A confession and Kara, I love you.

First of all, I have a confession and no it is not about the fact that slept in until 11 today or that I accidentally told Billy that my new shoes were cheaper than they actually were.

Back in the college days I drank nearly 80 ounces of diet coke a day.

I quit.  2 years ago.  Cold turkey.

Yesterday, while we were laying out by the pool and the sister was on the phone, I did something stupid.

I got on the internet and read about the latest Boston news, weather, winner predictions….ya know basically my obsessed self about Boston came out again.

It made me sad (I know that is silly because I was on vacation with my bestie and don’t worry it only lasted for 30 minutes) and I did something stupid.

I went inside to the vending machine and thought that a pepsi would kiss me better and tell me everything was going to be alright.

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I am not saying that you should NEVER drink soda but for me I just shouldn’t.   I am such an all or nothing person and I am not the type of person that would just enjoy a cold coke every other day but rather I would go into 7-11 many times a day (with different disguises of course) and fill up my Big Gulp.

I am sure you may have noticed my addictive personality in previous posts when it comes to running, blogging, tv shows, skittles, hot chocolate and broccoli.

I know that soda will not help in the area of speediness and there are a lot of negative health affects (think bone health) and so I just need to refrain.

So, why in the world am I telling you all of this?

Because I need your help to keep me accountable to continue my abstinence from soda:)  If I drink one I know I will have to put it on the blog and therefore I will have to send all of you blogging bff’s a dollar and then I will never have money to buy one again, or pay rent for that matter.  Good plan right?


The more and more I read about Kara the more I love her, seriously….read her book.

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Did you know she had a FEMORAL STRESS FRACTURE?!?!  She was recovering from a knee surgery and overdid it on the ELLIPTICAL and that is how she got it!!!!

But guess what…….she got through it, stronger and faster than ever and she is going to WIN BOSTON TOMORROW (I really will cry if she doesn’t, that is how obsessed I am with her).

While talking about her struggles with emotional eating during her injury (she gained 30 lbs in 6 months) she learned that, “I know that I have the power to always remain the master of my body.”

This hit me strong.  No matter what stressful event we are going through we have the power to choose another way to cope with our situation that doesn’t involve diet pepsi or a 5 lb bag of M&M’s from Costco.


Are you an all or nothing type of person?

-Yep, but I am trying to work on that big time!

What are your thoughts on soda or diet soda?  What do they call it where you live….soda, pop, coke?

-Pop (but I usually call it soda)

Are you routing for Kara tomorrow?

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Yes, I have a very addictive personality! We call it pop here too. I really want to read her book now after hearing you talk about it. She seems amazing


Girl I enjoy your blog SO MUCH…I look at my dashboard HOPING there is a new post from you :) I am a total all or nothing girl, so yeah for the past like 7 years it's been a nothing ha ha :\ Now it's an all-IN type thing but yes…if I start eating junk I tend to eat & eat & eat so my rule of thumb is to just skip it! I'll do like one big thing a week. I quit drinking soda – any kind in January & have only had 1 or 2 since!!! Strictly water for me. And…last but not least GO KARA!!!!!!!


Man – I feel ya on the diet soda. I drank (drink? hopefully not!) as much as you; gave it up this year for lent, and do not know if I can give it up forever. I completely understand where you are coming from. Don't give in!

1.) I'm an all or nothing person, and it really is destructive. Mentally beating myself up for not doing something, feeling bad for not making things 100% perfect. But like you – I'm working on it!

2.) We call it soda.

3.) Yes. Oh, yes.


We call it pop here in Iowa!

I am currently obsessed with ho-ho's. They don't even taste good when I eat them, but I just can't stop eating them. Bad girl.


I skimmed through her book and read that she was a chronically injured runner. Somehow that brought me some small bit of peace.

My obsession.. the coffee bean


I love Kara Goucher, and have been obsessed with her for almost 3 years now…I thought that I was the only creepo with this obsession! My heart broke in 2008 and 2009 when she was struggling with mental strength and being extremely tough on herself, so I hope that girl wins tomorrow!

Today while I was in church, my pastor said something that really sunk in with me that is suiting to your situation. He said that God knows everything about us, down to how many hairs we have on our head. So why worry when he knows who we are and where we are traveling? Okay so it is easy to have faith in this when the path is clear and things are going smoothly, but whether the road is rocky or not he is there. Know that you are loved and that there are great things for you in the future.


