Speed Day Monday: I love doing my speed day on Monday because my legs are screaming for a run after a rest day:) It was hard peeling myself out of bed though…wouldn’t that be awesome if there was a magic pill that made getting up in the morning feel good and super easy?  My dad is an inventor…I will tell him to get working on making that asap.

Today I did 13.1 miles, 1% incline  in 1:29:21…..that is 3 minutes faster than last week and I feel pretty good about it.  I guess speed training and hill workouts are helping!


I did mile repeats throughout the first hour of the run (anywhere between 6:10-6:45) with 800’s at a slower pace (anywhere between 7:00-7:24). For the last part I ran at a 7:01 pace….I do need to work on some negative splits though.

Call me a weirdo but I love the end of a workout where I feel like I am going to puke.  I know that I pushed myself past what I thought possible.  What should my goal be for my 1/2 marathon in 19 days?


Basically, I am obsessed with you guys and I want to give you a lil sometin sometin but we are poor so I can’t give you a treadmill or a kitchenaid…..fast forward 4 years until Billy is done with law school and my giveaways will be off the hook.

Boys, I am sorry it is super girly but you can always enter and give it to your wife/mom/gf/sister/random person on the street if you win.


Giveaway includes 2 bottles of delicious lotion and lip gloss from Bath and Body Works, Swedish Fish, a reusable plastic hot chocolate thingee (I use mine 14 times a day, obsessed),  sunglasses (I have a twinner pair), CHOCOLATES, and a signed picture of Billy and I!

To Enter:

1.  You have to be a follower (my mom looks at how many followers I have every day and I want her to think I am really cool).

2.  Tell me your most favoritest distance to run or your favorite workout ever.  If you don’t like working out tell me your favorite candy?

3.  Extra entry: link it on your blog and let me know in a separate comment.

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Hi, my name is Sheanna, and I'm a loyal stalker…Errr…Follower.

My favorite workout is the core workout in the P90X line of workouts with the cardio in the morning. THe core makes my guts feel like they're secure if that makes sense.

If I HAD a blog, I would link back to yours, but I don't because I sucked at blogging (great writer, bad at keeping up with it and taking pics).

Been waiting for this giveaway all day!!!!


Posting your giveaway on my blog's sidebar.


my favorite workout is running right now, but I am a former swimmer…and my favorite candy are green apple twizzlers and candy corn! PS I shouted out to you on my blog, but for a different reason…


I just became a follower! I love your blog!

My favorite distance is 5 miles. I'm training for a half marathon so I'm slowly building up the mileage I can run.


I linked it to my post.


My favorite is 3.21 miles. I'm weird, right? I have a thing for numbers I guess. I'm trying to enjoy running longer distances more, but so far it isn't working.
I would also tell you my favorite candy, but I just can't pick!!


I follow you like a shadow on a sunny day ;-)

My favorite workout ever was a rowing workout… 3×20 minutes@ anaerobic threshold w/ 5 min super easy in between. Favorite running workout… 4×1/2-mile hill repeats in the hilly park near my house (that or the 1 hour stadium extravaganza). I can't do any of that now! :P

And your readership is off the charts! Wow!


I'm a follower, and I am destined to be your twinner with sunglasses and bag of sweedish fish.


Favorite candy: for super bowl sunday one of my friends brought these chocolate covered acai berries from costco. If it were physically possible to marry a candy, this would be the one. Or swedish fish – they are also very handsome, so I haven't entirely decided =)

Favorite distance to race: 5k. I love that it's short enough basically sprint the whole thing.

Favorite workout: mile repeats! And sprint work – they hurt so good!


Following you! And we would be friends in real life. Seriously. I just know it.


totally linked. :)


I have no clue how to follow..but I'll figure it out. I just recently found your blog and OMG, I think we are totally twinners. LOL I love your daily rambles and it gets me started off right!! lol I totally read your blog twice a day (sometimes more..shhh..I tell my husband I'm working on my Chemistry homework). My favorite workout, so far, are Wednesday's on the treadmill. For some reason, that day totally kicks running butt!!!

buggaboosmommy (at) yahoo (dot) com


OK, I have come out of lurker-dom to say:
Happy birthday week!
I am your newest follower.
I love 13.1. I'm training for 26.2 right now, but uuuhhhh…20mi long runs? What's with that?? I want my 13milers back. Oh wait, I do those on Wednesdays now!


