(shorts, long sleeve, shoes)

My coach and I just decided to switch this week’s training with next week. There is a huge snowstorm coming in today, and I’m avoiding doing a 4 x 2-mile workout on the treadmill. Now, this week we are lowering a bit (shorter speed workout today and 70 miles for the week), and next week will be 80 miles!

Eight miles @ 8:35 pace with Jo. We included the hill (357 ft in one mile) which requires me to stop at the top to breathe normally again.  

Some bullet points because my brain is all over the place today:

*This chart happens a few times each week to me… Replace ‘leg cramp’ with numerous possibilities (i.e., feeling like I’m going to lose my breakfast/lungs burning/muscles wanting to fall off, etc.).

*Andrew got in a ton of mountain biking when we were in St. George. He misses it so much over the winters where we are… Thank goodness for the Peloton getting him through those months.

*I love Featherstone Nutrition. I learn so much from her with every post.

*I don’t need a sleep app to tell me how well I slept; I look at my hair when I wake up and judge my sleep with how crazy it is.  Marathon training sure does put my out each night.  

*My mom came over yesterday to read with Skye. It’s the highlight of Skye’s week (along with dance).

*Speaking of dance, I absolutely know nothing about dance but she is loving it so I’m talking to the other dance moms at each lesson to educate myself.

*Almost two months off of soda, and I’m still tempted when Andrew whips one out. I don’t understand moderation with soda, so I just cut it all out. I’m drinking way more water and feeling better without it so that is my motivation to keep going with it. I will have an extra large soda after Boston, though.

*My niece said the thing that helped her the most was starting to fuel early in her marathon. When I saw her at mile 2.5, I told her she needed to start taking in fuel by mile 4. She was planning on starting to fuel at mile 10 because she wasn’t sure when but she was so happy she started early. We need to be eating and drinking long before we are hungry or thirsty on the run. She never ‘hit the wall’ because she did an amazing job eating and drinking often. The marathon really is an eating contest.
*John let me know that the Clifton 8s are currently 20% off at places like here and here. I got these pretty ones:

*Did you see Makenna Myler broke her previous pregnancy record for the mile… a 5:17 at 9 months pregnant?!

@themylers Still not sure if this is a world record. Someone verify thx. #running #viral #motherrunner #pregnant #themile #pregnantrunner #menstrualtok ♬ original sound – The Mylers

Tell me some of the stages you experience on a run.

Those of you that have been pregnant… were you able to run through pregnancy?  What was your experience with exercise and pregnancy?

Is anyone else missing biking this winter?  Andrew needs people to empathize with.

Random racing question—> do you pin your bib on before you put on your top or after?

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I just listened to Ryan Hall on I’ll Have Another and he mentioned coaching Makenna and being new to coaching a pregnant runner. I suppose he has figured it out!!
We are supposed to get ice/snow today so I made sure to get in my hill workout yesterday!
Make sure to drink lots of hot chocolate to get through the storm!


Oh my goodness, I will listen to that today. Thank you for sharing. Good luck with the ice and snow and you were smart to get in your workout yesterday, I should have done the same. I’m drinking a hot chocolate as we speak:). Have a beautiful day, Molly!


Good Morning Janae!
Currently 8.5 months pregnant with my second and I cannot imagine running a mile right now! So big and uncomfortable! I’ve been sticking to my spin bike with some strength training, which has been keeping me sane.
I wasn’t able to run during my first pregnancy which started about 2.5 years ago and have been on a hiatus since then; it isn’t very safe to run outside in my area and with the gyms remaining closed after my first pregnancy I didn’t really have the option to start up again. But I miss it so much and am looking forward to starting again after this pregnancy now that gyms are opening back up! Ha, if you have any tips on starting up running (again) I’d be happy to hear!
PS I so miss biking outside too! Mountain biking is something that I’m really interested in trying out, and Andrew makes it look too fun! Have a great day Janae!


You are SO close! I cannot wait for your new little one to arrive. You are rocking that spin bike and strength, so impressive. I am so excited for you to get back out running again. That’s the beautiful think about running, it’s always there waiting for us when we are ready for it. Hopefully we are all biking outside again soon. Have a beautiful day, Courtney!


