Without the pain, we wouldn’t know the good–> A list of my failures + Spring breaking.

(Shirt, pants)

Lauren is getting me out on the hills again. There is a road that we used to run, and it starts at the very base by the river and then climbs up 350ft in one mile. The burn you experience on this hill deserves a reward, and usually, that reward is the cars that go by and yell out ‘good job’ because the hill is so steep.

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My sister planned yesterday’s spring break activities; while random, it was a huge success.

At the Shri Shri Radha Krishna Temple, you can rent llamas.  The llamas were there before the temple and they help to fund the temple and grounds now.  Our guide taught us all about the llamas and took us out for a walk with them.

We finished up with a picnic next to the llamas while watching The Emperor’s New Groove.

These kids grow up so fast.

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I’m proud of Curly overcoming her llama fear.

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The other night, I was wide awake at about 2 am, and I came up with the idea of compiling a list of races that did not go my way.  If this is a bad idea and boring, then I can blame it on the fact that I came up with it in the middle of the night.  If it is a good idea and helps anyone out there who has had a lousy race recently and it inspires them to try again, then I can call it inspiration because I thought of it in the middle of the night;)

Whenever I am going through something hard or fail, I love to remind myself that without discomfort and pain, we would never know what it feels like to feel good.  If we succeeded in running more than we failed, I don’t think the chase for the PRs would be as fun or as satisfying.

So, here is a list of some of my races that went sideways. I either didn’t start or finished far away from my goals (I’m not including all of the mediocre races or medium bad races, just the worst ones I can remember):

*Dogtown 1/2 Marathon 2011->  My goal was to run under 90 minutes, but I had started experiencing a bit of pain in my quads leading up to the race. I popped some ibuprofen the morning of so that I could run the race, and not only did I not hit my goal that day, but I made my injuries much worse.

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*Boston 2011-> I never made it to the starting line due to the injuries mentioned above, aka what turned into femoral stress fractures.  I was not giving my body the nutrition it needed and putting too much stress on it.  The body kept score, and I lost that game.

*CIM 2013-> I had PRs left and right in my fall half-marathons leading up to CIM, but as I got closer to the race, I mentally could not continue marathon training.  I was going through my divorce and in the thick of it with lawyers and tension and never made it to that starting line.

*Utah Valley Marathon 2014-> Still a mess from my divorce, and Brooke was also picked up for one of the first times since I had her ON THE COURSE.  I was a wreck.  Oh, and I also had been injured and took five weeks off and only did pool running to train for those five weeks leading up to the race.  I definitely should NOT have started that day, but at least this race gave me plenty of pictures to use where I look like I am dying from pain.  Remember how my sister ran 6 miles in her flip-flops and jeans to help me get to the finish line that day?

She has worn running shoes to every race she has spectated at since then in case she is called in again.

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*CIM 2019-> This one stung.  I dreamed about an Olympic Trials Qualifying time (when it was 2:45 and below).  Emilee and I thought we had it.  We worked our buns off to get faster.  I knew a mile in that it would be a battle out there, and I finished 13 minutes slower than I had wanted.  

*Boston 2023-> I trained probably harder than I ever have for this race and made a goal to finish in the 2:40s—> but instead, I hit up the porta potties a few times, felt horrible, and finished in 3:02.

Don’t let the failures and bad days stop you.  We learn so much from these bad days; they make the good days feel better when we get there!  I’ll be chasing PRs my whole life, which may mean I have to create races for random distances and make you all come out and do them with me, but I’ll be chasing them.


Where have you had your hardest races?  What did those races teach to you?

Any random activities that you have done recently?

Is anyone headed somewhere this month?

-We are leaving to chase the sun down in Southern Utah today! 

Tell me what your workout is today!

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You have showed the pic with your sister a couple of times and it is my FAVORITE. She looks so fresh! Her hair is great, outfit great, no bloody feet from running in flip flops…amazing. Hahahahahaha


Right?! That is how we both usually look all of the time too hahaa… she’s fresh and I’m drenched in sweat;). Seriously do not know how her feet did not bleed. I hope you have a beautiful day, Marianne!