I have an obsession with Diet Coke as well..I really should give it up. I just started reading Kara's book and wish I had more free time to read it but instead my reading time is devoted to studying for tests :( I definitely hope she wins tomorrow!


As runners we're obsessive. When I inured my IT Band (and am still working through it) I crashed and burned. I still kept running trying to believe that it couldnt be happening to me. In time you'll be able to step back and look at this time in your life and what's happened and realize that it happens to ALL OF US and that it stinks BUT that it's the price we pay for being amazing and leading amazing lives. The highs are really high but the lows come even harder.

You'll get back to Boston, next year and this time in your life will be a testament to your character. Don't beat yourself over a Diet Pepsi! It was just one and you've earned it! :)


STEP AWAY FROM THE DIET PEPSI!!!!! Those things are absolute poison!!! (And even though I know that, I will have a Diet Mt. Dew once every few months. Last one was around Christmas.)

Most everybody here just calls it coke. Doesn't matter if it's Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper… it's all coke. It's a southern thing. lol

I can honestly say I'm a pretty moderate person. I've never found anything that I'm just completely obsessed/in love with. I've pretty much got a "take it or leave it" attitude about everything. Well everything except my family, dogs and cat included.


I give up diet soda all the time and always return to it. It's so frustrating. The truth is that I just want something flavored to drink. I drink water but it's so boring. It's totally an addiction. I don't want to give it up!


I'm an all or nothing type of girl too! I used to be addicted to sour patch kids. Like bad. I can't even have gummy candies of any sort because I will go on a sour patch bender, haha. I also used to drink a lot of diet coke. Then I quit for a bet and never really looked back.

Ahhhh I love Kara and her new book! I bought it the day it came out then read it cover to cover. Loved it, loved her. So inspirational. I will for sure be cheering for her tomorrow, maybe she will be able to hear me all the way from Cali.


Oh girl it's okay we all slip sometimes y'know?! And it makes us stronger moving past it without beating ourselves up-I'm an 'all or nothing' person too and am WAY too familiar with that, so I understand!

And literally EVERYONE who reads KNOWS you will do a Kara and come back even stronger and better than before! You are AMAZING, so BELIEVE IT JANAE!!


I think you just inspired me to go buy her book! I am pretty good about not being all or nothing about things. Except for the fact that if I am going to decide to be lazy I am going to be ALL about it.. like not move at all, eat sugar and carbs all day and not do a dang thing..enter Sundays :)


Believe it or not I have a diet soda (actually plain old fake sugar) theory that I intend to test when I get financial backing (obviously from the sugar industry). I think it causes depression. Your body expects a boost from glucose but instead of fuel, it gets nothing. Enter long cascade of signaling molecules. Result=depression. Interestingly, casual polls revealed that many people feel a "let down" after a sugar substitute. I must research this!!!


i am DEFINITELY all or nothing, and i also used to have an atrocious soda addiction (like, i consumed MORE than 80 oz diet dr. pepper/day. significantly more.)…but i also quit cold turkey after i realized it was the source of my mysterious nightly stomach ache (genius, right). how i did it: crystal light (though i eventually weaned myself off of that, too), tea, and WATER!

also…girl, you are gonna get SO FAR past this little setback. you are amazing/my inspiration/my hero, and i believe it 100%!!!


We call it Coke here in the South! I really love your blog- you are very inspirational.

You are making me want to download Kara's book tonight!!

I am an all or nothing type person. I love a good Dr Pepper, fountain Diet Coke or regular coke in the bottle, but other than that, I can take them or leave them. I've come a long way about that too!


Kara all the way! Girlfriend, can I get your email addy?? I need to send you something!!


Go Kara! And I love Diet Coke, but usually have less than than 20 oz a day.


All or nothing all the way (no pun intended…or maybe I did!) Whatever. And I too gave up soda a couple of years ago and haven't looked back. We still have it in the house since my boyfriend drinks it.

Soda (yep, I call it soda) is everywhere, so good for you for going two years!! That's MAJOR!


I am THE SAME WAY with diet soda. I just gave it up a little over a week ago. Except I have had 2 since then. Which has been ok but I definitely noticed the cravings go WAY UP after having just one… and that one made my head hurt too not sure why I drink the stuff!

