(shorts, shirt, shoes, bra)

We woke up to another layer of snow, so we decided to run at the indoor track.  When we got to the track parking lot and felt how warm it was outside (30°!), we decided to run in the snow and were so glad we did.

I am so grateful that Lauren can run throughout her pregnancy.

Twelve miles @ 8:23 pace wasn’t enough time to discuss everything we needed to discuss.

Beck and I went to sprouts and did a few other errands while everyone else was at school.

And my nephews brought him over some of their old toys, so he was in heaven.

This creamy beef and tomato noodle soup was just what we needed on another winter night.  Not the prettiest but it was so good and next time I am going to make it with tortellini.

Now for the tangents!

*I can’t tell you the difference I feel by getting more Vitamin D and Iron now.   My energy levels have flipped.  It turns out I actually was a bit low for my iron/ferritin for how much I run (normal for a non-runner but not for the training I want to do).  Get your blood levels checked if you are feeling low.

*I was going through old emails, and a reader sent me their fan set up on their treadmill.  These fans should be required on every treadmill.


*Does anyone else still miss the Garmin 305?  That watch felt indestructible, probably because it was 2 lbs;).

Utah Valley Marathon 26

*Does Anybody else go through a container of raspberries in one setting?  Just us?

*He took them out to acai bowls.  He wins.

*All of this fruit makes me think we are getting closer to summer, but we aren’t here;). Watermelon after a summer run is one of my greatest joys in life.

*If you are a Clifton 8’s lover, don’t forget to snag some on sale here and here before they sell out!  I swear these shoes help keep my feet and lower legs healthy.

*Did you see at the Vegas RnR 1/2 Marathon that all elite men were sent the wrong way?  It cut about a half mile off of the course!  I would have been so bummed!

*Well, I was supposed to run Dirty Hurty this weekend in St. George, but something came up for our family, so I’m 2/2 for missing races so far this year… Hopefully, I will start turning around those odds soon, ha, or I need to learn my lesson and only sign up for races in my backyard;).

Did anyone else have the Garmin 305?

Last race you planned on doing but weren’t able to?  Why did you have to miss it?

Ever been told to go the wrong way in a race?

What are you having for dinner tonight?

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Garmin 305 and Nike tempo shorts for the win. Don’t forget corded headphones and iPod nano.

I just found out I am missing my first race of the year as well. We didn’t know my sons basketball team had a postseason and it starts this Saturday aka race day. Not that mad about it which is a bad sign lol


Yessssss thank you for the complete head to toe look for runners 12 years ago 😂😂. Hahah I guess that is a good sign and now you can just go enjoy the game! Have a great Tuesday, Sara!


I started with the tiny Garmin 10 watch. I missed out on the jumbo watch days. I also had the Nike chip that attached to your shoes. Good times!
Dinner tonight is an Alison Roman meal. Which I think she was hinting that she may be on Armchair Expert soon. I have been waiting for this crossover!
Also-Brooke is such a big girl!


Oh I loved the Garmin 10! And I always wanted the Nike chip… you were high tech. Ohhhhh that will be a fun listen. Did you listen to the episode with Shania Twain? SO so good. Have a great one, Molly!


I love my Clifton 8s. You just saved me 20% on a new pair. Thank you SO much for the link!!!
I had to miss a race several years ago, due to recovering from pneumonia. Yuk! I’m doing very few races now, due to some knee issues. I recently had a Gel-One injection in my right knee and it’s making a difference. Thankfully! BUT I know that eventually (hoping for years from now) I’ll need a full knee replacement.
I love reading your blog posts. They’re a great mix of your runs, your family (adorable) and food.
Take care and be safe!


YAY for a new pair… I’m so worried about the day when I can’t find them anywhere. Boooo to knee issues. I am so sorry but thankful the injection helped. Keep me posted on how you are doing and I really hope you can stall the knee replacement for a while. Thanks Susie, that means a lot. Have a wonderful day!


My husband and I both had that Garmin! Loved it! Mine died first and the replacement just didn’t cut it. Because I’m not a “serious” runner, I just use my Apple Watch now. We had the ultimate comfort food last night – pork chops and rice. My grandmother made it and my hubby almost nailed it! Pork chops with sliced onions, rice, and canned whole tomatoes layered on top. Of course, the pork chops need browned first and the drippings are the last magical ingredients!


My friend that I ran with the other day that ran for Nike and had collegiate records uses an apple watch so you are in good company! Ummmm I want to come over for that meal now. I am drooling. Have a wonderful day, Jackie!


The snow is so pretty! I know you’re getting tired of it, but it sure looks like a post card or a Hallmark movie. And I can’t imagine wearing shorts outside in 32° weather, ha ha.
I haven’t had an acai bowl in so long. Now I am craving one. They really make me think of summer! And you are so right, watermelon after a summer run is just the best!
I have no idea what to make for dinner. But I do have sort of a random question for you. Did you used to have Blue Apron or one of those meal plans? With the boys out of the house, I was thinking not might be fun for the 2 of us to try. I would love to know your thoughts.
I don’t remember which Garmin I started with, but it was big and heavy! Ha ha. I was also into those running skirts back then too. Too funny.
Have a good Tuesday!


Something is wrong with our brains because now Lauren is wearing shorts in the snow too. I hope you get an acai bowl soon.. you probably have so many good ones in your area. OH man, I miss Blue Apron a lot. It’s been a few years since I’ve used them but I LOVED them. It would be perfect for you two and I think that is who they are marketed to (not the best setup for our kids and some of them being kind of picky) but when it is me and Andrew, we will be using them again. Let me know if you try them out and I wish I still had a discount code for you!


