I have literally gone insane

15 minute ice bath (using snow from outside).
14 times I laughed out loud while watching Friends.
13 visualizations of crossing the finishing Boston under three hours.
12 ice cream sundae’s I am going to eat today.
11 times I listened to ‘Coming Home’ by Diddy on repeat.
10 different people that came on the treadmill next to me, finished their workout and left.
9 is the time I got home.
8 episodes of Friends watched by mua.
7 times I wanted to quit.
6 people at the gym telling me I was a madwoman and a little off my rocker.
5 is the time I woke up on a holiday with no work.
4 water bottles.
3 hours and 26 minutes.
2 beta-alanines I took before running (a supplement to prevent hydrogen build-up aka muscle fatigue.)
1 potty break

Came home and foam-rolled, stretched, took an ice bath and then crawled back in bed to watch Veronica Mars. Who’s knows how I jumped……my calves are a little sore.

I have secretly always wanted to run a marathon on a treadmill.

Today was the perfect day to do it because:
-I am meeting with my coach today and I want him to be proud:)
-There is so much ice and snow outside and I went so early that there was no way I was going to run outside.
-I had an awesome rest day and carbo overload yesterday.
-Life is amazing and running is so much fun.
26.2 miles in 3:26 at 1% incline and last two miles at 7:24 pace.
P.S. If you are having trouble commenting choose open ID from the profiles list and it should work.

What is the craziest thing you have EVER done?

-I think this might have to win but also SKYDIVING……I was scared out of my mind.
What is making your Monday AWESOME???  (It is all about perspective right:)
-Running, talking about running all day and going to lunch with Billy and friends at CAFE RIO!!!! I am salivating just thinking about it.

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How long did you run? Congrats on however long it was

what's making my monday awesome? I don't have to teach today! :D


OH MY GOSH I WORE THOSE EXACT SAME TEMPOS THIS MORNING ON MY RUN!!!!!!!!!! we are running sisters today, feel the chills up and down your spine :)

my workout wasn't nearly as impressive, but it was impressive for the fact that it's the first time i've run back-to-backs in like 2 months. i had a long string of interviews that seriously inhibited my running!

congrats on the marathon. the most i've ever done was 20. you rock so hard, as does dirty diddy money!!!


great job, you are amazing!


You seriously ran 26.2 miles on a treadmill? You are my hero! There is no way….I start to go insane after 5 miles! The furthest I have run on a treadmill is 9.

As for the craziest thing I have ever done…not sure that has happened yet. LOL

My Monday is fabulous because I am off work and have gotten a lot done around the house and it's a rest day for me! Yeah!!


I am so crazy impressed right now!!!! A MARATHON on the treadmill?? Some days I can barely withstand a 5k on that beast!!


Seriously you are my hero. That is all. Too stunned to say anything else. :O


I haven't found the discipline to run that long on a treadmill =/ what's your secret?!


your title says it all ;)


Oh my goodness! I knew you were going to have a killer long run today, but I think you outdid yourself! #10 is my favorite on your list – hahaha. I think you rock. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. My Monday is awesome because I started off with a great workout and breakfast in my own kitchen after being out of town since last Thursday. ALSO? The sun is coming out right now! For the 1st time in days and days.


I love Veronica Mars, I am still sad they canceled that show. She kicked ass.

You ran a marathon on a treadmill. You crazy.

Oh and Ps. You commented on my blog and I tried to reply back by email you back but you don't have an email to reply to….


Congrats girl! You are a little crazy, but watching FRIENDS must have helped a LOT! I went skydiving too, and it was amazing! My monday was great because I started my running/nutrition internship. I actually thought of you cause I help organize some of the marathon events, and they gave out candy during the race.


You ran a marathon on the treadmill? You must be off your rocker…


You are a Running Rockstar!!!!


You are freakin' awesome! :)

Enjoy the rest of your day off!


I'm studying all day, but I'm excited that I have left over Greek food for dinner tonight =)


You ARE insane! But FAST insane! Way to go!!!


wow you put me to shame – tomorrow Im aiming for 15 miles on the treadmill and it will take me almost 3 hours… I cant imagine finishing the entire marathon in almost that time. You rock! How do you keep yourself mentally in it for that long on a treadmill? Im HATING winter marathon training!


