Anyone else? because it has hit me.

(Long sleeve, shorts, hat, shoes)

Puddle jumping for my Tuesday morning. I’ll be up to 60 miles this week which hasn’t happened in a few months.

And then 10 minutes of core work as Skye drew a portrait of me.

Winter has officially hit me, and I think I realized why… I am usually diligent about taking Vitamin D during the winter but have completely spaced it this time around and I don’t think I have seen the sun (even if my orange spray tans may suggest otherwise) in quite some time. While I thoroughly love running and skiing this winter, my body is craving sunshine.

Winter salad at 9:30 am… Sure, why not?

Every time I eat this salad, I have this next to me and add more to every bite as I talk to my sister on the phone.

Goat cheese is my heaven.

Blueberry-lemon cornmeal scones from Run Fast, Eat Slow. These are my new favorite Shalane recipe. I’ll be making these often during this marathon training cycle.

Beck is pleased because he is old enough for the kids to go back-and-forth situation with my neighbor.

And yes, Andrew shaved a little mohawk on Beck.

A friend dropped this goodness off to me, and somehow nobody was around when she did, so I didn’t have to share any bites;)
Can you believe this avalanche? It took out the bike path we run on all of the time!
I started this yesterday…

Which do you prefer? Training for a spring or fall race?

-FALL RACES! I think maybe Boston needs to have an April and October option;)

How are you getting your vitamin d this winter?

What supplements/vitamins do you use?

Last/current running-related book you have read?


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Now you have me wondering what my vitamin D level is. I don’t take any supplements. But interesting timing that you bring vitamin D up-I am currently making my way through hours of webinars of micronutrients for continuing education. Currently on folate and B12.
Last running book that I read was Bravey. I didn’t think I would like it but ended up loving it. I feel so behind on knowing about Alexi Pappas.
Final comment-is that the same location where people climb up the ice??? Yikes!


We should all go get bloodwork done! Let me know when you guys get to vitamin D and what you learn! I still need to read that, everyone loves that. YES YES YES…. as far as I know, nobody was killed but so crazy scary! Have a beautiful day, Molly!


I prefer spring races – fall races means you have to train through the what of the summer and with 90-100 degree temps in TN no thank you.

We are having occasional warm spells (it’s 60 now at 7:30 a.m.), AND I took a quick trip to FL for the Orange Bowl which was 80s!

I take Vitamin D gummies but turns out I don’t need them. I fell and broke my elbow and wrist (well, was tackled accidentally by an 8 year old who could not ice skate) while skating last March, and paranoid that I am getting brittle, started taking them. I had my bone density checked in October and I am fine, but forgot to turnoff the Subscribe and Save so I’ll use these till their gone (tasty)!

I am ready PACE right now and just got Lauren’s book in the mail so will start that this weekend. Can’t wait!


I cannot imagine the heat and humidity that you guys have in the summer. 60 degrees in the morning?! I need to come visit. SO happy to hear that your bones are doing great! Elbow and wrist break… OUCH! I need to check out PACE and so far Lauren’s book is amazing. I hope you have a beautiful day, Tonya!


You just reminded me that I haven’t been taking my Vitamin D as diligently as I should! I have been using Athletic greens for a few months and it really has given me more energy and makes me feel amazing, I just sometimes forget to put the D drops in. Some big running coaches suggests it to all their elite athletes and it’s safe for sport.

That avalanche is pretty scary, I am glad you guys weren’t in the area.

I think I prefer training in the summer for a fall marathon but it’s easier to train for a spring race. Our summers are so busy, we have no schedule and are rarely home.

I want to read Lauren’s book too, can’t wait to hear what you think of it!

Have a good day, and I hope you see the sun soon, the last two days were sunny and 50 here in Colorado and it really was nice.


Oh my gosh. I LITERALLY was going to ask that in a blog post… if people actually like athletic greens. Can you tell me the exact one that you use and the drops you put in? I would die for those exact links and I will overnight ship the things haha… I need to get back to my tigger self.

Seriously, such a scary avalanche! There are so many people in that area usually. I hope we get some of those days here. Thanks Beth, have a beautiful day!


