To cut or not to cut.

First of all, if you have tried to call or text and I haven’t replied (okay, really this is just for you mom because no one else does) it is because my iphone is no longer with us.

I can only answer calls (just because I have memorized how to replicate the sliding action without seeing anything on the screen) because if you remember I fell on the ice and cracked it.  I will be back in my texting glory on Monday.


45 minute banging spin class from my favorite instructor

20 minutes elliptisizing

10 minutes foam rolling

I need your help team:

Should I re-cut my bangs…..


(Sorry Jamie for the second pregnant picture, but honestly you were the cutest prego girl ever!)

Oh, and everyone meet Dan.  He is my older bro, best friend since my birth, and pretty much the funniest person ever (obviously it runs in the family).

P.S. He cold bench press all of us combined.

Or continue my bang swoop to the side……

The choice is up to you.  I will do whatever the majority rules, unless it is to shave my head, go bleach blonde or get a perm.

Oh, and no telling me, “Janae, you look good with a tan like in that first picture, maybe you should go outside and add get some pigmentation because it looks like you are always wearing a full body white suit with clothes over it lately.”

I know this is kind of a life and death situation but……What should I do?

-I don’t know that is why I am asking you.

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Continue to grow them to the side!! Whichever way you do end up cutting them is cute, but I like the side bangs betta'.


I like the swoop deal and so wish my hair would cooperate, but it won't. Swoop!

P.S. Sorry about the iPhone, that sucks!!


CUT ;)


I vote swoop because bangs are really hard to keep organized in the winter, under a hat.

Heyyyy- check out my giveaway!!


I like the swoop!!


i like the swoop. i try to rock it although i need to get those trimmed! my bangs are almost real hair hahah


You're gorgeous either way, but I love the swoop :)


bangs! Love them. Super cute!


bangs! Love them. Super cute!


bangs! Love them. Super cute!


Yes I agree with Katie, gorgeous either way! But if you forced me to decide, I would pick the side swoop. I just got some swoop bangs cut this week and I am totally at a loss for how to do them. Impart your knowledge to me!

P.S. Thank you for always being so sweet and encouraging on my blog! You always brighten my day. For real, you rock. And the pink top is from Ann Taylor Loft! :)


Swoop it!!!

You make me almost want to swoop myself but it looks like you have a LOT of hair vs what I have on my head.

Therefore a swoop on me would look more like a comb-over.




It looks so cute either way! With the swoop, you remind me of Kate Beckinsale. You're a natural beauty!



Also, I will even say: Being pale is awesome. Wear sunblock and hats! Cancer sucks!




Cut! But you have great hair so they both look good.


Both are so cute, but I like the swoop better!



i mean you're hot either way…so whateve's

i did the blunt bangs. wow was it not attractive. i love that you look great either way!


I like the swoop.

What is "banging" spin class with your favorite instructor all about? If you didn't have such an innocent vibe to you then I'd think this sounds dirty. But really, what is the banging part all about?

Sincerely interested,
Amanda are your legs feeling after yesterday's run?


I've vote for the swoop only because bangs are not "in" as much any more. Plus, I really like the ponny tail with all hair back (in style now) and I think that would look great on you


black/white mohawk or how about pink one. with a few tatoos as well on the arms. guess not? cut!


I prefer the hairstyle with the swooped bangs!


bang swoop. i'm sort of prejudice against bangs because i was subjected to them against my will as a child and happened to look incredibly terrible with them.


I really do like both looks, but I would say cut the bangs. They look good, edgy and not many people can pull them off as well as you. That vote is clearly in the minority, so I guess I will lose, but good thing you look fabtabulous either way!


keep the swooooop!!! :)




I like the bangs to the side.


Like I said, your hair is GORGEOUS no matter what you do – I'm so jealous! ;) Either way is beautiful (sorry – no help here, I know)!


Tough call, you're too pretty either way! I guess the swoop? Sounds like you had a great workout!


As many others stated, your gorg either way. Truly. And, you have a FAB-U-LOUS hair. I do like the swoop and feel like it is more versatile and easier to pony or use a head band.