Soooo my 305 is still kicking and I used it on every run until this Christmas when my husband bought me a new Garmin haha. The 305 worked fine, but the battery didn’t last very long anymore so I thought maybe it was time for an upgrade :)
I feel like I should donate it? I don’t know! I love that thing.


I am so jealous that yours is still alive and well. I mean, I might have to buy it from you hahah. Hope your day is a beautiful one, Ali!


I’m so glad your supplements are helping you feel better, this winter has been tough 😑

We went through a big Costco container of raspberries yesterday they were so good! I tried to love winter this year and I did better but our trails are icy and muddy and I can’t wait for summer!

Which watch are you loving now? I had a garmin forerunner 2 something I can’t remember. I have a fenix now and love it.


Seriously my energy has doubled. I feel so much better now! I am so excited for the both of us to be on our trails again. I have the garmin fenix pro 6 and I’m so obsessed with it. The fenix are just the best. I hope you have a wonderful day, Beth!


Good morning! Is there a reason why you won’t go to races by yourself? Just curious!


Great question! Last weekend Andrew had to work so I didn’t have anyone to watch the kids while I raced, and then this weekend we have a big event for our neighbors (the family we travel with sometimes and our kids hang out daily so they feel like family) so I didn’t want to miss out! BUTTTTTTT if we get deep into things ha, I truly hate missing any more time than we already have to with our big kids since they have two families! I would rather save those times away for travel with Andrew or a trip with friends unless it was a really big race or dream marathon etc. I hope this answers your question, have a beautiful day, Jen!


Hi Janae! Yay for feeling better and getting the nutrients you need!! Iron helped me so much. My doctor told me to take it on an empty stomach and with vitamin C for absorption so I used to take it before bed (I think ideally you take it on empty stomach and don’t eat anything after for at least an hour or two). You do have to be careful with it because your body won’t get rid of the excess so after the iron gets back up I just took it for maintenance (during my period).
We got a lot of vegetables yesterday grocery shopping so I’m thinking vegetable soup for dinner!!
Have an awesome day!


SO good to know about taking iron on an empty stomach and with vitamin c. I will absolutely get my blood tested again and stop when I’m back up again. Thank you for these tips and I never even thought of the maintenance aspect during periods. Enjoy that soup, I want to come over for some. Thanks Amy!


Totally had the Garmin 305 for years and loved it. Indestructible.

I missed a half marathon this past weekend. Trying to fully recover my plantar fasciitis and it’s improving continuously so I didn’t want to push it by racing a half.

I was sent the wrong way in a race more than once. It’s frustrating sometimes. I was happy one time because it showed me I was able to maintain a pace I never thought I could for much longer than I expected. I also ended up “winning” the race because the couple women ahead of me got sent on two wrong turns.

Dinner tonight is leftover chili. We have our youngest son’s first basketball game today. There’s 46 kids in the program so we have to make it into two teams. My husband coaches and my oldest son will be doing the score clock for it. So we’ll be busy.

I’m living vicariously through you for Boston. My plan is to train for a fall marathon to work on a BQ providing my foot stays healthy.


Seriously, that watch was legit and unbreakable. You made the right move to skip that race and let your foot continue to heal. I am so sorry. Plantar is so painful and I hope you are pain free very soon. WINNING THE RACE! You are amazing and I love that it proved to you that you could go longer at a pace. Good luck to your son tonight and I love that it’s a full family event. You can get that BQ and I can’t wait to hear all about it! Have a beautiful day, Julia!


I had the Garmin 205 (basically the same, but it was blue, not red)! I loved that watch!

I’ve never been sent the wrong way during a race but one time I missed a turn to the finish! I realized it quickly but I had to back-track a little.

I’m currently training for a marathon that is out of town, and I haven’t registered OR booked a place to stay. So I’m basically training for nothing…hah.


That watch was like a satellite dish! I had to be careful to not whack my running buddy with it because it would hurt!

I had to miss the virtual London Marathon (had hope to increase my chances in the lottery the following year) due to a stress fracture of my 2nd metatarsal. I was told by three different people that it wasn’t a stress fracture, but the week before my marathon run my foot felt like a hot water balloon had burst and then it turned purple. I had a moment of “well, I may as well knock out the marathon anyway” but used realistic and sound judgement. I was super bummed because had some amazing weeks in that cycle and hit top mileage (perhaps that was the problem) but also wore too soft of shoes I think.

I have those same Nike shorts. Every so often I’ll wear them to cross country practice if we do a retro day or I want to “fit in” with the teenagers and their nike shorts!


Did my first Ironman race with the 305. Such fond memories of that beast :-)
Dinner tonight is a Skillet Chicken Adobo recipe from Half-baked Harvest. I cook dinner every night and probably 90% of what I cook is one of her recipes. Always a winner.


On an inaugural half marathon, both my daughter and I were told to go the wrong way at different times! The race started with a 5K, and about 2 miles in the paths split. There were several people around me and I heard a guy say “half this way?” and pointed right. The volunteer said “yes, half to the right, 5K to the left”. Apparently she was talking about her right and left. The field (already pretty small) thinned out considerably but I just figured more people were doing the shorter distance. About two miles later, a bike marshal riding towards me hollered “woohoo, first woman!” At that point I knew there was a problem! Miles were NOT well marked but at the next marker I realized (based on my trusty still-kicking Garmin 15) that I was off my about two miles. I jumped off the course and circled a parking lot until my watch and the mile marker matched, then slipped back into the pack. Fast forward to the end, 20 minutes after I finished and my daughter still hadn’t crossed. She texted that at about 9 miles in, she was directed to re-do a loop through the woods. A marshal finally straightened her out and offered to drive her to where she should be but she said that would be cheating and ended up doing a 15.3 mile half marathon!

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