Multi-Tasking 101

This week is busy.  The weird thing is that I really enjoy being super busy but I also love to have absolutely nothing on my schedule….does that make any sense?  I guess I just love to work work work and then crash for a few days and never make it out of my cave unless it is for ice cream.

Here are some of the ways that I multi-task in order to get everything done.

1st: Blow dry your hair and stretch at the same time after your workout.  Yes, I really am this unflexible and bending down that far stretches my hamstrings like crazy.  I only get a few crazy stares from other locker room goers when I am doing quad stretches, feet stretches, lunges etc as I blow dry my hair.  It works.  Do not zoom in on my face, seriously, it might hurt you.


PS I think I need to get that tumor on my back checked out.

2nd: Eat your b-fast as you read your emails/comments (while your students are watching a movie about railroad crossing…very educational by the way).

Seriously, reading your emails/comments is the best part of my morning.

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3rd: Okay, this was a given…..make your drivers ed kids drive you to Walmart because you need a cord for your VCR (yes, I said a VCR).  While picking up the cord, call your sister and get a mango because you deserve it, you hardworker.

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4th:  Eat your leftovers while your students get Wendy’s for lunch and teach them about road rage at the same time.  They must have loved seeing me talk with a mouthful of broccoli.

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5th: Eat your ice cream while you eat your ice cream.  You should never interrupt this part of your day by doing anything else.  Really.  Enjoy every lick.

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Watch The Bachelorette (in the dark to rejuvenate my nerves from 3 close calls) while blogging during your break and eating straight from a jar of pb…….Bentley is pure crazysauce and scares me.  PPS the flash mob made my day.

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Do you like to be busy?

Are you a multi-tasker?  Tell me some ways that you multi-task!!!

What was the last fruit that you ate?  Was it delicious?

-My mango was amazing but a sticky mess!

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MMM I love mangoes. But the last fruit I ate was an orange and it was DELICIOUS.

I’m totally going to have to fuse my stretching with hair-drying… GREAT idea…


Oranges are SO SO good right now. Yes, try the stretching/drying and let me know how it goes:)


Had a handful of blueberries after lunch, mmmm!
And yes to multi-tasking!!! Laundry + DVR’d “so u think u can dance” is one of my favorite combos. Talking on the phone while waiting in the carpool line, eating from the garden while I’m playing tetherball w/the kiddos in the backyard :)


SO U THINK U CAN DANCE is my favorite!! I am obsessed with that show. Now I am craving blueberries big time!


did I mention I mailed in my Bachelor application video today? yeah… that’s for real.

I also did a post today JUST FOR YOU…

really only because you were awesome enough to send me your marathon training plan. and because I love you. :-D

giiittttthatmango! I had a mango, apple, strawberries, blueberries, and apricot chopped up in a yogurt bowl for lunch. mmmm mm mmm.


SERIOUSLY!?!?! This makes my day!! PLEASE BE ON THE BACHELOR…I will be your biggest fan!! Will you mind making me that yogurt bowl? I am drooling!


your pictures crack me up!

I am always busy whether I want to be or not, so I just go with it-

I do okay at the multitasking, sometimes I try to multitask too much then forget some things…

I am not a huge fruit eater (love me some veggies, though) but I will devour any blackberries in front of me- I really should plant some blackberry bushes, I’d have them daily-


Blackberries are the BEST….yes, plant some bushes and send them to me too:)


Oh, I forgot to add that Montana is getting a Cafe Rio this fall! And it just so happens to be where my mom and some of my husband’s family lives so we are there often- I am so excited for it from how much you talk about your love for that place! :)


You are getting a Cafe Rio…that is the best news I have heard all day! You better let me know how much you LOVE IT!!!


I had a slice of watermelon and a slice of melon at lunch, oh my… Taste of summer! :)


WATERMELON!!!! Now I am craving that big time…SO HAPPY THAT YOU HAD IT TODAY!!


I’m a total multitasker! I eat and read emails at my desk and cook dinner while on my hands free talking to my mom. With so much to do in a day it pays to do a few things at once!!!


I need a hands free phone….or do you use your speaker phone? My speaker phone stinks!!!


