No Sugarcoating + Not Only…

(Rain jacket, shirt, leggings, shoes)

There is no sugarcoating this run.  It was miserable.  At least I wore a rain jacket this time, but the rest of me was soaked from the first ten steps… oh, and the wind was another beast we conquered for 6.1 miles @ 8:45 pace. If I didn’t have a friend to meet, I would have skipped my run, but then I remembered my recent read, The Comfort Crisis, which helped me get over my pity party.  Being uncomfortable is good for us.

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He finally won and had a can of corn for breakfast.

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I lost this battle, too;)

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A few more thoughts because nothing exciting happened yesterday at home…

*This episode with Jess McClain made me fall in love with her!  She is absolutely incredible, and her story of leaving pro running and now doing what feels right for her is so inspiring.  Also, fun fact—> She peaked at 72 miles for the trials.  I’m pretty sure that is about 60% of what everyone around her was doing.  I just loved her theme of living life her way and running for the joy of it by doing the workouts that bring her confidence and love for the sport.  I wish there could be more spots for athletes for the Olympic Marathon; I want them all to go!

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*Ali’s episode with Dakotah was so great, too.  That woman is so positive, it is contagious.  I’m not sure I’m brave enough to have yogurt before a marathon like Dakota did!

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*This is what I have so far to help keep Skye and Beck occupied on the plane. They will also be watching as many movies and eating as many snacks as needed to get through the plane ride.

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*Not only did Fiona O’Keefe set a record for the fastest Women’s US Olympic Marathon Trials time, she also set the US record for the fastest Debut Marathon (previously held by Jordan Hasay when she ran a 2:23:00 in Boston).

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*I’ve gone over everything on Featherstone Nutrition regarding the carb load, but I’m trying to decide between the two-day or three-day carb load.  I feel like my Boston 2022 was the best marathon I’ve had, and one of those reasons was that I paid attention to the amount of carbs I was taking in and had more than ever.  Things didn’t hurt until the last two miles, and I hope I get another experience next week by properly carb-loading and pacing correctly.

According to this carb calculator, these are the stats for what I would need for a 2- and 3-day carb load.  I’m leaning towards the 3-day because 720 grams sounds challenging, especially while traveling, so I’ll start on the 15th and get in 480 grams a day.  Hopefully, nutrition labels over there are easy to read;)

*For the last 3+ months, I have had a green smoothie every day except one day.  I’ve been having roughly .7 lbs of greens A DAY.  My body is so used to it now that I start drinking it before my runs (I make it the night before now).  How is my body going to handle not having this when we leave?  Should I try to find every cruciferous veggie I can while there?!  It should be interesting!  Also, I remember trying my sister’s smoothie a while ago and spitting it out, and now I crave them… the body is so amazing.

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*Beth shared this WSJ article with me about Connor and Clayton and I loved how they talked about the importance of having multiple goals and things that interest you.  Injuries and race setbacks were so much harder on me when I put all of my focus in on running!

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Please share any carb-loading tips you have found.  Things that work for you and things that do not!  I am so fascinated by this topic that I want to absorb what you have learned.

Any other ideas of things I need to bring on the plane for Beck and Skye?

Is anyone else getting hit with more snow?

Last podcast that you listened to?

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I love bagels and pasta for carb load.

Haha your rain pic made me think of how much it is supposed to rain on Sunday which is when I am planning to run a half marathon. It is technically a race but definitely going to be more of a training run. This was one of the first half marathons I ever ran and it holds a lot of memories as my run club organized this race for many years. I am not in racing shape as it is early in my build so I am trying to let go of expectations. I have run some PBS on this course but I remind myself that sometimes it is about the process and not the outcome lol.

Have an amazing trip Janae!


Oh Kirstine, good luck at your half and I hope it isn’t too cold in that rain. I love using races as training runs, you are so smart to do it this way. Amen to the process. The race is over so quickly… if we don’t love the process to get there, why do it?! Thanks friend, let me know how the half goes this weekend!


I have been following featherstone nutrition for almost 2 years! It has been so helpful! I do the three day load because even trying to get that many carbs (usually 450 per day) is daunting- especially while traveling! Good luck and have a great time!


Isn’t she the best? And to see her times drop over the years has been so inspiring. That woman knows her stuff. I think you are right about the 3-day load. I’m going to do it. Have a wonderful day, Kristen!


Did you listen to the Ali on the Run episode with Weini Kelati? That one was really good too! And Nobody Asked Us with Des and Kara’s trials recap.


I haven’t! Going to listen to both today, thank you Mariah!


