Silentish Saturday!

Didn’t run and went back up to SLC Primary Children’s. Brooke had an appointment with the plastic surgeon for her hand. They were very happy with the progress.

We also went to hand therapy too.

Andrew was working and so my amazing parents came to help while I was gone with Brooke.

They took them to Kangaroo Zoo.

We all needed a nap.

Geocaching with Knox.

Race expoing… My 10th year doing one of the Utah Valley races.

They love to trick-or-treat at each bib.

Connor Mantz was the keynote sneaker.

Time to go:

This made me laugh.

Tell me three things you have going on today!

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Wait. Plastics for her hand?!?!
Conner Mantz? Wahoo! Did you raise your hand and ask if he remembers running past you those 3 times? Hehe
Today I already ran and with a brand new run club, grabbed coffee/chai afterwards for my husband and myself and maybe some landscape work once it stops raining.
Have a great weekend!


Have a great race today!! Can’t wait to hear all about it.
Yay for the continued improvement for Brooke!
Have a wonderful weekend Janae


Yay Go Janae!!!

So good to hear Brooke has made more progress!

Run, eat and be outside with family :). And we have leftover Chantilly Berry cake so I’m so looking forward to that. Have a great weekend, I hope your race was painfully enjoyable!

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