Our life is less than exciting for a few days…

(ribbed tank ((with a built-in bra, and a great deal)), shorts, shoes)

Well, day #1 was better than we expected! I also think Brooke is very used to her throat hurting (when they looked at her throat before the surgery, they asked how she could even eat with the state of her tonsils!), so she said her sore throat wasn’t too much worse than normal.

Brooke slept in our room, and the tip I was given to keep a humidifier next to her was such a good one. We started the day with ice cream and Netflix.

A few hours later, she and Andrew watched a movie, and I went out in the sunshine with Emilee for 8 miles @ 8:17 pace.

These two are thriving on Brooke’s current schedule. Skye was so selfless with her offer to stay home from Kindergarten to keep Brooke company.

My mom brought over a paint-by-numbers set on canvas for Brooke, which she loves.

We are riding the line between Beck needing a nap very badly and wanting to do anything but nap. At this point, he is using his fingers to keep his eyelids apart at 4 pm.

Brooke is already sick of all of the sweets… She asked if I could make Chicken Cream Cheese Chicken Chili so she could eat the parts of it that felt good.

We got her out for a bit to lay on the grass and go on a short walk. She needs being outside as much as I do.

I have really been pondering getting an Oura ring. I have friends who love them. They love the sleep tracker, the period prediction, stress or illness detection, etc. But I need you guys to make the decision if I will love it, ha.

Anyone have one and what are your thoughts?

Any health or fitness items on your wish list right now?

Do you track your protein? What do you aim to hit?

Tell me what your run or workout is today!

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Yay for Brook feeling so good so quickly post op!
I don’t have my eye on any workout equipment but I do want to do a Lulu shopping soon!
Random-yesterday I went to just look at the fun bouquet pop up on my running path. Mini bouquets were being handed out as part of a promotion for the local art museum. They insisted I take one but I still had 5 miles to run. I hid the bouquet under the bridge so I could grab it on my way back home. And then ran a quarter mile holding flowers. You just never know what will happen during a run!


I hope you get that lulu shopping trip soon, after the recovery from birthday spending. Seeing the bouquet picture made me so happy. Ummm what a brilliant idea for promotion and I’m so glad nobody took it. WIN!


Brooke is a champ! I definitely was not this tough as a kid getting surgery. Hopefully this is the end of sore throats for good!


After my mouth surgery, I slept for a full week (due to all of the medication) and she was out at Beck’s Tee-ball practice. She is goals! Thanks Mariah, have a beautiful day!


I hope Brooke continues to feel better every day!

I am interested in hearing about other people’s experiences with the Oura ring too. I have an Apple Watch and find the constant feedback interesting but sometimes stressful (seeing all the stats is hard for a recovering perfectionist…). I wondered if the Oura ring would give me reminders in a gentler way than the Apple Watch. My other question if folks are answering (or if you get one and do a post on it)- I have a tiny ring size of 4.5-4.75….Is it too bulky to wear on smaller hands? Thanks for any answers!


Valid point about the recovering perfectionist side of getting too much info. I have friends with tiny ring sizes too, I’ll ask them! Hope you are having a wonderful day, Nadya!


Hey there! I have an Oura ring I purchased with our FSA card in January. I instantly loved it tracking and tagging daily activities. However as a busy Mama I haven’t been so consistent with doing all its extras and now use it for tracking periods, sleep and recovery. It’s an eye opener. When my kids are sick and I know it’ll be a night where we will be up multiple times I honestly take it off because it’ll alert in red and be concerned for my wellbeing. A good friend of mine says “Your Oura ring can’t be only one who cares about you LOL” when she sees me doing too much. So I would recommend it if you aren’t able to do some functions on your watch. However I wear mine with my Apple Watch and the combinations of the two physically being worn on the same hand feels like a lot. I still wear both because the Oura ring isn’t a strong/accurate enough fitness performance tracker.
Side note, after taking almost 6 weeks off running due to an ankle injury I am days away from logging my first mile again! A mentally defeating sideline, at my peak fitness. Your blog always starts my treadmill mornings off so positively. I am thankfulx


YOU ARE ALMOST THERE. I am so so sorry that you had to go through this ankle injury. I have a feeling you are going to come back stronger than ever. Please let me know how that first run back goes. Okay, I love what you friend said about your ring. Thank you so much for telling me about your Oara ring. This is all so good to know and I think I’m going to have to go for it:). Have a beautiful day, Shannon!


I’m glad you’re back! I’ve missed having your posts as part of my morning routine.


I am SO glad that it is working again and thank you for letting me join you in the mornings. That means a lot to me. Have a beautiful day, Ev!


I am for about 100g of protein per day (it is SO HARD) and track in using the My Fitness Pal app.

Good luck to Brooke with her recovery! Hopefully it goes quickly and smoothly. My son had his tonsils out when he was 3 and seemed to really turn the corner at about 48-72 hours. Kids are so resilient.

