Well, that’s new. Plotting against.

(jacket, pants, shoes)

I think that Utah is plotting against my Boston training. Every morning we wake up to a new layer (sometimes a lot, sometimes a little) of snow. So how in the world are we supposed to do speed today?!

Six miles @ 8:13 pace.

We made it to story time at the library, and shockingly, he sat still the entire time.

All of this winter training will make running on the snow-free roads of Boston easy;).

PS am I the only one hoping for 25°F weather on race day? I spy ALI!

New delicious recipe alert–> Thai Coconut Curry Ramen!


I know we did tangents yesterday, but I still have so many more to share, so let’s make this part 2 for the week:

I tried this yesterday, and the flavor was amazing for everything it has in there (broccoli, spinach, kale, etc.). I asked about it at dinner, and a friend whipped one out for me.

My mom has helped many kids with their reading, and Skye is getting to do this with her each week. She swears by these books…

He has been roaming around the house with his hands in his pockets.
I loved these Valentine’s Day nails.
Just in case some booty bells might help in your household… you can steal my brother’s idea:

It turns out I’m allergic to shellfish… We had the most fantastic guac of my life at Sol Agave, containing shellfish. I shoveled it in and could not stop eating it.

Which resulted in big red bumps ALL over my body. They were painful, itchy, and they hurt even worse in the cold. Goodbye to shellfish forever.

Are you allergic to anything? When did you find out you were allergic to it?

-I’m almost 37 and just realized I’m allergic to shellfish.

Do you add anything to your water?

Best spring race in your opinion?  Signed up for any?

Favorite recipe website these days?

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I am allergic to beef. I’ve always been adverse to it, and as an adult I realized that any time I ate it I would get physically ill (gastrointestinal). Finally was tested for it with a blood test in 2016, and a skin prick test in 2018. Confirmed.

I usually drink carbonated water. Except running. And I add nothing to my water running. But after Ia long run Ill use a Nuuk tablet in my water in case I think I need a little nudge to recover. I also add it to water in general if I feel like I’m not drinking enough (because it’s delicious).

I have signed up for the Hot Chocolate 15K in February (not spring, but with weather in Nashville you never know, and if it’s cold, well, there’s hot chocolate!). I’ve also signed up for the St Jude Rock N Roll Marathon (formerly the Country Music Marathon) in April. Lots of great music to keep moving along the course! I did it once 9 years ago.

I always use AllRecipes, but my weekly go to for bread recipes is King Arthur.

Bert cute with hands in the pockets, but his feet look freezing! Get some socks on that boy pronto!


I love your attitude about the Hot Chocolate 15K — either way there’ll be hot chocolate! What could go wrong? You’ll be warm either way. I love that for you. :)


Ooh that coconut curry ramen looks delish! And that booty bell idea is hilarious! :) I love adding Amazing Grass effervescent tabs to my water; they have some greens in them but they still taste so good! I don’t know about “best” spring race, but I am signed up for the Blue Bell Fun Run half marathon and I am so excited! It’s in the TX Hill Country, so it’ll be a nice challenge for me because running is super flat where I live. I am lucky that I don’t have any allergies, but certain dairy milks and whey proteins weak havoc on my stomach, so I stick to plant based milks/proteins. Luckily cheese and ice cream don’t hurt in the same way! :)


My mother and uncle developed a shellfish allergy later in life! My sister and live in fear that it could happen to use too!


SO SO WEIRD! Be careful, my body hurt after that. Have a beautiful day, Christine!


I am also allergic to shellfish! Didn’t happen until I was about 24 and had been eating shellfish for a few years!


This is just SO so weird…. uggggg! I hope we don’t find anything else we are allergic too! Have a beautiful day, Eileen!


I have been trying so hard to love winter this year but I am starting to fail. I keep dreaming of clear trails, light mornings and dinners outside.

It has been a difficult winter to train outside. Hopefully our reward is a lovely summer and no fires!

Your day looked so fun, I loved taking my kids to story time. Have a great one!


