Tuesday Tangents + Controversial?

(shoes, tights, top)

This run was hard to get out the door for, especially because we are supposed to get hit with snow all week.  It feels like there is no end in sight for this winter.

I did a core workout before I went outside, which helped to warm me up before starting, and I highly recommend doing that on cold mornings.  12.5 miles with Jo and Emilee!

The kids love picking the snow off my hat when I get home.

We are all so ready to be playing outside all day again.  What we would give to go to a park right about now!

Yep, ready for the park.

These guys did make it to the park later for some sledding while Beck napped.

And I made soup for dinner while Beck napped…

Let’s move into the tangents!

*Amanda posted this, and I laughed hard about what Des said.  I can’t tell the difference, but I’m positive both are happening this week for me.

*Ummm, Andrew just taught me that if you put a wooden spoon in the pot, it won’t boil over.  It worked.   Am I the last person on the planet to know this?

*I refuse to throw away any groceries, so the second things are starting to look like they don’t have much time left, I do something to them–> roasted brussels and sweet potatoes, zucchini muffins, apple crisp and the perfect cantaloupe.

*Remember my sister’s oldest child?  He is living his best life in Peru right now, and I want to visit him.

*I listened to this episode from Kara and Des, which got me thinking.

I am a fan of super shoes.  I feel like they allow me to recover from my runs much faster and take out a lot of the pounding when I wear them.  My friend, Vince, told me that he was always injured until he switched to carbon plates every day, and now he is never injured.  I feel less banged up when I am marathon training and using them at least twice a week compared to marathon training in the past without them.  The Vaproflys help me to run faster because of the tilt (I swear it propels me forward), and I’m sure the foam/plate helps me to run faster too.  So I get why many people don’t feel like they are fair, BUT I also think it’s important to remember that everything has advanced over the years–> track surfaces, gels, recovery methods, injury prevention techniques, strength training routines, overall nutrition, gear, sports bras, etc.  I’m sure the previous generations would have loved all those things… Look at my grandpa; I’m sure he would have loved a better track to race on!

I don’t think that times these days are getting faster just because of shoes.  I think the online world helps so much (when I first started training for marathons, I had ZERO information available online for running a marathon)… So many amazing sources of information are available now to help us with our training.  I think there is more of an emphasis on strength training these days.  I think that people understand nutrition better, and we realize that health is #1, and thinner doesn’t mean faster.   I think the coaching is improving.  It is all so exciting, and I can’t wait to see what my kid’s generation does.  The super shoes could be part of the puzzle for records being broken often, but I think there are so many more puzzle pieces involved than just the shoes.  PS I am open to all opinions on this topic, I want to hear your thoughts!

Thoughts on super shoes?   What things do you think are making people so much faster these days?

Any kitchen tips or tricks that you have recently learned?

When you have a fruit/veggie/anything starting to go bad… what do you make with them?

Have any tangents?

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I loved hearing their viewpoints on super shoes, Des especially! I think that there is a before and after of super shoes for elite racing. I really wonder what Deena Kastor could have done in super shoes.
Super fascinating when they talked about Nike using the shoes before other athletes had any clue about them.
I’m fine with super shoes overall.
Loved the record breaking topic, too.
I never would have imagined their podcast being THIS good!

All this snow better be going directly into Salt Lake!! That would make this winter worthwhile!


Oh that is so interesting thinking about what Deena would have run in them… does she ever wear them now? I wonder what her perspective is on them. You are so right, the Great Salt Lake and Lake Powell better be rising with all of this moisture and when the snow melts. Hope your day is a great one, Molly!


I love that you make it a point to use veggies/fruits that are on their way out-going to make that a goal!! I do have thoughts about super shoes. I’ve been going back and forth about getting a pair of Endorphin Pros because I love the Speeds so much. BUT I’m a 4:20 ish marathoner. I’ve heard conflicting things about using them for my pace range. I’m less concerned with finding a shoe that improves my time and more interested in finding a shoe that feels great while I’m running if that makes sense. Would love to hear thoughts on this!!


