at. my body had enough. i had to learn a lesson. i wasnt listening to my body, and i needed to. i realized it is not about what anyone else can do. its about what i can do. i can do a lot more than run. i need to be happy with me, who i call a runner, even when im injured – because i am.

you will get through this. there will be bad days, good days, and everything in between. just remember:

stay strong.
be bold.
keep moving.

– but more importantly, take rest and eat fro yo :)


OH MY GOODNESS GIRL!!! WE ARE SO ALIKE!!! I am embarrassed how mad I was at him even though like you it was MY FAULT that I wasn’t out running, no one else’s!
Are you running again?
LOVE THE REST AND FRO-YO part….you are the greatest.

Thank you for your comment. I feel a little less crazy now that I know you did the same thing!


pssh! every post i read, i always think – “thank goodness, i do/did that too!” you are not alone – i pinky promise!

i am running again – did 8 miles this morning. but its slow. and lets be honest, thats painful. i do know that a slow mile is better than no mile at all. you will be running (hopefully *slowly*) again in no time!



I’m so sorry you are still having pain. It’s so hard to not do the thing you love so much! As I told you before, I got a hip flexor injury AND a groin tear (right & left hip) on my last run before my marathon. I was on crutches for a month and couldn’t run, swim, bike, walk without a limp…anything for 5 months!! After 5 months I was able to slowly bring running back but still had pain. I just has bilateral hip injections last week in the hospital to relieve some pain. I had one AWESOME 16 mile run painfree (I’m trying to marathon train through this…redemption) after that and then the pain came right back:( Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be painfree?!? I say this to tell you I often have a pity party and get mad/sad/resentful/depressed, etc over it. I’m still working on my emotions and I know you will recover soon and be ok…we both will, right?


FIVE MONTHS?!?! GIRL…I can’t imagine!!! I am SO happy that you got 16 miles in PAINFREE!!! Oh girl…I am PRAYING for you. WOW!! You are so strong and I really admire you!!!


You’re awesome! I love when you share this stuff. I feel the same way when I can’t run and Mike can. Thanks for sharing with us!

My workout today was a slow painfully hot and humid run.


Ya know sometimes it’s okay to have a meltdown when you can do something you love! It’s perfectly normal! But the good news and positive thought for the day is that you are able to workout and do something!
And soon you will be running again!


My husband and I decided together I should not run as many miles in hopes of making a more baby friendly body. The very next day when he came back from a sweaty workout all happy and high on endorphins I was so jealous I started sobbing and literally could not stop. i’m pretty sure I was in the fetal position hugging a pillow.


OH GIRL!!! WOW….we are so alike it is crazy!!! I completely understand and if you ever need to email me about it I would love to chat!!! WE CAN DO THIS!


You are so inspirational seriously. I just did some major on my knee tendon I have been lashing a little bit which is completely unneeded. Thanks for posting this Janae. Your blog always continues to inspire me.


I did the ArcTrainer for 30 minutes today. I had shoulder surgery a few weeks ago, so my workouts are still limited too. The other day I tried to run (I’m not supposed to), and then realized I was being ridiculous when my shoulder started throbbing. The doctor really knows what’s best, and we just have to be patient :).


GIRL!!! I am PRAYING for your shoulder!! LISTEN TO THE DOC and we will be out there running again in NO time!


Aw, thanks…I’m praying you for you too :)!


Wow what a great attitude! I think it can be applied to a lot more than running :) I’m currently off it too because of my knee and because I can’t run, all other forms of exercise sounds so less appealing even though I loved it while I was running. At least you’re still getting your body moving and groovin! Thanks for the perspective check :)


Girl, I am PRAYING for your knee to HEAL and that you can be out there running ASAP!!! I know how you feel about everything else sounding less appealing but let’s truck through this and before you know it we will be running again!


I love your thoughts about having a positive outlook and trying to see things from the another side. I let the bad get to me so often when it comes to anything fitness related, but I need to start thinking about the good again! Thanks for the encouragement.


Sooo i’m a newish reader/rare commenter and I have to say that i LOVE that you posted about your “true” and “real” feelings!!!! SO many bloggers out there make their exercise regimenins seem perfect, and it’s beyond refreshing to see posts like this that show the struggles. I can COMPLETELY relate to your feelings… last September i was sidelined for an entire MONTH because of a running injury (and I work at the local YMCA… talk about a hard place to work when you can’t workout yourself! It’d be like working at a froyo place as a diabetic, i presume). Let’s just say that I got mad at random runners on the street because they were running and I couldn’t. Crazy… i know. But it’s true!

