Cereal Kind of a Night and a New Toy

Guessed what got rid of my head ache…..A NAP!!! It felt so so good.  I literally fell asleep after laying down for 38 seconds.

You know what else helped with the pounding head……getting my new toys in the mail.  It is a waterproof case for my ipod.  I will be listening to books on tape (ipod) like a mad woman.  I think I will start with ‘The Babysitters Club’ followed by ‘The Boxcar Children’ and when I am feeling rebellious I will listen to a little ‘Goosebumps’ as I swim.    You can find it HERE on my Gear Page under the accessories section.

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Once I was feeling better we went to the parentals (too lazy to go to the store and too hungry to eat flour mixed with water…the only food we have in the house) plus I am obsessed with these people.

My cutest Mom saw people working out with resistance bands and so she went out and bought bungee cords to get in some strength training.  I am taking them back and giving her my resistance bands.  Gotta love her.

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We even had a Wheel of Fortune competition.  Billy and I tied on the final puzzle and I enjoyed my time pretending I was Vanna White.

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It was a cereal kind of night.  Now that my mom is a grandma she buys all the good sugary cereals. Growing up we had Cheerios and Shredded Wheat (not the frosted kind), in the year 2011 we get to enjoy bowls of candy (aka cereal) topped with milk and eaten with a spoon….it pays to grow up.

Knowing that I could eat 400 bowls of cereal and never be full, I added scrambled eggs with green peppers and tomatoes.  On the side was a ginormous bowl of cereal suicide- Fruit Loops, Frosted Mini-Wheats and Apple Jacks.  Every bite was delicious.  I ate the eggs first because I am that weirdo that loves her cereal soggy.  I know that probably made you a little nauseated but I love my cereal to sponge up all of the milk.  Heaven.

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She did not fall asleep in her cereal, she just likes to play the game, ‘bobbing for Fruit Loops.’  She is actually pretty good at it.

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We stayed up way past our bed time but come on, it is nearly the weekend and I’ve gotta start it off on the right foot.  Only 4.5 days of school left for me.  Be prepared for major blog stalking/commenting and posts blowing up your Google Reader every other hour.


What food could you eat and eat and never get full off of?

-Cereal (FiberOne and Raisin Bran are exceptions to this issue) and grapes.  I could never get full off of grapes and have been known to eat 3.5 lbs of it in one sitting.

What was your favorite book series growing up?

-LOVED Goosebumps.  Maybe that is why I grew up to be the creeper that I am.

Were you allowed sugary cereals growing up?  What cereal do you currently have at home?

-On our birthday we always got a huge box of our favorite cereals that we would mark our territory on by writing in huge letters all over the box our names and threats if someone touched our beloved cereal.   Currently all we have is oatmeal at our house, I told you we are in dire need of grocery shopping!!!

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I love soggy cereal too. My whole family thinks I am repulsive for this but I think it is delicious. I can't wait to hear how your underwater case works!


I usually don't like soggy cereal, except for rice crispies. I always want those to be nice and soggy… I love it. lol


I'm a cereal-holic too! I love all (ALL) cereal. I've yet to find one I DON'T like. I try not to eat too much… I'm supposed to buy it for Diz, but I usually sneak a bowl or two (or five…).

loved me some Goosebumps, Nancy Drew, American Girl, Babysitter Club… I was (and still am) the biggest book worm!

We had decent cereal growing up… Wasn't always fruity pebbles and cap'n crunch, but it wasn't plain cheerios and all-bran either. :)

love ya girl! have a fab weekend!
LESS than 24 hours!!!!


I could eat chips and guacamole for the rest of my life and never get full.
I was the biggest fan EVER of Babysitter's Club. I was part of this "club" where every week they mailed you a new book until eventually you had read the whole series. I was addicted!


and soggy cereal?? yuck. we must remedy that pronto!


Imagining you listening to goosebumps while swimming cracks me up!

Your mom is too cute!!