Three day carb load!!
Corn for breakfast, sure. Easiest way to avoid a meltdown. heheh
I so far have listened to Dakotah on Lindsey’s podcast. She was so confident in herself. What a lesson for all of us.
I am trying to save all the trials podcasts for runs. I’m so excited for them all. Confession, I have never gotten into the habit of listening to Citius podcast. I am eager to listen to Emily’s episode.
I better add Comfort Crisis to my mental training book list! I was using all the mental tricks and tips during my 1K repeats yesterday.
As Kevin McCallister would say, “Bring me back something French!!” *waving*


Three day load it is then! Okay, I have been loving your quizes on IG, keep them coming! Cannot wait to listen to her on Lindsey’s podcast and then Jess is on her podcast today! Yep, Dakotah’s lessons came just in time for me… I’m only telling myself that I’m going to do amazing. I haven’t until the trials so you aren’t alone in that. 1k repeats are truly my least favorite workout. I’d rather do 800s or mile! Hahaha I will;) Have the best day, Molly.


The snow on your hat looks like a terrier face!


Bahaha it totally does! Hope you have a great day, Laurence!


I also listened to Ali’s podcast with Dakota… So good. She is so positive.
I think I would have taken to the treadmill if I were having your weather! Good job!
The carb calculator is so interesting to me. I haven’t done a marathon in a few years, I don’t really remember what I did, ha ha.
We’re done with all of the rain here, yay. So I’m heading outside for a run this morning.
Have a great day Janae


So so so positive! Hahah today I definitely did take it to the treadmill. It was just too cold. Enjoy some sunshine and I hope your run was a great one, Wendy!


Had a similar run yesterday morning, here in San Diego. It had stopped raining in the AM and zg9t out my door at 6:45 wearing the usual shorts and LS shirt, and ultimately chose my rain vest over my jacket. Big mistake. 5 mins into my run, hail. That quickly turned into heavy rain. There was wind, ankle deep puddles, etc. This run had it all. I thought about turning around and going home. But then I thought, well I’m already soaked so I may as well see it through. Plus, Boston could potentially be like this, so it’s goof for my training (let’s pray it isnt). Finished my 10 miles, but took out the speedwork, b/c that wasn’t happening! I do wish I had remembered my gloves though. It was 46° so my hands were freezing.

Carb-loading is SO HARD for me. I am still trying to figure out what doesn’t make me feel awful. I did Meghann’s 3-day carbload before St. George and it didn’t nail it, but it certainly helped! I will strive for perfection in April! I think for me it helps to drink a lot of the carbs. So much easier on my tummy than eating literally all day long.

Have SO MUCH FUN in Spain!! I can’t wait to read all about your adventures! And GL with the race! Though you won’t need it. You got this.

Safe travels, Janae!


That is what I was thinking… I need to drink as many juices as possible to help get in all of those carbs. Luckily, I love juice. And I have a very good feeling about your Boston. It’s all going to come together for you! BOOOOO hail in San Diego?! I bet you were freezing. I really hope you have good weather at Boston but you are right, way to get out and train in that! My fingers would have fallen off, you are so tough. Thank you, Annemarie. I cannot wait!


The maurten drink has a ton of carbs -handy for the carbo load.

Its not the nicest drink but worth it for the carb value! Great for the morning of the race also. x


Your greens consumption is inspiring! My favorite podcaster is Dhru Purohit – he interviews leading experts in health and wellness and I always learn a ton listening to him.


Off to go check him out! I can’t wait. Thank you so much, I can’t wait.


Three day carb load for sure! I know you have raced internationally, but not sure if you did the carb load since it was not a goal race. I followed Featherstone Nutrition 3 day when I ran Berlin and I found it super helpful to have a little note on my phone to tally since I raced at the beginning of my trip. Travel day was day one of the carb load so that + jet lag would have made it impossible to keep it in my head. I also found that juice was the easiest way to hit carb load goals with international travel in the mix (and it has become a go to for me in all of my marathoning since).

I love a green smoothie but man… starting it before you run is impressive LOL! I get what you mean though… I regularly mix up jars of smoothie to take for a weekend at my in-laws ;)


hi!! I find bagels to be the best and gentlest carb for my stomach (with pb and banana), if you don’t have fructose issues like I do you could put dates on it? Good luck! And the Des/Kara “nobody asked us” freshy fresh recent episode (recorded the night of the trials) was an absolute unhinged giggle fest, put me in the best mood and was a great celebration of women marathoners :)


What all do you put into your green smoothie? I’m sure the recipe is on the blog somewhere…


I love graham crackers, bagels, pasta, potatoes, oats, pizza… I feel like I’m a walking carb in general. My friend Rebecca eats Spring Energy packs throughout the day before her races to make sure she gets enough, which I’ll do before Boston because I know my system can handle them!