I'm currently having sobe lean life water things which are at least sweetened withs tevia isntead of somethign totally unnatural, but still no calories… eventually I'll wean myself down to water I hope ;)

best of luck in your continued abstinence from diet soda! WE CAN DO IT!! :)


imagine all the girls that will one day be reading about how YOU overcame your stress fracture and then won Boston! You continue to be such an inspiration!

I hardly ever drink cokes. Maybe a coke zero or diet dr pepper a couple times per year. we call all soft drinks coke :)


All or nothing? It's all about balance. I try to remember that. I actually tried to be *ALL* a couple of weeks ago (low carbing it during marathon training = DUMB!) and had a HORRIBLE run. All so I could lose a couple of pounds and run faster. That's stupid.

Diet soda is CRAP! For reals. The artificial sweetener stuff in it is garbage and apparently puts holes in your brain. At least that's what my Ed. Psych professor tells our class. SNAP!

Yes, I am rooting for Kara, and now I SOOOOO want her book from the snippet you've provided. I had no idea she gained 30 pounds from emotional eating. Wow, she *is* actually human and *is not* just a crazy super-human running machine. Love it!


Oh I am a HUGE all or nothing person! And me and Nol gave you some virtual hugs on my blog :D



I'm an all or nothing person too with mountain dew. Omg-I seriously think of all the cool things I could if I didn't drink so much mountain dew.


Thanks for your honesty…I've recently discovered your blog and have become "addicted" to it. I understand about the all-or-nothing mentality all too well, unfortunately. But, all we can do is never give up and continue to work on the areas we need to work on. Your honesty and request for accountability is a good step in the right direction! Hang in there – you know tomorrow you will be feeling extra emotional, so I hope you have a good plan in place to give yourself extra support and grace.


So you definitely freaked me out because my name is Kara and I didn't know why you loved me nor how you even knew I read your blog! Haha! I used to drink coke all the time but now I'm trying to save money for Dental school so I always figure what I would spend on cokes and put it in a jar every week. It works wonderfully!


I call it soda and I drink it too much :(
I have a diet coke with lime can basically every day. It's my special treat. I know it's not great but I can't help it and I love it!
I read Kara's book and loved it, she's so inspiring! I will be rooting for her all the way tomorrow!


I have a few ideas that might curb your craving for soda. I've recently grown to love Kombucha. Yes, it is a little expensive but they come in a variety of flavors, low in sugar and calories, and contains good for you probiotics. Once you get over the initial vinegary flavor and weird floaties, it's actually pretty good. One other trick you might want to try is sparkling water and juice.


We call it soda (NY). You make me want to read Kara's book…sounds good! I can be extreme with some things…especially chocolate. I just recently finished a cleanse because I was literally binging on chocolate! It helped a lot…kind of forces you to start from scratch. I still want it but I realize how crappy I feel the next morning ( i would eat a lot! kind of like your soda lol)


wow, i need to be more like her! this freshman fifteen and stress eating is really killing me! i get sad, i eat, i get angry at myself for eating, then i eat again, its a vicious cycle!


I definitely used to be an "all or nothing" kind of girl. I have really shed that part of me though – I am so happy I'm not that way anymore.

Around our parts, everyone calls it "pop", but I call it "soda". I have never really been a soda drinker!


I'm fairly obsessive too. I'm weaning myself off of soda slowly. I figure if I don't buy it then I really can't drink it very often right? Stay strong! You can do it!!

In TN where I grew up we called everything Coke, then I moved to CT and we call it soda, but I went to school in MI where they called it Pop (also all of my family is from the midwest). Generally I call it pop.


I think you hit a bullseye there fllaes!


Let me just say… I AM SO SAD THAT I DON'T GET TO MEET YOU TOMORROW! But there is always next year. And YOU WILL ROCK Boston next year. Trust.

I haven't run in over a week (my left knee is buggin') and it's driving me crazy. But then I remember what HungryRunner Janae says… and I listen to my body… and I've hung up my running shoes till my knee feels better. Thanks for being smart and sharing your knowledge!

And I will cheer EXTRA loud for you tomorrow when Kara runs by. SHE IS GOING TO WIN!


