I’m BACK (kind of)

(leggings, jacket, vest, beanie, shoessocks, gloves, similar long sleeve to keep your neck warm)

For the first time in my friendship with Jenn, I saw something covering her hands.  It was 12° out, and I was very grateful not to see her fingers, ha;). We have run in complete blizzards together over the years without her wearing gloves, so seeing her like this was a complete shock.

I’m back!  Kind of.  I’m feeling a lot better, but it’s going to take me some time to feel like myself again with running (I have a feeling the fatigue from this sickness is going to last for a while).

So good to be with the girls again!

I vote the Speedgoat to be the most comfortable trail shoe on the market.

I had forgotten to charge my watch while I was sick, so I took out Andrew’s new Garmin.  I LOVE how large the face is on it…

We made the Food Nanny’s Kamut bread.

I highly recommend it, and Brooke said it is the best bread she has ever eaten.  The recipe made four mini loaves and a large loaf.  My goal is to make this once a week!

We got out to see some Christmas lights.

At what age will he realize that our bowls are filled with the same meal and that we don’t have to share…

Better late than never;).

And we finished up with a Christmas movie.  I’m not ready for this season to be over.

Are you done shopping yet??

Are you feeling stressed or calm (or somewhere in the middle) right now?

Do you feel motivated with your training right now or are you waiting for Jan.1 to get motivated?

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Yay! I’m so glad you’re feeling better! And like you’ve said before, the running will come back, the fitness will come back, don’t push too much.
I think we’re about done with shopping. Maybe just a couple little things. With all the baking I did, finally finished yesterday, I do need to clean my kitchen!
I’m somewhat motivated with my running, but I will definitely be getting back to consistent workouts after the holidays. I am loving enjoying every moment during this time.
That bread looks so good. I may need to make it this week.
Have a good day Janae 😊


Thank you! Luckily, today was even better! Yay for being almost ready to go! I loved seeing the video of your boys playing ping pong. January 1st we are all going to be ready to go:). Thanks Wendy, have a great day!


I am so glad you are starting to recover, this year has been killer with it’s viruses.

I am not ready for Christmas season to be over either, I can’t believe it’s this week. I am done shopping but I haven’t wrapped even one gift yet (YIKES!) so I need to get on that today so I am not up all night and can enjoy Christmas day.

I am feeling very motivated to run but logistics are difficult with my husband working a lot, dark mornings, and kids at home. Sadly lots of treadmill time for me, but it’s better than nothing!

Hope you are having an amazing day!


Yes! And today I felt even better! Seriously… this week! How did time fly so quickly?! You are rocking the treadmill and it is so good for our mental and physical strength. I wish we could all go out together and get a snowy run together. Thanks Beth, you too!


Glad you are on the mend!

Definitely not motivated as it is currently covered in snow outside and still snowing. But definitely looking forward to adventures in the snow.

Everyone is in a different place this Christmas so no gift giving mostly and stress free..we of course had to get River doggy presents lol. She will be the most spoiled this holiday. Though I bought myself a few presents lol.

Today is my last day of work before the holidays so looking forward to a break!

Have a great day Janae!


I cannot wait to see pictures from your snow adventures. You make me want to book a trip to Canada asap. Stress free… the best! I bought myself plenty of presents too haha. Enjoy your time off, you deserve all of the relaxing this week! Thank you, you are the best!


So glad to hear that you are on the mend! I have all my shopping done, but nothing is wrapped so I still have plenty of work to do. I am still feeling motivated to run, but it’s been rainy and cold the past few days here, so I’ve been alternating between the Peloton bike and our vey old treadmill (12+ years). I am SO wanting a Peloton tread, but I can’t justify the cost until our old treadmill completely gives out on us. Do you have any treadmill recommendations Janae?


Thank you, Emily! I’m glad you are done shopping but good luck with the wrapping… turn on a good show and I hope the time flies by! I’m with you, Emily! I want a Peloton treadmill SO SO bad. I go back and forth daily on buying one! I love NordicTrack too but they are almost as expensive. Andrew says to always trust Costco treadmills because of their exchange policies and knowing they always sell the best products. If I were you I would wait until you can justify the Peloton one… it is just SO nice! Have a great day and let me know what you decide on!


Hi Janae! Glad you’re recovered! And you’re very brave to go out and run in that cold. My husband and friends are heading to Utah end of this week for some skiing! So I guess it’s good it’s cold and snowy. I’ll be at my parent’s where it’s nice and sunny ;).
This week feels kinda slow because I’m just waiting for the holiday!
Have an awesome day!


Your husband and his friends are going to have the best skiing. There is so much snow! Enjoy your time with your parents, that sun sounds really nice right about now. Thanks Amy, you too!


Glad you’re feeling better!

For the first time in probably forever, Les and I are both done with our shopping and gifts have been wrapped for over a week! So I’m feeling completely relaxed.

I’m loving running right now. Our weather has been great and I just feel so good I don’t want to waste my current fitness level.


Do your legs/bum get cold when running in these temps? What face buff/wrap do you recommend for cold?


Ahhh, I’m so glad you’re feeling human again. That one took you down. After seeing you like that i’m finally getting my flu shot tonight and keeping all fingers crossed.

That bread is making my heart sing, I don’t know who I am anymore but I think i prefer a fresh loaf of bread with butter over cookies these days. And that cake looks like it was worth the wait!!

I’m coming back from injury and feeling very motivated, but in a different way I suppose. I’ve been extremely faithful doing PT exercises every morning (I’m doing Dr. Lisa DPT’s hip program and hope to start the Runners Complete program next) and slowly building up my running base with run/walk. My brain is itching to just let it rip, but my body seems pretty happy with the slow gradual build, so I’m fully embracing that.


Yay for being able to get back to it! I’m having some tendinitis in my ankle, but I started steroids yesterday so fingers crossed I’ll be running by the end of the week.

I am 99% done with shopping. I want to pick up a little something for my son’s gf and my daughter’s bf.

I’m feeling pretty good about the holidays right now :)


Glad you are feeling better! I had something a few weeks ago and had to cancel a trip! Feeling calm and ready for Christmas! I made sure to get all the wrapping done while the kids were still in school (I usually wrap everything Christmas Eve – why???) I wish running felt better. I’ve not been fueling my body with good things for awhile now and running feels terrible! Hope I can get a little more motivated soon!

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