Also. PB froyo is my faaaaavorite. If PB is not offered I get so, so bummed. I know, I’m so dramatic. Butttt, i own it!


HI ALLISON!!! I am SO happy that you commented!! You made my day! I cannot imagine working at the YMCA and being INJURED and having to watch EVERYONE ELSE workout so happily! Um, come visit me in Cali and I will treat you to Yogurtland pb fro-yo okay?!?!


Can I just tell you that this post made my day (night?) You seriously ROCK!! I love that you’re so honest and willing to admit that not everything’s perfect. Some blogs just make it seem like everything is perfect, 100% of the time – and it’s totally not like that! Thanks for being you and being such an AWESOME person! Sending hugs that you’re running again sooooon!!


I wish didn’t get it but you know I do. It’s been 1 yr and 5 months since I’ve ran more than a mile and that’s not counting the month I ran in pain. Sometimes if my mom talks about running I get mad at her too like it’s her fault even though I know it’s not. I’m so sad to read other comments related to injuries.. All we want to do is workout pain free, is that too much to ask? Here for you!!


Yes I’ve been where you are and I realized I can still get my endorphin fix with other things besides running and that’s enough to keep me happy until I can run again. Your body will appreciate the rest and cross training! My workout was 60 min. of elliptical and a pilates video. I was bummed I couldn’t run tonight because my hubby got home too late from work and it was too dark, but the elliptical was better than nothing!


Hey Janae! I found your blog not too long ago and check it ALL the time – I love reading about your exploits, seeing your huge smile and connecting with you over fitness. Thanks for opening up and sharing about your true feelings – attitude is so important and so often difficult to maintain. Just wanted to share my favorite “attitude” quote with you by Chuck Swindoll:

“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company… a church… a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past… we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude… I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you… we are in charge of our attitudes.”

Way to choose the best response! It’s so hard to do. My workout for today? A hike with the fam! And I just have to say, I’m American but married a Canadian and live up here and there is NO fro-yo – it doesn’t exist! Going back to CA to visit my family = fro-yo fun times. :D


WOW. I don’t even know what to say. That was the most beautiful and TRUE quote I have ever read. Thank you so much for posting this for me and impacting my life and attitude! I am going to ship you some fro-yo:)


I love you so much for writing this post. I have to admit that I often read your blog and see you as completely perfect, someone so beautiful and controlled and balanced all the time, with such a wonderful family and interests. I admired you then but I couldn’t get past my own guilt that I cannot deal with life, and with injury in particular as you could, with grace and maturity (and not resorting to copious amounts of chocolate and peanut butter as I do) I felt worthless for not being perfect or having the faith and kindess in my heart that you do.

But now I admire you even more: you’ve shown we’re all only human and when our primary outlet for stress, negative emotions, working through things, creativity, everything is taken away. It’s like a chef having their tongue burnt so they can’t taste anything, or a sculptor losing sensation in their hands. No one that hasn’t run knows what the pain of losing running is like. It’s heartbreaking.

I lash out at my Mum because she can regulate her weight without running, my Dad for being able to play golf when my equivalent has been taken away. It’s only been three days and I haven’t stopped crying, worrying that I’ve already lost all my fitness, that I’m turning into some kind of blob overnight. To see how you’re dealing with this too, wobbly moments and all, at least gives me evidence that there are others going through the same thing…from most blogs, and from just looking outside of my window, it seems as though the entire world is running, while I still sit here in pain waiting for an ultrasound scan to determine whether I have soft tissue damage or whether it’s more likely to be a pelvic stress fracture.

Wishing you all the best with your recovery.



You connected running to froyo. You are brilliant. Also, I absolutely love this about you. You are able to admit your faults and I don’t mind one bit if you use your blog to show that you’re human :) You WILL get back to running and you WILL be stronger after this break. That’s all it is lady. It’s just a slight detour forcing you to come back a better athlete. Hang in there chica!


Hey Janae, this happens to everyone so don’t fret. I get mad at my little sister sometimes when she actually makes it out for a run on the days when I haven’t had the time. But the main thing is that you realise when you’ve done it and that you are able to squeegie your eyes and your attitude and take the steps towards viewing and acting towards the world in a different way.
You’ll get back out there, before you know it you will be running again.
For the moment just focus on the pleasure you find in movement, any movement and ride the endorphin high!


THANKS AMY…good to know I am not alone in the jealousy issue but you are right, the important part is realizing what happened and squeegeing your eyes:)


This is SO TRUE! I was a total beotch yesterday. I will snap out of it today!


