Friday Favorites + A Marriage Tip

(shorts, socks, shoes, top)

10.27 miles @ 8:13 average. I needed a caffeinated gel before this run.  We had a rough night, but having people to meet made it easier to get up and out the door.

This felt very right after the run.
Beck’s reaction to it snowing again.
Just trying to get out of the house as much as possible each day.  PS Beck found Knox’s old jacket and wants to wear it everywhere.

The floors are coming along!

His reaction when he found out we were having noodles for dinner.
And this happens way too often to me… My dad’s rule when we were teenagers, was that we were never allowed to go under 1/4th tank. I stuck to that then but now I’m seeing how low I can go…

Andrew wanted to share his most important marriage tip today—> When I am hangry or tired, he challenges me to play the ‘quiet game’ with him until I get food or sleep.  I’m too stubborn to lose the game and it saves him from hearing my grumpiness haha.

Time for some favorite things this week:

*It’s very interesting to me how lululemon has perfected the running sock. They aren’t a specialized running company, yet their materials and socks are better than most of the socks from running-based companies. I’m guessing a blister has never been created while wearing the Power Stride.

*I’m unsure how Andrew feels about these, but I am obsessed. I loved overalls as a tween, and I love wearing them again now. I got them here for the win. I’ve worn them day after day after day. They feel so right. They also have a less baggy version here that is so cute too.

*Brooke has me hooked on hair claws, and we got these cheap neutral ones from Amazon. We’ve both been wearing them daily.

*I just received my race bottles. I love these little bottles so much. They fit into side pockets of running shorts (these, these, these, and these are my favorite shorts for this), and I don’t even feel them. I’ll bring these for the beginning of the marathon to get in some liquids in the beginning. These bottles save me big time all summer too.

What do you have going on this weekend?

How do you carry your hydration on the run if you do?!

Rachel brought up yesterday that it is weird that she washes her dishes before putting them in the dishwasher, and I do the same thing… What about you? Wash them before or put them straight in?

Does low fuel freak you out or is it the norm for you?

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My Dad always told me the same thing with gas! In winter I definitely don’t let it go much below 1/4 tank because you just never know but summer I’m a little more dare devil-ish with it ha!

I will sometimes rinse dishes before putting them in the dishwasher since I live alone so don’t run it everyday. If I had multiple people I’d probably stick them right in. Why do extra work if I don’t have to?

Have a great Friday!!


I should be way more careful with it in the winter like you! Must be a dad thing to teach us this:). I hope your day is a beautiful one, Maureen. Happy weekend!


This reminds me of my deep desire for Tommy bibs in middle school that I never got. Tommy Girl perfume got me through the heartache of no bibs though.
A low gas tank gage immediately reminds me of the Seinfeld episode when Kramer test drives the car on E.
It’s a very 90s comment section from me today!
Have a great weekend! I’ll be doing my weekend hospital shift and trying to get my house ready for a run club dinner next week.


Hahaha oh how I wanted those bibs too. Maybe I’ll have to make the purchase now to get past the trauma of not having them back then;). OH MY GOODNESS… that episode. That was one of my dad’s favorite episodes so I am going to have to text him about that ha. Good luck with work this weekend and I want to come over for run club. Happy Friday, Molly!


Everyone makes fun of me because I never let my tank go below half-I fill it up on Sundays no matter what. I always tell them if a zombie apocalypse happens they will wish they had a full tank like me! 😆


You have a point. And now I’ll think of this comment when I am on empty and procrastinating filling up haha. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Kristin!


Beck is so cute and funny!! Made my Friday :)


Thank you! He sure is animated! I hope your day is a beautiful one, Cheryl!


LOVE your nails — are they gel? How often do you get them redone? I have a nail appt today and am trying to decide whether to go with gel or normal polish…

Also, the floors are looking good!


YAY for nail done! I have gel on mine and I love it. I go about once a month. I’m hooked on going, it just brings me so much joy. Thanks Betsy, have a beautiful day!


Such cute overalls!! I just got a pair too and love them. I’m trying to find new thongs to Wear under them so they look a little more grown up… But a plain tshirt has been my go to s so far :)
In the pic of you giving Beck a piggy bath rose, at first I thought he was holding a giant donut and I was amazed at your level of trust hahaha
It must be a dad thing, mine said the same about the fuel tank, but now I like to live on the edge and see how many miles I can get it!! I haven’t run out yet ….


Oh my gosh, I meant things under my overalls not thongs 😂😂😂


Made me laugh!!


BAHAH this made my day! I mean, both work haha! I’m with you, just a plain shirt for me but I do see so many people layering them up. Well, now I need a donut because the stuffed animal truly does look like one in that picture. Look at us living on the edge;). Our poor dads haha. Happy weekend, Bri!


Love those race bottles!
Question for you, Janae: have you ever run a marathon in the late luteal phase of your cycle? If so, how did it go? I’m scheduled to run my 1st marathon right before my period and I’m freaking out about it because I always feel like s*%t in that phase. I’d sooo prefer running on my period.
Long time reader and 1st time commenter here! Sorry for the weirdness of this debut comment lol!


I’m totally going to second what Moni said! You are going to crush your first marathon. Which one is it? Stacy Sims has the best recommendations on fueling/supplement needs during that phase for racing. Her PMS cocktail in this post is so helpful! Good luck!

