Talked me out of it + after years of research + me and Brooke’s disagreement.

(leggings, vest, shirt, shoes)

I don’t have a link for my beanie, but I find that a beanie is a must for me on really cold days. Headbands just don’t cut it.

I tried to get my friends to think that it was treadmill running weather because 14°F was scaring me for a big workout, but I’m so glad they talked me out of that and got me outside. It ended up being better than I thought, and this workout went by way faster on the roads than it would have gone by on the treadmill.

Even though I have different workouts than the Mesa training crew now that we are in crunch time (their race is a week earlier than mine), it still worked out that I had someone to work with for the first 6 miles of the workout.

We started with a warm-up, and then this is what the workout looked like:

I felt pretty smooth and in control until that last one; my legs hurt with that sub-6 pace.

I did a leg/glute workout on the Peloton app and then recovered with protein and the Chirp RPM next to the fire. It is the perfect recovery tool for people like me who want to be extremely lazy after a workout.

PS My training partner and I talked about how the human body is designed to do manual work daily… Our world is so convenient regarding movement, and so thank goodness for running/working out. The endorphins come from the movement because we were MADE to move.

For dinner, I made this Coconut Lime Chicken

Mel’s Kitchen Cafe has the best recipes.



Hang with me for a few more random thoughts!

*I can hardly stand how excited I am for the Olympic Marathon Trials and following runners preparing for the event. Mary posted about her half marathon at Houston and I saw that she took five gels over the 13.1 miles. Maybe there is something to taking in even more gels than I am already doing for the half and full?!

*After years of research, I’ve concluded that fried ice cream reigns supreme over all other ice cream desserts.

*I love her stride!

IMG 1723

Brooke and I are still disagreeing about this one what is the most common name for the below item?

IMG 1619

Do you have any tips or tricks that save you for the run on really cold days?

-A beanie and hand warmers in my mittens.

How many gels would you/do you take during a half-marathon?

-The most I have ever done is 3 during a half.

What are you making for dinner tonight?

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3 gels
meatloaf and baked potato with roasted veggies


I’m coming over to your house for dinner. Yum.


See saw!

And a gel every three miles because I’m not the fastest so it’s more time on my feet. At least that’s how I think of it!


I would call that a seesaw,

I’ve only taken one gel during a half marathon, but thinking I should try 2 during my next one! Maybe at 4 and 8 miles.


DO IT!! I’m interested to hear if you feel a difference! Have a beautiful day, Mariah!


I generally call that thing a teeter-totter but I’ve heard others call it a see-saw.
I’ve never taken any gels during a run or a race but the highest number of snack size skittles bags I’ve eaten are three.
Tonight we are having chicken, broccoli, pepper and maybe pineapple stir fry for dinner. I love cooked pineapple and I like sneaking in an extra fruit or vegetable for the kids.
Stay warm! It’s freezing in MD today. I have to make sure I put logs on the fire at regular intervals today in order to minimize the power bill as much as possible.


I’m going to try three snack size skittle bags for my next half… that sounds much better than gels. Your dinner sounds so good. Good call on the logs. Everyone’s weather right now is crazy. Hope you have some hot chocolate today too. Thanks Lee!


That’s a see-saw


Wow-great workout! The cold is one thing, making sure the roads are cleared off enough is another thing. Glad both made the workout manageable!
5 gels, so a gel every other mile basically?? Impressive.
The first thing, ok second thing that came to mind when I saw THAT photo “see saw.” First thing was what the … is that? It looks like it’s from Dwight’s hay playground.
We need an official Olympic trials countdown!


See Saw!


A see saw. :)


I’m making either tacos or sausage & pasta. I’ll decide later. :)

That is a see-saw.


It’s a see-saw (or a teeter-totter…but I wouldn’t call it that).


Teeter Totter and boy that sure looks and sounds funny when you think about it. 😂


See Saw
Vegetarian Lasagna – I use lentils in place of ground beef.


You were FLYING! A sub-6 mile near the end of that workout *high five*
That coconut lime chicken looks SO good.
That toy is a teeter totter! I’ll only grudgingly accept seesaw.
We’re having burgers tonight, thanks to a Costco special on Wagyu ground beef.
Try to stay cozy!


It is a see-saw. That’s it.


I can’t take gels! I should try again though, because I have heard that there are now some good ones out there. I have always used chews.
I don’t have a plan yet for dinner, but that coconut lime chicken sounds really good.
Awesome job on getting out in the freezing temps and getting the workout done! I’m sure the sunshine helped a little too. I often feel very grateful that we don’t have to deal with much weather at all out here.
Have a good day Janae!