I get goosebumps every time you talk about your sister running those 6 miles with you– in jeans and flip flops, no less. Now THAT is the power of love and family. Unreal!
I’m headed down to Pennsylvania this month. My grandparents live outside of Philadelphia and we have off for a week in April, so I want to go visit with them and bring the kids. Plus, I’ll take at least Enso to a Phillies game :) (I also went to undergrad and dental school in Philly, so I love being back there!!!)
The llama day looked so fun! Enjoy southern Utah and some warmer temps! We are getting a blizzard tonight. I wish I was kidding, ha!


Seriously, she would do anything for me. I am so lucky! Oh I hope you have the absolute best time with your grandparents. And a Philies game, can me and Andrew come? Thank you and I hope that your snow dries asap.


I did not expect llamas to pop up! Ha!
Enjoy the sun. It’s currently snowing here. I do not put away my Uggs until June. May can’t even be trusted.
I still shudder at my worst marathon experience. I have learned to not hold on to time goals tightly. That’s a recipe for disaster!


Ya know, we didn’t either haha… we were all so confused but it ended up being a blast. It cannot be snowing there. Yep, keep the winter jackets and uggs out for good. I agree, we never know what the day has in store for us and holding onto that time goal too tightly can cause us to crash and burn. Have a great day and I hope you still have burrito leftovers! Thanks Molly!


In general, I feel like I get little reminders from God whenever I am heading in the wrong direction (life, decisions, habits, etc.) – sometimes I pay attention & other times I am stubborn and think I didn’t try it “the right way” or “hard enough” yet.
I tried training to do a marathon 9-mos post-partum while working full time (because OTHER people could do it), and even though I could not seem to fit in any training other than weekend runs, I still started that marathon. It was a suffer fest, I walked a TON, & met some other fellow-slow-pokes that day towards the end – I did learn to set my expectations a bit lower for a while, post-babies. Like maybe do a race, but a shorter one!
We had spring break last week, ending on Easter Monday – the kids and I traveled to a farther-away nature center, randomly got to watch some tree workers trimming/cutting down trees for almost an hour, went to TJs for some lunch food, and ended the day at the airport viewing lot watching planes. Very random, but fun.
Enjoy your trip, and hope you find some sunshine!!


Oh I love that, Katie. Thank you for sharing this with us. The body needs so much time postpartum but I totally understand, it is so hard to be patient and give it what it needs but now you know. Okay, that sounds like the perfect spring break. Kids and adults need random. Thank you, Katie!


Your sister running is still the best . Love her.


Agreed! Thanks Story and I hope you have a beautiful day!


I also think it’s good to reflect back on those tough races/tough times, to remind ourselves that we made it through! I’ve had a few half marathons that did not go well, but taught me so much (fuel better, don’t go out so fast, etc). I think those bad races can also help us remember our “why.” Why do we run? Why do we enter races? And they also remind me that I do this because it’s fun and I am choosing to do it.
Llamas!!! So fun!
I’m heading out for 6 miles on the trails, then forcing myself to foam roll, ha ha
Have a good trip south! I think you will have lots of sunshine!


That is such a beautiful point, we’ve survived 100% of our worst days:). So true about the whys too… I’m really here for the day to day miles, the race is just extra credit. Hope your 6 miles were a blast!


Thank you for your vulnerability in sharing this post. It was really meaningful for me to hear. My failure race was a 2014 marathon that I quit at the halfway point. I wasn’t properly eating at the time and I just couldn’t do it. I was so ashamed of myself that I quit running and only recently in the past couple months started running again. I am properly fueling myself now and running with the support of my therapist and doctor. It’s something I am being cautious about and checking in with myself to make sure I am going about this in a healthy way because of my history. It’s been amazing and it feels so good to reclaim running again. My hope is to do a half in June.


Thank you, Cara for sharing with us. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to hear you are back running and fueling yourself. This is beautiful. Keep me updated on it all, I cannot wait for your half this summer!


The picture and experience of your sister running with you is the truest example of love and family. And the CIM 19 picture makes me tear up every time, it embodies the heartbreak that running can give us sometimes – definitely one that is worth a thousand words or more.

My worst race experiences were Ragnar 2010 – my first race ever and I had shin splints so bad! I had no idea how to train and just pushed through “because 11 other people were counting on me”. I couldn’t run for at least 6 weeks after that race, I could barely walk. And Timp half 2012 or 2013 my knee locked up so badly around mile 8-9 that I had to walk/run the rest. I had blown up my IT band so badly it took weeks of visits to the chiro for gua sha treatment before I could run again. It was awful. But also taught me a valuable lesson about running through pain.

