Silentish Saturday!

(Shorts, top, shoes, socks, jacket)

No, this is not a picture from January… this is yesterday.



Moments before his Thomas Train was stuck in my hair and I had to cut a chunk off to get it out.

Couldn’t get into our kitchen so chic-fil-a saved lunch.

It was all around just one of those days and a soda calmed my soul… I quit a few months ago but really needed one yesterday.

Getting him dressed is a 2 person event… he is getting too strong.

Restocked on my Wednesday/Saturday favorite fuel.

Off for the last big run of peak week!


Tell me three things you have going on today!

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Morning from NJ!
We had freezing rain here this morning… so I slept in. I’m helping my daughter sell Girl Scout cookies today. Then will sneak in a wet run when it “warms” up.
Then we are going to my moms for dinner!
Happy Saturday


Good morning, Mary! Freezing rain… that sounds awful. I need to buy some cookies from your daughter. I hope you have a beautiful dry run and the best time at dinner. Thanks!


Sorry about your hair — but I did giggle a little.

I think Minnesota has more Spring than you right now and that’s usually not true.

Here’s what I’m doing:

1. LONG walk on river trail today
2. Reading my head off
3. Nap.
4. Repeat all day

Rooting for your training, Janae! I love tracking you at Boston too.



Bahaha my sister laughed so hard she teared up when I sent her the picture so a giggle is totally accepted;). That is strange that you are getting more of a spring than us! Sounds like a beautiful day. Enjoy and you’ll have to let me know what books you are loving. Thanks Belle, have a beautiful weekend!


What kind of remodel are you doing at your house?


Hey! I’ll explain more on Monday but we are restaining our floors, painting, getting some builtins and just updating it. It started small and then we just kept adding stuff haha. Hope your day is a beautiful one!


I cannot believe all the snow still! Crazy!
And I remember the days of having hot wheel cars stuck in my hair… Sorry, but I giggled a little too. Darn toys.
I hope your long run goes well today!! Can’t believe it’s the end of peak week! I’m excited to see what you do in Boston!
Party this afternoon, so tomorrow will be super low key! But today will be a great time.
Have a great Saturday and restful Sunday!


Bahaha I was thinking you would be able to relate! Have the best time today and resting tomorrow. Thanks Wendy!


Hi Janae! Way to train in the snow again! I am in California now with my parents and it has been raining a lot! At home it’s snowing a lot but my husband loves it because it means more snow in the mountains for skiing. I didn’t realize Thomas could get stuck in hair! I’ll have to warn my friend her son has the same one…
Happy weekend! Get some good rest after your run!


I cannot believe how much rain California is getting this winter. I bet your husband is so happy that it is snowing, I wish I could send our snow to him haha. Yes, the one with batteries is so bad because the wheels were eating up my hair. Thanks friend and I hope you have the best time with your parents!


We have snow up in Oregon for our first day of spring break and I’m trying to not be too grumpy about it! I made blueberry muffins this morning, have work today, and will just hope this little snowy weekend doesn’t hurt our cherry harvest as much as much as the April snow did last year – but that was a lot more snow.


Spring break and snow do not belong in the same sentence. I am really hoping that this doesn’t effect your cherry harvest, that would be terrible having that happen two years in a row! I bet those muffins were great and I hope your work day zooms by. Thanks Karen!


nothing…it’s my rest and recovery day, also my wife works Saturdays, so it’s dad day to cook and clean…which I do anyway…but it makes the day go by quickly…..tomorrow, run, strength and visit my dad at the hospital……and I’ve gotta polish up the bikes, spring has arrived so time to ditch the bike trainer


Hi Janae –
With all the wet weather your training in this winter/spring. What rain jacket do you recommend? Thanks.


Many countries don’t have snow and they seem to crave it, but for me snowstorms are really scary. My car often crashes when commuting.

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