Rene I agree with you! I just did my first marathon in 2022 and I cared about a shoe that I wouldn’t hate when I finished 🤣. Yes, I love speed but at what price to my body. Now, if the carbon is actually going to help me then great! I will be using my Hoka Carbon X v2 for the NYC Half later this month. I have tried them for a couple of my long runs and they felt good. Personally I’m excited for the new Hoka performance shoe coming out this month.


I cannot wait to see the new Hoka shoe this month too. SO excited for you to run the NYC Half, Kristin! Cheering for you and please let me know how it goes.


That is really interesting about the conflicting opinions for different paces. AMEN–> it truly is all about what feels good during the run and after. I would be interested to know if carbon plates helped every pace with recovery or not. I truly feel like that is the biggest benefit for me, it takes out so much of the beating my body takes during marathon training. I’ll find a good deal for those Endorphin Pros for you to try! Keep me updated on everything and have a beautiful day, Renee!


LOVE that pic of your Grandpa! Clearly it “runs” in the family. I haven’t tried the super shoes yet, but that is my next purchase! I do love the focus on strength training now bc I didn’t do that 10 years ago when I first got into long distance running and that’s probably why I burnt out and took a 5 year break. I need clarification on the wooden spoon LOL bc I had heard that but I forgot it had to be wooden and I’ve been using like spatulas and stuff and no wonder it’s not working hahaha


Thank you, I definitely see my arm swing in my grandpa! You have to let me know what you think of the super shoes when you try them. Yes for strength training now, I can’t believe the difference it is making for me! Hahaha I would have done the same if Andrew wouldn’t have told me over and over again that only wooden spoons work. Hope your day is a great one, Sarah!


Oh my goodness I also feel like winter will never end! Granted, up here in Oregon we aren’t really dealing with snow, but it has been raining non-stop since October and all I want in the whole world is to take my toddler to the park and get out of the house! He needs to burn off some energy! So looking forward to some warmth and sunshine too.


Raining non-stop is SO SO hard too. We need parks! I hope you get to take him soon and before you know it, you’ll be taking two littles to the park. So excited for you!


Aww, thanks Janae! Just a few weeks left!


It’s cool to see you talking about the shoe stuff directly- thanks for bringing it up and curious to hear the thoughts here. I was just talking with my friend about BOTH of these topics, having watched the college running where sub-5 minute miles were just the norm, and the shoes. I was asking him if he thought the shoes should be banned (we both said no), and then we discussed if we’d feel like we’d have a TRUE PR wearing them. He said he still would, his argument being it’s not going to make him go like 10 minutes faster or take the place of all his training and work, personally I think it would bug me (although I’d still LOVE to give those babies a try). They are absolutely proven to make people faster and while that’s incremental in a short distance, it adds up in the long distance (as you are aware!)- but as always its this really thing line between technology and something that becomes an advantage. I also bike, and HECK yes I want a bike with a super light carbon frame over something I would have gotten 40 years ago. So is that an advantage or just tech or both….? The thing that is a little iffy for me is that for something like the vapor flies, you’re almost using a “tool” to bounce forward faster as obsessed to just a lighter shoe. But it’s all so borderline! Anyway, curious to hear other takes. Thanks for bringing it up.

One more note on people getting faster- I agree a lot of it is what we know now to optimize health and fitness. We have Brady playing into his 40s in a sport when before, 30 was ANCIENT. But I do worry, at least at an amateur level with running, there is a lot this “biobhacking” stuff coming into play. My same friend mentioned in his age group (40s men) the times have started getting really fast because a lot of guys in his area are taking supplements and getting prescriptions for testosterone now (I guess it has become more common place?). I know you, me and serious professionals would never do it, but sort of a bummer given how popular running is :-(


Ohhhhh so interesting! LOVE reading your thoughts. I never even thought of the biking side. Basically, the more money a biker has to spend on a nicer bike, the faster they can go?! It’s true, the longer the race for runners… the more advantage the shoe has! I am still at more sub-3 marathons in non-super shoes than with ha, but I think that will change after this year;). The biohacking scares me. You just inspired me to write a post on my experience with this kind of thing in the running world of runners I know. It’s scary. I am always shocked that people will risk their health for a faster time?! The runners I knew doing this kind of stuff are no longer running anymore… it must have taken toll on them. LOVED your comment. And now I want to go to lunch with you so we can talk for hours about it all.


