Craptastic run with a REALLY bad hair day.

No comments on my hair, I am well aware of its weirdness and I will work on it later today.

We set out to do 8 miles around the most beautiful lake ever.

Every step my lamesauce shins screamed at me.  Dare I say it was worse than running a 1/2 marathon on a femoral stress fracture or maybe now I am just a baby.

I QUIT at mile 3 and had to walk back.  I don’t quit.  I have been forced to quit by other people but I do not ever stop, not just in running but also in every other area of life… cream eating, work, forcing Billy to date me, Monopoly.

But today I had to.  Do you like my fake happy face.  I am really thinking in my head I want to get calf implants that are SO strong and allow me to run forever.   The worst part was seeing other runners on the trail, I don’t get jealous very often obviously.

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Billy is a smart man.   I know it is so lame to cry over running but I want so badly to be able to run like I used to and spend the TIME and WORK it takes to get there.

As I was being a baby and crying to B, he reminded me that I am human.  No matter who you are, you have to start slowly with running.  Even though my lungs, brain and HEART are more than ready to go FAST and LONG, my muscles are just not ready for it.  Resulting in shin splints.

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Did you know that RYAN HALL grew up here…..I was hoping we would run into him at some point.

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So the game plan…..few days off from running and start with just a few miles on FLAT surfaces at a slower pace and a new pair of running shoes.

Even though I haven’t mentioned it on the blog I have been thinking that I am going to be BACK to my old self FAST and in enough time for some upcoming races.  I am learning that that kind of thinking is going to leave me injured and that I HAVE to realize it takes TIME to build back up!!!!  Doesn’t mean I can’t crave a 2 hour run every now and then:)


Do you get ‘runner’s envy’?

-Watching races is the worst!!! I just want to jump in and try to catch the lead.

When was the last time you QUIT a run?  What did you do to make yourself feel better about it?

-I ate a ginormous salad, 2 apples and now I am blogging from the massage chair while it massages my calves and at the same time looking up races for NEXT season that I am going to PR in:)

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It’s not quitting. It’s adjusting. You can adjust your workouts to stay injury free – in fact it’s a good idea.

Go swim :D.


WOW!!! I LOVED that….I am calling it adjusting, you made my day!


Dang girl, this is awesome. Changing perspective works wonders!!!


Take your time… no sense in wasting all that time you’ve already taken off :P I totally know what it’s like, believe me. You ARE going to be back running super fast again super soon :) The last time I quit a run was about 4 months or so ago… I thought my intestines were going to explode out through my belly button. They didn’t. But no way could I run like that. I curled up in the fetal position :P


I just ADORE YOU!! Thank you so so much!! Oh…intestine problems…BOO!! Has it happened since?


You’ve GOT IT, girl. This is ONE day. Your shins WILL get better- even mine did! haha.


The last time (and first time) I had to quit a long run was 3-4 weeks before my third half marathon. After that race I had 8 straight weeks of races so I was so scared that I would miss all of that.
I dealt with it by researching what I could do to best heal. I took 3 days completely off and then ran with a knee brace for several weeks. I’m so glad I listened to my body at the beginning rather than waiting too late.


Sorry about your run! That is the worst! Go cuddle with Charlie! It’ll make you feel better :).

I’m sort of nervous I’m going to crap out on my run today since I donated blood yesterday. Let’s hope my blood has the super powers I think it does!

I totally get runners envy, it’s the worst when I’m driving to work and I see people out there hitting the pavement. I would SO much rather be running than working.


I’m also coming back from a stress fracture, and it’s tough! I am so grateful I can run again, but there’s still that little voice egging me on to go faster and farther. I seriously give everyone faster than me dirty looks. I don’t mean to though!


OH GIRL!! I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL….wish we could go for fro-yo and talk all about it! WE WILL get back but it is going to take some serious time!


Even though I know it was hard for you to stop, just remember it’s better to stop now and rest for a few days rather than have to take several months off again :) You’ll be back to your old self sooner than you realize, then you can make all the other people have runner’s envy!


THANK YOU ABBY!!! You helped BIG TIME!!! You are so right…better to hold back now than be FORCED to for months! YOU ARE THE BEST!