Im not a distance runner…so my favorite candy is Reeses…well really anything with peanut butter.. BTW I'm a follower too.


My favorite workout totally varies. I feel like I know what I need to get to the happy place, and I do it. Right now I am doing the long runs on Saturday with a training group (to prepare for the second race of my life) … never done that, really liking it. I love the solitude of running alone after a busy day of interacting. I love to swim, but only when the lap lane is empty, and the running fitness really translates well to the water for me. I like some cardio kickbox when I am feeling fiesty. And I love me some clubbin cardio dance class when I am feeling lazy, and I know at a minimum I will get a good core workout laughing at myself in the mirror.


I'm hoping my favorite distance will be a half marathon but my first one is still a couple weeks away. There's always going to be a part of me that loves aerobics though. I used to teach aerobics in college and now that I'm poor from my school loans I miss belonging to a gym where I can do it.


1. I follow you!

2. My most favorite distance to run is the 1/2. I've only done one so far. I have 2 more coming up in the next few months. To me it's the perfect length. I wish I had your pace!


Favorite candy: FLUFFY STUFF ( packaged rot your teeth cotton candy! :)

Favorite Milage: 4 miles

LOVE your blog!


I don't have a blog going to share this giveaway on but I did share it on my Facebook page. Hope that counts! :)


Ok…per my last post…I liked you on Facebook and subscribed. What in the heck does "follow" mean? LOL I don't do the whole twitter thing…I know, GASP!!!

buggaboosmommy (at) yahoo (dot) com


I am a Follower!!! :)


Follow you on Google Reader :] My favorite workout is a spin class!


Now following! I am just starting to run longer distances, so my favorite distance is the 10 miles that I did one time. It was an awesome run and I can't wait to increase the distances of my long runs! Bonus with some of my favorite candies: GUMMY candies like swedish fish, haribo gummy bears, cinnamon bears (of the gas-station variety), dots!


& #3 – I totally linked you to my blog!


Hehehe…you know I follow (stalk) you. :) I don't really have a favorite distance yet, since I'm still working on the not puking while trying to walk a mile part, but by the end of summer I'm hoping my fav will be that 13.1 I'm gonna do! Favorite candy is probably the Giant Chewy Sweet Tarts. Yum!


i just became a follower!


My favorite workout has to be kickboxing class… I can't get enough!


I thought I was a follower (google reader) but apparently I wasn't – I fixed that!

Favorite distance is around 5 miles. And my favorite workouts are speed workouts.. I like going fast!


I'll blog about your site tonight on my blog – caraloubella.blogspot.com!


I need to work in speed workouts into my weekly routine! Reading your blog makes me feel like I am a slacker and should challenge myself more. Thanks for the encouragement!

So far my favorite distance to run is a 10K. But I'm slowly working up my mileage!


I follow you on google reader! My favorite workout is zumba-i teach it and am completely obsessed! I also love strength training (i know you hate it, sorry! and interval training. I'm trying to start running, but haven't gotten past a 5k yet.

I love your blog! I talk about you like I know you in person haha. There is a guy at my gym training for boston and I was telling him about you and how speedy you are!

Thanks for the chance to win an awesome giveaway!


I follow!


You're on my blog roll :)


I love the 10 mile or half marathon distance… I HATE short distances! I always feel like I'm going to explode. :(


I follow!


My favorite distance to race…half marathon! Just long enough to be a challenge but short enough that the training doesn't take over my life!


I of course follow you, and um, I love that you are giving away a signed picture. Because someday you'll be famous for running a sub 3:00 marathon, so it will be worth millions.

My favorite distance to run is 10 miles for distance. But for a down and dirty workout, I'm a 3 miler girl


You had me at Swedish Fish, which are pretty much my greatest vice in life, next to the man in bioland!