That’s the joy of running friends, we probably COULD spend an entire lunch talking about the nuances of super shoes ;-)

But yes, the better tech, (i.e. more expensive), your gear gets when it comes to biking and swimming (and I guess running) the more advantages you get… maybe more into this “grey area” discussion. BUT, anyone can have the shoes or the lighter bike- and unless the race specifically SAYS NO it is part of the evolution of the sport as you pointed out.

And it’s worth noting that sometimes races do say no, for instance, certain wetsuits are banned in Ironman races- they make a HUGE difference. So I guess there is a clear line sometimes when gear IS allowing people to do something they wouldn’t naturally be able to do, i.e. a wetsuit giving someone buoyancy and significantly lessening the effort they have to make… In that case you’re changing what it means to “swim” with the wetsuit tech, with the shoes you aren’t changing what it means to “run” (if that makes sense).

There you go, another 400 words of my thoughts on the topic (and I’ll still go to lunch!)… And yes I’d love a post on your experience with people biohacking!


Seriously. If you are ever in Utah, let’s go! So so interesting about how prevalent amazing gear is in the tri world yet the super shoes are talked about much more. I can see how the wetsuits could majorly change the swim. I loved all 800 words today hahaha. I don’t know as much about biohacking but more about athletes taking all sorts of things to get faster… coming soon! Have a beautiful evening, Ariana!


I love that picture of your grandpa! Everything has progressed, in the running world and in general. I also listened to that episode and thought it was such a good conversation. I haven’t tried super shoes, but would love to just so I can see how they feel. It is really amazing how these times and records are dropping. My neighbor’s niece runs for CU Boulder, and it’s fun to follow along with her and the team and how they’re doing. It will be interesting to see what happens when your kids generation gets into high school and college.
Oh I need to take lessons from you on how to not throw food away. That’s so good.
I’m back home and it feels so good. Back to the regular routine.
Have a good day Janae.


I want you to try a pair to see what you think! They really are something else! Oh I bet your neighbor’s niece is doing amazing things. I think it is so awesome that the sport is just getting bigger and better. It’s soooooo hard with grocery prices to throw things away for me right now ha. Hope you had the best time with your siblings, and yay for getting back into routine. Have a wonderful one, Wendy!


I didn’t realize your nephew was in Peru! That’s where my nephew is serving his mission too! Maybe they are friends :) (I know it is a big country and chances are slim but hey you never know ha)


NO WAY! What mission?!??!


Hi Janae — just wanted to say I heard Kara’s super shoes comments and I one hundred percent agree with you! Esp the part about how the internet has changed everything… :)


Right?! It felt a bit whiney too me but I am definitely not a pro runner so who knows! I just think everything has progressed and I’m excited to see what people can do in the future. Have the best day, Betsy!


A short rant. I am so over the snow! Just moved to snow country. Feb/Mar 2022 24” this year Feb/Mar 304”. Thank goodness I have a treadmill at home.

Re: the shoes. I love my Nike vaporfly and alphaflys. They help me run and recover faster. I don’t use them for all my runs, but some longer runs if I’m feeling tired and some repeats. Who wouldn’t choose to run a bit faster? Isn’t that why we used to wear racing flats? I don’t understand why no one brings up Triathlon in the super shoe discussion. I started doing triathlons in 1994. Look at the technology advancements in that sport. Helmets, bikes, wheels, power meters, skin suits, integrated hydration systems, it’s constantly evolving. I think that Kara and Des would be more positive about the shoes if the playing field was level at the 2016 trials. I really want to like their podcast, but I sometimes feel that Kara is holding too much resentment. I feel sorry for her it must be so incredibly hard. I don’t know how you move on from something like that.

Happy snow training!