When I was running on the treadmill today and had to stop after 1.15 miles because my calves have been killing me. It’s my own fault though, because I’ve been ignoring rest days. Like you, I just wanna run!!!!!!

I’m taking at least the next two days off from running so my calves can heal. I know I will come back stronger and ready to run with excitement. And you will too!!! <3


I UNDERSTAND….we HAVE to REST OKAY!?!?! No running…otherwise I am going to come hunt you down:)


When I first read that you were running 8 miles I was like whaaaaaaat?! Take it easy girl! You will be PRing in no time so please be good to those calves!!


I know…I am crazy sauce!! I think you should check the home page right now:)


You will get back into it in no time lady! Keep up the great progress!


Please don’t think of this as “quitting”. Imagine if you had kept it up and hurt yourself even worse and were forced to take an even longer break from running. Listening to your body is soooo important. Take care of yourself and you’ll be back there in no time!


Janae I totally know what you’re talking about with runner’s envy except with biking!

I did a big 2 day 200 mile bike ride a few weeks ago with my dad and our friends…I had to sit-out some the hillier segments because of my knees. I was so mad and envious of the other riders who could do the whole thing, and I was mad at myself for feeling that way because at the end of the day…i was able to still do 145 miles — which is a TON and I’m proud of that. Staying injury free should ALWAYS come first!!


I hate those days! Just think of how smart you were to listen to your body. If you never quit, then it must have been a good idea to do so this time.


Aw Janae…you are awesome! I always get runner’s envy because I’m not a Oh well. Billy is a smart man- and he’s right, we are all human. The last time I quit a short run (because that’s all I do) I ended up having to go to the bathroom and then I had a stomach ache the rest of the day. Booo


I had to take 9 months off from all strenuous activity after my last ACL repair and it was so hard to sit and watch my team finish their season, without running onto the field to hug them all. And all the while I had the thought of being able to sprint as quickly as I could pre-ACL surgery when I got to pre-season the next year at College…I was so scared, nervous, anxious and excited…but I had to keep telling myself if I didn’t rest then, I would have never have been able to run later…now I am able to run distances I never could have dreamed possible with a stronger knee than I had before!


The first time I’ve ever fully quit running was when I got pregnant. Do you know how hard it was to go from running 10 miles a day to now…I get winded walking up the stairs! Scary mary!
Once my babies are big enough to go out in the jogging stroller I will get my groove back but I know it will be baby steps (literally!) and I’m going to be at that place you talked about: my mind will be ready but my body is going to need time.
I LOVE your advice and we have all been there at some point!


Everytime I have started to push myself in running I have gotten injuried. This time around I have been running a couple times a week, short distances, with lots of cross training! I am loving getting some time on my bike! I feel so much better now and am planning my first race. Yay!


Yes I get running envy all the time thinking about my fellow Utahns running in gorgeous weather right now with so many awesome races to choose from. We moved from Utah to TX about a year ago and there are hardly any Saturday races here, and the weather right now is anything but pleasant to run in. I also got running envy when I was pregnant. I went through what you are going through right now after I had a baby and I had to start slow and build back up. It took a long time, but I eventually got in to better running shape than before my baby, and you will too once you’re all the way recovered!


Oh, that stinks! But, you WILL get back to your old self; you’re really smart for knowing that you had to stop for your health. :) I love this quote;I think it really suits your situation : “When we feel stuck… going nowhere…even starting to slip backward, we might actually be backing up to get a running start.” I love it. :)


I recently saw a little poster and posted it on my blog about “Running Through…” It spoke to me. Maybe it will speak to you too!


I love this quote!!

Wouldn’t let me comment on your blog PS… idk why


Thanks for sharing Laurin! I need to glue this on to my arm when I am running…. I let self doubt get in my way too much! Even this morning, I was thinking it was going to be a tough run and I let it be a tough run. Thanks again!

PS – Janae you are such an inspiration to us! You will get better, and faster! Oh, and I get runner’s envy, especially of you!! You’re a rockstar!


I do get running envy. I ran a 5k last night and I was passing people, but I also had people passing me and I wished I could run as fast as them. I had to keep telling myself that I was running for myself and I was doing the best I could. And I did…I got a PR!