I usually pin my bib onto my shirt before putting the shirt on.

I stopped drinking soda in 2010 and am really glad I gave it up. Sometimes, though, when someone has a can of Coke, I will ask if I can just smell it. :) I do miss the taste but I’ve resolved to never drink it again.


I feel less crazy… I smell Andrew’s all of the time haha. You are inspiring me to keep going with this! I am the same as you and like to pin it on before I put it on. Have a beautiful day, Allison!


I worked out through all six of my pregnanies and ran until delivery with the last 3 (I managed 30 mpw up until week 40 with number 6!). BUT I am paying for it now, it did a decent amount of damage to my body and nobody ever told me to go to PT after the babies were born. I did go to PT after baby #4 and that got me through a couple more years, but my youngest is 6 now and I’m dealing with a whole bunch of issues that my doctor thinks came from all the damage running while pregnant did to my musculoskeletal system. No regrets though–I really have a hard time emotionally with pregnancy and it was a really rough time in our lives (we had ALL our babies in grad school, either my grad program or my husband’s!) and I needed that emotional lifeline.


OH NOOOOOO! I am so so sorry, Rachael. You had so much going on, running probably kept you sane. I can totally relate with you… I ran way too soon after having Brooke which I would never recommend but it was saving me emotionally!? Uggg so hard. I hope those issues are able to clear up or get better soon. Thanks for sharing.


How do you pin a bib BEFORE you put on your shirt?! Haha, the idea never even crossed my mind! I would never pin it on straight if I did it before…
And I miss cycling too (I am a road cyclist). It has been realy warm last week though and I got in two sessions, but I am also in HM training and I don’t really know how to combine these two things yet…


Hahah you are right and mine usually end up crooked. Meb puts his jersey on around a pillow (so it is stretched out like a body) and then does it! I feel you… I really wanted to keep using the Peloton in training but it’s so hard to figure out!


Random question:. you’ve mentioned glute activation while running, are there any exercises or drills you find particularly helpful to get your glutes firing? I’ve got one lazy glute and it causes me hip issues and drives me crazy, ha!


Hey! I love this video on this topic and it always helps me so much. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gfhnwwR9UYhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gfhnwwR9UY

I keep it pretty simple most days and just do some squats and lunges real quick to get going. I like to picture holding a 100$ in between my glute cheeks (TMI haha) and not letting it drop and that helps too. Good luck and keep me updated!


Thanks!! I will check that video out :) and I actually remember you posting that tip about imagining holding a 100$ bill with your glutes before, haha!! Sometimes my hamstring just jumps in too quick though … overachieving muscle!!


We’re getting a big rain storm starting tonight through Saturday! So I am anticipating a few treadmill runs. But that’s ok thanks to Peloton.
I love following nutritionists on IG. I’ll have to check out Featherstone. I’m wanting to kick a habit right now too, so finding better nutritional options is key for me.
So fun that Skye is loving dance! But I have heard it’s a different world.
I didn’t start running until after having my boys, but I did keep walking all through my pregnancies along with yoga.
Have a good snowy day Janae 😊


Andrew – I can’t even stand one week of not biking, so I totally understand what you are going through. Maybe you need to buy a fat bike with the big snow tires on it and take that out? Hey, Janae just bought more running shoes right? I just grabbed a Stages SB20 spin bike – they had a crazy sale a few Fridays ago for $1399 + 12 free months of Zwift.

n+1 ftw!

Sorry Janae, could not resist…..


We got so much rain that a lot of the trails here got totally wrecked – the weather is fine for riding now, but the trails are a mess! Riding a hardtail on washboard, rutted-out fireroads is not for the faint of heart.


Hi Janae! Bib goes on before I put the shirt on! Otherwise it won’t sit straight. Does drinking seltzer water help with the cravings? Also that’s a crazy mile time for being pregnant I wonder if she had to change her form?
Happy hump day!