Oh Veronica. You said exactly what I was thinking. It’s crazy to me to not realize the advantages their generation had on previous generations of runners with all of the amazing advancements that generation of runners had. It just feels whiney to me. But yes, I will never understand what that felt like in 2016 coming in 4th. That is so interesting about triathlon. The changes in that equipment is absolutely miraculous. I find myself cheering on all of these amazing advancements and records rather than feeling like I need to say my previous prs without them should actually be counted as faster?! Such a tricky subject but I loved reading your thoughts!

Ummm you need a trip somewhere warm!!!


I agree with the resentment comment Veronica!

I think super shoes are available to everyone now and it levels the playing field. The only thing I don’t like about them is the COST!!!! That doesn’t level the playing field as not everyone can afford them haha. But everything is expensive nowadays sadly, :(


I need to go listen to that episode! Very interested in this topic – even though I’ll probably never run at the speeds where super shoes would be beneficial for me (but who knows), I still love reading and learning about them. I think now that other brands are catching up to Nike it’s not as big of a deal as it was. But, I will say that during the last Olympic trials when people were ditching their sponsors last minute and running in Nike’s (or blacking out the Nike’s so you couldn’t see the logo), it felt like it was all in poor taste. I have more of an issue with how Nike has dealt with the treatment of their women athletes in certain clubs than the actual super shoe issue though. Not that I have anything against people for using Nike products, I just don’t love that situation from what little I know of it – but I also know there are probably some super great people who work there – things are never black and white and we tend to magnify the negative. Ok, off my soap box! I’m going to try that soup! YUM.


Let me know what you think of the episode. I agree, that was hard to see in the last olympics and amen to not agreeing with how Nike has treated women. I was beyond happy (besides my heel) to feel like Adidas has figured the super shoe out too now. Other ones feel close but Adidas was right now. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I loved reading them! Have a great day, Tess!


I’m anti super shoe for sure. I think some of the things you’re comparing them to as far as advancement are like apples to oranges. Strength training can make you faster yes! But that is extra work you are putting in. The shoes propel you forward, making it so you can work LESS hard to run fast. Energy gels, again that is proper fueling and part of the work you put in. Sports bras…yes we love a good sports bras and I’m personally very thankful for the support they provide! But they just keep us nice and secure, they don’t make us run faster. I think that any records broken by wearing them deserve a little asterisk off to the side to note wearing the super shoes.


Great points, Laura! What about track surfaces? Do you think that makes a difference in times? Very true about those other things taking the work of the athlete though! Hope you are having a great day!


Oh for sure they do! I agree with you that each generation has its advantages and better track surfaces I think would be one of them. But that provides a level playing field for everyone running on it, I think the super shoes are an advantage only to those who are sponsored and receive the shoes or who can pay such a high price tag for a shoe with such a short life.


So true! Crossing all of my fingers that the Vaprofly 2s go on major sale with the new ones out ha! Loved chatting with you today, Laura!


Have you read Lauren Fleshman’s new book? Good for a girl. YOU NEED TO! She talks a lot about running and eating disorder culture and how she’s trying to make the world a better place for female athletes. You will love it!


Yes yes yes… The absolute best book. I want every runner to read it. Hope your evening is a beautiful one, Alyssa.


I listened to this podcast last week too. Definitely a touchy subject…….I agree though. I am 61 and started running in my teens and ran in cotton turtlenecks and definitely had no watch. Also no training plans. I just ran. My first marathon back in the 80’s with a 3:25 with no training plan. Again I just ran. I haven’t ran that fast since 😂. Granted I didn’t run another marathon till after my dad died in 1991. I am still running them with way more knowledge about everything especially nutrition so I too believe its a combination of things that have contributed to faster running times…..not me of course since I am old but I do believe the shoes are probably one of the main reasons. I have fun with them..and I like the few pair I have tried too I guess back to what I said earlier…it’s a touchy subject. I am just glad I am just an average runner and not an Olympian 😂


Super sneakers, in my opinion, are now accessible to everyone, leveling the playing field. The price is the one thing I don’t like about them.

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