Banana… it was ok.


A lame banana…hopefully you have a yummier one tomorrow!


White peach…so good. I like to be busy but I really like my quiet time too.


I haven’t had a white peach in YEARS…..must find now!


I am suchhh a multitasker!! I do the same thing with blow drying and stretching! Haha


I really think we are long lost twins….but you are blonde and younger:)


I’m the same way as you. I love being busy for a few days, but then I love having free days to catch up on other things and ENERGY!


Pretty sure we were twins separated at birth:)


I am a multi tasker too!! hahahah! you are so funny. Bentley is MEAN!!! He sucks.
I ate an apple with peanut butter before Pilates and it was SO GOOD!!


Let’s start an I HATE BENTLEY CLUB!!! Apple and pb is the best combination in the world!


“eat your ice cream while you eat your ice cream” HAHAHA. I work from home so today I worked while watching True Grit with my boyfriend. Needless to say I ended up working late.


I need to watch True Grit….what channel is that on?


I’m totally with you on the stretching while hairdrying part. Usually this occurs right after stretching while showering.


Stretching in the shower….BRILLIANT!!! WOW!! I will be copying you!


I had a pear and it was straight-up mediocre. Bummer.

Strawberry picking soon though! :)


Strawberry picking sounds amazing!! I am sad that the pear was not good….I HOPE you have a delicious one tomorrow!


I always say that I hate being busy, but then I am always making extra plans to keep me that way. I guess I secretly love being busy!


I always make plans to keep me extra busy too!!! I can’t stop…it is addicting!


I have an iPhone question for you… Do you blog using your phone or with your computer? If so, is there an app that makes your life easier in terms of blogging on your phone? I just got one of these addicting things and I’m totally in love, but fairly lost when it comes to blogging on it. Thanks! :)
I had a banana with almond butter, chia seeds and oatmeal! YUM!
I’m with you about Bentley! You should check out the almost creepy comparison I did of him on mt blog! CREEPY!


I blog on my computer!! Billy told me that you can blog use blogger plus and that it helps big time!! I have no idea what I am doing to but Billy is my tech guy! Bentley sucks…let start a hate club for him!


yup….drying hair whilst applying makeup or pulling trousers up is my speciality!cleaning my house is one big multi-task so i can get it finished asap!


Good call with the makeup and blowdrying at the same time!!! I am the same way when I clean my house ha!


I can’t master mangoes – I seriously am a freak when I eat them. I am the ultimate multi-tasking queen! For real. And the last fruit I ate was blueberrie sin my smoothie.


Now I am craving blueberries. Come to Utah on vacation and I will teach you my mango ways! Hope you are having an amazing day gorgeous girl!! Do you babysit tomorrow?


I love being busy–but I think it’s only so I don’t feel guilty when I have one of those really lazy days where I just eat and hang out at home!
Multi tasking = doing EVERYTHING while eating. I blog and eat, work and eat, type my work and eat…I have skills.
Last fruit I had was strawberries. Best summer fruit!


Agreed….strawberries are the best summer fruit! I do everything while I eat too!!! It is amazing how talented we are:) Hope you are having an amazing day gorgeous girl!


I LOVE being busy, but I also love relaxing, just like ya ;)

And I love ice cream and how it helps me be ‘in the moment’!


We are TWINS!!! Ice cream really does help to just relax and kick back:) I try leaving comments on your blog but it doesn’t show up…check your SPAM!!!


I always try to multitask when blow drying my hair. Thankfully it’s summer and I blow dry my hair approximately 1.5 times a month. I’ll have to try stretches since I usually just blog stalk.
I love the business of the school year but am always ready for summer. I love not being scheduled and living in my swim suit or gym clothes.
I had a nectarine today and was sorely disappointed – too mushy.


I am following your lead and lowering my blow drying per month! Nectarines are amazing…hopefully, your next one will be better!!!! Swim suit and gym clothes are my outfit every day of the summer!


I am such a multitasker!!! I will always makes my dinner and lunch at the same time and manage to avoid burning all my food and/or my house down! I also need to be either watching tv or listening to music no matter what else I;m doing!