Soggy cereal is the best. We actually stopped eating it in favor of oatmeal, but I miss my soggy cereal dinners. I was definitely not allowed sugary cereals as a kid.

My favorite book series was nancy drew. I read the entire series in one summer (that's like three books a day). I'm a giant nerd.


I LOVED Goosebumps too I just recently, within the last year, gave my collection away. I'm pretty sure I read them well into high school (not even kidding).


I love cereal – Multigrain Cheerios is my current fav but sometimes I just gotta have some Lucky Charms.
I loved Sweet Valley High as a kid. I was certain I would grown up and have identical twin daughters named Jessica and Elizabeth.


I loved sweet valley too! I just found out recently that they were all written by ghostwriters, not Francine Pascal herself!

There’s a new, adult Sweet Valley book out! It’s called sweet valley confidential, 10 years later. It’s a piece of crap, but still worth a trip down memory lane! (I too believed I’d have twins named Jessica and Elizabeth!)


Foods I never get full of are the cheddar mini rice cakes, teddy grahams (before I found out I was gluten intolerant :(, frozen yogurt (I seriously wonder how much I could eat of that stuff if it was free), and the list could go on, but I'll stop there. I'm working on my moderation. Just did a post about it. This question made me realize I really do need to work on my moderation! Ha ha.

We weren't allowed to eat sugary cereals growing up, but I absolutely loved cinnamon toast crunch. Apparently we did get the sugary kind every once in awhile since I remember cinnamon toast crunch. Right now we have corn chex, rice chex, and rice puffs (That's what happens when you're gluten intolerant.)


I read the Babysitters Club books :)

We were not allowed sugary cereals, but once in awhile my Mom bought Frosted Flakes – I was never a cereal fan though and did not eat any cereal until recently!

My hubby loves cereal and right now we have Raisin Bran and Multigrain Cheerios. I try to buy the healthier stuff!


HAHA I love Wheel of Fortune!!! And cereal for dinner,… that's a WINNER!! My parents really didn't understand nutrition as I grew up. I ate crap! My kids.. NO! (aka mamarunsbarefoot)


um cereal & eggs are my "can't live without them" foods. i could eat them every day, for every meal.
and oh. my. gosh. babysitters club was my FAV series growing up – my parents signed me up for the "club" ~ which meant a goodie bag every month with 3 new books. loved goosebumps too, that R.L. Stine guy really knew how to make me scared of man eating plants…remember the show???
occasionally i'll get a hankering for a sugary cereal like frosted flakes…or fruity pebbles. but normally i'm a sucker for cheerios or crispix.


I LOVE cereal. eating some right now…and definitely started mixing the types of cereal as inspired by you :)

Babysitters club = all time fave. LOVE IT.


The most sugary cereal we were allowed growing up was Lucky Charms, otherwise it was Cheerios, corn flakes, quaker oat squares etc. I love love looovvve fruit loops. I love them with no milk. I love them with milk. I could eat a whole box. I love going to hotels with free breakfast, they ALWAYS have fruit loops!! My favorite book series was Goosebumps and Sweet Valley High :)


ƒoods i never get full on, everything it seems lately. haha. but today i had greek yogurt, granola, a PB bar, and fruit salad at breakfast, and OJ and was finally full (yup it may seem like a lot but hey I need all of that!)

cereals current – honey nut cheerios, quaker squares, special K with berries, and use to have captain crunch but husband finished it…(so good, did you know they like banned it from the stores or something all because of sugar haha)

favorite books, very good choices! i loved sweet valley high haha


There’s a new sweet valley book! It’s called sweet valley confidential, 10 years later


Yep, Mom bought me cereal. I remember really liking Frosted Flakes. I don't think I ever get full off of carrots… unless they're with peanut butter or steamed lol

If I eat cereal now it's some kind of gluten free cereal cause that's all I can eat. I read Boxcar children when I was younger too, but Judy Blume books were my favorite :)

Wheel! <3


Sweet Valley High!!!
And Babysitter's Club, Goosebumps, and Fear Street books!

