Weekending + Make This + Met Her

(top, shorts, shoes, socks)

When I saw Deer Creek on my training plan for my Saturday long run, I was beyond excited. This trail is gorgeous, and with all the snow this winter, I knew the lake would be higher, the grass greener, and more wildflowers than ever.

I was also excited to have a run to help build up my trail legs for the summer. This one tests me the entire way, and I’m positive that you never once run on a flat section the whole way. My workout was to run easy the first half and then push hard on the uphills for the second half.

If your glutes aren’t firing, try my pt exercises. I am noticing the biggest difference on the uphills; I feel much stronger. Thanks to my glutes working, I even hit a new PR on the second half of the trail.

Two snack breaks during the first half, and then I didn’t stop during the second half.

There isn’t any shade on this trail, so it got hot when the sun was fully out. I had a bottle I stuck in my shorts pocket to get water.

We all welcome the heat with open arms after our previous six months.

I heard there is a chance they will be paving this trail eventually, which makes me want to cry; I love this dirt so much.
54 miles running for the week and 22 miles biking (on the Peloton).
We went to grab donuts afterward because our kitchen was being worked on.

Andrew had a busy weekend with work, and the big kids were with their other parents, so it was just the three of us during the day.

Trying to hit up as many parks as possible.
I was able to meet Birdie. I’m so happy for Megan!
Ummm, maybe I do want one more?!?
And a walk with Andrew during his break.
I talked my nieces into making dinner…

These black bean and sweet potato burritos were amazing. MAKE THEM!

Have any recipes to share with us that you have loved recently?

Best thing you ate over the weekend?

Have any goals for this week?

Ready for the summer heat?  Is it already there for you?

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The chicken parm I made this weekend and ate all weekend was delish. Instead of my niece cooking for me, I’m giving her sourdough to bake tonight.
I was covered in salt from yesterday’s run.
Tangent: I planted my garden this weekend which including a lot of digging/shoveling and carrying 40 pound bags of top soil. Then the next day I had a run with a 4 mile tempo. My quads and glutes were on fire. I just kept telling myself that both muscle groups are activated, that’s all! And then the animal control van nearly ran me over in the final tempo mile. My quads are still screaming at me. Gardening is the new strength training!


Your chicken parmesan looked so insanely good. I saved the recipe. SO much salt on me too! I love that you went for it and finished the whole garden, it looked so good. Way to get in the tempo after so much work, so glad you didn’t get hit! It truly is cross-training in disguise. Happy Monday, Molly!


That trail looks SO beautiful! I hope they don’t pave the paths :/

Best thing I ate over the weekend – Yogurtland on Sunday afternoon! Froyo hits different after a long run on a warm day :)

Have the best week, Janae!!


I need you to come run it with me someday! I will be copying you after my next long run on a hot day… that sounds amazing. Thanks Arthi, you too!


My boyfriend and I made a cake that was so good- definitely the best thing I ate this weekend! The decorations looked like a child made them, but that provided us a lot of laughs haha.

Goal for this week is to find some motivation. I missed my goal in my half this weekend by a lot and I’m really disappointed. I’ll take a few days to recover both physically and mentally and find a way back to running!


Mariah, I am so sorry you missed your goal. Feel what you need to feel and come back to it when you are ready. I relate so much after Boston, I was like why do I even do this?! But a few weeks later and the motivation showed up again. I’m so sorry.

I love that you two made a cake together. Now I need a cake.


That lake and trail are beautiful!
I am ready for summer temps, just not the 100°+ temps. But yes to sunny warm days involving the pool and beach!
Birdie is a cutie!! I think she looks like her brother right now. Sweet family.
Have a great Monday!


I totally agree with you, they look so alike. Yes, I can do without the 100 degree days… hopefully it is a mild summer for all of us (which they are predicting for Utah at least)! Thanks Wendy, you too! I hope your weekend with your boys was a great one:)


Hi Janae! What an amazing trail! That’s awesome you get to run on that regularly! I saw my friends baby this weekend! She is so sweet. They grow up so fast!!
Sorry to hear about Mer’s dogs! That is so hard and I hope she can find some peace.
Have a great start of the week!


I am so glad you were able to be with your friend’s baby this weekend! Thank you so much, I’m so worried about her. I hope you have a beautiful day, Amy!


Summer is almost here. We’ve had some warm days but then a few that cooled back to the upper 70’s. The humidity is here in full force though, but we haven’t hit 90s in temps…………yet. It is humbling to struggle with a 3 miler in the humidity after coming off a marathon that felt way easier, ha!

I worked a water booth for the Iron Man 70.3 yesterday and was able to cheer on some folks from my running group. It was a blast, and BIG BONUS, me and my friend from the run group got to take home 4 boxes of Maurten gels that were leftover! Mostly non caffeinated ones, but we knew that together this was probably hundreds of dollars worth of free gels!! We both walked to the water station (well, I parked my bike a mile away so I wouldn’t have to push it along the route and be in the runners way during their iron man), so watching us carry 50-75 pounds of free gels and leftover oranges/pretzels/bananas was pretty hysterical!! I am definitely sore today, but we joked that we knew the street value of those babies and were getting them home no matter what! Needless to say, I don’t have to worry about gels for the rest of the year! And I plan to share 2 boxes with my running group, so everyone wins!

Have a great week!


Humidity already in full force?! No! That is so great that you volunteered at the Ironman. That is amazing that you got the boxes to take home, best gels ever. Hahah you guys got in quite the workout. Thanks Loribeth, you too!


Best thing I ate this weekend was the bread and the cinnamon roll from Great Harvest! Now I’m addicted and will be there all the time. I can see why you love it so much. Goal for this week is getting my step sons room finished since they come for the summer.


This makes me so so happy. We need to start a Great Harvest club. Good luck with your stepsons room, so excited he will be back with you guys soon!


I love your outfit in that picture of you and the kiddos with Andrew on this break! Where are the top and those shorts from? So cute!


Thank you SO much! Here are the links and I hope you have a great evening:



heat, forest fire smoke, and a lot of allergens in the air…so a challenge of finding the right antihistamine and if it’s okay to run…….watching eco challenge yet again to see if that’ll get me up and out and more focused..this is my week to get myself for myself..it may be selfish, but my head is saying it needs a life reboot…..after writing possibly the most negative post I’ve ever composed….yeah, time to get the head more positive…

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