Our scariest experience.

(jacket, leggings, gloves)

Tuesday miles.

We went to the pediatrician’s office for Skye’s ear infection, and Beck was so happy that nobody was checking his ears.
I ate this winter salad again but added avocado and sweet potato (cooked in the air fryer… they didn’t look delicious, but they were).

I went and got these from Winco because Megan told me too:

I started (and I was instantly) hooked on listening to this book.

Brooke and I had the scariest moment we’ve ever had… I was sitting on the window seat inside, watching her play in the snow. Brooke was kneeling on the ground, beginning to make a snowman; she looked at me and then started hearing a tree cracking (I couldn’t hear the initial cracking inside). She immediately started sprinting just as it fell exactly where she had been playing.

Our 30 ft pine tree fell right where she was. It all happened so fast and was the scariest thing to see. All of the snow that was on the tree and in that area puffed into a big cloud, and I couldn’t see her as I ran out; we were both screaming and crying. I’m so grateful she was safe.

We think that because of the rain we had for days weakened the soil on the terrace, and then the weight of the snow on the tree caused it to fall. We have someone coming over to check out the rest of the trees.

I can’t stop replaying the scene in my head and feeling so grateful that she was safe. Thank you for letting me share things with you.


Has anything scary happened in your world recently?

Something you are thankful for?

-That Brooke was okay and that for the first time ever… Skye wasn’t next to Brooke playing like she always is because I don’t think they would have both been able to get out of the way in time.

What’s your run today?

Who has an air fryer? What do you use it most often for?

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That’s so scary — I’m so glad she’s okay. I have nightmares about my boys getting hurt! Thinking of you all!


Glad Brooke is ok! A friend of our family suffered a TBI after being hit by a large branch during a freak southern snow storm years ago. Scary!


So glad your sweet baby girl is safe!!! Hope you hug each other extra.


Ahh Janae – that is SO scary and I am so glad Brooke is okay!! Nothing scary like that has happened (thankfully) to me lately but with the crazy winter weather we’re having this is a good reminder to keep an eye on the trees while I’m on runs and walking the dog. Sending you guys HUGS!!!


Wow that is so scary!! Thank god she heard the crack and was able to run away quickly. I’m very jealous you live near a Winco because I saw Megan post about the JuJu Hearts and now I want some. So this weekend I’ll be hunting stores near me for them


Oh Janae, I am so glad Brooke was safe and your two littlest ones weren’t out there with her! Major applause to Brooke for having such foresight and recognizing what was happening.
I don’t have an air fryer but keep wanting to get one, as it seems like you can make some healthy recipes more efficiently in them. Would love to see recipes that people share!


So scary. I’m glad your girl is OK !!! I was so scare when my last baby is born in our car, in the middle of nowhere. And i replaid it in my head for months. Thankfully she was perferctly fine !


Brooke had such good instincts. It’s great that she was so aware of her surroundings.
I hope that Sky feels better soon!
And I will keep that book in mind. I’m really trying to press through Barack’s book this month. I have less than 200 pages to go. I can get so sidetracked while reading his book. I find myself reading and then suddenly on my phone Googling South Lawn swing set; Ted Kennedy; BRICS countries and then find myself in a rabbit hole.


So glad Brooke is safe, how terrifying.
I read that book, really good and very sad.
No runs today but probably a bike ride inside.


So glad Brooke was OK!!!


That’s so scary!! I’m glad Brooke ran and stayed safe.
My parents had a large tree branch fall on my dad’s car in the driveway. He happened to be out of town when it happened but my mom was home. It broke the back window of the car. Luckily no one was hurt and it didn’t come down on the house. They had someone check the tree and discovered it was rotting inside so they recently had to get it cut down knowing it was a hazard to the house.


THANK GOD Brooke moved so fast!!! Being a parent is the best/scariest thing ever.

My son, Cannon, slipped while hiking with a pole. He came about a millimeter from taking out his eye, I was so grateful all he did was scratch his face.

My run will be very short with the kids today and I will do a peloton ride as well.

How is Skye doing?


Oh wow that’s scary. I’m glad Brooke was smart and was paying attention and knew exactly what to do.