I feel so bummed for you that you had to ADJUST, as per Victoria’s words, but I’m proud of you for listening to your body! It shows you’re growing physically and mentally and that makes for a much, much stronger runner. Besides, you have the speed of cheetah compared to me. Seriously, I get passed by runners who are probably in their 50s and 60s! So for that I have runner’s envy. :)


i’ve been super impressed with your come back so far and totally agree that this is just an adjustment in your strategy. you didn’t get to where you were overnight and it won’t come back overnight, but the lessons you’ve learned will make it all come back better than ever!!!
put houston on your 2013 (already closed for 2012) list and come visit!! :)


I was wondering if at some point you would become mortal! Girl, you had STRESS FRACTURES…it is okay to slowly move back into your routine! I couldnt believe your post when you did 11 miles, I don’t even do that on two GOOD femurs :) Just relax, and your body will tell you when it is time to go balls to the wall…But, super proud of you for listening to your body when it told you to stop, that is HARD!!


I am dealing with shin pain. What can I do for it? I have never had pain like this before..I have been icing on and off. Today I did a 10mile bike and then 1600yards in the pool. I thought maybe a day off of running might help. Any suggestions? Have you ever tried the compression sleeves?


Be careful! Because one time I thought I just had shin splints and really I’d given myself a stress fracture – so I had to lay off the running for a month!!! The only thing the doctor told me to do is to ice them, stay off them when they hurt, and use one of those muscle rollers to roll out my calves before and after runs — that last one really helped me :)


My crappy run was yesterday :( But hang in there and listen to your body. And remember what you ARE capable of doing! :)


Wah. I’m sorry boo. I’ve defs had those days but HEY….it all turns out right in the end! p.s. I get maaaajor runner’s envy when I watch Kara Goucher or Paula Radcliffe kicking asphalt while 9 months preggo.


I am jealous of almost every runner on the road lol.

My craptastic heart and lungs stink so bad that I often can’t run more than 3miles without taking a break (Well, I could, but I would pass out… when your heart rate monitor says you’re at 99% and 198bpm apparently the doctor says you have to slow down and let your heart catch up but what do they know?) Anyways, back to being jealous… when I stop and look around there’s always some old guy who’s kicking my runners butt… and I think to myself just great! Then I turn on some really awesome jams and get all hyped up to start running again in a minute or so :)

Good job at knowing your body’s limits!! I’m glad you stopped instead of injuring yourself further!


I’m sorry about your shin splints! those are painful. I’m sure you already know this, but just in case, be sure you are doing exercises to strengthen your shins. Do them 1 – 2 times a day (but not more, or it might make it worse). It’ll take just a few minutes.
1. walk forward about 10 feet on your heels with your toes pointed out, and then walk backwards to the starting point.
2. walk forward about 10 ft on your heels with your toes pointed inward, and then walk backwards to the staring point.
3. walk forward on your toes with your heels pointed out, and then backwards
4. walk forward on your toes with your heels pointed inward, and then backwards.
I’m not sure if those make sense or not. If you’re confused, I’m sure there are plenty of videos youtube. just search “shin splint exercises”.
Also, as I’m sure you know, ice! I like to make ice cups- I freeze water in a small paper cup, and then I rip off part of the top of the cup so I can rub the ice on my shins. Best of luck!


WOW!!! HAILEY…you saved the day! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR these tips…I am doing them as soon as I hit reply!! WOW, I OWE YOU BIG TIME!


Janae – You are AWESOME!

A little bit at a time…it will ALL come back to you in due time and you’ll wonder why you were so upset during this experimental time with your running.

Sending you positive thoughts! :D


ANDREA!! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!! You made my day and you are so RIGHT…it will all come back:) Thank you!!


I know it’s disheartening, but building back up using the 10 % rule will have you back to top speed in a flash. So much better than not being able to run at all. I had a few setbacks this spring: a pulled muscle followed by bronchitis but now that I’m building back up, those setbacks are a distant memory.
Good luck and take it s-l-o-w!


I just wrote a post about this! And I talked about YOU and how your positive attitude continues to amaze me. Even when you seem a little sad about things, I’m always impressed with your ability to put it all into perspective. Don’t worry girl. You WILL get there because of not only your talent, but your attitude.