I'm pretty boring when it comes to cereal. I like plain cheerios! And Sugar Smacks. and Cocoa Puffs.

Give me some Cheeze-its though and I could down a whole box in a few minutes!


There’s a new sweet valley book! Sweet valley confidential, 10 years later!


You could totally be the new Vanna White!! She's been ready for a replacement for a while now!! Send in your application!! :)

I loved V.C. Andrews when I was a youngster. The "Heaven", "Dark Angel" series. I was obsessed and couldn't put the books down!! :)

My mom was like your mother when my baby brother and I were kids. We had rice puffs(had to douse with 1/2 cup of sugar!! shhhhh…)!! I love cinnamon toast crunch and frosted flakes!! yummmm!!!

p.s.- I love that you're wearing your "will run 4 ice-cream" shirt!!

Love ya chickadee!! "HAVE A GREAT, HAPPY FRIDAY!! YAY!! [email protected]


Yeah, cereal definitely doesn't fill me up. That's why I eat it before I go to bed. :-)

I loved the Babysitters Club series!

I did have sugary cereals when I grew up but now I eat Wild Harvest organic raisin bran. It's my fave!


Goosebumps and cereal! The loves of my childhood. I seriously devoured both (and could never get full on cereal). I wasn't really allowed to eat the sugary cereal… only on occasion… but I was sneaky with it anyways :D


1. Apparently pita chips and roasted red pepper hummus, seeing as how i downed that last night, whoops.

2. i FREAKING LOVED the boxcar children. I hadn't thought about them in YEARS till you brought them up. I used to read them to my little brother!!

3. We did have sugary cereals growing up. Now I eat no cereal because milk in the morning makes my tummy hurt.


I grew up overseas (in Singapore and Tokyo) so we never got to eat cereals like Lucky Charms or Apple Jacks (all the imported cereals were like $10 a box!) Now that I'm in the US for school though I'm a sucker for the really sugary ones–Reese's Puffs are a fav. Breakfast of champions = clearly a bowl of mini marshmallows. I definitely can eat through a box of cereal in a day and a half though, so I try and keep semi-healthy choices around (like the Kashi ones). But who am I kidding…Lucky Charms are where it's at.

I've been looking for a waterproof case for my nano for swimming laps…Do the earphones stay in?


My mom would do the same thing–buying bungee cords instead of actual resistance bands!

I loved the Babysitter Club books! I always wanted to be like Stacey!

We had some sugary cereals growing up. I think my mom just bought whatever was on sale.


Currently I'm loving yogurt parfaits. I put in Chobani yogurt, granola of some sort, and some peanut butter. It's a meal in one jar!!

I loved Sweet Valley High… i still read them!!

I didn't have sugary cereals at home but my aunt and uncle did. I loved visiting them and eating cereal all the time. Now my go to cereal is Special K w/ chocolate :)


I was seriously about to yell at you if you gave away the answer to the puzzle. This whole week's worth of Wheel of Fortune is on the DVR, waiting to be watched.

We were allowed sugary cereals when I was growing up, and we would get the huge boxes of Cinnamon Toast Crunch at Sam's. I also loved Raisin Bran, Kroger brand was the best because it had way more raisins that the name brand!

I wasn't allowed to read Goosebumps when I was younger, but I loved Sweet Valley High. I can't remember if I read Babysitter's Club or just watched the TV show.

I am SO with you on grapes! I can eat so many of those things, it's ridiculous! I can also eat a ton of cereal, graham crackers, basically any kind of cracker, peanut butter, and dried fruit…


I was a fan of all the series you mentioned, in addition to Amelia Bedilia when I was a little younger.

I could eat macaroni for days, if I had to choose a cereal I could eat forever it would be lucky charms!


Awww your sweet mom and the bungee cords! I am laughing so hard at the picture of your niece in her cereal bowl.

