Tuesday Tangents…

(top, shorts, shoes)

Six miles @ 8:40 pace to start my week.  This drop in mileage has been feeling amazing.

The rest of the day was filled with errands for the school fun run (including dry cleaning the mascot costume… I still need to find someone to wear it for race day) and the kids.

Let’s move right into tangents:

*It is Knox’s birthday today!  Ten years old, and I cannot wait to celebrate him all day.  He makes anyone he meets feel like they are his best friend, and this kid will do big things with his life.

*It’s incredible how you can notice any sneeze or sniffle within a mile of yourself when you are just a few days out from your marathon.  I’M PARANOID ABOUT GETTING SICK.

*Brooke came home with a recorder from school, which brought alllllll of the memories back of being in 5th grade.

*If you ever notice we eat outside, the reason is that the house must be somewhat clean, and it is my only way to make it so that the home stays clean longer than 60 seconds.

*My marathon outfit has arrived!  I’m going with Tracksmith, and I can’t wait to wear it Saturday!

*Why do dads insist on doing this kind of stuff?  I was not present for this picture.  I would have had a heart attack.

*I turned the page on my planner, and my heart started beating very fast when I saw this…

*The Fast Women Newsletter taught me two amazing things from the Berlin Marathon… The winner for the women, Tigest Assefa, had an almost 20-minute PR (2:15:37) on Sunday!  She was injured during her first marathon but still, quite the jump!  She also shared about Erin Gregoire, who qualified for the 2020 Olympic Trials but couldn’t race it because she started 12 minutes later than the gun time (so her chip time was 2:42, but the gun time was 2:54)!  I’m so happy she will be able to be at the trials for 2024!

Berlin is definitely on my bucket list!

*Remember in 2019 how I did a carb depletion and was positive it helped?  It was all a placebo effect, and I am positive that I would not be able to survive doing that ever again.  It was the most challenging part of the training… and ‘unnecessary stress.’

(from Featherstone Nutrition)

*Trader Joe’s is doing an amazing job helping me get in the carbs this week.  Those pumpkin bagels are way too good.

*Beck calls Trader Joe’s ‘Joes’; it is the cutest thing I’ve ever heard.

*My pace chart from my coach is officially my phone’s lock screen.  I study it multiple times a day.

What is a race on your bucket list?

Do you like using a pacing chart, or do you go off of feeling more?

-I love it for the first 18ish miles, and then I want to let loose!

Pumpkin-flavored foods?  Fan of them or do you think they are a bit overrated?

What is on the Lock Screen of your phone?

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Hi Janae! For a while I was trying to use my phone less so on my lock screen I added three questions- “why now?” “What for?” And “what else?”. Basically asking myself why am I reaching for my phone at this moment, what am I going to do on my phone, and what else can I be doing at the moment. It definitely helped!
Assefa had such a crazy story, she started out as a sprinter??
Have an awesome day! I’m off to another group run.


After the marathon, I am fully copying your questions for the lock screen. I love being more intentional about why I get on, that will help me so much. Thank you! Ummm I didn’t know she started as a sprinter, so so cool. Hope your group run was a great one! Thanks, Amy!


You are serious inspiration, Janae! I’ve hung around here for a long time and can vividly remember when you worked so hard for so many years to break 3:00. Now you’re going for 2:44. A true example that the ceiling is glass, and you can bust right on through it!

Excuse my snappiness today haha. I just really hope you know how many of us are rooting for you!


Well, this just made my morning. Thank you for being my friend over the years. That means the world to me and I feel your support and love. I feel so lucky! Keep me updated with how you are doing and I hope your day is a beautiful one. Thanks, Christine!


London Marathon and Grandma’s marathon are on my bucket list. Getting a six star seems really cool too!
I love reviewing pace charts- it gets me excited for race day, but then I try to get with a pace group and let someone else do the thinking for me-haha.
I like pumpkin flavored things, but it has gotten a little crazy. And really nothing beats pumpkin bread.


Those are both on my list too! Oh the six stars would be incredible. SO many marathons, so little time. Hahaha I’m hoping running with my friends will help with having to think less too;) AMEN. Pumpkin bread (with chocolate chips) will always have my heart. Have a beautiful day, Ida!