I love that video! Go Makenna!!!
She’s my sister in law and I’m so proud of her.
All you runners are amazing! You push yourselves, even when it’s hard because you know it’s good for you.
I used to run, but I got hurt years ago and haven’t been able to do it comfortably since. I miss it.
Skye will be such a cute little dancer! I bet she’s going to love it.
Enjoy your snow day today! I’ll be doing at home learning with my 5 kids. It’s going to be fun. :)


SHE IS YOUR SISTER-IN-LAW?! That is so cool. I think the world of her! I am so sorry about your injury and I hope that you are able to someday run again pain free. Happy distance learning day to you too… my house is already trashed haha.


I’m in MN and we are in the midst of our big snowstorm coming from you! My early morning outdoor run will be happening on the treadmill soon :)

I pin my bib on after…I never know when to do it, so that just tends to work best for me!

My stages on my run – first – am I done yet? 2nd – this is the best feeling in the world. I could run for days. Like a minute later – am I done yet? And then when I’m done – gosh I could have gone forever. Can’t wait until tomorrow! Haha!

Have a great day! Stay safe!


I have those exact Clifton 8s!! These are my first pair of Hokas! Looking at the ones for sale now :) Thanks Janae!


I’d say your niece did an amazing job pacing herself too! I was reading about how if you are going too fast, your body cannot physically process food quickly enough to refuel those glycogen stores. However, if you keep your pace slower then you burn a higher ratio of fat and slowly use the glycogen so it lasts longer. Everyone’s ability to burn fat at different paces varies so widely. The science totally fascinates me!


SO SO interesting! She truly paced it perfectly. Now if only it wouldn’t have taken me 10 marathons to learn how to pace haha. Hope your day is a beautiful one, Sarah!


Makenna Myler is a rock star!!

I have to continually remind myself to speak nicely to myself, especially when I’m doing a speed workout. I literally could not hit my paces this week. But, I know I will get another shot at it and I reminded myself to be proud of what I did accomplish, not what I didn’t.

I use snaps on my bibs so I don’t pin holes in my shirts, but I definitely put it on beforehand. I feel like I get it on straighter when I do it before.


Your niece running a marathon on her own like that is inspiring!

I saw your post a few weeks back about the Hoka Mach 5s and I did my first run in them & I loved them! I felt like I had a spring in my step with plenty of cushion and it felt so easy to get the right foot strike. I’ve been wearing Brooks for 12 years but something wasn’t right with not being able to get rid of certain pains in this latest model of glycerins :( . I’m hoping every run in the Hokas is as good at the first and that I’m able to rotate between both brands


We use spike tires in the winter but mostly try to avoid thick snow and ice. We’ve been lucky this year-depending on preferred sport! Lucky for cycling and running because snow has been manageable for both, unlucky for cross country skiing!

My bib pinning/magnet placing is a train wreck. I usually think I have it on straight but in photos it looks all crazy. Plus all these giant bibs don’t help! gack. Then again, I rarely sign up for a race so who am I to complain about bibs!

I wonder how mushy and thrashed the area where the avalanche was will be when that snow melts. That was an interesting photo you had of it!


First mile, i feel like my legs are moving through mud, then I start to really warm up and feel much faster and smooth, then I’m wondering when I’m done and counting how many more minutes I have of running by doing math on my pace and how much further I have to go. At the end, I’m usually thinking, ok that wasn’t too bad and went by quickly actually… lol
I ran my first and only marathon with my first at 10 weeks. That was not my intention as the race sign up was in March and race day was end of October, but it worked out. For both my first and second I ran up until 26 weeks, but couldn’t do it any longer than that. For my first, I ran much further and didn’t really understand how to strengthen my PF, so after my first, I had a very weak pelvic floor and luckily had a very helpful PT. However, I couldn’t run for months afterwards due to the pain and was super slow. For my 2nd, I was much more proactive and started seeing my PT in my second trimester due to feeling weakness and seeing a chiro to keep my body aligned. After my second, I actually had a minor prolapse, but due to the work I did during pregnancy and meeting with my PT much earlier post labor, I recovered SO much quicker and was able to run sooner and faster without any pain. However, I cannot imagine running that fast for a mile, even without a baby. My legs were moving pretty slow at the end haha

I am the worst mountain biker to the point that I prefer to go up or flat then go fast downhill. I much prefer smooth wide pathways! But I do love my peloton bike!

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