Hi Janae, 
Here is a link to the Athletic Greens I use (AG-1)

I get this subscription, it comes with travel packs and Vitamin D drops. It’s a little expensive but I think it’s worth it for my health and I can skip eating out once a month for this stuff ;)
I don’t LOVE the taste so I add a scoop of powdered lemonade to it and then I actually crave it LOL. 
I would love to hear if you try it and like it =)


My first year in college I started getting dizzy spells and shaky hands. It was scary because I didn’t know what was wrong. The only thing that came back from all the tests I did was that I was vitamin D deficient. I have taken vitamin D ever since. I take the same Nature Made ones. Per the doctor I saw in college, I take 1 pill in Spring, Summer and Fall and in the winter time I take 2 pills daily. The same doctor also suggested I take a multi vitamin with 100% iron. At the time (more than 10 years ago) it was difficult to find one that had that, but the Target brand does, so I have stuck to that brand and it’s affordable. I try to request blood tests every few years to make sure I still have good levels and so far my levels have been good so I stick with the same protocol.


Oh Alicia, that must have been so scary! I think Vitamin D deficiencies really can mess up our bodies. I’ve been told the same thing as far as dosage for the summer vs winter. I’ll check out the 100% iron pill at Target, thank you for sharing and I’m getting a blood test soon! Have a beautiful day!


Ha ha, I had a salad yesterday too, at 10am. I did put a poached egg on it, and it was delicious!
That avalanche! My mom was telling me just yesterday, that Colorado is having a bunch too. Too much snow!?
I often feel very fortunate this time of year as to where we live. We are able to get outside most days, with lots of sunshine. And I see the rest of the country under feet of snow and feel grateful. I do take a supplement with vitamin C and other immune boosting stuff this time of year, and also take a collagen powder that has some bonus “super foods”.
So cute to see Beck going out with Skye and the neighbor 😊
Have a good Wednesday Janae.


SO smart to add a poached egg, I am going to try that. Way too much snow and then I think the rain we get isn’t helping either… it makes it so heavy?! Which collagen powder do you love? Thanks Wendy, you too!


I just had the same realization about taking vitamin D this week. I added a supplement to my grocery list for this weekend. Hopefully we are both feeling more balanced with the help!

I’m a fall race girl all the way! Winter training is maintenance mode!


I realllllly hope it starts helping us both too! Good call on using winter training as maintenance mode, I’m going to follow your lead next year on that. Have a beautiful day, Bridgette!


I am finding that blueberry scone recipe in my cookbook when I get home from work today – I actually haven’t tried too many of the recipes yet, but love the ones I have!
I used to like training for an early June race the best – not too much snowy/icy running & not as much of that HOT humid summer heat. But I think I am doing better with heat than I used to, because I have loved the last two years training for an October race. I just slow down running on the hotter days & have learned not to worry about the slower pace.
I keep my vitamin d & my zinc (I take zinc if anyone in my life is sick, which is often in the wintertime) in my bathroom right where I can’t miss it – I totally fall off the vitamin habit if I do not have them there! And my kids have gummies so they ASK for theirs.
I last finished Running Man (Charlie Engle), which was a great read (well, listen.. on Audible) – Audible=reading for me, on my commutes and sometimes while out running/skiing. However I am going on a family ski trip this weekend… maybe I could be inspired to get into a real book there!


You are going to love the scones… I’m having another in a few minutes! Good call on the early June race and that is awesome that you are adjusting to the heat. Hahah our kids ask for the gummies too, I need gummy vitamins so I am better at remembering. Audible is reading for me too! I’ll have to check out Running Man, thank you! Have the best time on your family ski trip, that sounds amazing. Happy Wednesday, Katie!


Looks like I am more supplement heavy than the rest of you! I take D3, B12 (pernicious anemia, so monthly injections), iron (bloodwork show low ferritin), and I just started taking an omega 3 supplement. The rationale for the omega 3 isn’t bloodwork but I don’t eat fish and there’s some studies that show it’s helpful for amateur athletes. I take one that’s NSF certified so at least worst case scenario, I’m throwing some money away and not unknowingly taking something other than omega 3s.

Thinking about buying Good for a Girl – she was just interviewed on Fresh Air. Bravey is also a great book!


I think you are smart! I’d rather be safe than sorry and you are taking care of yourself. I really need to read Bravey, thanks for sharing and I hope you have a beautiful day!


How do you know if you need vitamin D supplement?

I looked up that winter salad recipe. Looks good and I like that it shares ways to change it.