See saw :)




Teeter tooter or seesaw – they are interchangeable to me.

If I am just running to run – which is 100% of my running nowadays, I go to the indoor track during the winter if it is dark out. I just don’t need to go outside anymore. I try to get outside for my long Friday runs unless there are snowplows out. For the under 20’s I wear a thermal top with a windbreaker type jacket over, two layers of leggings and mittens.

Dinner…it is the bane of my existence. Although Beehive Meals has made it so much easier. I will grab something out of the freezer at lunch and throw it in the crockpot.


Teeter Totter
2 gels is the most I’ve done in a half marathon.
We’re having friends over for a game night so we are picking up yummy pizza for everyone from a local place. I love a break from cooking on a weeknight!


I used hand warmers in my mittens for the first time this past weekend and it was great! It was around 6 degrees or so in Pittsburgh but sunny (which never happens in the winter) so I had to get out there. I wore thicker long sleeve, the lululemon jacket you recommended a while ago, full beanie instead of my normal headband, fleece lined tights, and mittens with hand warmers and I felt wonderful the entire time and was so happy I got out there!

Now there is a lot of ice and snow and also freezing temps so I have been inside on the TM the past few days. I haven’t minded it that much really.

And I call that a see-saw!




I’m loving all the answers – teeter totter gets my vote!

I usually start off with gloves and an ear cover when it’s “cold” here. Today it was 47 and the gloves only lasted the first mile.

I usually take a gel every 30ish minutes, so for my pace that would be about 4 during a half marathon. I can’t imagine trying to get one down every fifteen minutes!

I made a huge pot of spaghetti sauce on Monday and homemade pasta – so we’re having leftovers tonight!


See saw here :)
That coconut lime chicken with zucchini looks delicious. I may have to try that one! Thanks for the idea. I have been in a meal rut.


It’s a teeter-totter.

I probably haven’t taken more than 2 gels (maybe 3) during a half but I got down 9 during the Boston marathon last year AND set a shiny new PR there so maybe I should up my half fueling game as well?

Having the Thai Peanut Pasta Salad from Featherstone Nutrition’s site tonight. Mixed it up last night (seems like one of those recipes that will be better the next day) and it looks sooooooo good. Going to top it with either pan-fried tofu or smoked salmon.






I stared at it for a while wondering what else someone would call it besides a seesaw, and then “teeter totter” suddenly popped into my head. I hadn’t thought of those words in years! So clearly to my brain it’s a seesaw.


It’s a see-saw!


It’s a teeter-totter :)

It really doesn’t get super cold where I live so I’ve never ran in a beanie or a jacket ;) The coldest weather here (high 20s) requires a vest and mittens.

Dinner tonight is meatball subs or stroganoff. I haven’t decided yet.


Teeter totter!


Teeter Totter!


I book marked the recipe. Thank you! I bet it would be good with shrimp, too.
At a friend’s advice and your advice from your blog, I took at least 5 gels in my last marathon and felt so much better. I really like the U Can Edge gels. They gave them out on the Dallas marathon course and so many were being dropped unopened. I scooped up a pocket full of the new Mango Orange flavor. I started the race with 5 in my pocket and ended the race with 7.
I grew up calling that a see -saw, but I have started competing in agility with my dog. It is very hard to say see-saw while I’m sprinting after my very fast dog. Because of that, I now call it a teeter (and leave off the totter).


See saw.

5 gels in a half is blowing my mind! Like not even just 5 gels over 13.1 miles, but 5 gels in an hour and 14 minutes. Completely rethinking the whole “gel every 30 minutes” advice for my next full!

Spaghetti bolognese for dinner!


See Saw


My first thought-teeter totter 😊


See saw!


See – saw! I couldn’t remember what else it might be called until seeing the comments.


3 gels durning a half


Apparently there is a difference…


See saw! Though I will sometimes call it a teeter totter


I came to the comments to see what other people call it. I never even heard teeter totter before. Definitely a see saw


I just found your blog and am enjoying your posts so much!

I would call that a see-saw for sure!
A warm hat and hand warmers for sure on a freezing cold day!
1-2 gels for a half marathon
Trying out the Marry Me Chicken that everyone seems to be raving about! Hoping it is as good as it looks!

Looking forward to following your blog :)


THANK YOU MELODIE! Can’t wait to get to know each other more. Ummm I just looked up Marry Me Chicken and now I must have it, I’m drooling! Have the best day and keep in touch!


See Saw

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