My favourite workout is the run you don't feel like doing but ends up feeling amazing. Sometimes it's 3 miles and sometimes it's 12!

I'm a follower for sure.


I LOOOOOVE following your blog! You are awesome! My fave race distance is the 1/2 marathon, but I love running a 6.2 practice 10K in training. I love running many 1/2s throughout the year so that I am constantly training for something. So far this year i am registered for 5. San Diego Safari Park, Pediactric Cancer support run in Irvine, Disneyland (my fave), Long Beach and Big Sur!

BTW…my fave 2 candies are…airheads sour belts (the multi colored striped ones they have at the movies) and fun dip!




definitely have to agree. I love half marathons!!


I obviously follow you!

My favorite distance to run is def 13.1. There's something about giving it your all for the whole race is more thrilling to me than doing 20 miles. I also like it because its completely more bad ass than 10miles. Annnnd my favorite kind of candy are sour patch kid watermelons and chocolate covered raisins!


annnnd I have just blogged about your giveaway!


Ok, I'm now a follower (and a first time commenter). My favorite run…well, I love my first half-marathon and I want to run another so I guess that's saying something. And for kicks and giggles, my favorite candy is sour patch watermelons. But I also adore organic sunny bears (but they're too expensive at $10.00/lb to grow too attached).


Merely mention your giveaway in a post? No, no. Not enough. Whole post at Year of the Redhead just for you. :)


I have just become a LOVER of running in the last 2 years or so. Started as a way to get back in shape after baby #3. Eeeek! Anyway, I'm hooked and ran 7 miles Saturday and 8.25 on Sunday. I like any amount of running at this point! And just for kicks my favorite candy is toffee.


I just started following you on twitter… the only other person i follow is Winston and he is a cat..
My favorite workout is any workout where i do more than i thought i could!! This weekend i actually doubled my distance for my run!
Happy Birthday Week!


I was already following you on reader, but NOW I'm officially following you for all the world to see and it feels so good. Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!

My favorite distance to run is a 10K. It's short enough to almost sprint, but long enough to feel like a good workout.

Lovely giveaway! So fun : )


I am trying to love working out, as you know. I actually went to my first spin class last week…inspired by you (and a co-worker who emailed and said she was going and did i want to meet her? So yes! I would like to meet her there and have a workout buddy. Since Janae isn't nearby and inviting me to workout with her. As if i could even keep up.)

But my favorite candies…so many choices. So hard to choose. I love chocolates with other stuff added (caramel, mint, fruity flavors, etc.) but my favorite treats are either baked goods or frozen…Golden Spoon (I already discussed this yesterday) and Gelato, ice cream etc. I love pies of almost any kind. I love making my famous toffee…which I will make for you when we meet.

I'm going to be flying from Boston to LAX to Boston to Boston to LAX to Boston to Boston to LAX to Boston to Boston to LAX to Boston to Salt Lake City this week, so I won't be able to get online much. But have the most wonderful 25th birthday! So sad that we aren't going to be 24/42 any more. :-( But you can still be my bff. ♥


I follow you :)


i follow you! :) my favorite distance is a 5K cause its all i can run. haha. and my fav candy is those hard chocolate cadbury mini egg things. i ate 14 servings in one week last month. lol. yes easter candy is already out and yes i am already buying it…


i'm a follower!! :)


My favorite workout is a good run – my goal for 2011 is a half marathon. I ran my first 10k back in September and I'm running a 10 miler in April.

Love your blog – you are too cute!! :)


I live in London, England, which is far too far for you to have to send things. But I thought that I'd reply anyway. Because posting comments is fun!

Favourite distance to run is 5K at the moment. but I'm definitely hoping to run a half-marathon this year!

And my favourite sweets are starburst! Or skittles! Or jelly tots! Yummm.
We don't have swedish fish over here. We're basically deprived. I might have to try and import some!

LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog!


I follow!


I am a follower :)


my favorite work-out is a long trail run (8-10 miles) without music…so relaxing and a great escape!


My favorite distance is the marathon, hands down.