I’ve been feeling unusually tired and low but I’m getting bloodwork done to make sure! Have the best day and enjoy that salad!


Hi Janae! That avalanche looks terrifying! Hope no one was injured!
I am going to read Good for a girl too!! I saw it was out yesterday and thought of you!
Vitamin D is so important. A few years ago I tested my levels and I was so low the doc had me take 50 IU a week for 6 weeks. My husband had it super low before too and it gave him skin issues! It was horrible. So now we both take 2-4 IU per day even though one serving is 1 IU.
Have an awesome day!


One major reason I moved to North Carolina is that the lack of sunshine in Pennsylvania was really affecting me! Once I moved here in 2021 I noticed a HUGE improvement in my mood and health, and I think a lot of that has to do with the amount of sunshine we get. I used to take vitamin D but haven’t recently- now I just take a multi vitamin and elderberry (supposed to help your immune system..not sure if it works but I like the taste of it!)


Avalanches are a real risk on bike paths that go under avalanche terrain, but they don’t get as much attention as avalanches around ski resorts. You might like the resources from the Utah Avalanche Center! It’s good to get into the habit of checking the avalanche forecast in your region every day. I do it here when I’m in the mountains, even if I’m not planning to be in avalanche terrain, because it helps keep up the skill of interpreting the forecast.


I’m so excited to read Lauren’s book, would love to hear what you think. And I need to try those scones now too!

I took an Inside Tracker test recently to test my ferritin and am so glad I did because there were other areas I need to work on. So currently taking beef liver pills for the iron, a B12 (since I don’t eat meat or much dairy), fish oil and ashwaganda for high cortisol (which is also helping my sleep). It feels like a lot of pills all the sudden (hah) but I do already feel a little more energy from the B12 and am excited to see if my ferritin levels improve. I’m also really trying to add in 5-7 minutes of breathwork or mediation a day, which is maybe the hardest but probably the most beneficial. We’ve had so much continuous snow this winter that adding in a little Vitamin D probably won’t hurt either!

And how scary with the avalanche. Are there avalanche forecasts for your area that you can check in on? I know Utah can be super scary for that!


Have you read JOG ON by Bella Mackie? It’s really an inspiring read!


I much prefer fall races but I’m shooting for a spring marathon, so we’ll see :)

I have unusually good vitamin D, and so do my mom and my sister so I think genetics definitely plays into it. My husband and son’s doctor recommended a sub-lingual vitamin D because the body is supposed to absorb more of it that way, so that might be worth looking into.

I regularly take MSM and glucosamine, as well as a probiotic.


I heard Lauren Fleshman (Good for a Girl) on NPR this morning. This must be a sign that I must read it. She gave a very good interview. I was seriously invested.


I am so grateful no one was caught in that avalanche. Thank goodness for the terrible weather yesterday morning that caused people to stay off the trail. You and the group you run with were my first thought when I heard the news. So crazy!! It’s going to be a minute before they get that one cleaned up.


Lauren Fleshman was just interviewed on the Planted Runner Podcast, if you’re interested


I take vitamin D year round. Calcium, Vitamin C, simple multivitamin and flax see oil. I tried flax seed oil when I was running high mileage for my joints. Then I figured I could stop it and my joints screamed at me the next half marathon. I think you just have to find what you need.


Spring and Fall are tricky! haha. For spring races it means a chance of dark mornings or after work runs. But for fall races……heat of the summer. Blech. I’d choose Spring because summer and I have a rocky relationship! My solution has been easy-don’t sign up for races and just run! (seriously, I am not race-centric at all)

I take vitamin D drops by Mt. Angel Vitamins

That avalanche is nuts-can you see it from your house or from your running route? I am glad you and your friends were not running on that path!


I sympathize with you. It’s been a rough winter for sure! And unfortunately it’s not even half over. and YES I take quite a few supplements. I love Shaklee’s new personalized option to get the vitamins I need for Me and MY needs. They are amazing.


I normally dont take anything…but I keep hear, and am told I should at my advanced age..
I better start enjoying spring marathons….I just booked the BMO Vancouver Full for May 7th….I don;t know why…it’s been 5 years and a lot of other races in-between…but, time to get back at it, and now that I have a goal, I know what I’ll be doing every day until then for 16 weeks…….OMG WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!!

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