Oh I forgot, Boston is an amazing spring marathon. I also love the Colorado Marathon, I am running it for the 4th time this year 😄


Hi Beth. Where is the Colorado marathon? That’s where my family is, where I grew up. And when is it?


Hi Wendy! The Colorado Marathon is in early May in Fort Collins. You get bussed up a mountain canyon and get to run out next to a river. It is so beautiful and probably my favorite road marathon.


Hey Wendy,

The Colorado Marathon starts outside of Ft. Collins. The bus drives you up Poudre Canyon and you run down into the town. Great race!


Oh my goodness, that sounds amazing! I am definitely going to look into it. We love Ft. Collins! Thanks Beth!


We better all be rewarded with the most beautiful summer after this haha. I hope you get those clear trails soon, Beth!


Happy Wednesday! The library is the best! I am trying to help my kindergartener pickup reading skills too, so we have been going more often to find new books. I also just looked up some Penguin Young Readers books (like the one you say your mom swears by) – we can add a few of those to the mix!
I am allergic to shellfish too! I am so surprised you are just discovering that now – wonder if it was just super mild earlier in life? I found out when I was about 5 & ‘just for fun’ I decided to double-check in college, and yep, still get lovely hives & a major tummy ache. I hope you aren’t too much of a shellfish lover – that would be a tough transition if you are used to eating it. At least guacamole can still be made super delicious without shellfish!
LOVE the booty bell idea. That’s hilarious and incredibly creative.
Hope Utah gives you a little reprieve from the daily snows soon!! MN snow is part of the reason why I am never properly trained for early-spring races. I like early-mid June marathons. :) You guys are amazing for doing the best you can with the snow!


Let me know how it goes with your kindergartener, such an exciting part of life. Uggggg silly shellfish causing so many problems! Yep, I need to rethink these early spring races. I cannot imagine what you deal with in MN with your winters. Thanks Katie and happy Wednesday!


Best spring race is definitely Grandmas!
It’s currently snowing here right now. TBD if I will still run or call it a Peloton day. Maybe Peloton Day is the new term for snow day for runners. Good luck on your snowy roads!


I need to do Grandmas one year. SO bad! You better do it with me the year I do:). Hahaha I’ll copy your new term. Thanks Molly, happy Wednesday!


I am allergic to penicillin and all sulfa-based antibiotics, so life is fun if I need an antibiotic because there aren’t a lot of non-cillin, non-sulfa ones. I am also slightly allergic to the cold – if I run a lot in below 20 degree weather, I get a rash and little red bumps on my stomach, back, and legs. That itch like hell. My husband is allergic to anything that lives in water. Anaphylactic shock allergic. When adopting one of our children in China, he ate something with fish. Fun. Used an epipen in a back alley and everything…

Pinch of Yum is probably my favorite recipe website.


Oho my goodness, that is so hard to be allergic to so many medications! And the cold… oh that itching sounds miserable. And so scary about your husband. I can’t imagine that experience you guys had in China!

I hope your day is a wonderful one, Jackie.


Hi Jackie-
That post cold run itching is the worst. I, too have a allergy to cold. The funny thing is I prefer winter running to summer! I make sure to not get into a hot shower right away, I sort of let my body to neutral temp (if I come in freezing, I layer up with dry clothes, if I come in from cold and get warm, I cool off a bit.) Also, if it’s SUPER cold, I’ll take an antihistamine like Claritin before I head out. The cold allergy is called Cold Urticaria.


I too am allergic to shellfish! I had a weird reaction to shrimp when I was about 33 (throat felt weird skin got red and hot etc) and even though I had ate it my whole life my doctor said it might be a new allergy and to stop eating it. Well fast forward to a few years later when I was also 37 and I had a little bit of dip at a work potluck that contained shrimp which I didn’t know, and I went into full anaphylaxis 😳 it was so terrifying. I worked at an elementary school and the nurse used an Epi pen and called 911. I ended up getting two more doses of Epi and some Benadryl at the hospital. So needless to say I am extremely careful to always check everything I eat now and of course carry an Epi pen. My son starts a new job near Boston this summer after he graduates from college, and I will alas just be smelling the clam chowder which I used to love. It’s crazy how you can develop allergies as you age.