No travel plans this month, but we will be in Colorado next month (it feels so good to say that) for my sons graduation from USAFA, and then to Cancun in June to celebrate with the family. Such a huge milestone for him.


Family really is everything!Oh my goodness, MINDY! I can’t imagine how bad that must have hurt and feeling like everyone needed you to race. And your Timp half experience, ouch. You made it through those tough times and that is amazing. Congrats to your son! You have so many great things coming up and you are going to have so much fun in Cancun!


Hey Janae!!! Something compelled me to write you a very random life update today…I’m getting married in just 2.5 weeks!! Anyways, I have a question for you–the first part of the title of your post made me think about it–I also recently came across the verse “I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born.”

I need to know how in the world do you/people in general overcome their partner’s past (and how it affects your future–i.e., your future as a couple)??? I was raised in a pretty religious setting (which I am sooooo grateful for!), but sometimes wonder whether I have a somewhat disillusioned sense of romantic relationships (i.e., too much of the fairytale, not enough real life)? (Not sure whether I am making any sense!) But anyways, I guess just the question of how do you move on from/let go of (or learn to live with!) your partner’s past lives?? Okay, I’m just repeating myself here and probably talking goobledygook (however that is spelled). But I wanted to ask you in particular because you have SUCH a beautiful way of talking about learning and growing from challenges, becoming a better version of yourself, etc.


2.5 WEEKS. Clare, I am so incredibly happy for you! I better get to see pictures. And that quote is beautiful. Ummm that is a great question. Lots and lots of therapy haha. I do like to remind myself that without their past, they wouldn’t be who they are today. I have a past too and I’m grateful for how it has shaped me and led me to Andrew. Confidence in myself has also helped me with this. You can do it, a day at a time! I believe in you.


Marine Corps Marathon 2015. I had run the Chicago Marathon a couple of weeks before but felt great. Big mistake was wearing sneakers that were a 1/2 size too small. I’d run half’s in them but the marathon was a different story. Legs felt awful by the half mark and I was run/walking by then. I just wanted it over. I finished which took a lot of grits I have great finisher pictures though ha! I’d love to do it again for a better experience.


OH MY GOODNESS. The fact you finished that race in those sneakers. You are amazing and thank goodness we have these pics haha. Have a beautiful day, Jacinta!


Thank you for sharing your race “failures.” I have my first 50-mile race coming up and keep trying to remind myself it’s about the process that got me there and not the outcome. Whether I finish or not, I am proud of the work I did to even step up to the start line.


I am SO excited for your upcoming 50-miler! You are going to do amazing and I love what you said… it’s all about the process and showing up. That is brave. I want to hear all about it! You’ve got this, Libbie!


My hardest races have all been in Hawaii! The weather teaches you a lot over there. Honolulu Marathon 2014 – it poured rain the entire time. My worst was a 25k – pretty sure I got heat exhaustion that day. My heart rate was out of control and it took a couple of weeks to recover from it. And the ladies in my age group over there are fit and fast!

We’re going to San Diego for my birthday! Taking our bikes and also going to the zoo. My gift is a behind the scenes tour of the big cats before the zoo opens.


Oh I cannot even imagine racing in that weather. I wouldn’t make it. Have the absolute best time in San Diego for your birthday, that sounds amazing!


Thank you for sharing these! The hard ones are the ones that teach us the most!

My hardest and my best race were the same (different years!). It was a mindset thing. And I finished 46 min faster during the 2nd race there.

Kind of random, but I just discovered Goodwill Outlets or “bins” if you will, and they are so cool!

Rest day today for taper week!


Hey I’m in the pic just ahead of you at the Dogtown Half Marathon!


I’ve a friend, and someone I run with when I can keep up, is going to do her first Boston really soon…..I think I’m more excited then she is……I’ve been spendin a lot of time connecting her with other friends that have and/or are also going this year……I know she’s quicker than she thinks is…I asked her yesterday evening if she’s thinking about qualifying for next year’s Boston at Boston….she’s said no way too quickly…..I won’t be surprised

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