I ALWAYS have to be listening to music or watching tv too…..I can’t live without it!


I definitely like to have stuff to do!!!!!!!
Guess what? I eat pb out of the jar too! haha It got so bad that my mom gave me my very own jar of peanut butter!


I think that NO ONE SHOULD SHARE A PB JAR!!! We all need our own:)


I love being busy! I like filling my day with things to do and hate being idle, but I need to stop by 6PM so that I can just chill!

I see that you washed your hair. That’s 6 days!! Must be a record ;)


I wish I could say that it was a record!! I LOVE being idle until six and then completely relax! We are TWINS!!!


Haha I bet you’re an awesome driver’s ed teacher. Mine was this old guy who just smoked the entire time and gave advice on how to get a guy…creepy. I ate some apples today. I buy the already cut up ones from trader joes because I’m that lazy and they were pretty fabulous!


Your driver’s ed teacher sounds creep city!! Gross!!! I would love to buy the cut up apples….that is brilliant!


I LOVE being busy. I usually stress myself out A LOT by getting involved in WAAAAY too many things, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I am a multi-tasking queen. My record is stretching while brushing my teeth in the shower. Score!

I just made myself a fruitastic smoothie containing mango and blueberry. Ohhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh.


In the shower?!?! I need to try your stretching techniques!!!


The ice cream one made me laugh! You should never do ANYTHING other than focus on ice cream when eating ice cream. Unless it’s a milkshake, then you can multitask. But even then.. be choosey about what else you’re doing.

I cannot imagine teaching driver’s ed! I just think about being in the car with the other drivers when I took it a billion (ok ten) years ago, and it was TERRIFYING!! My number one multitasking time is when I’m brushing my teeth. I’ll get dressed and put in my contacts and sometimes start my makeup all while I’m brushing my teeth. I’m probably brushing my teeth longer than I need to, but once my tongue has gone numb from the mint, I just keeping going until I get to a stopping point with getting dressed or whatever to spit.


Good call on the milkshake:) You are the ultimate multi-tasker….teach me your ways!!! Numb from the mint…HILARIOUS!


MMMM love me some mango; but it’s totally one of the messiest fruits. Especially when you hate to let any o f it go to waste and resort to some unpretty tactics!

I just finished some watermelon after dinner!! so refreshing in this heat


Watermelon is the BEST in the summer! I can’t let any of the mango go to waste because it is precious to me….must eat the whole thing!


I am a total multi-tasker. I think I kind of thrive off it. Seems like the more I have to do the more I get done and productive I am! Makes no sense I know. ;)


HOLLEY!! GORGEOUS GIRL!!! I KNOW you are a multi-tasker. You would HAVE to be to get everything done that you do! LOVE YOU and when can I see you!?!?!


I had a heavenly peach this morning. So juicy! And I am a big multitasker so I appreciate this :)


I am SO happy you had such a delicious peach….best way to start to the day!


I always bend down and stretch my hamstrings while blowdrying hair. I’m glad I’m not the only one :)

The last thing I ate was a TJ’s peanut butter cup. SO good, TJ’s puts Reese’s to shame. But the best thing I ate today overall was a grilled portobella mushroom sandwich from a cafe down the street from my job. I’m thinking of eating it for breakfast, lunch and dinner till I get sick of it.


I NEED a TJ’S PB CUP!! I am drooling now. Also, that sandwich sounds amazing…..I will fly there tomorrow…Lunch?!?!


Lol, love your mulitasking! You are awesome.


YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Seriously, I love you to death!


Ok, definitely jealous that you have a VCR still!

And twist cones are the best. I so want one now.

The last fruit I ate was… either a clementine or a banana. Don’t remember which. But they were both good.


Go get a twist cone…you deserve it. I will sell you my VCR ha!!! Glad both the banana and clementine were delicious!


That’s so funny! I always stretch while I blow dry my hair. Thought I was the only one :)


You are NOT ALONE!!! We are both slightly crazy!


I love your blog. It cracks me up. Every.time. I wish we lived in Utah so that you could teach my 5 kids to drive/eat at the same time.