My favorite distance to run is the half marathon. I've done one full and it was amazing but they take too long to train for. Half marathons are the perfect distance cause not everyone can just sign up and do them on the spur of the moment.


i am a follower!! wishing i still lived in provo so we could be buddies… oh well that's what happens when the husband finally graduates from BYU and gets a job in the real world ;-)


I'm a follower!


My fav distance for racing is a half marathon. Love it.


My favorite workout is really anything that gets my heart pumping and my body sweating. I love reeces pb cups and sour neon gummi worms! I am working on adding links to my blog. I am still so new to this. Awesome workout today!


Ok, I am officially a follower now! My favorite workout is treadmill intervals because I feel so great afterwards. I also love a nice easy looonnnnggg run outside when it's not winter.

Your giveaway is awesome!


I posted it on my blog! http://watchcrun.blogspot.com/


I'm a follower.
Of course :-)


Awesome giveaway!
While I'm not fast… "race" wise, I really like the half because I get to run it slower than a 5k :) And training-run wise, I really enjoy my long runs the most because I always run them outside and they take me through some beautiful scenery!


I've been reading your blog for quite some time now. I'm not a follower as well.
So far my favorite distance, wait, time to run is 2 minutes. I'm just a beginner. But when I was able to bust out two minutes, I'll tell ya'-the world spun.


I follow you!!


Obviously, that should say "I'm NOW a follower" Bad typing fingers.


My favorite workout ever was a group bike ride I did in 2009. It was winter, it was cold, it was wet, it was miserable. By mile 25, we had lost ALL of the men to someplace warmer than the road. We had also lost some women, but at mile 45, I was SO proud to finish our ride completely with 6 other women! We were strong that day!I didn't think I could do it…
But I Did!
Then I cried in my car for 15 minutes before my feet warmed up enough to be able to drive home.
Ahhhh…now that's a good workout!


I'm a follower :)


I am now a follower and I hope I did that right! Not that I'm following only to win but……. my most favorite distance to run is five miles. (It feels like an accomplishment to me- I wish the mental ability to run longer..I have the attention span of a five year old.) I'll link it on my blog http://cupcakedynamite.wordpress.com tomorrow if that's not to late. :D xo


Favorite race distance is the 100 meter freestyle. (in swimming) Fast and SHORT. If you do it right, you can barely climb out of the pool because you are so wiped.

I think that's why running any longer than to the end of my street is so hard. I'm a sprinter at heart. Oh well, I WILL conquer the marathon!


I am following you now. Love your blog!
I love running 5 miles. I can't do much longer yet but I'm woorking on it!
Oh and fyi I LOVE swedish fish!!


I'm a follower!


my favorite distance to run is probably 7, though i usually run 6 to 6.5. i guess whenever i do 7, i feel even more accomplished! however, i want to be able to run 9-10 miles more regularly. i ran that much at least once a week for about 3 weeks this summer at the peak of my summer training for cross country season and i loved it. mostly because i got to run to the ocean and back through the woods :) of course, i got nothin' on you!

as for speed work, i like 400s and 800s.


I'm a follower! And I follow you on twitter – stalker much? :)

I think my favoritest distance to run in all the world is a good 8 miler. I am working to increase that number, but baby steps!

I also could put my face in a bag of Reeses PB Cups!!

Thanks for hosting the giveaway!


I'm new to running, but so far my favorite distance is 5 miles..mostly cause thats the longest I've gone and the sense of accomplishment is awesome!


My favorite workout is Plyometrics moves (burpees, mountain climbers, squat jumps, etc..). It's a great compliment to running and really works so many muscles. I find it such a rewarding mental challenge to get through!


I follow you… I wish I had a shirt that says "I follow Hungry Runner Girl, She is my bloggy land bff"


I am a follower!

I love the 10K as well! It is long enough to feel like a good work out, but short enough to always be enjoyable. :)


I can't believe I wasn't already a follower. I only look at your blog like EVERY SINGLE DAY! haha love you girl. pick me pick me!! Im your number one fan!

my favorite distance is a half marathon because that is the most I have ever done. Hopefully in a few months my favorite distance will be a marathon!

p.s. my favorite candy: skittles


I am following you on google and facebook! Your blog is my favorite! My favorite workout is INSANITY. Have you ever tried it?! It's awesome.