Okay, I must tell you about the dream I had last night. I dreamed that I was at Whole Foods with a friend and then all of the sudden I looked over and you and Billy were there too! Of course when we saw each other we freaked out and gave each other the biggest hugs! Then we had Billy take lots of pictures for us because of course we were going to blog about it! It was so crazy and seemed soo real in the dream. One day!!


Babysitters Club, Books on Tape, Cereal and Grapes. You are my favorite! So glad your head is feeling better!! Hope you have a beautiful Friday lovely!!


I must agree…cereal is something I can eat by the box. Sadly I usually just avoid it all together these days because I could eat cereal all three meals and be perfectly happy…but last I checked that whole special K diet was pretty unhealthy! And buying three boxes a day might get a little expensive ;)


What a dinner. I like the egg idea, the cereal would be my dessert.
My favorite cereal is Kashi Crunch. A little sugary but if I mix orig. w/ crunch, it's perfect.
As for food I can never get enough of (this is embarrassing for a health nut but…) Milk Duds. I could eat boxes of that waxy fake chocolate and corn syrup caramel. Oh well…so it's one of my many downfalls.


We never ate a whole lot of cereal….but I looove it!!!! :D Especially peanut butter capn crunch, cheerios (i've aaalways loved them!!), cocoa krispies and apple jacks!!!!!!


hhaha cereal was like money in your house it seems! Growing up we definetely worked our way through all the classics : honeycombs, golden grahams, cheerios etc. Now I don't eat much except for late night snacking because it doesn't fill me and I don't really enjoy the sugar crash either.


YUMMM that cereal looks tasty. Does it make the top of your mouth feel weird?


We were definitely allowed sugary cereals in my house..they were even practically encouraged. Great parenting right? Haha frosted flakes was the family fav! I don't eat it that often anymore, but I did have a bowl last night. Deeelishh


Cold cereal is a food that doesn't fill me up. I usually just don't bother with it because I'd rather have none than have ONE bowl. I'd eat a whole box and not be full.

Also fresh fruit. I just don't find fruit to be filling, except maybe bananas. But i have amazing stomach capactity and can eat pounds of watermelon, grapes, etc.

When we were growing up we had Weetabix only. At christmas we would get sugary things like coco pops and stuff.

Now my favorite cereal is puffins. Puffins are delicious! Also kashi golean crunch is good. And kashi heart to heart. Basically anything a bit sweet, but not too sweet I like


mmmmm I love cereal. I could eat it forever. Sometimes I buy cereal I think I don't like as much so I won't eat the whole box in two-three sittings. It never works because I love all cereal! My fave is probably Honey Nut Cheerios but when it comes to yogurt toppings, I pick fruity pebbles :-)

All of the books you mentioned are AMAZING. Babysitters Club was probably my fave. I loved the movie!

No I wasn't allowed sugar cereal growing up. And now I'm obsessed. Thanks mom ;-)


ya know, I was allowed whatever cereal I wanted (death by cookie crisp, cocoa puffs, lucky charms, and cocoa pebbles), and now, I'm more into special K on a regular basis.

that's not to say I buy the occasional lucky charms and cocoa puffs to make myself REALLY happy. ;)


the sugary kid cereal never fills me up but it's so delicious! I love cereal. It's the one food I could never get tired of. Usually we don't keep any in the house anymore. I rocked out the cinnamon toast crunch as a kid. Now it's all kashi.


I absolutely loved both The Babysitter's Club and Boxcar Children when I was younger, what amazing books!


Bahahahhahha, that last photo is classic!!


We are cereal twins! I love my cereal soggy- especially Rice Krispies!! :)
& I used to love Sideways School Stories- BEST books EVER!! :)
I wasn't allowed sugary cereal either- we usually only had cheerios too…or some kind of bran cereal for my Dad (yuck!)- what's the fun in bran cereals?! ;)


mmm I could eat hummus and carrots (real ones, not baby ones) and hemp chips from trader joe's.