I LOVED your debut comment. I feel like these topics connect us all even more. Keep in touch and I am just so excited for you!


Thanks for that post! Trying to be more positive about it and it’s good to know that getting in all the extra carbs and protein will go a long way! I’m racing Rotterdam the day before you race Boston :) My goal is to BQ and run Boston next year and my husband’s time goal is sub-2:50. We’re running together for our anniversary.

Also, Beck reminds me so much of my youngest and I just can’t get enough of him!


I’m wearing my overalls today, too! They’re just so comfortable (and cute, imo).
Love the bright colors of those Lulu socks. Are they cushioned at all? I have a hard time with socks that are too thin, but you got my attention about socks that help avoid blisters.
Beck’s expressions are just the cutest :) I hope for his sake that snow is out of the forecast for you guys!


Hey Corey, I hope it’s ok that I reply, too.
Are you familiar with Stacy Sims? She’s the boss when it comes to nutrition for women and training around the menstrual cycle.
Maybe you can find some tips here :)
I also remember reading that training is much more impacted by the cycle than racing. Mind over matter! There are things you can do to make it easier though :) have fun with your marathon!


Thanks Moni!! This is so helpful!! And that last bit about training being more impacted than racing is EXACTLY what I need to hear!


Happy overall day! They just feel so right. These socks aren’t super cushioned but they aren’t too thin. Have you ever tried balega socks, those feel much thinner than the lulu ones. I just love them and if you don’t, I’ll buy them back from you and wear them ha. Thank you… It snowed during our run today but just praying that tomorrow is clear. Happy weekend, Corey!


+1 to cleaning dishes before putting them in the dishwasher! Also something weird I do … Before going on vacation, I have to clean the whole house/make it look nice because I hate coming home to a messy house.

Weekend plans – Likely starting my taper earlier than planned because my hamstring is very aggravated. I think I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to do shorter training cycles because the last month before the race is always a struggle.

Question for you/everyone! – How many miles can you usually get on your Nike Vaporflys? Like are you rotating through them pretty quickly? I feel like I can usually get so many more miles out of my ASICS but these Vaporflys seem to fall flat a lot quicker.

Happy Friday!! Hope you have the best weekend!!


ARTHI! SAME SAME SAME. I cannot leave the house messy because I know how hard it will be to leave my trip let alone coming back to a mess. We just get each other. I am SO sorry about your hamstring. I hate it when that happens to me. Those short training cycles are just the way to go sometimes. I like the idea with the vaporflys of only racing in them in their first 50 miles and then using them just for workouts after that up to about 250ish. They lose the bounce pretty quickly but I do still feel the tilt and then on race day when I have the bounce, I’ll be so happy:). Thanks friend, you too and get that hamstring happy!


LOL glad I’m not alone in the pre-vacay cleaning spree! And thank you!!!! Gonna cut back mileage/intensity and do everything I can to get the hammy happy again for race day!! :)


Beck’s face! But I get it! You have had so much snow!
I love my overalls! But other than flip flops, I never know what shoes to wear with them. So I only wear them when the weather is good.
I definitely wait for my gas level to get really low before I get gas. And, I have paid for that a couple of times when I had to call AAA because I ran out. So now, I have taught my boys to go get gass when the car says 50 miles til empty.
No big plans this weekend. Just doing some menu planning and enjoying the no rain!! Wahoo!
Have a great Friday!


Hahaha he just can’t take it anymore. Overalls are just the best. The gas thing kind of feels like a game! Enjoy that sunshine for me and happy weekend, Wendy!


Hi Janae! I rinse dishes before the dishwasher but my husband actually washes them! He says the dishwasher is just for disinfecting the dishes. I’m happy to let him do it ;)
I’ve been into hair claws recently too! It helps me look presentable on short notice.
I fill my tank at quarter full too! My husband waits to see how long he can go without filling.
Happy Friday!


I think I am right in the middle of you too. YES, hair claws are saving us. Haha your husband plays my favorite game. Happy Friday to you too, Amy!


I definitely inherited the “ fully wash the dishes before going in the dishwasher “ from my mother :-)
Lots of positive thoughts for you to get through the home of renovation. I lived for two years on the third floor of my house while the rest of it was under construction. It is so hard! Definitely the most stressful time of my life. I hope it goes quickly for you.
Happy weekend!


I agree, Lulu makes some great socks!

My daughter and I have a tattoo consult tomorrow (eek!) but not too much else, getting ready for some out-of-town spring break trips.

I have a hydration pack from REI in an extra small and it’s amazing. If I’m on a shorter run, I’ll take a Nathan handheld.

For dishes, I just make sure there aren’t chunks of food on it.

I have only run out of gas twice in my life (well, that was my fault anyway) and now I am more like your dad.


My husband, kid and I are all terrible when we are hungry and tired. It is particularly bad around 5:15-5:30 when we’re all getting off work and doing daycare pickup. My mom-of-the-year solution- we don’t talk until we get food in our bellies. When the kid get home, I plunk her down in front of a tablet while she eats a snack and I cook dinner. Desperate time call for desperate measures. I am going to suggest the quiet game now!


Your son is so adorable. I can’t believe those expressions could come from a child. Your family moments are inspiring to those who are about to enter marriage like me.

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