Holy Crap! You are insane! But awesome, too. Enjoy your lunch. I am ashamed to say I am dreading running just a few miles on the treadmill tomorrow. You have just given me the inspiration to do it, and keep doing it! :0


You're a monster. I go CRAZY running on the treadmill!!


Does your gym allow you to bring your own DVDs? I wish I could watch Friends while running on the treadmill!


Amazing! Better you than me…


As per everyone else, you are amazing, wow!!

I think most of my crazy things I can't remember anymore, ha ha. I did once fly alone with my 3 young kids (at the time) from GA to PA with a connection/ next flight in different terminal in Detroit.


Not much is making my monday awsome! It's 40 below otuside, 30 below inside my office, I'm sleepy… BUT I did have a banging cardio session this morning AND was able to report a 2.6lb weight loss to my coach today! WOO WOO!

Enjoy your day off you crazy mad woman! I dont know how you did what you did, but you rocked it!


Great job Janae!! That's awesome that you're meeting with your coach. I hope that it goes well! My Monday is good because I got up at a decent time (7:30) and began my day then. I went to the grocery store and I currently have a pot roast in the slow cooker and blueberry muffins in the oven. I've never baked in my life so we'll see how this turns out…


Can you please rub some of your love for running off on me? I'm training for my first half-marathon and have ZERO motivation.


Girl you ROCK! slash my Monday has not been QUITE as glorious, but it is sunny here and that is a ginormously big deal because upstate New York does not see the sun. My craziest story was being attacked by a monkey! Not kidding, scariest moment of my lyfeee


Oh dear, I can't even remember any crazy thing I have done! It's either I'm old or I'm not crazy enough. Must think of something crazy to do asap! Haha! Is that a an 18" foam roller? Thinking if I should get that or the 24". The 24" looks too big for a petite asian like moi. 0_0




Wow! You ran a marathon this morning on the treadmill! You are amazing! Congrats girl!


You just ran a 3:26 marathon on a treadmill! No way. You are beyond amazing. Can't wait to share this with people. How did you manage to keep going?

You are one strong-willed woman, I tell ya!


Sometimes I think there might be cause for concern that I find your insanity completely inspirational. I guess crazy people need to stick together. You are a rock star.

My Monday is amazing because I RAN. Only 2 miles, but I'm still in marathon recovery mode. Things are still inflamed and not quite healed up yet. Also, I CLEANED. Which is amazing because things are not dirty anymore. And I got to spend the day with my KIDS at home. They always make me smile about a million times a day.


You are amazing 26.2 on a treadmill definitely qualifies as crazy. The most I can make it on a dreadmill is 3 miles. You're my hero.



I'm so stinkin' proud of you. I'm following an Olympian in the making! Just remember us little people when you're gracing the cover of Runners World.

I've always wanted to go skydiving!!! You have to tell us about that! (Unless you already have. I've only read this blog for like the past month or so.)


Holy Batman like Jonathan, soon to be 5, would say! unbelievable!

crazy thing;..well I left my home, job, family, COUNTRY, best town in the world with the BEST FOOD by the way and took a leap of faith and followed my heart moved to California to be with Bill. I was 30 when I did that.

other crazy thing I will never ever do again is to go on top of the Stratosphere in Vegas and do that crazy ride on the roof: BIG SHOT…never again.


Oh my!! Nice work, chickie!! :) That is pretty gosh darn amazing! My Monday is amazing because my boss bought me lunch! Hey, it's the little things :)


Wow that is amazing! Your running is so impressive! Love the leaping picture too, I think I would not be able to crawl after running that far (or that long, or that fast!).


You are awesome. I love your goofy photos, they make me smile. I look forward to your posts every day and I'm always learning something new from you…a recipe, what to watch or listen to while running, or reminding me how Sunday should be a rest day. Thanks for your inspiration and humor.


you are a ROCK STAR! im always gobsmacked by howmuch you can do and how much you can RUN!!


Ya think????

This is why you are going to be weariing a USA singlet before your 30th birthday:) Congrats on a great run!