When we were visiting Jason’s brother last month, the last day we were there, our youngest nephew who went through months of skull reconstruction as an infant had some swelling on his head. Because they live in such an isolated area, they had to drive 90 min to an ER to have it looked at, and the ER wasn’t sure what was up so they had to drive back home 90 min and then drive 4 hours to Salt Lake City. For 48 hours we had no idea how bad it could be. Turned out the little guy just had a bad bruise, probably from playing too hard with his brother. That was definitely a relief.

Also I need a WinCo date with you.


Janae, I had goosebumps reading about Brooke! Seems like a definite nudge from the Holy Ghost that got her up and moving—I’m so glad she is okay.


I’m so sorry you had that experience! We were hiking 4 years ago in Cades Cove and had the exact same thing happen except my kids ran the opposite way from me and I could not get them fast enough. The tree landed on top of both of them! By some miracle they only ended up with cuts and bruises but it was the most horrific day of our lives. I have never been more scared.


I am so glad Brooke was okay and that she heard and had the instinct to run away. That must have been so scary for you both and I’m so happy it turned out positively. These are reasons why I don’t like going on walks or runs with music. You never know what you don’t hear – a person, vehicle, anything!!


Katrina, this experience made me really rethink headphones. If there was any distraction, how would she have heard what was happening? I’m with you, music free from here on out.


Wow, I am so happy Brooke made it out safely of that situation. That should give you both a bit of confidence to know that Brooke can keep her composure under stress. She definitely has good instincts! A lot of people might just freeze up and not get out of the way in time.

I love this YouTube channel for air fryer stuff: https://www.youtube.com/@fabulesslyfrugal

She keeps things simple and “real”, not a lot of fluff. I also like her book, one of the few sensible people who make a spiral bound cookbook (like they all should be)! https://www.amazon.com/Easy-Air-Fryer-Recipe-Book/dp/0578259133/


So impressed Brooke was able keep a clear head and get out of the way! You are raising an incredibly strong, brave, and smart girl!! Glad you are safe Brooke!


Thank you. I was so proud of her for knowing what to do. Have a beautiful day, Jamisen!


So happy all is well.
The replay sucks, and can be so powerful you end up feeling like you are mentally handling the thing that actually did not happen. I get it. Hugs to you, Janae.


That is so scary! I had a very large branch of a tree fall on me and three of my kids at splash summit last year (if you saw the news story about it that was us). It was so scary and truly a miracle that we weren’t injured more severely- and that my four year old wasn’t crushed completely. It gave us all some serious ptsd we’re still working through. I can only imagine the fear you felt from not being right there with her. Take your time healing those fears for both of you! This last snow storm was a wet one and it’s crazy how many trees are struggling from it. So glad you’re both ok and that she knew to move quickly, what an intuitive little one!


Kendra. Oh my goodness. I am sick reading this. I am so grateful you are all okay. I might need to reach out to you as I process through this and what helped your kids. Thank you for sharing. It is all so hard. As if mamas needed one more thing to worry about.


Don’t hesitate to reach out! 💗


So glad she’s okay!! So scary


So impressed and grateful that Brooke knew something was wrong and to go to you immediately!! I feel like even some adults might freeze in the situation! So glad that she’s okay and that Skye wasn’t with her! I can’t even imagine how you’re feeling. Take extra good care of yourselves today xo


That must have been so scary!! Thank goodness Brooke heard the cracking and was able to move out of the way so fast.
I woke up yesterday feeling like I was getting a cold, so didn’t go out for a run or workout. Today I feel worse, sore throat, head congestion, so looks like I won’t be running for a few days. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a cold/flu! So I’ll just live through everyone else’s runs for a while.
Have a good day Janae 😊


That is so scary. I’m so glad she’s ok! Brooke absolutely did the right thing by getting the heck out of there the moment she heard it. We’re having huge storms on the west coast and falling trees are a major worry. I’m so relieved for Brooke.


Thank you Liz. I’m not sure I would have been as fast or as in touch with what was going on as Brooke. Stay safe, they are so scary.


You’re doing the right thing by calling an arborist. It’ll take a little time to feel OK again after this and that’s OK – it’s not something you can forget instantly, even if you rationally know that these things happen and that she’s unharmed.