I tried to give up Diet Soda this past week. I have been drinking 3-4 a day and noticed a huge weight gain in the past few months. So Monday I said that's it I am going to cut it down. The migraine that followed was horrible. Try teaching K-4th graders craving caffeine. So total this week I only had 4! I made it whole days with no soda and lost 4 pounds!!!! I am going to keep up limiting the soda but I don't know if I will completely cut it out.


I am definitely an all or nothing kind of person, which can be both beneficial and negative for you at different times! I go hard often during runs and workouts, but feel nervous about giving myself a rest day even though I know it's necessary!
We call it soda and I need to kick my diet coke habit! Good for you for doing that back in college, takes a lot of will power :)


I am an all or nothing. I gave up Diet Coke for a year and felt so much better and then got injured and now I am back on the "sauce." don't do it Janae, back away from the soda. I would love to give up coffee too, but I have to have a little caffeine. I call it soda, but my mom is from Louisiana an she calls it Pop! Love it!


umm… I feel your pain… I want a diet coke so bad. I only have one more week until Easter and I can't wait to drink one. It is my "treat". I've been having such bad sweet cravings these last few months (emotional eating, hmm? YES). But normally I could crack open a Diet Coke and/or a Diet DP and all would be RIGHT in my world. :)

umm. kara better watch her back, 'cause next year she'll be chasing you!


dooooo not drink that pop!!! i also went cold turkey 2 years ago after reading skinny bitch (pardon my french) and it turned me off of it! but i'm not gunna lie… some days alll i want to do is just drink a liter of diet coke…. but then i think…. if i break my 2 year streak now then i'll have to start off all over again and then i'd have to tell people "ya i didnt drink pop for 2 years and then i had 1 one time and now i've been clean for 6 days" doesn't sound as cool! SO DON'T DO IT!!


I'm an all or nothing person too and stopped drinking sodas 2 years ago. I actually have had 2 this spring, but found that they taste nasty now. I think they are ok in moderation, just maybe not for those of us who can't control ourselves around it. ;) Diet coke was my fave too.

Where I'm from we actually call all sodas Coke.


1. Totally all or nothing. Working on that in, you know, an all or nothing type way.
2. LOVE diet dr. pepper. it is a problem.
3. We call it soda over here on the west coast =)
4. I'm ordering your Garmin with my birthday money =) Thanks for the equipment link!

P.S. Is it possible to watch the marathon online? We don't have T.V. at my house. Because we are Amish. Just kidding. Actually it's because I'd rather spend my money on Garmins and swedish fish =)


I called it pop when I lived in Utah and I call it that for years.. until I moved to Southern California and they made fun of me. Now I call it soda. Yeah diet soda I heard is worse than the regular stuff even. Yikes!!


I loved this post!!! I gave up soda last year in August cold turkey and I actually had one coke last week getting my hair done b/c I was so thirsty and they were out of bottled water. I felt so guilty after I opened it and had a sip I couldn't finish it and I threw it away as soon as I left the salon.


I am definitely an all or nothing type of person, so I know exactly what your saying. I'm sure you'll be okay with one soda especially since you told the blog world.


I call it soda, I actually have only heard people call it "pop" in the movies lol.
I am also an all or nothing type person, especially when I am determined about something.
I gave soda up cold turkey as well about 7 years ago and I haven't touched one since. My taste buds don't crave it anymore. Seriously. haha
Don't worry I know you will be great because you have great motivation!


Oh I love Kara. YOu are a mini Kara! So true. As for diet cola, I just don't like chemicals in my body. I'd go for the real deal instead. Although, i love coca cola light in mexico. That stuff is like GOLD! I will have a diet coke if there is nothing else around but I wouldn't sweat about it. You know what is best for you dear friend. Welcome home by the way!!


TOTALLY rooting for Kara! I ran the Chicago Rock n Roll half marathon in 2009 that she WON and it was incredible. I love her… I need to get her book.


I have "quit" pop two times in my life, both times for about 2 years, due to my addictive personality. I'm currently on pop…I have two cans a day. I want to go back off. Now I'm committed (after I finish the ones left in my fridge). But sometimes a fountain diet coke over ice is A-MAZING. Gosh.