I'm laughing because I was wearing those same shoes, a black UA racerback tank, and those shorts but the Tempo variety not the Pacers this morning! Too bad I wasn't running at the same gym and could be one of the gawkers watching the crazy madwoman!!

You need to post a little more about this beta alanine! I'm curious.

Enjoy the rest of your day off!


Wooooohoooo, you are amazing! So SO amazing!

My Monday is amazing because I got a day off work!


wow just WOW


That is amazing! I thought I was a nut to spend an hour and half on a treadmill but WOW!
Great job! Enjoy the day – you SO deserve it.


Me pacer not tempo-backwards:)


Hahaha you are crazy – love it! The craziest thing I've ever done is starting to train for a triathlon! I feel nuts but excited – I'll be more excited once my first tri is under my belt! The runner up is probably running a 10k when I REALLY wasn't ready for it yet. I literally finished like second to last and could barely walk for two days, but I DID finish.


It was -3 degrees outside today and I had my 18 mile run planned! I took it inside on the treadmill and actually loved running the all 18 on it!! At first I thought for sure I was going to get bored but I watched my big fat greek wedding and some of miracle and it was greaaaaaaat!!


You would love Hillary Biscay…she's famous for her treadmill marathons. Says it builds mental stamina and considering her fortitude during Ultraman last year, I would have to agree. (in case you don't know, she's a professional triathlete – and I may have told you all this before! HAHA).

LOVE ice baths and foam rollers! They work wonders for tired muscles and have helped keep me injury free so far.

And I agree, you probably are insane, at least a little! :-)


I LOVE treadmill running! I can read while running, so the time flies by. I love doing long runs on the treadmill!
CRaziest thing for me would have to be a 50 miler (Fall50.com), but loved every second.
Also very happy that I don't have to teach today.


You are crazy but that is pretty awesome!


Amazing! And great job! I would like to hear more about your coach. Like who is this coach and why do you have one? To meet your marathon goal? I don't know any adults in real life with coaches. Just curious!!

Have a great week!


you are insane, indeed!!!!!! i did a HR threshold test on my trainer today WHILE watching man vs food. um, vomit city!!!

running IS amazing. i will do it tomorrow.


I wanna know what the people at the gym thought. I love those reactions! hehe.
Great job, I somehow knew you would be doing that. :)


I wanna know what the people at the gym thought. I love those reactions! hehe.
Great job, I somehow knew you would be doing that. :)


26.2 miles on a treadmill….impressive to say the least and at the speed you are doing it is amazing!!! I love the crazy looks from people when I am on the treadmill at the gym. I too am interested in what beta alanines are and so do tell when you have a chance…I am wanting more more more! Not a 26.2 miler, but I did do a 12.4 and am now enjoying my husband's day off, lying around in my pj's and looking forward to The Bachelor tonight (not a Brad Womack fan, but I do like a bunch of the ladies.) My 1/2 Ironman was probably one of the craziest things I have done…just b/c that much time spent doing physical activity was nuts for me…but so much fun.


Wow Janae!! YOur amazing girl!! Can I be you please?!?! I cant wait until I can run that far, you are my motivation!
My monday is awesome cause my hubby is no longer working nights! Back to real life!! :) yay!
You are seriously beautiful, I want my hair like yours! :) and Yes, icecream in Provo sounds like a blast!


Holy crap. I cannot believe you ran a treadmill marathon, and that fast too! Right, I have a new life ambition! :P

I'm feeling light headed from reading this. I'm going to go lie down now and dream about a treadmill marathon race…that would be interesting! :D


The weather is making my Monday awesome. It's 80F, sunny, perfect. I have my office window open so I can appreciate it, even if I am stuck behind a desk all day.

It will be getting dark by the time I leave work, but I'm still planning a long run outside, as it should still be pretty warm.


Umm… wow. Just WOW. Way to go!!


lol! You MUST have an awful lot to distract yourself on the treadmill. Haha!

My hubby has started running on our TM and he wants to run a 5K sometime soon. Maybe we (me you billy and my hubby) should meet up for a friendly competition somewhere between your state and mine- like california or nevada ;) How's billy's running going? Did he pace you on another TM?? HI BILLY!


I want to be you, in the least creepy way possible. Can you tell us a little more about the beta-alanines?