I completely understand where you’re coming from Janae. I am injured right now and when it first happened I was a complete jerk to my bf and even broke down into tears about it.

Sometimes I get sick of cycling or incline walking in place of running but then I remind myself that at least I get to do SOMETHING. And not being able to run has opened up the wonderful world of strength training for me… so I need to be grateful for these things!

I have to squeegie on a daily basis. It is ALL about perspective yo!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!


OH GIRL..we can get throughout this together! Why do we take it out on the one’s we love the most? You are not alone and we will run again!


I understand how you feel. It’s such a crappy feeling. Mine isn’t the same as yours to the extent of me being injured, but I get down on myself if I don’t run that day. I do 2-3 miles 5 days a week and to me that’s never enough, I’m always telling myself it’s simple, anyone can run 2-3 miles. I beat myself up allll the time, but I think it’s just human nature to do so. Some people do it to other things, ours happens to be exercise/running/etc. Keep your head up girl, your BEAUTIFUL and HILARIOUS and if I lived in Cali/Utah we’d be besties :)


Oh girl…I totally understand!! NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE can run 2-3 miles….girl, that is amazing!! I know what you mean about beating ourselves up!! Let’s work on it together:) YES PLEASE COME MOVE TO UTAH and we will PLAY together every single day!


I think sometimes as instructors we can forget to follow the advice we give all our students!! Its so easy to do!
I love this post! Stay positive.. and eat all the pb fro yo you can get your hand on :)


I FEEL YOU GIRL! I love physical activity SO much and I’ve been sidelined by injuries so often, it definitely affects my mood! During those times, I always have to be reminded that I am valuable because I am a daughter of God, not because I’m that “athletic” girl! I am humbled by your honesty and I will DEFINITELY remember your fro-yo analogy the next time I get slowed down!!! I LOVED IT!!


OH WOW. It is amazing how easy to forget that first and foremost we are daughter’s of GOD and that is really all that matters. Thank you so so much for your reminder…I really appreciate it!


I’ve been reading for awhile, but haven’t commented until now. This really helped me today. After battling ankle tendonitis (both), I haven’t been able to run for 6 months because the Naproxen the dr. put me on gave me severe anemia and chronically bleeding ulcers for three months! I’ve spent the past six weeks getting iron infusions and will be finally done next week! Even though I’m grateful I’m health(ier) now and have a new chance to heal, it’s hard when I think I can’t run like I used to! But I just remind myself I’ll be running smarter!


I AM SO HAPPY YOU COMMENTED!!! I feel awful that you are dealing with ankle tendonitis in both ankles. SIX MONTHS…..NO!!! That breaks my heart!! So you get to run NEXT WEEK!?!? I am praying for you!!


I totally get that! I just had a baby (3 months ago) and it was SO hard to see everyone out running as the weather turned nice and I had to wait the 6 weeks! I know it sounds stupid, I did have a baby and all, but I was SO jealous! That and when mama don’t get her run on, mama ain’t happy :)


CONGRATS ON THE NEW BABY!!! I TOTALLY understand why you would be so jealous of everyone out there running when you couldn’t!! Thank you for sharing this….it is good to know I am not the only addicted to running:)


Janae, i loved this post and hearing you really are human and get angry and aren’t just super happy and positive all the time. You really inspire me and i’m so sorry for what your going through, it really isn’t fair at all. You are such an amazing person inside and out and you will get through this a much stronger person.
I am dealing with my first injury that i can’t just run through the pain and have had to take some days off from running. Its been so hard. I love running! Even though spinning and other things give you a good workout its just not the same. I didn’t run for 4 days so i could see a pt and make sure nothing was broken. It was so hard not running especially Saturday when i knew my best little running friend was out running without me. I shed many tears and moped around and that was only 4 days! After seeing the pt i was told i can run and that i have Parafamoris Syndrome. It hurts to run at first and i’m not 100% but i get to run and am so grateful! I wish you the best, and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. We miss you at Golds :( i started a running blog finally, check it out!


I banned myself from reading health blogs (:o!!!) after I broke my hip because I couldn’t stand to read about other people’s training and running adventures! Talk about immature on my part, but I suppose it totally helped for a little while? Ha.


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Wonderful source on this story. We were just recently teaching about this last month.


Wonderful information on financial stats. Im going to link back to this blog. thank you


Just goes to show how important exercise is for our stress. The idea of perspective is so important. When you really look at it. That’s all we really have. Our opinions are our perspective and they are based on our past experiences and how we view the world. Thanks for sharing.

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