I get runner’s envy all the time…not with you though, because you’re on a whole different level ;-)

I just quit a run on Saturday (and wrote about it too hahahaha) – To make myself feel better, I finished my workout on the elliptical while watching reality television. Then, I laid out all day. I was in a much happier place with a little sunshine :-)


I was just going to tell you how proud I am of how well you are doing, and now after reading this, I am even moreso. It is so hard to back off – even with pain (yeah I know about running a half in pain, too. My hip stress fracture happened during one but I finished also!). I hope when I get to run again, I will be as smart as you!:)


THANK YOU SO MUCH KIM!!! You made my day!!! Let’s be smart TOGETHER!!!!


Sorry about your bad run, but it totally happens to all of us! Be careful with those shin splits because they can turn into stress fractures!


One day at a time. One bad run in the span of a lifetime of runs is still better then a lifetime without running. We are lucky to be able to move our bodies the way we can, but we all have limits and your hubs in right. You’ll get there girl, and you’ll be stronger physically and mentally then you were before.


Definitely don’t run on shin splints. Oh my goodness. I learned the hard way. I had shin splints FOR A YEAR. It was terrible. Muscle pulling away from the bone? Yeah, no thanks. Take it easy and make sure you ICE. Multiple times a day.

Beautiful scenery!


I often have runner’s envy. And it’s of my mom. How lame is that? She is such a beast and can forever. I’m just starting out and my body is screaming to stop after the first few miles. – For now, I am listening to it. The goal? To give someone else runner’s envy one of these days! ;-)


THe last time I quit a run was a few weeks ago. I was close to being done, but I just couldn’t do it! It was my mistake though…I didn’t fuel myself properly for the run, so I was poopers before I could quite finish. I love running, but sometimes I seriously doubt myself…how do you do it. How can you run for hours?? I want to but sometimes I just don’t think I can…this might be worse that your not even that bad hair!


I am sorry…..but I am SO proud of you for quitting and walking back so your shins can recover and you can get back out there instead of getting worse. yay for you having a great outlook on injury and the future. This is a great example for all of us runners out there!
oh there is a documentary about Joan Benoit Samuelson that I just watched and it was SO INSPIRING! It is called ” There is no Finish Line” and you might just love it!


I DEFINITELY get runner’s envy. Like all the time…no matter how much I don’t want to compare myself to other runners or especially to how I was before…I STILL do it! and it SUCKS. i hate it. really hate it. and it makes me push myself too much. I TOTALLY relate to this post (and so many of the ones you write). But girl just remember that you WILL get there. It may not be today or tomorrow but you are on your way and are doing AMAZING!! good job for stopping when you did…that has been tough for me lately. I just want to keep going and then I can’t any more. Anyway…you are a daily inspiration…just so you know :)


I always have running envy. I can’t even run a 5k without stopping to walk so I get really jealous reading about women who can go out and run four miles just like that.


Taking your time now + slowing down = runs in the future with no pain. And the long term is the important part, not day to day.

All that is very reasonable, and I can say that but know that it’s very hard to follow my own advice.


watch out for the shin splints! remember that they can result in stress fractures if you run on them too much. I have chronic shin splints that are brought on by weak inner quads (I forget the real name of the muscle).


i’m so sorry friend. But Billy is right. You are human! You did not quit, you just had to delay your run. Maybe a few day, weeks, etc.
One day at a time friend. and Your hair is HOT!


i always get runners envy, even when i’m having a good run!

and woman, if you want to see ryan hall you gotta go to mammoth lakes. higher elevation than the lake where you are . :)

and i’ve quit more runs than i can count. but it’s ok, because i remember there is always another one.


The thing I’ve learned about shin splints etc. is that you have to put aside your “i’ve gotta finish” mentality.
Mine began at a really bad time, and I kept thinking to myself, I just have to get through these two meets and this field hockey tournament. I knew it was going to hurt, but I had been cleared for no stress fractures, so I didn’t think it was going to harm me long term.
Unfortunately, keeping running has given me some knee troubles, foot problems, and ankle problems, and two months later, I’m still not able to run.
You’ve just come close to recovering from your fractures, so don’t jeopardize your chance to run again by overdoing it while having shin splints.


AHHHH EM!!! I am SO sorry that you have been through so much with your shin splints and still not running…I am praying for you and I am going to learn from you!! THANK YOU!!!


