(My all-time favorite running shorts are on sale again… run to get them before they aren’t on sale anymore. 5 inches is truly the best length and the pockets are perfection. I size down one size in these!) I didn’t have my fake eyelashes on during my run yesterday, which made me realize how much … Continue Reading

Today’s post is sponsored by adidas, and my goal is to help you find some amazing gifts for the fathers in your life!  Their gift guide is just what we all need. I am positive that I have the most hardworking dad on the planet.  His smile is absolutely contagious, and I am so grateful … Continue Reading

(tank, shorts, shoes) Ten miles at an 8:20 pace, and as much as I love seeing the green everywhere, I’m ready for it to all die a bit so my allergies will tame. My allergy medications are helping, but after how I feel right now, I’m feeling really motivated to get the allergy shots for … Continue Reading

I told Andrew the night before the race that I wished I was running the marathon instead of the 10k. That 10k pace really scares me but I’m glad I did it because it’s the things that make us really uncomfortable that make us better. We started with a 3.2 mile warm-up at an 8:34 … Continue Reading

Didn’t run and went back up to SLC Primary Children’s. Brooke had an appointment with the plastic surgeon for her hand. They were very happy with the progress. We also went to hand therapy too. Andrew was working and so my amazing parents came to help while I was gone with Brooke. They took them … Continue Reading

Yesterday got away from me… I blinked and it was bedtime for us all.  The highlight was spending time at the pool with my friend, Jess, that was in town for the day. She had these drinks for us and I think you need them in your life, so good. I also officially passed off … Continue Reading

(tank, bra, shorts) 10 miles @ 8:21 pace with Maddie and Emilee. Maddie is moving away for the summer and this was our last run with her for a while. We might have to fly out to visit her in Arkansas for a run weekend. This was a first. I woke up with so much … Continue Reading