Your comment MADE MY DAY!! Seriously, thank you!! Come to Utah and I will teach them how to drive and you and I can go for fro-yo everyday!


i KIND of like being busy – busy to a certain extent! busy at work is good because the day flies by. busy on my days off doing things i’d rather NOT be doing on the other hand isn’t so fun!

multi-tasking is my forte. right now i’m watching the stanley cup finals, wearing a blanket, sipping water & commenting on your blog! not super multi-tasking :P

the last fruit i ate was a giant, juicy & crisp apple. it was yum yum yummy.


You are a multi-tasking queen!!! Your apple sounds amazing!!


I like the idea of staying home and doing nothing, but then when it happens I’m bored and feel unproductive!


HA I am totally the same way….I always do that!


I am watching tv, eating, and writing this all at the same time.
I love the hyper busy into the crash days. Makes those lazy days feel that much better.

Last fruit was orange, grapefruit, banana fruit salad. If you haven’t had that combo…;s delish.


i like being busy and running place to place but i also like having alone time and time to relax and veg out


Alone time is the best…….I am craving it now:)


Ah I had a white nectarine this afternoon. HEAVENLY!!!!! I’m convinced they are the forbidden fruit from the garden of Eden (or at least a close relative).

I agree with you about Bentley. I’m actually a little disappointed that Ashley thinks she was in love with him by week 3. He talks like a loser who can’t think and I don’t get what she saw in him. Alright…he is pretty good looking, but that’s it. And yes, the flash mob was amazing. I was freaking out and my hubby thought I was crazy! What can I say…I’m a dancer who likes that type of stuff ha!


I am DROOLING over your white nectarine!! Ashley….really?!?! I think she had to do it for the show…drama. I am SO happy you loved the flash mob too. I want to be a dancer like you!


I’m in a mani multi-taking frenzy 90% of the workday. It’s really hard for me to actually concentrate on one thing at a time, which is why I don’t watch much TV. Reading a book is about the only thing that can get me to calm down.


I would get a lot more done if I cut out TV…..You are my example in life!! Your workday sounds out of control!!!


ahhhhhhhh bentley!!!! why is he so psycho????? is it not a tiny bit scary that he lives in the same state as us??? today on the radio they did a special on bentley sitings. I hope they never see him anywhere near me.

I love your day. seriously. that ice cream looks and sounds SO good right now!

have a good night friend!


Seriously, Bentley is such a piece of work, isn’t he? Guys like him give our state a bad reputation! Yuck, he is such a jerk!


Between Bentley and Michelle, people probably think that Utahns are crazy sauce!!!


I love mangoes even though they are such a MESS! I really wish I could come live a day in the life of Janae with you. I’m a multi-tasker some of the time, but I also enjoy those down times when I can read blogs/comments. :)


I will pay for your plane ticket:) I LOVE the picture that shows up when you comment… work at Lulu and you are a MODEL…jealous!


Um…I TOTALLY stretch while blow drying my hair. Fo sho


We are twinners!


I love being go-go-go … until it all catches up with me. Then I soak my feet in a lavendar epsom salt bath, eat something sweet, and pop in a chick flick. I am so cool…


Can I come hang out with you and eat chocolate, watch a chick flick and put our feet in a salt bath….I will be over tomorrow after work:)


The last fruit I ate was a tomato.

Haha I love sneaking stretches in, too. I multi-task a lot… making food and checking email, reading on the elliptical, etc.

I sort of like to be busy. I always like having an option of something to do. I just don’t like to be overly busy. Buuuuut doing nothing makes me feel kind of lazy and unproductive.


You are definitely a multi-tasker:) Tomato……DELICIOUS!!! I know what you mean about feeling unproductive!


I always stretch when I dry my hair (also glad to see that you washed your hair…) If you multi-task like that you get like 5 more crutial minutes of sleep!!


Ha, I washed my hair just for you:) You are so right about more sleep….but then I just spend those extra five minutes blooging…..oops!


It’s late and I wrote blooging instead of blogging, I struggle.


I love being super busy too! If I am not busy I feel like I am being lazy! But, then again, I do enjoy a long hot bath!!

I am a multi-tasker! I have to be with my wild little girl!