Totally rooting for Kara. I want her book!! I'm thinking of paying the $5 for live stream of the marathon even though I'm supposed to be teaching 1st graders during the run. There must be some way I can tie it into a lesson, right?


I gave up soda about 5 years ago. It was hard but I just think how it does nothing for my body. It's just empty calories and it's not healthy. Just say no!


Glad you had a fun trip. All the food looked amazing!
I'm most definitely an all or nothing person.
I used to drink a lot of soda too. I eventually gave it up and am at the point where I can enjoy one here and there without feeling guilty or that I need another. It took a while though. Just tell the soda that it's not the boss of you. ; )
I love Kara and hope she does well tomorrow. I can't wait to read her book!


I am a big believer in once in awhile (I used to be all or nothin') and that has helped! I drink a diet coke if it is a special occasion (maybe 4-6 times/ year) and that is great for me, otherwise, I do not drink soda at all–SOOOO bad for us!!!! :(

Glad you had a fun vacay-and GO Boston runners!!! you will be missed, for sure.


I am definitely an all or nothing kind of person. I've stopped running many a times because I've went all in and then burnt out. I'm trying to be a bit more moderate about this time around and it seems to be helping.

Remember that it's okay to feel sad about Boston. It was a big part of your life. You can't expect to get over it in a day.


I love Kara Goucher and have a not-so-secret wish that she'll come out and run with me at the Eugene marathon in two weeks. I think her story is amazing, especially the parts about mental toughness and confidence. I'll definitely be in the Kara camp tomorrow!

I don't like soda so that's a bad example for me, but I've recently discovered that all-or-nothing does nothing good for me. I've relaxed my standards a bit and actually feel better than ever.


I am def an all or nothing person. It is why I am very careful about the things I buy at the grocery store when I'm at school. I only drink soda when its mixed with other things… I was never allowed to drink soda with swimming so I just don't and don't even like it now.

I am DEF routing for Kara tomorrow!!!


I <3 Kara. I'm a fairly new reader but I had to comment because I met her yesterday and she's awesomesauce in real life too. I stuttered like an idiot and i'm SURE she thought I was insane but she was still super nice to me. :)

Also, I love your blog. :) I'm sorry about Boston but we'll be here next year! (I just live here. I'm not like affiliated with the race or anything. :))


I am the daughter of two addictive personality parents–one with alcohol, both with food. So, it's no surprise that I struggle with the same issue. Luckily, alcohol has never held an appeal for me but food, on the other hand, is a completely different story. I joke that I run so I can keep eating like I do, but getting more serious about running has shown me that it's all the more important to fuel my body right (and that running is not a license to OVER fuel).

I'm also lucky in that I don't care much for soda either. And I do think of it as one of the greater evils out there!! I mean, who thought of that stuff?? High fructose corn syrup, artificial colors and flavors, sodium?! It kind of hacks me off that it's even made for human consumption. This sounds totally wacko, but I kind of put it up there with cigarettes. They just love to get people addicted!

I haven't read a lot about Kara, but I really loved her article in RW recently listing all the basics of running that anyone wanting to get more serious about running should know. I thought it was a great, easy to read, practical list. She made running sound really accessable and attainable. I appreciated that from someone as accomplished as her. I bet it was really inspirational to read that she's gone through the same injury you're going through right now!! I'll be cheering for her tomorrow!


I'm so excited to watch the Boston coverage tomorrow! I love your love for Kara – you can channel your energy into cheering for her and keep your mind on your own goals for the future. Love ya, J. Hope you're having a great night reunited with Billy!


all or nothing- unfortunately yes and my achilles are not happy about it. But I am like that in all aspects. I call it soda but my husband calls in pop. Where I live in eastern wa it is called pretty much everything. I drink caffeine free diet soda from time to time but I dont really care for soda that much. I picked up Kara's book and Barnes and Nobles and skimmed but I was with my kids so…maybe for mothers day. I am routing for her especially because she just had a baby.


In some aspects I am an all or nothing kind of girl, I quit smoking 2 years 4 months ago and I know that if I ever pick up a cigarette again I will be right back to where I was, but I have the strength not to do it!
I like Diet Coke, I can't drink it much because of the caffiene (acid reflux) but I like to have one every now and then but I never drink the entire can or bottle, so I guess I just like a taste of it to quench my thirst! lol
I am definitely rooting for Kara tomorrow, I ordered her book off Amazon last week and can't wait for it to get here!