I am so excited for you to be able to start stalking our blogs and commenting more! I love doing that.


I could honestly eat pizza every meal for the rest of my life. I also like cereal but strangely enough only for dinner. I can’t say I had a favorite series growing up, I just loved to read and would go to the library and get like 10 books at a time. I was allowed sugary cereals growing up. I don’t think my parents cared so much what I ate so long as I ate. I was extremely picky. At home we always have frosted mini wheat’s and honey bunches of oats either the pecan ones or the almond ones.
I’m super excited for your summer vacations. I have no idea why since I will be at work!


I could definitely eat boxes of sugary cereal and never feel full. It's so good, though! Also, frozen yogurt is another one that I could shovel in with no regard to quantity.

Boxcar children was my favorite series as a young child. But then when I got a little older I really loved Fear Street (the "teen" version of Goosebumps). Good stuff!


I love my cereal soggy too!! My sister is the complete opposite, she eats hers completely dry.

I never get full off of regular cereal either…I have noticed lately that I do get full off of Kashi cereals though!


Ooooh so lucky! 4.5 days?! I have 20…


Cereal is by far my favorite food. i could eat it everyday for the rest of my life and totally not get sick of it. My mom used to worry about me when I was litttle because that was the only thing I would eat. Sadly, I have not broken the habit. Right now I am loving the giant boxes of Cherry ALmond Crunch I get from Costco


i love cinnamon toast crunch and could single handedly polish off a box of Reese's Puffs any day of the week. And captain crunch. But it really does cut up the inside of your mouth. Fail. I'm loving this blog Janae, you crack me up multiple times a day!


Soggy cereal is a must for me too! Oh my favorites though have got to be, crunch berries (the film on the roof of your mouth after is yummy) also I love rice chex and of course Lucky charms. We had sugary cereal growing up, but also the good stuff too. I love cereal and could live off of it! I also have a thing for chips and salsa, and could live off that too!

My favorite books growing up were "The BFG" "The Witches" and of course "Little Women" and "Where the Red Fern Grows" Love them all to this day!!

Current cereal in my house… Cinnamon Cheerios, Honey Nut Cheerios, Wheat Chex, Oatmeal, and Granola! Yummy!!


I LUUUURRRVE soggy cereal, thats serious business right there.

my parents are the same way, they never bought sugary cereal until most of us moved out and went to college- like i didn't even know HONEY nut cheerios existed until college. sadface.

my favorite books growing up was anything by rhoald dahl and ANY nancy drew book i could get my hands on. i tried babysitters club but by the time they got to me in the family they were pretty shredded.

current cereal in our house that is edible is just oatmeal because we are out of milk (nooOONoooooooOOooOoO)
but if we HAD milk: life, frosted mini wheats, wheaties, life, … and some of those oatmeal square thingies (b likes em).


I LOVE naps. I could use one right now in fact. And I grew up reading Pony Pals, Boxcar Children, and Nancy Drew. What a combination.

I could totally eat pretty much any kind of candy all day. I'm an addict to sugar! But specifically the sweet tart brand jellybeans, that only come out at Easter (thank goodness for that- I'd be in a continuous sugar coma otherwise).


Awe, thanks for your comment yesterday…too nice. :)

I love that you and Billy chill at your mom's all the time. I would totally eat their food as long as possible.

My favorite sweetened cereal is Honey Nut Cheerios.



LOL! I love that picture of your niece. adorable! I would do the same. Cereal is my endless food. I could eat crispies for days. and then swim the sugary milk. mmmm, that sounds good! Happy Friday friend.


Haha you made your breakfast for dinner meal look so lovely outside. I love it :-)


You crack me up beautiful girl! Johnny and I always have a contest to see who can figure out the puzzles on Wheel of Fortune the fastest. We never got sugary cereal when we were really young, but then as we got older, my mom gave up! :)


We never had sugar cereal growing up, we had Cheerios, plain Cheerios on top of it, only, because thats all that dad liked


I was a fruity pebbles girl. I loved them! Now I eat boring grown up cereal ;)


Your mom is adorable…bungee cords!! She's was trying and your setting a great example!! ;)

I love that you get to spend so much time with family…that is EVERYTHING! The bonds, love and support.