Running route was the usual weekday 4.5 mile loop. I used to mix it up daily, but I’m loving the ease of running the same route and zoning out. It is safe, has minimal cars and has a few rollers to keep the effort honest. I’m hoping to get in some weights after work.


That is my new goal! 100g… thank goodness for Core Power giving me 42 in the morning haha. At 3! Wow, that must have been hard to try to help him understand what was going on. I totally agree with you on those routes that we just know are going to be good and safe. We need a zone out time each day. Have a great time doing weights! Thanks, Mindy!


I do track my protein! I just turned 41 this year and worked with a dietician to ensure I’m getting the appropriate amount of nutrients as I inch closer to perimenopause. Working with her, she recommended I hit 25-30 grams at each meal (breakfast/lunch/dinner) to equate to roughly 90 grams a day. I also watch my fiber, calcium, and vitamin D!

I haven’t tried the ring but had a Garmin and found I obsessed too much with the stats, so ended up donating it. I appreciate that knowing stats is helpful for people, but curious if anyone else gets obsessive with trying to hit these numbers daily? I found for me I was more successful doing this organically and intuitively, listening to what my body was telling me. To each their own! :)


That is why I have been wanting to up mine and pay closer attention because of perimenopause symptoms! I might have to email you with more questions on what you are doing. It sounds really great. That is also such a great point, I do worry I’ll get obsessive with the sleep part at least when there really isn’t much I can do to change getting woken up during the night ha. I’m going to try it , and I will have to let you know if I start obsessing or not!


It’s perfect for the phase of life right before or starting perimenopause. My stats have adjusted from thinking I was “under distress” with an elevated body temperature, elevated rested heart rate and lower HRV now that it is in sync with my cycle. That took a few months and actually Oura just incorporated that feature of cycle syncing and recovery. It’s very interesting. But to many others points, tracking can also be unhealthy so if you are good at self awareness in that area than data becomes a super power not a burden.

I am also making huge efforts on incorporating proteins all day everyday. It’s vital and makes an enormous and noticeable difference! Throw some chia seeds into your green juice or add cottage cheese to things. In fact you can throw chia seeds into cottage cheese hehe! I appreciate this community! Have a good day!


I’m glad to hear Brooke is doing better than expected!! Kids are so resilient and bounce back so much faster than we do!

I have the Oura ring and love it! I’ve had it for about six months and can say it is such a great investment for more accurately tracking sleep and periods. I don’t like wearing my Garmin when I sleep-too cumbersome. I pair the Oura with the Natural Cycles app and find it does a more accurate job of predicting my cycle because it relies on body temperature rather than simply relying on count of days.


I think we should be able to let our fitness trackers that we are injured/sick/coming back from an injury… I am 3 weeks post ankle surgery today and I’m in a brace instead of a boot! Woohoo! I have my eye on a Lever https://levermovement.com/ to help with getting back to running but I’m waiting to see how things heal up.

Today was a 20 min Peloton ride with the actual biking shoes! Then, 30 min of strength and 30 min of walking.

My daughter is seeing an ENT next week to inquire about her tonsils. She’s had chronic strep and her tonsils look horrific. She’s 20 so I’ve been really worried about her recovery, but Brooke’s recovery brings me hope! Keep all of the good tips coming!


Yay for Brooke, also what a strong girl she is to be dealing with that throat pain regularly. I hope the soup tastes so good to her!

Maybe just some new light tanks for summer running, and definitely a pair of shoes.

Protein, I guess I’m doing that wrong lol. 40-45 grams at most. I doubt I’ve ever in my entire life eaten 100 grams of protein in one day. Maybe during a crab season? I’m not much of a meat eater tho.

Today was a beautiful 10 mile run in the sun!


Yay for Brooke feeling ok on day 1! And so nice of Skye to take some time off to help her sister… So cute 😊 And yes! Being outside in the sun is such a great cure for everything!
Today was a no run day for me, so I took the dog out for an 8 mile walk, then I will probably do some yoga later.
Have another good low key day with Brooke!


This is the first I’ve heard of it, but it seems like it doesn’t track all too much more than a garmin does? My garmin tracks sleep, stress, recovery, HR, etc, as I’m sure yours does as well. I guess temperature would be the only difference, and smaller size. I track my periods on an app and it’s easy. Seems extra to me! :S But I’m not a big spender/buyer either. Good luck with the recovery and I’m glad surgery went well!


I wore a Whoop band for 2 years. It gives very similar data to Oura ring & has an informative podcast. I don’t like wearing rings except my wedding set. Based on the metrics, I got a warning something was off before I even tested positive for Covid. It was useful with sleep information. I realized I needed to add in about an hour of awake time not just time in bed. After 2 years I didn’t renew my membership. I felt it served it’s purpose but I recommend trying out a device.

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