I vote side swept.


Definitely the swoop! I love swoop bangs. I hate bangs in my face so I always pull my hair back, but once in a while I will swoop my bangs and my hubby and everyone else will think that I got a cool haircut.


Love the bangs HOWEVER the static elec. that happens in the winter is no friend to a bang. THerefore the answer iiissss:

Keep em' swept until Spring. Then bang em' baby. So to speak.


Not the answer your looking for- you rocked both and look amazing.

So, to make your decision easier- i would have to say the swoop.


I vote side bangs for sure! and to comment from last night, I am obsessed with Biggest Loser one of the few shows I make sure I watch each week..Im totally team Ada!!


I really like the swoop!


Swoop. Only because if you've gotten to that point in growing out the bangs, it's worth it to continue. I can never get to that point!


I like the swoop!


I think your hair looks cute!!! I especially like the swoop! Have no idea why my hair doesn't do that….I got my bangs cut, and after like 3 weeks they just looked like a misplaced chunk of hair lying there….ugh Yours looks awesome, though!




you look pretty in both types of bangs. I did the same last year. Tried both styles but ended up with the side swept bangs since the other style kindda irritated my forehead. =)


I vote for no bangs. You look pretty both ways, but without bangs we get to see more of your lovely face!


Swoop Swoop de doop Swoop de doop de doop de swoop… you know that song?? Probably not because you would have to hear the tune in my head and it's rocking! But in case you could not tell, I'm voting for the swoop. Gorg either way!


Definitely shave it :p

I really like the side swept bang. I say grow them out a bit and just have layers around the face. But that's just one opinion :)


Maybe your decision depends on the look you're going for…I think you look younger with bangs, which has to mean you look older with the swoop. Either hairstyle is adorable on you, but I like the swoop best! Good luck with your decision. BTW, a few girlfriends and I have a new blog about our "dinna club" that you might find fun


The swoop looks more grown-up.

and i like how it looks more, also.


Do whatever is the least maintenence! =D

How are you doing after the run!? I hope all is well..?


I like the swoop. :)


Ha ha! Janae your blog posts make my day! Seriously… I laugh out loud at work or wherever I am. I like the bangs! They look hot. It's a fun change. Should I go darker or lighter? :) and since I'm always full of questions … do you work out when you get sick or do you rest? Or do you just never get sick because you are super woman? Super Woman is my guess. Love your face! and I miss you!


WHEW!! I have a lot of catching up to do! You are a posting ADDICT!!! I can't relax and take a dump without worrying that you've already made ANOTHER post while I was detained.

Answer: Bangs!

(36 year old fulltime RVer living la vida loca with a cute-butt husband and a stink-butt dog!)


I vote for the swoop. The bangs are cute but the swoop is less trouble. I'm currently trying to get mine to swoop but they are being a pain in the rear.



I'd love me some pigmentation right about now but I am pretty sure I'd die of frostbite if I exposed myself outside in our balmy -8 degrees (Celcius). The beaches of Mexico, Hawaii and Florida are all calling me…


Another one for the side swoop here :)


I vote for bangs, they are super cute (even though you do look great in both)!


Well I am little late in voting (i peaked and read your newer post first) but I am still voting for Swoop. I am glad it won.


Isnt that Chase Field in Phoenix AZ? I use to live in Arizona for 17 years


You are gorgeous with your hair both ways!


I loooove bangs. If my hair were straight I'd totally get bangs. But that's just me. :-)


Team swoop!

Power out at the gym … no happy hour. I was devastated; I am still mourning.


I like the swooop!!! :)


I like the swoopy side bangs! Seems like they would be easier to keep out of the way when running, too. I teach Zumba, and when my bangs are shorter they drive me INSANE! :) Either way, you'll still be gorgeous!


The swoop but your totally cutie either way.. :) So sorry to hear about your phone. :S


Ohh that sucks. Mines cracked but still working. You could try replacing the screen before fully investing another few hundred?

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