I did the same workout! Minus 20.2 miles. And outside. :)


honey i went insane forever ago. i'm right there with you

and let's go sub-3 at boston together! mmmmmmmmmmkay?! :)


All I am thinking is, hmmm, I wonder how many marathons will she run between now and Boston. I think next time you should mimic the Boston course on the mill, using an elevation chart that you can find on line.
Rockstar, and, yes, in a few years, Kara and Shalane, watch OUT!!


freaking amazing …and a little nuts :)


Your insane, but I'm in love with you in a totally platonic way. Can you please come to Philadelphia so we can be good friends?

Seriously, I read a ton of blogs and yours is definitely one of my favorites!

PS. congrats on running a marathon on a treadmill crazy girl. I am about to leave and will be huffing and puffing the entire time. And I won't get to 1/6 the distance you do. Show off…haha just kidding!


A marathon on the treadmill! Wow awesome job! You are a rock star!


Yay for Veronica Mars! They always cancel the good shows.


I love how much you love running. reading your blog always gets me pumped for my workouts. Congrats on the treadmill marathon!


you are totally rad and awesome!


I ran 8 miles in the snow today! It felt like an adventure. I need me some Yaktrax though, it's kind of difficult…

You have so much mental strength to run a marathon on a treadmill. I did 4 miles on the TM yesterday and it wasn't until that point that I was 'used' to it. I'd like to try to keep going, but people at my school gym start to give you the evil eye.

p.s. I think you are SO funny and I laugh at every single post.


you are awesome. Gosh I wish I could run more than a couple of miles on the treadmill without wanting to throw myself off of it.


You are amazing! It's not the same as insane, but close! Be sure you post more about your supplement and about your meeting with your coach! That is so cool. You have an incredibly bright future! I can't wait for April to see what happens!
My Monday was great because there was no school. I love it when everyone's at home and we have no schedule. Plus I got my toenails done today and went to lunch with a friend and all our kids.


p.s. I had to call you out on my blog. You're just too amazing not to!


Way to go!!!


Awesome! You rock! My Monday is about to be awesome because we're taking the kids to see a movie and it will be the first time my 2 year old has been, she is soooo excited!


Not only is your running impressive, but so is your ability to effect so many people in such a positive way.

What made this monday awesome?
Extra tight hug from my hubby before work, vanilla latte, my pathetic show, the bachelor, is on tonight.


Great job! It's super impressive that you didn't go insane on that treadmill!




What's next, a treadmill Ultra?

No, seriously, that's intense. You are so strong mentally and physically, I don't know how you do it.

And I love those joyous shots of you at the end too :)


You are amazing! I did 6 on the treadmill today and thought I was doing good!


WOW. Just WOW.
And I'll see you in Boston. Unless it is a Blizzard I'm going to go, volunteer and pick up the Huz from the Sox game. (cos this old woman don't run no stinking 26.2 miles. NO!)


I hope you get 2nds at Cafe Rio!! You deserve it! I had a premonition that you would run a crazy amount of mileage today with no school, but a marathon?!?! Awesome!!!

Excited to hear how your meeting with your coach goes!

Skydiving is the craziest thing I have ever done. I was so scuuured!!


Wow! I thought I was a studette when I ran 18 on the treadmill!


you are AMAZING.

The craziest/scariest/best thing I've ever done is move across the country with my boyfriend. We came to Cali not knowing a single person and have met some wonderful people and had amazing experiences so far.


You are nuts, but also awesome!!


Hey Girl! I'm new to your blog but I think it's presh! You're hilarious!!! I'm just getting back into the swing of running & your blog is extremely motivating! Love it!


Wow a marathon on the treadmill! That's so awesome!! Good for you!


you have a mind of steel!!!! i am so impressed and blown away i can hardly stand it! you look awesome and so full of energy even after! i managed to hit 10 miles on the treadmill yesterday. it was a milestone for me.


You are awesome! 26.2 miles, wow! And good for you, getting a coach! I can't wait to hear what he/she says!


You are amazing! 26.2 miles on a treadmill? That is a bit insane though. I don't know how you didnt get bored out of your mind! Congrats though!