Completely agree with Christine (above)! You are such an inspiration and we are all cheering for you!
Happy Birthday Knox!! He seems like such a sweet and kind kid. Have so much fun celebrating him all day. 😊
Love pumpkin bagels, and all things pumpkin this time of year. I am really loving pumpkin English muffins. So yummy.
I used to be in charge of the fun run when my boys were in Elementary school. It was so much fun. And I would totally wear the mascot costume if I lived near you.
Have a good day Janae. And again… Happy Birthday Knox!


Thank you so much. I feel your support and I feel so lucky. I hope you get in all of the pumpkin items and I need pumpkin english muffins in my life asap! Ahhh I love that you put on the fun run! Hahaha I might need to fly you in for it;). Hope your sister’s weekend was the absolute best.


Happy double digits to Knox!!! Have the best time celebrating him :)
This week is so exciting, anticipating you smashing your goals on Saturday!
I’m not convinced I have more marathons in my future, but the Big Sur marathon is just so gorgeous!
I might need those “Joes” pumpkin bagels :) Pumpkin foods are good, but I’m not a fan of pumpkin drinks.
My lock screen is a close-up of a peony (a favorite flower of mine) from a day my daughter took me on a surprise picnic at a peony garden in a local park https://www.washingtonian.com/2022/05/16/blossom-alert-the-peonies-at-seneca-creek-state-park-will-be-at-peak-soon/.


Okay, those pictures of the peony garden… stunning. I want to go! Hahah you will love the Joes bagels:). Big Sur is on my bucket list to run (not race ha… the hills would kill me), it looks stunning! Thank you, Corey! Hope your day is off to a great start!


*I smiled super big when I saw your calendar pic “Marathon”! You are going to kill it. I admire your willingness to write these things down – Inspiring!

*Lock screen: Me and my 2 kids (age 20 and 15). Quick backstory – I am in my 50’s, got divorced last year (long overdue on my part, I should have been gone many years before) and for Mothers Day this year, my daughter paid for new family photos. :-) My kids are THE BEST. This helps me think of them every time I look at my phone.


Melissa. I want to go to lunch with you today and talk about everything. You are amazing and I LOVE what your kids did for your Mother’s Day. I bet you cherish those pictures so much. They sure love you and I am so happy you were able to get out of the situation you were in. You deserve the best! Thank you, and I hope you have a beautiful Tuesday!


I cannot wait to hear how your race goes. I told my husband your goal which is also his fall marathon goal and he was blown away. Good luck!

I do like the pacing chart. I try to order one that is specific to the marathon I am running and it really helps keep me on track. It’s not each mile split as much as hitting a mile marker and looking at the overall time instead of trying to do math and remember how much time I have in the bank.

My bucket list is the six marathon majors. I’ve done Boston, Chicago, and New York so Berlin is definitely on my list as well. I am running London this Sunday…what?!?


LONDON!! Michele, I am SO jealous and SO happy for you! I want to hear all about it. Ahhhh you are going to have the absolute best time! Tell your husband good luck and keep me updated on how both of you are doing. Thanks Michele!


I want to run the Marathon du Medoc in Bordeaux. It sounds like so much fun! For your carbs you definitely need to try the extreme cinnamon swirl bread from Great Harvest, if yours has it. It’s so good and it makes the best French toast ever!


I will go today to get that bread, thank you so much for sharing! Just looked up pictures for that marathon… WOW! Let me know when you do it! Have a beautiful day, Cynthia!


Happy Happy Birthday Knox🎂
Hope you have a wonderful day (week )!!
You are blessed to have your wonderful family that loves you so much..Enjoy!


I am also eating all the carbs from Trader Joe’s! You reminded me that a few years ago my (now 7 year old always called it TRAINER Joe’s)😂 Happy Marathon week to you!


Herzlich Geburtstag to Knox! Double digits now!!!

Your handwriting is so neat-I love handwriting and fonts. I’m a geek about it.

Berlin is fun-it’s super tight for about 10km but then it opens up and is wide for much of the course.

I need those pumpkin bagels. YUMMMM!!! I’m impatiently waiting for TJ’s maple butter for my family to ship me.

Have a tangently Tuesday!

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