Tuesday Tangents

(shirt, leggings, vest, shoes, socks)

Just another slick morning… It’s going to feel so freeing to run the streets of Boston without ice everywhere on race day.

10 miles @ 8:42 average.

 Just the usual Monday for us…

So, let’s move into some tangents…

*Hear me out on this one… My Friday last week was rough for many reasons, so I went for a diet dr pepper after quitting it at the end of December. The next day, I had one of my best runs and felt like a new human… what does this mean? Is soda something I actually need in my life?

I quit leading up to Big Bear last year too and the soda I had after I finished tasted so heavenly. PS soda is huge in Utah. There is a soda shop on every corner, it feels like.

*You know our favorite chicken cream cheese chicken chili? I made a mistake and accidentally added fire-roasted tomatoes to the recipe (along with everything else in the recipe, plus an extra can of tomato soup), and it was delicious. Andrew and I agreed that we will only make the soup with this new addition from here on out because it is so good.

*Lauren sent me this quote, and it’s my new favorite. So let’s get to that other side!
*I’m really grateful for the extra time we get with my dad. We were told six years ago that we just had months left with him. Beck has such a sweet bond with him.
*Remember the 50 miler that I did a few years ago? This year’s race was canceled mid-race this last Saturday. The weather got really scary while the runners were out, and so they had to stop the race and get everyone in safely (which they did).

*Brooke’s reaction when I pulled my chic-fil-a sauce out of my pocket while eating fries at a non-chic-fil-a restaurant.

*I think the kids are loving this remodel because it means we are doing more random things, like having a caramel apple picnic in the hallways.

*Brooke and I were watching the Mr. Beast episode where he pays 1k per mile to the person that can stay on the treadmill the longest, either walking or running. It made me think how far I could go on one, knowing I would get paid per mile… as long as I had the proper nutrition, I would keep going until I fell off, ha. Any guesses on how far you could make it?

*With less than three weeks to go, I’m already hearing every sniffle and cough within a mile of me.

How far could you make it on a treadmill walking/running if you were paid 1k per mile?

My new theory on soda? Sound ridiculous, or maybe I have a new performance enhancer situation with diet dr pepper;).

Have a quote you love lately? Or a new account that is inspiring you?

Tell me a tangent!

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This snow!! Wow. Salt Lake better be back to baseline after all this!!
Is it too soon to think about St George registration opening in less than a week??
And I like to think that Brooke’s expression says: “You son of a gun! Pass me some of that!”
Hope you are recovering from your 23 miler!!


Now they are predicting all sorts of flooding from all of the snow once things melt?! Hahaha that is truly what Brooke was thinking. ARE YOU DOING ST. GEORGE?! I’ll finally get to meet you! Thanks Molly, happy Tuesday!


Ha ha… The look on Brooke’s face.
I think the soda thing is more about the caffeine? I know you use caffeinated gels, but that extra boost of caffeine and probably the sugar too, maybe helped your run feel extra good… Just thinking out loud.
And wow! They really had to stop the race because of the weather. Crazy! It really is the winter that just never ends!
Have you listened to Ali’s new episode about all things Boston Marathon? It’s so good! It’s a really long episode, but got me excited about Boston, and I’m not running!! It definitely helped add more motivation to the motivation I was feeling already.
Have a good day Janae!


OH MY GOODNESS, I am going to go listen to it today! THANK YOU! You have a point about the soda ha! Thanks Wendy, you too and happy motivated week:)


Hi! I’ve been following your blog for months and I love reading it each day! What is your favorite running sports bra? I keep getting chafing with mine and it’s terrible!
Have a great day!


Chafing is truly the worst! Especially from sports bras. My absolute favorite bra is this one, I have it in about 10 different colors ha. https://shop.lululemon.com/p/women-sports-bras/Energy-Bra-32925/_/prod9360058?CID=Google_SSC_US_NAT_EN_X_Hybrid_Bestsellers_GEN_Y22_ag%3DSSC_G_US_EN_DM_X_GEN_NO_Bestsellers-All&color=52410&gclid=CjwKCAjwoIqhBhAGEiwArXT7K_8R3thF3izqhFAIiGScfj3l59rJFpwxTeJ5tx7zh8m4SZw_f3_IORoCN9YQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&locale=en_US&sl=US&sz=12

Let me know if you try it and what you think!

Thank you for reading, that means a lot to me. Hope your day is a beautiful one, Sandra!


Hi Janae! That reminds me of those races where people have to run a certain distance every hour and then the last person standing wins! I think those races usually take days! I don’t know how long I can stay up before I fall asleep!
That’s a pretty good quote! I used to have a sticker on my laptop that said “action cures fear”, a similar sentiment!
Happy Tuesday!


Action cures fear. SO much truth to that. I love it. Happy Tuesday to you, Amy!


Weather in Boston is rainy, but trending warmer, 50-60 days and not below 40 at night. Fingers crossed nothing changes before April 17th. I am running the B.A.A. 5k with my daughter ahead of the marathon and I am super excited! The more I share running with my family the more fun it becomes. A this point in marathon training I eat and drink whatever my body wants, and still it is never enough, I say go with what your body is telling you right now and you will be fine (in moderation, which I try to remember . . .).


I love that you are running the 5k with your daughter. I’m with you, the more I do this with my people, the more I love it. Good luck! I am really praying for a cooler day in Boston after this winter training but I’ll just be happy to have ice free roads at this point. Happy training!


Are you having any type of meet up while you’re in Boston??


YES!! Details were just finalized this morning. On 4/17 we will be doing a short shakeout run (2ish miles) and then hanging around drinking free core power (I’ll have product and coupons wahoo) and meeting each other. 9:30 at the Boston Commons Carousel. Would that work for you???


OOPS! I meant 4/15!!!!


I can’t do the dreadmill for more than 3 miles…not even for money!

Big Diet Coke lover here. I also gave up soda several years ago but every onc in a while I have to have one :)

Tuesday tangent – why can’t they make sports bras without the stupid pads that shift when you wash them!

Have a great day


Wow, love that story about your dad. :) That is amazing that your dad has defied the doctors predictions and you guys have had so much more time with him. God is good! Praying for continued health and many more years to be enjoyed together!

I think you’re on to something with the diet soda! I am a diet coke fanatic, and during this pregnancy the baby seems to love it too, so I am still indulging and it keeps us both happy. Not sure it helps me waddle along on the elliptical machine any faster though lol

Loved this quote at church last week: “Evangelism is just one beggar telling another beggar where to get bread.”


HRG dad is awesome!

Hope you’re having a great day. Not sure if I mentioned I signed up for my first cycling Gravel Fondo. Share these links with Andrew (I am only doing the Medio).
Check out the climb at the beginning! https://ridewithgps.com/routes/28734005/

Has Andrew ever done a cycling event, MTB race, etc…?


I am a (broke) student and have been for too long, I would stay on that treadmill until the treadmill broke down, ha. Where can I sign up :p
Have a lovely rest of the day!


Hah, this is the best answer! I would cheer you (and your treadmill) on, Moni!


I can’t believe there’s still that much snow!

If I weren’t injured, I feel like I could last forever, ha! I’ve run 20 miles on a treadmill before.

One of my training partners swears by taking Emergen-C once you are running this much and I feel like it has definitely helped me in the past.


The land I live in does not have many times of snowfall, so the people in my place are extremely eager to travel to the snowy mountains.

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