Janae! I loved your stalker comment…so glad you missed me and noticed that I was gone. I have not caught up on any blogs yet except this one…not sure what else I've missed but Girl, you rock! This is NUTS! Well, nuts in a like nuts kind of way! I've been caught off from all computer, phone, t.v, and been at the coast with family and friends…heavenly! I think I gained 10lbs though. :) More in a bit but for now, You've inspired me to go start running this little gut of junk food off before it gets dark…I feel that just got back from a vacation feeling….ugggh. Who runs a marathon on a treadmill??? what? :) Awesomeness Janae of course!


You rock!!!! You did all that on 1 treadmill without swapping to another?? That's a little crazy but awesome! lol


Girl, you are definitely insane but in the best way possible. :-) I think the longest I ever made it on a treadmill was 15 miles. Enjoy your ice cream!!


You are insane – in a good way of course. I didn't even make it 45 minutes on the tradmill this morning. I am proud of you!


OMG, I cannot believe you did that! You're crazy. I think that if I could watch tv shows on my phone while running I'd last much longer than I do. 7 miles is still the longest I could go before I died of boredom.


Ok, that IS insane. Is your mill still functioning or did steam start coming out from it???


WOW! You're crazy/awesome.

I went skydiving toooo! On my 18th birthday and I loved it! I wasn't scared until I was in the plane and what I was doing suddenly hit me!

Best thing about today: spending my day off with my boyfriend who also had the day off!


um wow. Amazing. Faster than I ran my last marathon.


you need your own show. period. end of discussion.


I was waiting for, "and then I taught spin class!" you are too cute.


I mostly wish I could be as crazy as you ;)


I will give you ALL my swimming power for your 26.2 power….just saying. It would be an even trade.

I have done a lot of crazy things…not sure I could tell you just one. But lately i think signing up for my first 1/2 Iron Man is pretty crazy….lets see if I survive, shall we?

Great run today!!!


man…and i was all proud of myself for doing 17 miles today. way to be girl!!! you are a machine, and i don't consider you insane at all :)

let us know how proud your coach is of you :)


Ok.. I can't even comment, I've never done anything like that!


I once ran 18 miles on a treadmill, but your 26.2 puts that to shame! Way to go! And I already thought you were awesome before this post, but now I am even more convinced after finding out you watch Veronica Mars. Best.show.ever.


Holy crap! your awesome… amazing amazing job! :)


You are INSANE! Seriously, I would have committed suicide if I had to stay on a treadmill for more than an hour. I don't know ANYONE that has run a marathon on a treadmill!!! Congratulations, and enjoy your ice cream sundae… you totally deserve it :)


Your enthusiasm is infectious!! I love, love, love your blog and read you DAILY!

PS- I live in Boston so I'll be routing for you from the sidelines!!



Just. Freaking. Incredible.

You go, girl! Can't wait to hear about your coach's reaction!

Craziest thing I ever did: marry a man with 6 kids.

Making my Monday awesome: my littlest's excitement over a pair of used Crocs that fit her!


Wow you are a crazy woman and a pretty fast one at that. I dream of running 26.2 that fast some day. That dream will never be a reality but hey, I'll keep on dreamin'.


Wow! I want to cry from boredom after like three miles on the treadmill! Of course, Friends makes anything tolerable for me! :)


Congratulations! That's an amazing feat… I am amazed at:
1- the 26.2 as a training run.
2- the 26.2 on a treadmill
3- That this was all done before 9 AM.

You go girl!


Can I just say, LOVE ur blog?! I have been following discreetly for a while now cuz u inspired me to start running. I completed a full marathon and my next race is the Manhattan half-marathon in 5 days. Do u think speed comes along with experience? I'd like to improve my speed. Anyway, keep on truckin!!!! http://www.real-nutrition-nyc.com


awesome job!!

Good job for being so inspiring. I just ran my first half yesterday and I wanted to die (it didn't go so great), but reading this is making me look forward to a short run tomorrow :)

My Monday was great because I got to hang out with my best friends one last time before heading back to Mexico.


You are too darn adorable and my eyes now have blurred vision from reading all the past blogs on my iphone! Love your blog! I am aiming to get my speed up this year as I train for four or five 1/2s and maybe my first full and I look to you for inspiration!


oh man I know I'm up too early when I'm checking your blog before you've done your morning post. stupid school…


woah! 3.26! you go girl!