I get “runners” envy all the time! When I read blogs, when I see people run, when I watch races, the list goes on… but at the same time I am proud of myself and what I do too.


Running has taught you everything you need to know! Just as you have proved you are disciplined enough to run marathons, speed work, hill repeats…… are now proving to yourself you are strong enough to not run when you are injured. Be your own BFF Janae………and use the same mantras if you need to “you got this” “you are the” “don’t quit (meaning don’t give in and run)”

I’m proud of you.


ERICA!!! YOU MADE MY DAY!!! Thank you so so much for your kind words and you are so right…time to be my own bff. THANK YOU GIRL!


I get envious of runners when I am in my off period (I take 1 or 2 weeks off between cross country and track, I’m in high school). I had to go watch the state track meet on my off period and I ended up sprinting back to the car in my toms, haha. When I don’t run I just feel odd! But trust your rest time because it actually will restore your body so you will come back better than ever!!(not old janae but new and improved janae!) Sorry this was so long(: Btw I LOVE your blog! Keep up the good work.


I get runner’s envy allllllllllll the time. I usually run 2-3 miles a day, but when I see that other people run 11+ miles a day makes my 2 miles feel like big ol’ loserville. I think I’m big stuff when I run 5 miles, and then see the runs other people do and then I get down on myself again. I try to tell myself even a half mile is better than nothing!!!


So sorry about your craptastic run…but don’t forget that those happen to EVERYONE. They’re normal! I think it’s because running is a hot, sweaty, difficult activity. If we didn’t have bad runs, we’d never know the other runs are GOOD runs! They would just ALL be hot, sweaty, tough workouts ;) Hehe…you’ll get a good run soon. Get some rest!




I’m sorry your run was craptastic. It will get better. I am in a running funk of my own and am struggling. It’s so hard to be patient sometimes. Just remember to be kind to yourself!!!
I get runner’s envy too. I’m not a fast runner, so when I see or hear about others who run faster than me, I get envious and it sometimes makes me feel bad about myself. I wish I wasn’t like that.
Hang in there, girl. Go get some kisses from Charlie. Doggie love makes everything better. ;)


YOU ARE THE BEST!! Thanks so much and we will get through this FUNK TOGETHER!!


Just remember that wisdom (i.e. running wisdom) that YOU have comes from times like this. These times/experiences are what build you up as a strong runner. Take a look at the life of any strong runner like you and they have gone through patches like this. <3


YOU are NOT a quitter! Girl, you are truly amazing! I hope you know that! One of my favorite quotes is from the movie A league of their own…

Jimmy Dugan:” It’s supposed to be hard! If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard… is what makes it great!”

Sometimes we go through hard patches in life, running or anything else! Its those hard times that make us stronger! And the stronger we get the closer we come to our dreams and goals!

Keep your head up and KNOW that you have all of us bloggers cheering you on and looking up to you! You are awesome!!


I think I remember you used to run alot more on treadmills….and now you are back at it (after significant time off) on concrete. That exact thing happened to me..and i got shin splints. Treadmill surface is softer which shins can handle better. To run outside…take it VERY slow…work up to more miles outside. And ICE ALOT. It helps shin splints.


AHHH THAT IS TOTALLY TRUE!!! GIRL, you nailed it. Thank you so so much for your help!


Also, don’t forget that Big Bear is at a really high elevation- 1 mile in Big Bear = something like 3 miles at normal altitude. I tried to run there last summer, and epically failed too!


Girl, you should feel so PROUD of yourself for listening to your body. You did NOT quit. There is a big difference!! You WILL be back but it takes time!!!




I am always envious because I am somewhat new to running and extremely slow. I mean people can probably walk faster than I run and I still have to take a lot of walking breaks. Some day I hope I can run “for real” but for now I am just gonna deal.

Make sure to stay positive, while we always are comparing ourselves to the past or other people we have to be greatful for what we can do because a lot of people can’t even do our worst!!! (If that makes sense?)