The last fruit I ate were the yummiest, ripest strawberries at enrichment tonight! So Yummy!!


You have the cutest little girl ever. Now I am craving a hot bath and strawberries:)


I love to be busy…but the problem is – then I crash and burn! My profession demands that I be good at multi-tasking but I straight up suck at it ;-). Shhhh. don’t tell.

The best multi-tasking I can do is reading a magazine while doing situps (people usually call me out on it at the gym- i say it’s not that hard. try it) and watching reality tv while ellipticizing/running.


SIT-UPS WHILE READING!!! YOU ARE MY HERO!!! Reality tv and exercise at the same time= heaven.


You took a picture of yourself blogging about blogging? That blows my mind. Too much thinking for summer.

I multitask too much. It’s not healthy. I like to stretch while I cook. And sometimes while I eat, which burns off all the calories of the food and then some.


I am going to have to try this whole stretching and cooking thing….absolutely brilliant!!!


Hahaha my goodness you crack me up! I always listen to music/browse blogs/eat some yummy thing/watch food network while doing homework…somehow I manage to get by in school? The last fruit would beeee a lovely little apple!


How did I forget the FOOD NETWORK…I always have chopped playing while I am doing other things…we are a lot alike. Apples are the!


As I’m writing to you I’m noshing on our fav…”apple-pecan Wendy’s salad!!” hubby just scored points ‘cuz he surprised me with it when he came home!! We should be their spokepeople for their salads so we can get hook-ups!! :)

I love being busy! Ways I multi-task…I do side leg raises and kick backs when I curl my hair, I dictate grocery and to do lists to my daughter as I drive, ummm…discipline (verbally) when I’m on the treadmill! Things you have to look forward to when you and your hubby have kids!!

Last yummy fruit…watermelon!! and the apples in this salad!

BTW I love how you’re commenting to your readers. :) xoxo


Pam, I LOVE YOU!!! I KNOW that you love being busy….you are always on the go and you literally run a million miles per hour. Can we eat Wendy’s salads together this summer?!?! LOVE YOU!


I love being busy, but it also makes me cray crazy!!!…and stressed, anxious, etc. Haha. It would be bad, but when I have nothing to do I feel so guilty!
Last fruit I ate was an apple (normal bowel movements ppl) :)


I just discovered I like mangos – late I know.

I love your priorities – NEVER interrupt ice cream eating. Smart gal!

Winks & Smiles,


Yay for stretching while doing other things – i stretch in the shower, at work, watching tv, reading blogs…ok i am a stretching manic lol


I love your thoughts on ice cream :)


I have a VCR too! I actually forgot what they were called for a while and kept calling them VHS players. Oops.

You should really never interrupt ice cream time. You’re right. Sage advice.

The last fruit I ate were strawberries in my oatmeal.


I am the worst person in the world because I don’t like fruit! I know, it’s terrible. I love veggies, but not fruit! My mom told me that even as a baby, I wouldn’t eat it! It’s a texture thing…ahhhh!
Love this post! You are always so pretty!


You crack me up! I love reading your blog! I love the dried Mangos from Trader Joe’s as well as the real deal…but the dried ones are less sticky and taste even more like candy!!!


lol, I also stretch when I dry my hair after Wednesday morning runs.


I’m ALWAYS multitasking. I’m so type-A, my brain never stops going. I really think I work better if I have a zillion things on my to-do list. If I just have one thing to do, I’ll put it off and dread it for hours.


Oh gosh, I am always multi-tasking!! I am usually drinking coffee while I dry my hair in the morning, checking emails/reading blogs while I put on makeup, I eat lunch at my desk at work so I can workout over lunch…I am so ADD!


my multitasking strategy usually involves skipping both stretching AND blowdrying my hair. sexy and smart, i know.


totally random but are you eating your breakfast with a Yogurtland spoon?! I LOVE their spoons. Sometimes I ask if I can take an extra one :)


ps. Bentley is AWFUL. I can’t believe that they let him say all those things to the camera without telling Ashley. It was painful to watch.


This is a great blog, could you be interested in doing an interview regarding just how you developed it? If so e-mail me!

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