Yes you have!!!!!!!! LOL


Love the blog! This is the first time I could comment…so glad I can!

Great run! What you're doing is truly incredible. I am marathon training in New England and your treadmill runs give me hope that I am not ruining my training by staying indoors.


Gonna have to agree with you on that one… ;) nice job!! I especially like the 10 people who worked out while you ran. Crazy.


I love it – 26.2 on a treadmill!! I can just picture people around you at the gym coming and going and you're still running…Great job!


Way to go Janae! :)


I'm just going to agree with your post title: you are insane! Thats an incredible feat of strength, endurance, and ability to not lose your mind on a treadmill. Well done :)


You are amazing! I was just using you as an example to a friend the other day who was talking about using the treadmill while there was snow on the ground and I told them about you trained for a whole marathon on one. They were uberly impressed!


Go Janae! I'm sure you got lots of funny looks haha




You are amazing!!!!!


I cannot believe you ran 26 miles on the treadmill!! That really is best and safest place to do it! You can have everything you need and watch tv! Its like multitasking! Glad you had a great day off!


unfortunatley after the 126 previous comments there's nothing original left to say. . . . so WOW! you're waaaaayyyy crazy girl and i'm LOVIN' it! just ran 11 on a the tm for first time and walked away thinking i had done something. HA! you showed me :):)

craziest thing i've ever done: take up running at 35.
most rewarding/challenging/self-disciplining thing i've ever done: take up running at 35.


Wow…you. are. awesome! I rarely use the periods, but had to emphasize that. :) Seriously, that's insane – but so cool!

Craziest thing I've ever done? Wow, I can't even think of something now I'm so overwhelmed w/ 26.2 on a TM. :) Mine was probably signing up for a marathon when just 8 months earlier I dragged myself over the finish line of a half and said I'd never even do a half again. :)

Um, it's not Monday anymore, but my day was awesome b/c I got to spend it w/ my hubby celebrating his b-day. My mom had our son so we felt young and carefree again! :) It was an AWESOME Monday. Then I got to spend the evening w/ my BFF.


Oh….my….gosh!! You go girl, I ran on the treadmill today for 4 miles and wanted to cry. You're a rock star!


Holy smokes! U r gonna ROCK Boston!


Um yes you have. You = insane. That is all.



I'm a new follower and just wanted to say you are AWESOME! The most I've run on a treadmill is 12 miles and I think I went a little crazy. Way to go! Keep it up – you are inspiring :)


Oh my gosh! There are no words. You are absolutely insane…and for it, you're my new hero. :) Seriously. I can't imagine doing a spontaneous marathon, let alone on a treadmill. Once I did 16 on the mill and was so proud of myself I was walking around talking about it for DAYS to anyone who would listen. I can't imagine doing another 10.2.

Anyway, this'll probably sound cheesy but after I saw The Dawn post about how you ran a marathon on a treadmill, I went through and read a bunch of your old posts. I'm totally hooked. :)


OMG! I have done a tmill marathon too!! Other people do this too – yess! Ahh you make me feel so much better about myself!


You have just officially taken away any excuse I can come up with to not do my training run on the treadmill tomorrow. I can't imagine doing a marathon, but especially not on a treadmill. Wow!!!!


Amazing! I just ran 18 on a treadmill yesterday and while it seemed like complete torture at times, it felt awesome to say I did it! You're definitely a running inspiration!


oh my gosh! i ran 15 miles on the treadmill a few days ago and was proud of myself for THAT! you're amazing! :) (I'm j/k, I'm not comparing – I'm still proud of myself for my 15 miles).


Just saw this post. Glad you had fun! The most I have done on the treadmill was 16. I could have kept going because I felt good but didn't want to hurt myself just in case. Turns out it was good that I stopped because I had a whole nice gang of blood blisters on my feet. I will do a marathon on a treadmill one day…..soon…..very soon.


I just kind of randomly clicked on this post but I LOVE this!! You are just too inspiring!! ;)


WOW!!! You’re amazing, 26.2 miles on a treadmill! Way to get it girl! I wish you the best and keep it up!

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