NO WAY. Louisa, that is SO so scary. Oh my goodness. I am SO glad you are okay. I seriously had no idea that things could change so much as we age. Stay away from that clam chowder and now I know to not order that when I am in Boston in April. Good luck to your son with his new job! Have a beautiful day.


Throw back topic!!!: if you’re still looking for a good scone recipe, the Orange Zest Scones (with Maple-orange glaze) from the Magnolia Table cookbook are just about the best thing I’ve ever tasted!!


I absolutely doooooooo…. Trying those today! Oh my goodness, you are the best. Happy Wednesday, Mel!


Beck looks like a little man with his hands in his pockets. So cute.
So weird to develop an allergy in adulthood, but reading the comments, I guess it’s not that strange. I haven’t discovered any allergies like that in my life, thankfully.
I know you’re getting tired of the snow and cold, I probably would too, but it’s so pretty! Hopefully you’ll be able to get your speed work done today.
Heading out for an early run myself, before a busy day with a lot of driving around.
Have a good Wednesday.


Hahaha I think he knows the pockets make him look more mature. Right?! I hope I don’t find any other allergies! We woke up to even more snow ha, maybe by February I will be able to train;). Hope your run was great and good luck with all of your driving around today. Thanks Wendy!


Hi Janae! That’s crazy about the shellfish! How scary to find out about an allergy as an adult! I hope there’s nothing else you need to watch out for.
Story time looks nice and cozy and hope you get some better weather soon!


I know, now I am worried about what else to watch out for. Thank you friend, happy Wednesday!


I also just started drinking better days greens! I got the caffeinated one in the hopes it will replace coffee for me, and the flavor is amazing and I felt good after drinking it yesterday! I’m not running right now (foot injury 🥲) but I think it will be a nice little post run treat after breakfast!


I want to try the caffeinated ones now. Seriously could not believe how good it tasted. I hope your foot is happy again asap so you can get running again and that will make the perfect treat afterward. Happy Wednesday, Tess!


Happy Wednesday! I finally bit the bullet and modified one of my pairs of running shoes with hex head screws and now I can do speed work even when it’s snowy/icy – it was a total game changer for me this season. I’m so surefooted that I feel like an unstoppable mountain goat!! I saw articles about other runners trying it (https://www.runwenatchee.com/blogs/blog/screw-shoes-for-winter-running/) and I’m so glad I tried it myself. They are more secure and have much better grip than Yak Trax and they transition far better over patches of bare pavement than Microspikes do (can you tell I’ve tried everything? lol) .


You have me thinking…. so you don’t worry about falling at all with those? I am SO afraid to pick up my pace on the snow! Thanks for sharing everything you’ve learned, I seriously need to figure this out for Boston!


No, I haven’t worried about falling when I wear these, and here in the Pacific Northwest we always get this crazy layer of ice under our snow. I can’t speak to all possible conditions you might encounter, but I’ve been able to safely do strides and intervals at 5k effort on snow/ice. Of course you don’t get nearly as good energy return as you would running on bare, dry pavement, so it’s better to go off effort rather than specific pace, but it’s still possible to get the workout done. Hope this helps!


This is so good to know. Thank you for helping me out… I sent this to my running friends too. We need to copy you!


Oh yay! Can’t wait to hear how it goes.


I’ve been having terrible stomach issues over the last few years (throwing up at least once a week, often more) and finally figured out this year that I’m allergic to garlic! Which is a huge bummer, because everything from the TJ’s “Everything but the Bagel” seasoning to vegetable broth has garlic in it, but I’m happy to have finally solved the conundrum :) [I’ve also always had weird reactions to some raw fruits and vegetables – I’ve never been tested for allergies, but essentially stop eating things when my throat starts itching when I eat them haha. So far, melons & pineapple are fully off the list, and I think avocado might be next :( ]


NO. WAY. Oh, Liz, that is horrible! I am SO sorry but so happy you figured it out. Uggg our bodies are so crazy. I really hope that you don’t have to say goodbye to avocado!
Have a beautiful garlic-free day!