This is a good reminder to me to not walk with headphones when I’m outside in a tree-heavy area after storms – it’s one thing when the risk of something happening is very low, like during the heat of summer, but clearly Brooke’s awareness and ability to hear the cracking saved her from serious injury. She did a great job. And you’re doing a great job not only supporting her and your family through this, but spreading the word so others can be aware of the risks from falling trees during/after storms. Thank you.


I am so grateful that Brooke is ok and no one else was there!

I had a similar experience that didn’t end so happily about a decade ago. It still haunts me. I would encourage you to talk it through with your therapist and get help putting it in the right place. Experiences like that can’t just be tucked away

I truly hope this is the scariest thing you ever experience with your kids.


Andrea. I am so sorry that you went through something so awful. I was very lucky to already get in to my therapist. I am so sorry. I wish I could give you a hug.


Wow! I’m so impressed Brooke knew the sound of a cracking tree and ran. A couple years ago I was sleeping and heard what turned out to be a tree cracking and falling but I couldn’t place the noise and went back to sleep – luckily it missed the house or it could have been bad news! My husband and dog were walking last week and heard a tree cracking and looked behind them to watch it fall just a few hundred feet from where they had been walking. Glad Brooke is okay! Hope today is less eventful!


Oh my goodness, Rachel. I am so glad it missed your house!


Hi Janae! That is so terrifying! Glad everyone is ok and hope the rest of the trees will be safe too! Weather has been crazy recently and we had a similar thing happen in a friend’s yard recently! But no one was hurt. The tree just missed the house (but took down the fence).
Have a cozy day!


Wow, wow, wow that is incredibly scary! Thank goodness she is Ok!!! You never think things like that would ever happen 😳 She had an angel watching over her!


Oh Brooke! How terrifying, and oh mama you were right there watching. I’m so glad she didn’t get hurt, and that Skye was inside. We have insane wind today, and the ground is already saturated from the rainstorms. After reading this, I’ll choose the treadmill today.

We’ve had a heck of a week. The biggest scare was with one of my daughters trying new IV meds for her autoimmune disease. She had an allergic reaction, couldn’t breathe, heart pain, hives, etc. They stopped administering it immediately, and she’s fine now & back at college. Still, it was awful. I won’t go into the rest, trivial compared to that. But I’m so ready for next week!

Have a peaceful Wednesday, you all deserve it!


Tracy. I am so so sorry. That must have been absolutely terrifying. I’m so glad she is okay now!


I am so glad it went well! That is a nightmare scenario for sure.
Scary things in my life recently… My boyfriend of 4,5 years broke up with me two days ago. That is painful as hell. And scary. But in my good moments (and they are getting more frequent) I am so so so glad I met him and got to spend the first 4,5 years of my adult life with him. And I am also immensly grateful for all the people in my life who hold me up right now and all the lessons I was able to learn in the past that hurt at the time but allow me to not let this completely rip me apart. Talk about gratitude being good for mental health…


Moni. I am so so sorry. I want to give you the biggest hug. I’m here if you ever need to talk to anyone else.


ACK! That is a scary situation and SO GLAD she was able to get out of the way and that Skye wasn’t in the way of that tree. The other day I was walking my pup in the woods and it was so windy so we hurried through this one section because I was scared of a tree or large branch falling. I mean we see fallen trees and branches, right?!

When my kids were little and a car going at high speed (with police following him) came from behind. 9 out of 10 times we would have been stopped at the intersection to turn but that day not and the car flew by then crashed. My kids were in the back seat of the van and would have been smashed. One of the passengers got out and ran but noone saw him. My 5 year old at the time told the policeman there was a guy in a red shirt that ran. I still have terrible visions of the potential for disaster. Sending you mama hugs because that vision of the tree falling and locking eyes with Brooke will forever be in you brain.


Kelly, that must have been so so frightening. I’m so glad you guys were okay!


So very scary!! We have a lot of trees and we have them checked often. Honestly I loved seeing houses with trees until we actually moved into one. Glad she is ok, I hope she is emotionally ok too?


Brooke is such a smart girl! I am so glad that you all are safe.


Wow wow wow, sending big hugs to you and Brooke. And deep breaths, lots of deep breaths. That scare factor is so real.


I am so glad Brooke is ok! How frightening for you both!

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