Hey, just wanted to say I am going through the EXACT same thing! I was out running with some friends this morning, and I was doing fine for the first four miles. We had ran up/down a steep hill, and then we had to stop at a stoplight. When the little walker signal lit up and I began running again, my shins KILLED! I was gimping and it hurt to even try to keep up with my friends! And the weird thing is I haven’t changed anything about my running, I haven’t taken any time off, and I recently got new shoes (the same saucony ones I’ve always been getting). I’m thinking it may be because I ran on the treadmill a few times last week (we had some nasty storms) and I run weirdly on the treadmill for some odd reason.

You are NOT a quitter at all! You listened to your body, and that’s going to make you a stronger runner! Keep up the great work, I can’t wait to hear more! :)


AHHH I AM SO SORRY YOU EXPERIENCED SHIN PAIN TODAY TOO!! Please keep me updated with how you are doing!!!!


I get runner’s envy a lot. Especially reading blogs because you guys are so FAST compared to me. It makes me want to be faster, but it’s one of those things where it is what it is and I can’t compare!!

I’m glad you’re sharing your struggles because it help me get through mine.

p.s. I stopped a run early saturday because it was just too hot for me. Charleston, SC in June is not fun


YOU give me runners envy!!! and this past weekend I made my mom stop on a run with me in central park so I could watch the lead runners go by and finish… talk about wanting to hop into a race and join!!!!

last time i quit on a run it was 500 degrees outside with 100% humidity and i knew if i kept going it would be counter productive, so i turned around and said that the energy i’m saving on this run will help me on my next!


THAT WOULD BE SO FUN to watch the lead runners in central parker. Um, I wouldn’t have left my house in that temperature…..I LOVE that you said you were saving your energy for your NEXT RUN!!


Hi Janae!
It’s good you stopped…I know how you feel – it’s hard when you injure one part of your body, but when you start running again suddenly other parts are giving out on you! it has been happening with my foot and running…yes my foot is getting better… but then my knees hurt, and now one of my shins – its frustrating when I have never had such problems before! I am just trying to take it easy and one step at a time, and basically resting from running as soon as something hurts unusually ie. my right shin at the moment. I am just so glad though that I can now go on the bike, cross trainer and do pump! soo much better to do something than nothing. Keep going and you will get there :)


AHHH GIRL…I AM THE SAME WAY!! It is crazy because nothing else hurt before the injury and now everything is yelling at me!! I am SO happy that you can do the bike, cross trainer and pump! I AM PRAYING FOR YOU!!!


I get runners envy reading about your runs ALL THE TIME! hahaha. Despite all the envy, you have motivated me to try to start running farther. Today, I ran 5 miles. 5 MILES. wahooooo! My hip is none too happy right now, but oh well. I have NEVER ran 5 miles and I’m so proud of myself. lol. Major runners high this morning :P
When you’re running, do you have to stop sometimes for a breather?? I stopped a few times while running (3 exactly) and kept telling myself that it’s better to take a short break and keep running than to run without any breaks and get tired quicker….


GIRL!!! 5 MILES….you are absolutely amazing!!!! That runner’s high is the absolute BEST!!! YES, everyone has to stop for breathers every now and then…..YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!


I totally get runners envy! I ran my half marathon in 1:45 on Saturday (slow to you I know) and was so excited that I got a PR, until I found out my girlfriend who’d only been running since January got a 1:39. The little green monster came out in me, even though I’m excited for her, just also insanely jealous.




oh my, i feel your pain! (not literally, but i can imagine) honestly, this post kind of scares me as i’m sidelined with a tibial stress fracture right now. i’ll be cleared to start running again on July 9th (you better believe i’m counting down the days). in my mind, i’ll be right back where i left off. i know that’s not how it’s going to be, but that’s still what i think. seems like if you’re in it mentally your body should just follow. sorry to hear about your frustrating run today–i’m sure i’m going to have some of those myself. i am jealous every time i see someone out on the road right now. right there with ya on that. you’re gonna be back to awesome before you know it!!


OH GIRL!!! I am so sorry about your stress fracture!! IT IS TOUGH to come back without re-injuring yourself but we can do this together!! JULY 9th is ALMOST HERE!


Billy is so right! You are human and we have to take it slow getting back into distance and speed. I know you’ll be able to get back there – just be patient with that body of yours! xoxo


I’ve been injured lately, taking some time off and coming back into it around the same time as you. I have to admit when I read that you headed out for an 8 mile run I was immediately pissed with myself (my long run is currently 4 miles). I was thinking what the heck! You and Janae were on the same track and she’s up to 8 miles already. Dang.