Fav distance is half marathon! I think it's the perfect distance. Long yet not as long as a marathon. I am going to try to go sub 2 hour this year (last year's best time was 2:03)


I'm linking it on my sidebar! I hope I win! I want to be twinners with the sunglasses!
If I win I'm going to put the signed pic right next to my treadmill so I can get some speedy inspiration from you!


This is the most random giveaway ever- love it. I follow!


My favorite distance is 8 or 9 miles… far but not too far!


I linked to you on my blog TwoYuppiesAndAPuppy.com.


Oh yea…13.1 is soon to be my new favorite distance but my absolute fave workout is kickboxing!


Fun! I am a follower, and I love the half marathon distance. Long enough to be fast, but short enough that you are recovered in a few days! cute give away!


I'm a follower!

my fav distance is 10k. Workout is now speedwork as it helped me shave off more than two minutes during my 5k race yesterday!

I'll also say my fav candy: peanut butter m&ms!


I'm a follower already…Love your blog!!


You are my favorite on google reader feed! I get excited for every post. My favorite workout is the Michigan or 4 sets of 4×400!! My favorite candy is candy corn


I follow you!


I am a follower!!!My favorite distance is 10K.. feels like a great workout!


Wooo hooo! A signed picture!!!

I'd say around 16 is my favorite. It's long enough to make your legs feel the burn so good!


I posted it on my blog. You should read it, and give me the prize based on my reasoning alone :)


I am learning to run and hoping to one day enjoy it..ha ha. I have never tried swedish fish, but hear they are good and would love to try them hint hint. Love reading your blog everyday.


I follow you!


I think my favorite workout would have to be a speed session, it hurts while you do it but feels soo good knowing that you did it after! A close 2nd would have to be a really hard lifting session! I am having to sacrifice muscle for running but since I am not going to be a figure girl I have to have some sort of goal!


I love doing speed workouts too. My favorite are hill repeats. They always seems so easy and then by the end you feel like death … in a delightful way! Oh, and I love chocolate covered blueberries. Oh heavens they are delicious


I just became a follower and I just want to say I love your blog!!


I currently don't run a lot but I'm working my way up to doing 5 miles. I love eating Skittles too!


I'm already following!

I honestly don't yet know what my favorite distance is… Except for training runs I've only ever run 5k's and one half marathon, but I think I prefer the half.

Aaand, I think I should win this giveaway because I've never tried Swedish Fish before ;)


I love doing 5Ks. They are attainable to everyone so you have such a variety from beginners to full on sprinters. They are fun and pressure free.


My favorite distance is a 5k for races, but 7-8 just for training/fun. After a massive snow and ice storm I got out for the first time today and it was glorious!


Janae- That is the best giveaway ever! You are the cutest. Imagine, it's your birthday week and you are giving US presents! Wow!
My favorite workout ever is taking a dance class…it's a great workout, and so much fun!
You inspire me!


I love girlie giveaways~ YAY~

My favorite distance to run is 20 — I haven't run it in a really long time but it makes you feel super accomplished but not DEAD. Anything over 20 really impairs me for a while but 20 makes me feel like a rock star ;)


My favorite distance to run is a 10 miler. Although, I was a heptathlete in college and loved the shorter distances!


I love relays. I've only run one, but it was amazing.


Just became a follower!!


I'm a follower!


i follow you :)


Great workout you speedster!! A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!


Favorite distance to race is 10k but, I love the accomplished feelings after the marathon. The "runner's high" after a marathon last for a couple of weeks!!

Thanks for the opportunity Janae!! Love Bath n Body!!

Have a great evening!! xo :)


i go back and forth to what my favorite distance is. right now i'm going with marathon because that's what i'm training for


I'm a recent follower and I LOVE your blog! I read it every day.


My favorite workout is either spin or an early morning run. I can't wait to do those again!!!


I follow you!
Favorite distance: half marathon. Not too hard and I can be speedy, but hard enough that the general public thinks I'm really cool and/or nutso for running it.