My bro and I grew up on Cheerios and Corn Flakes (good ole Nebraska)! He added sugar to his…I like to pick out all the cereal marshmallows and eat those! he he! :)


I am a bottomless pit when it comes to sushi. I think I just hate to see the beautiful rolls go to waste so I clean everyone's plate. My favorite sugary cereal back in the day was the Oreo cereal!


I am a creature of habit, so oatmeal I could never ever give up luckily it fills me up pretty good. I have to limit myself on the cereal, it is like crack to me. When I was little I LOVED Captain Crunch Peanut Butter and Cinn Toast Crunch.
I loved Ramona Books and I still do. Being a 3rd grade teacher I still get the joy of reading all my childhood favorites.


Foods I can never get enough of: dried mango and mozarella cheese sticks! yum!

In middle school I read Boxcar Children and Nancy Drew

Growing up my mom was the health nut mom too- so we had good ole raisen bran!


We did have sugary cereals but I stopped eating them as I got older. I can eat the sweeter cererals FOREVER and I like them soggy too its just better haha.


I could eat grapes forever and never feel full. They're just water, right? Something like that.
Ok, soggy cereal is gross. I don't even like a lot of milk with mine. When I was little I used to just drink a glass of milk and then eat my cereal dry. Yum!
I was never allowed the good cereal growing up but now my favorite sweet one is frosted shredded wheat!


I am pretty sure my parents had absolutely no healthy filter when growing up because each day I was shoved out the door with a king sized candy bar. :) My parents keep it pretty sugary with the cereal, and the candy stash, and the "junk-food" drawer. (No wonder I was a fat kid.)

Love you Janae!! Have the best weekend ever bestest friend.


Cap'n Cruch with Crunch Berries. Such delicious sugary goodness! I actually heard on the news that they are going to stop marketing it because there is so much sugar in it that they don't want to encourage kids to eat it!!


No sugary cereals for us, rice crispies and cheerios. Now my kiddos can have sugar cereals on the weekends and i am partial to lucky charms. Absolutely no soggy cereal though…girlie you are a nut!
enjoy your new toy. i am excited to hear what you think about them. i almost bought them the other day for the pool.


Hi! I just discovered your blog and i <3 it! Makes me Laugh so..Thank You!


I'm the only person I know who doesn't really like cereal, sugary or otherwise, but when I do eat it I like it soggy too!! I hate the CRUNCH sound otherwise.

I could eat dried fruit and nuts forever and still be starving. I'd also be enormous.

Growing up we had Cheerios and Frosted Flakes. I made the Cheerios sugary by pouring on a teaspoon of sugar before I ate it.


Oh my gosh, Goosebumps!! I not only loved the books, but did you ever watch the show on TV? I think it only lasted maybe a few years…hehe! I also really liked the Bunnicula. :)

Favorite cereal of all time is Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Growing up my mom would only let us buy whatever was on sale or she had a coupon for, so we stocked up like mad whenever the good stuff was on sale. :)

PS- your mom is WAY too adorable, you have to love her buying those bungee chords! :)


baby sitters club!

My favorite cereal is cinnamon toast crunch or any flavor of the Trader Joe's cluster cereals

as for foods I could eat and not get full- def ice cream and/or frozen yogurt- I bet I could eat gallons and keep going. .


So jealous you are done in 4.5 days! We're not done for another 3.5 weeks. Ugh. Think of me as you are enjoying your student-less days by blogging and commenting on other blogs :)

And I LOVE The Babysitters Club! We sold all of my books in a garage sale YEARS ago, and I'm so bummed. My Kindle may start having those books reappear though ;)


I eat my cereal dry. I never cared for milk growing up. In fact the first few times I tried drinking it, the liquid wouldn't make it past my throat. So I was never a huge cereal person. But I adore my oatmeal, and have since I was a wee one. Especially the dinosaur oats. Anybody remember those? They were amazing.