Then of course I read you had shinsplints and I felt bad for being so disappointed with my own progress. I am the shinsplint Queen. Ice those things long and often, and stretch those calves and it makes a big difference. Now I feel confident in saying we’ll both be back up to 8 miles before we know it :) Just not yet.


WE WILL GIRL!!! Thanks for the icing advice and keep me updated on how you are DOING!!!


I had a crappy run that I stopped in the middle of. I stopped for water for myself and my dog and was so exhausted I literally sat down and stopped. I was doing a double loop, so I was about a mile from my house and had to pull together all my energy to at least run that home. What made it better? I allowed myself to hide in my room and watch old tv shows online. (I never realized how much I loved 3rd Rock From The Sun, until I found it online.)


I got bad runner envy when alot of my friends were running the Disney Princess half in March. I wanted to go so badly, I might have even whined a bit (well, alot) to the husband. I had to quit a race one time in the middle because of stomach problems. Instead of continuing the run around central park, I ran home :)


I had to quit a run a few weeks ago for the same reason – shin splints!
They are almost better though

I recently read that running slowly on an incline on the treadmill is okay to do with shin splints and can help


Aw, RunnerGirl. :hug: I SO know how you feel. I’m the queen of injury – and am nearly always “working my way back” from one. Right now it’s a hamstring strain. Had to stop a run a week ago. One week on the mend was not enough. I came home and planned some serious cycling and swim workouts to make me feel better!


Girl, you need to let your body catch back up to your heart. It will. Where the heart goes, the body naturally follows!


You are so awesome! You were SMART and ended a run a little early. You certainly didn’t quit!

Injuries stink. There is no other way to put it. I have been battling a foot injury (PF) since March. I had to turn off at the RNR SD marathon and finish with the halfers. I cried. But I took time off and it’s healing so I am getting back into the swing of things. It is so frustrating that I cannot go out and run 18 miles but I figure it will come soon enough, right?

Keep on keepin’ on J! You are an inspiration!


Girl!!!! Can u o yogurtland at 715 tonight?!?


Janae – I know you are having a hard time with this and having to start over…but it gives me hope. Because I was just starting to run and was getting ready to do a 5k and train for a half when I got pregnant and had to stop running. I’m hoping to get back into running after baby comes, and know it will be a hard road. But, it helps me to see an amazing runner like you has to go through the same thing. That it isn’t just natural to be able to wake up one morning and go out and run long distances and not have any pain in your legs and to be able to breathe and not have any problems. You are always an inspiration. Now if my legs would allow me to stick it out through one of your killer spin classes. :)


I’m new to running. Like, just started back in January and am doing my first ever 10k on July 10. (I actually trained for and was ready for a 10k in April but got really sick and my endurance practically died). This past Sunday I got a groin strain, walking the dog of all ways, and it’s driving me nuts because I soooooo want to run, to continue with my training, but I know if I jump in too soon, I risk injuring myself worse. :\ I do get runners envy, why can they run without injury and I can’t? Why am I so freaking slow?? Which is strange to me because I would have never thought I’d ever be a runner. (I’ve always hated running) I hope to be well enough soon to get at least three more runs under my belt. I guess. . . letting our bodies heal and listening to the cues, we all get there eventually, right?


I’m so sorry, that is frustrating! Hang in there, at least you have Billy to talk you through it. I’m sure you will be back to your fast ol’ self in no time. At least now you know to listen to your body!


Um, I have major runner’s envy of YOU! One day would love to be able to race with you, when you are at your peak again, side by side. I have never quit a workout yet, but sometimes my brain puts me there when I’m feeling the exhaustion. Get better. The 10% rule is KEY.


Reading this blog gives me runner’s envy! Even though I love reading :) I am still trying to figure out the best approach to easing back into running after hurting my knee without ruining it again! So annoying…really, slowly building up running distance is horrific and boring. :)


Injuries stink!!!! You need to be so proud of yourself Janae! You listened to your body & did what it asked! Definitely a good thing! I hope I can do the same when I start running again when my boot comes off. Especially since I didn’t listen to it in the first place! Hang in there! It takes time to get back after time off.

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