I'm definitely pulling for Kara (Ryan Hall needs to win too eh?)


I am a total coke addict, too (Diet Coke). I have quit for weeks at a time, but I always end up going back to my dark, bubbly friend. The problem is, I really LOVE it. When I was in college and perpetually broke, sometimes I would choose a Dr. Pepper over actual food for lunch.

I do want to quit — or figure out a way to drink in moderation (not likely). Until then, I like your idea of disguises at 7-11 ;)

That probably wasn't the point I was supposed to take from this post, was it?


I am most definitely a Diet DP addict. I have gone through periods of not partaking but always go back to it. This is my biggest health weakness. In this area I am all or nothing.
I'm pretty moderate in other areas of my life (at least I like to think).
I have never rooted for a contender before but I am going to now. Go Kara.


Goodness, I broke my diet soda addiction and went through SERIOUS withdrawal … and then…oops. I fell off the bandwagon and if you're serious I am too. Holy week, girl! We got this.


Training for half ironman and trying to quit teh Diet Coke. Perhaps you've inspired me…


I had been Diet Coke free for approximately 2 months. Then I caved this weekend at Sam's Club. Dang it.



I don't really care for soda (I'm from CA and that's what we called it there, but now I live in WA and a lot of people call it pop). But I am an all or nothing person. I'm completely addicted to running and on the days I don't do it I am a total mental case. Addict-like. Searching for something to help give me that fix. I'm on a self-imposed week-long break from doing anything that will hurt my left shin (which I fractured last year a few weeks before my first full). It was sore after the 18-miler last weekend and so I am taking a week off. I am DYING. I can't even do my Jillian Michaels videos. Waaaaaaah! I completely forgot what your questions were now…um…

YES, rooting on Kara!


absolutely love this post and admire how HUMAN you are on your blog!

-i love soda and crave it sometimes but haven't drank it for about 2 years. i went overboard with orange soda, even tho i always felt like crap after i drank it. i know i get hooked on things i LOVE very easily and can't quit it.

-it's soda, but my grampy calls it "tonic" – it's a real bostonian thing.

– yes of course i am routing for kara!!!! but i will admit shalane flanagan is my fav pro runner b/c she's also from north of boston (grew up in the town next to mine) and she's a blonde too and loves her compression socks. :)

thinking of you all day tomorrow – this too shall pass? XOXOXOX


Kara is so inspirational, I can't wait to read her book!


Kara is a rock star! I really enjoy reading her blog, you've probably seen it, right?



I am the same way. It is all or nothing for me, I am trying to allow myself one diet coke a week because I love the taste of it but I am not perfect lol


So I discovered your blog this last week, and let me just say I am addicted! Your honesty is so refreshing!!! I live in Portland where Kara and Shalane both train. Last Saturday I decided to do some speed work on the Nike track and low and behold when I go there Kara was there with Adam and some other Nike elites. Monday I decided to do some more and Shalane was there. It was so fun and I was a star struck crazy girl. I was able to get out "I am rooting for you at Boston". I am sure she thought I was a total nerd!:) I will be right there with you tomorrow watching it. in fact I watched last years coverage last night. I ran it last year so it was fun to watch it and remember. You will be there next year, I have no doubt. Thanks for the inspiration to give up the "sauce". Don't drink all that much but know that I would probably get faster without it at all. Can't wait for your next post!


All or nothing for SURE. I actually just started a blog and wrote all about running through an injury in my first post. Same goes for Mini Eggs. It's either the whole bag or nothing! You are amazing. I, like you, am a blog stalker. You have been number one on my list since I discovered you about a week ago. I look forward to your posts every day :)


All or nothing for SURE. I actually just started a blog and wrote all about running through an injury in my first post. Same goes for Mini Eggs. It's either the whole bag or nothing! You are amazing. I, like you, am a blog stalker. You have been number one on my list since I discovered you about a week ago. I look forward to your posts every day :)


We call it soda here, but my Midwestern side of the family calls it pop :)


That’s way the beesstt answer so far!


i9cqWq trsncpmuhjsq


I am definitely an all or nothing type of person. I can open the block of chocolate and have my 2 pieces to stay within my calories – more likely to eat half the block. So try and stay away completely. Something I am trying REALLY hard to work on as well. This attitude + my addictive personality isn't a good combo.