I developed a mollusk (Clams, Oysters, etc) allergy in my early 20’s. My doctor said it is common to develop allergies when your hormones are still normalizing and you are in puberty all the way up to early 20’s. I like shrimp better anyway LOL


Wow, that is seriously so interesting! I had no idea they can change like that and shrimp is way better! Hope your day is a beautiful one, Dawn!


It’s been a hard winter for training outside, we have so much snow and another storm is coming tonight! No races for me until Mother’s Day weekend :)
That Thai curry dish looks so good…wondering how it would be with chicken, I’m not a fan of pork


It would be incredible with chicken. I gave it a 10/10 but it wasn’t Andrew’s favorite meal. If you try it let me know and YAY for a Mother’s Day race… how fun!


That recipe looks so good! I want to try.

I just signed up for the St. Michael’s half in May, end of spring! Never done it before but heard amazing things.


SO excited for your half in May! I hope you love it and let me know if you try the ramen!


I love your blog! I have never commented, but I’ve been following for about a year. I am running the Banff half in June, I am not running any races until then. I LOVE water, just plain water, I drink about 120 ounces a day. Thanks for always being a light and so positive always :)


Heather. Your comment made me smile so big. Thank you! Banff half in June… ummm that sounds incredible! Way to get in that water and keep in touch!


Wow, that is so crazy about the shellfish allergy. I’m glad you at least caught it with that bad reaction rather than a full blown emergency, how scary!

I feel you on the endless snow! We are so buried I feel like it’s going to be June before we see our trails! Do you have any options to drive somewhere with lower elevation to run on dry roads? We are lucky to be able to drive about 45 minutes to a valley where roads are usually dry. It’s a long way to drive for a run, but sometimes I just go crazy when the roads are icy week after week. And it’s near Trader Joe’s and Costco, so I tell myself it’s really for the groceries (and not just because I’m a crazy runner, hah!)


Am actually deciding on allergy shots right now! But I also have a peanut and milk allergy. The peanut is very mild but just got a lecture from my allergist about still having an epipen on hand. He said, it’s mild till it’s not! With that reaction, definitely make an allergist appointment and get tested! You want to make sure it’s the shellfish and if so get an epipen. Reactions can be different each time. My daughter had the same issue once when she ate cashews and go figure, negative, not allergic!


I’m not aware of being allergic to anything, but I also have a friend who didn’t discover that he was allergic to shellfish until his late twenties. His wife feels bad about eating fish in front of him, since he loves it, so anytime we have a girls dinner, she loads up on her fish!
I have been loving everything from Half Baked Harvest! She has an amazing Thai peanut chicken ramen! Fun fact, her brother is an Olympic gold medalist, Red Gerard!
I’ve been adding pre workout mixes into my water and then also greens sometime and liquid IV for some extra hydration. Otherwise I mostly stick to just water.
One year I ran the Canyonlands half marathon in March in Moab! It was so beautiful as you run along the canyon downhill and end in downtown Moab. I think almost of my other races have been in the fall. One year I ran the tinkbell half at Disneyland in January and then in Feb ran the Princess half at Disney World and got an extra coast to coast medal for doing it in a calendar year. I’m not sure how Floridians handle all that humidity… temperature wise it ok, not cold but not quite warm yet, but I could already feel the humidity in the air and the race started at 5:30 am!


I’m gonna try the red curry ramen, looks tasty. I can’t remember it ever snowing in Boston in mid April. I am doing my first marathon this year, called the Cheap Marathon in April out of Derry NH. Boston weather has been similar to what you are getting now – and the local runners are OUT in it. I personally will wear trail shoes for snowy roads/slush roads, but my best practice is to schedule around the weather. I run in bad weather, just not ALL the bad weather every time.

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