I just got into running a few months back and ran my first 10k (i know, it doesn't sound too impressive, but i was proud of myself). Now I'm expecting my 2nd baby so I'm not allowed to push myself at the gym too much but my goal for post-baby is a half marathon! Woo-hoo!


I'm a follower!! Fun giveaway.


I now follow you! My favorite distance is eight miles. I have a favorite route that I ran once a week all summer that was eight miles!


I just became a follower!!

My favorite distance to run is 8 miles. I would really like to train for and race in half marathons. I just have to wait until I start making money (I'm in physical therapy school) so I can pay race entry fees.

My favorite candies include: skittles (tropical), anything Reese's, and hot tomales!


I'm following you! And my favorite distance to run would have to be the half marathon. Not to long, not to short.


oh and here is my blog link!



I'm definitely a follower! My favorite distance so far has been the half marathon but that may change to the marathon in a few months. ;)


YOU ARE AMAZING!!!! You run so fast on the treadmill. *high five*!!! :)

I would LOVE to have a signed pic of you and Billy that is so funny!! I'm already a follower!


I am a follower! My favorite distance is anywhere between 7 and 10 miles! but I really love all running. I am recovering from a minor injury so I haven't run in a week and it is driving me crazy! but I love to spin when I am not able to run! This is such a great giveaway!


Favorite distance? WHy the marathon of course!


I am linking this to my blog!


My favorite distance to race is a 10K, but I'm training for a few half marathons this year!


Posted your giveaway on my blog!


I already follow you on Facebook & Twitter :)


My favorite workout is anything that combines fassssst cardio (like intervals) & weight training (favorites are biceps to work! :) )

Love your give away- especially the signed picture :)


I'm a newer follower, but I love your blog!! My bestie Nicole (runnernic) sent me your way!


I follow.

I think my favorite distance is eight miles. It's long enough that I feel like I pushed myself, but not so long that I feel like poo after.


Great job on your run!!! I think you should soot for sub 1:20 for the half!!

I love speed workouts… I think my favorite is 400 repeats. I also try to end every workout as fast as I can!! Happy Birthday week! And I follow you on twitter and I will become a follower now : )


My most favorite distance to run is around 6 miles…but my most favorite workout (besides running) would be kickboxing. Hella good stress relief!


Haha I LOVE the giveaway!!! What awesome prizes, including the signed picture! It'll be worth tons of money someday!!!!

My favorite distance to run is definitely the half marathon. There's just something about it that makes me feel so strong and powerful. I love the way I feel when I cross a finish line.


Oh, and I'm linking you on my blog!


Linked to your blog for a second entry! Yay!!!


I'm a follower!

My favorite work out is step class. Love love love it!!


I'm a follower. :)

I love ten miles (to run not to race). It's long enough that you feel really accomplished but it can be done (somewhat) I'm a whim.


My favorite race distance is the half marathon. It is the perfect distance for me-I have tried everything from 5ks to marathons, but have found that the half is the perfect blend of speed and endurance. I feel like I can dial into a competitive pace without having to go so fast that I miss all the amazing race scenery around me, but I don't have to run so long that I am counting the mile markers. I also love it because I can do training runs that are longer than the actual race distance, so on race day I can toe the line knowing that I have run 13 miles or more more times that I can count on my unpolished fingers and runner-deformed toes!


Holy comments!

I LOVE the picture of you and Billy, hahaha! I would proudly display it in my living room. :)

I already follow you on google Reader.
Fav Running Distance = 10 miles. So accomplished, but not dead.
Will be linking in tomorrow's post!


You are just too funny! :) I follow your bloggie :)


i follow! my fave distance used to be 13.1, but the past few months it's been more like 5. i'm so lame.


Hi Janae! I now officially follow you :) Happy birthday week! My favorite distance is the marathon. My favorite workout is a long run. I also love, love, love swimming.


You're workouts are INSANE lady!

Favorite workout: 10-12 mile run at 9AM, 50 degrees, sunny 5mph winds, boyfriend by my side.


yay I want to win just so I can have an autographed picture of you!!

My favorite distance to run is 4.5 miles. It's short enough to still have fun & go fast (for me).

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