We call it soft drink here in Aussie Land. I don't drink a lot of it but sometimes get a real craving for something fizzy. When that happens I try to stick to Pepsi Max.


oh man. Do you KNOW that I use that phrase in reference to myself at least once a week. "I am an all or nothing person!" . Infact I know that if I can't run a sub 3:20 marathon b/c of this stupid injury I won't run it at all. why am I like this?????? and I am glad you told me all this b/c I ate ice cream, bread sticks, and about 3 lbs of chocolate covered fruit today:(:( sigh….I need to stay in control of myself here.


Kewl you should come up with that. Execllnet!


NOt a huge fan of pop but I will have one once in a blue moon. Janae, your comment just now made me so happy! I would be honored to be at Boston with you next year and I am so inspired and impressed by your attitude. I am so bummed for you and think of you daily. So much love your way girl!! I just know that God has AMAZING plans for you…as a runner, a mother, a wife…the list goes on and on! You are gifted in so many ways and LOVED tremendously!


Oh wow, totally with you on the diet soda. If someone doesn't stop me, I can practically inhale diet coke. Fortunately, it's craaaazy expensive in Switzerland, so I only end up drinking 3 or 4 cans a week.

And of COURSE I'm rooting for Kara! She's AMAZING! (and so are you. and you will probably also win boston some day :):):)


I'm going to pretend that the title of this post refers to me, mmmmkay? :)


YAY Kara!!! YAY Janae!!! You both are amazing!!! CAN NOT WAIT for the race to start! You're not alone in wishing you were there! You'll be back & better in no time.


i'm completely all or nothing so i totally relate to you. if i have one of something (like a piece of candy) it unleashes my crazy person and i have to eat 100. i'm trying to work on that haha.

YES routing for KARA right now!!!!!!!!!!! this is her year!! :)


You have totally convinced me to buy Kara's book. I must read it. Right now. :)

Can I just tell you that you are seriously inspiring and positive?? Just about every time I read one of your posts, I have an "Ah ha!:" moment. You are amazing. So amazing that you should have your own TV show. People should be paying you money to be as amazing as you are. :)


haha i am SO all or nothing!! am just about to start reading karas book now !!! too bad she got 5th place, but hey you gotta cut her some slack she had a baby a few months ago, right???

no soda for me, it makes me feel crappy… you can DO it!!! your body will thank you :) you know carbonation is bad for bones right?? drink more milk instead so you can grow those bones nice and strong and they can get better fasterrrrr!!!



I love the taste of Diet Coke, but it really is a poison. My mother developed lupus that went in to remission when she stopped drinking Nutrasweet.

I have to admit I was kind of cheering for Kim Smith because she took off so fast and had a lead for so long. It didn't seem like Kara was ever as close to winning as Kim Smith or Desiree Davilla, unfortunately.


I am gonna do my best and give up diet pop as well. It does make me feel like crap but it is something sweet with no calories. Hard to pass up. But either way, I am done.



all or nothing for sure. I drink Dt. Coke like it's water… sooo bad I know :-/ [but oh so delicious!]


I am totally all or nothing, but I have made my peace with it. Go hard or go home! :)


I am right there with ya on the coke thing. I have quit cold turkey several times. IF I decide to have just one, it ends up being many… many. I haven't had one in a long time but your post has made me crave one. You may need to keep me accountable now ;)


Don't beat yourself up too much about the soda!! Everyone deserves a treat now and then!

My family calls it pop but once I moved away from home, I got teased mercilessly about it so now it's soda. :)


I'm an all or nothing person for sure!!

It's called "pop," though I get a lot of weird faces for that. I used to drink a two liter for dinner easy, but decided it wasn't worth it about 8 years ago and stopped cold turkey. I'll have it now and again, but never more than a glass or two; I much prefer milk or water.

And I certainly was rooting for Kara Monday, but after 6 miles, I switched easily over to Kim. I felt so bad when she left the race due to her injury!


Keep up this good work, you have a nice blog over here with much good information! When you post some new stuff, I’ll visit your blog again and I’ll follow it.


How inspiring that you haven’t really bought any diet coke anymore!!! you go, Janae.

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