Ali’s ep with Dakota was great! I also loved Des and kara’s fresh from the Olympic Trials! And question for you, how does the smoothie hold up over night? And did you/can you share your “recipe”?


Your digestive track has LEVELED UP with all that smoothie drinking! I think that’s going to come in so handy for your race, your stomach can handle anything! I like the 3 day carb load too (bagels, pasta with a little butter and parm, and juice/skratch to top things off). I thought I’d want more sweet carbs, but I think I ate so many in training (pop tarts, graham crackers, toast with honey and banana) that I craved more salty carbs in the carb load and saved my sweet for juice/liquids.

I think your plane game plan for the kids sounds great. I also think jumping jacks while you’re waiting to board, or even a game of tag if you can find an empty gate, are great so they get the willies out before hand and might even sleep a bit!


Making your smoothie the night before! Consider my mind blown! I have never gotten into smoothies because the thought of listening to the blender in the morning turns me off. Now considering this hack! Thank you!


Europe is really carb centric and everything seems less sweet. I have found that I tolerate bread products better in Europe than in the states. I think if you are nervous about finding stuff then take one back up bag of bagels. The grocery stores and bakeries will have plenty but there’s comfort in knowing you have something familiar. I’m not sure where you are staying (apartment, hotel, house) but if you have access to at least a microwave you can carb load with potatoes and rice. I wonder what the carb amount is in churros!!! haha. Also, you’ll always find pizza and empanadas.

When my kids were little I did used to premedicate preflight with a decongestant thinking they needed it for their ears (short flights). This was YEARS ago and it was advised to me. I was also so worried they’d get air sick that for the international flights I’d give them dramamine. I realized that they were fine but I still travelled with it and tylenol in case of headaches or what not. Just having it my carry on alleviated my worries. In all honesty, kids just love that little screen and alllll the choices. Hopefully you won’t have a full flight and can spread out. Beck and easily lay across your lap. How are you arranging your seats for the 6? I am super excited for you!!

Last podcast was “nobody asked us.” I still reading and hearing about the trials!!!!


Janae! I’m so excited for you to go to Sevilla. I studied abroad in Spain (eh…20 years ago) and you’ll love it there!

Thanks to you, I now drink green smoothies daily, too. You’re right – my body wants them! My sister actually packs a small blender in her suitcase when she travels and buys greens wherever she goes to not miss out on her daily smoothie – you could look at getting something small (like a bullet blender) to do the same?

I still dream of the bread in Spain – hit any grocery store and buy “una barra de pan” – it’s like a long loaf, only good the day it’s baked, and I still dream of them. We’d eat sandwiches with a long loaf (they’re like as long as your arm) cut in half with roasted red peppers and olive oil as the filling. Delicious! You’ll also find fantastic ham and cheeses there. “Tortilla espanola” is a potato omelet that is really good. Lots of amazing seafood (paella is a very famous dish, with rice and loads of seafood), croquetas, meatballs… The list goes on and on. If you’re an olive lover prepare to spend a lot of time in the full AISLE of olives at the grocery stores (Spain makes more olive oil than Italy!). Ah, Spanish food – I miss it so much. (As a side note, I’ve only found one restaurant in Utah that has actual Spanish food – Cafe Madrid in Highland. It’s excellent.) Jealous of your upcoming meals!! Yum, yum, yum!


Oh man! The idea of multiple goals hits home! I’m having so much trouble with my dang ankle. The second I think things are going pretty well, I roll the ankle (again). I know that I need to have surgery to stabilize it. But in the meantime, I love the idea of multiple goals.

I didn’t count carbs before my last marathon, but I was cognizant of making sure I got extra carbs for about 4 days leading up to the marathon and it was by far my best marathon as far as how I felt.


A roll of painter’s tape can keep kids occupied for a while on a flight. Good luck!


I love Featherstone’s carb loading calculator! I’ve utilized high carb beverages to help such as gatorade, bolthouse/naked juices, and olipop sodas. I’m in the process of trying to do more whole foods instead of processed so adding in rice, potatoes, etc or making my own breads instead of store bought


I love these for my daughter on plane journeys –

I will say, she watches tv most of the time so don’t carry too much with you as its often not used.

We always have a pack of cards for waiting for to board – or let them run all the energy out!

And don’t board first – you will be sitting long enough! One of you could go on with bags if you were nervous but highly recommend waiting for the end. Good luck! xxx

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