Now, I have oatmeal in various forms and also chex, because I was going to make chex mix the other day. That never happend.

When I was younger I loved the Goosebumps serious and also the BSC, both regular and the little sister ones. I could polish those books off in seconds.


I am the exact opposite of you…I could have those sugary cereals growing up, but now I PREFER the healthy stuff! I LOVE FIBER ONE and KASHI!!! :) haha


You'll have to post on how you like the waterproof case. I found a waterproof iPod shuffle on amazon that I was considering. Just can't decide!!!


Your post brought back some good memories for me :)

My best friend & I were library aides in the third grade and we were both reading the Nancy Drew series. We would shelf the new books & when a new one in the nancy series would come in, i would hide it behind other books so that when i came back during class check out, I would get it before her! In all fairness, she did the same thing. Oh the rebels we were!!

As for cereal, I grew up eating plain cheerios but vividly remember when my mom was in the hospital having my little sister, my dad bought apple jacks and we had them for dinner even. Good times!


I LOVE the picture of your niece with her head in the cereal bowl! Hilarious!

Growing up, my mom would only let me eat cereal with 6 gms of sugar or less. Totally limited my cereal desires, but then on my birthday I got to pick any kind of cereal I wanted. So of course I got the cereal with the most sugar possible. I would eat one bowl, get sick to my stomach, and not eat any more! Now, I am obsessed with Kashi cereals and can't get enough. I love that they're sweetened with honey. It's the best!


haha your niece's head in a bowl is CLASSIC! :)


We had every sugary cereal imaginable when I was growing up. My parents didn't gauge what we ate at all. That's why we were fat kids. I don't buy them now.


As a swimmer I am very jealous of your new toy. It has been a wish of mine for ages.
Also? Your mom? With buying the bungees?
I die.
Seriously SOOOOOO hysterical. That should probably be a family joke for a while. My mom would do that.

Oh, and what's up with Grandma buying all the sugary stuff! One my nieces and nephews were born I go to the house and it's like "I don't even know you anymore." So weird!!


I was allowed all of my favorite cereals growing up. There was never a week when we wouldnt get lucky charms, reeses puffs, cinnamon toast crunch, frosted flakes, and mini wheats! BUT, know I really dont like any of those cereals and eat bran flakes, wheaties, corn flakes, and total! I love cereal and probably go through a couple boxes every two weeks (woops)! I am also like you in the fact that I have to have soggy cereal. If it werent for soggy cereal I wouldnt be eating much right now because I had gum surgery and the took a patch out of the roof of my mouth and cant eat anything that might irritate it! So I probably will go through 4 or 5 boxes of cereal this week! :D


I can eat SO MUCH cereal, ice cream pasta, and chips without getting even the slightest bit full. It's kind of terrifying (and awesome). haha

I LOVED the babysitters club as a kid. Absolute favourite.

I don't remember if we had sugary junk cereal as a kid… though I do remember coco pops and fruit loops occasionally. I have a lot of memories of eating oatmeal. Mostly we were big toast eaters for breakfast though! (still am… cereal tends to be for dinner these days hahah)


I am the same way! I had cereal last night for dinner and it was so good, but it does not keep me full. Bagels do not keep me full either unless they are smothered in PB:)


I love that your mom ordered bungee cords to workout with. That is so something my mother would do……..like the time I caught her exercising with soup cans!!!!!


OMG! I think I love you even more now that you've admitted that you like the BSC! My hubs teases me all the time because I have almost the entire collection and constantly read them. I just spent 8 hours in the car reading a BSC blog on my phone.

I could eat black beans everyday breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert (black bean brownies, yum!)

We had sugary cereal growing up, and hubby still gets it every once in a while, but we mostly eat healthier cereals that are a bit more filling.


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