What is my St George Goal + Weekending Events.

(shoes, tank, bra, shorts)

I started the run feeling as optimistic and energetic as possible, and I finished feeling like I had been hit by a food truck;)

I have big goals for the St. George Marathon in less than two months, and I started letting my brain on the drive home think that those goals are a million years away after how hard this run felt… but then I remembered we have control over those second and third thoughts. We don’t have much control over the first thought, but after that, we can take the reins and stop them. I want a sub 2:45 at St. George on 10/1 (I’ve run a 2:49 there but this is still a big jump!), and I’m going to be stubborn about it and stop any thoughts that take me away from that goal (unless my coach has me reconsider it as we get closer).

The gorgeous views were seen along the way…
Hobblecreek canyon is as pretty as it gets, and it is a canyon I don’t run in often, so I soaked in all of the green.

We did a 3-mile w/u and then 7 x 1 mile @ goal half marathon pace for this weekend, and 1 mile floats in between.

The hm pace miles were–> 5:49, 5:48, 5:48, 5:52, 5:49, 5:54, 5:47 & the floats ranged from 6:48-7:30. We finished and did a 2 mile c/d for a total of 18 miles @ 6:58 pace.

I had a Maurten 320 drink and 2 graham crackers on the drive and then a gel at miles 3 and 9.

This is where our half marathon starts on Saturday, so it was good to see the course before we race it. It is a net downhill course, but I always underestimate the rolling hills starting at mile 5ish. A dress rehearsal on the course helped me with my pacing plans for Saturday. I will not fly and die; I will not fly and die, I will not fly and die;)

Family came into town on Saturday, so we spent time at a trampoline park to tire out the kids.

And on Sunday, we did our best to
Skye was not into the idea of letting me nap though.

We went to church.

And also went into Provo Canyon!

I hit 75 miles last week and this week I’ll run 50 miles, including the race on Saturday!

Any highlights from your weekend?

Tell me your goal for your next race… I swear, the more we put it out in the universe, the more likely it will happen!

What has been the WORST in your opinion gel/workout fuel/protein bar etc that you have ever tried?

Naps make you feel better or worse than before you took the nap?

-I strongly feel like they make me feel better and Brooke strongly feels like they make her feel worse.

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You can absolutely run sub 2:45!! Be stubborn as heck about it.

For me it all depends on how long a nap is. The sweet spot where I know I won’t wake up groggy is about 17 minutes. Sometimes that’s quick cat nap is exactly what I need to be able to power through the day


Thank you so much, Maureen! I sure want it! I hope you and I both get that 17-minute nap today haha. Hope your day is off to a great start.


Oh you are soo speedy! Highlights..we splurged on on a night at the Hilton in whistler and had the best weekend River included..Saturday I did a 30 km run hike to panorama ridge..we went for dinner woke up to a room with a view, saw some of crankworx bike fest..Friday was my birthday so suffice it to say this was an awesome weekend making memories with loved ones.

My goal race is September in whistler and my goal is to get to the finish because it is steep lol. Have a great day Janae!


I am SO happy that you guys did that. It is our dream to go to Whistler! You guys celebrated your birthday in the best way possible. Happy birthday! The things you climb… I’m always so amazed by you. Thanks Kristine, you too!


You are going to crush your half and your 2:45 goal for St. George!!!

Highlights of my weekend: I came in 1st for my age group for my triathlon and 9th women overall. The entire race it was pouring rain–rain and the bike don’t mix well for me, but it was still fun. Second, I left yesterday for Florida for a few days–I brought my middle and youngest. They LOVED the flight. They swam until 9:45 last night and are still sleeping this morning (9 a.m.!) Good things we don’t have any big plans for today.

I am with you, I love naps and they make me feel so much better. I remember I was dating a guy and I said I was going to go home and take a nap and he laughed and said “are you 3?” My first thought was “this is never going to work!” When I was dating my husband he would tell me to go home because he had to nap, it was love at the first mention of nap, haha. So far, only 1/3 of our children have a love for naps.

Have a fabulous Monday, Janae!


BECKY! Oh my goodness. You absolutely crushed your triathlon, I am so impressed and I don’t know how you did that in the rain. Incredible. I hope you guys have the best time in Florida, wish we could come join. BAHA you were so right about that guy…your husband is the perfect fit for you:) Thank you, you too!


I did a 10K practice for the NYCM on Saturday. It was already 72* at 7 am – not my happy run temp. BUT, for the first time ever I came in 2nd in my AG. Honestly, there were only three of us so i started to discount the finish but then I thought Hey, Jenae would tell you to celebrate the accomplishment! So, thanks for the mental pep talk!


Way to go on your amazing 10k on Saturday and I’m glad I could sneak into your brain. HUGE accomplishment. I am jealous you are doing NYCM… you have to give me a full race recap after. Also, 72 at 7 am… that is just painful. Have you a great day, DawnMarie!


I am not a nap person at all. I don’t really like sleeping – I feel like there are too many other things I want to do! My sister on the other hand takes a nap every afternoon and loves it.

Unrelated to your post but I wanted to come back to say that I got those little water bottles you mentioned last week and they are amazing! I got the pack with 2 9 oz and 2 6 oz bottles. They were perfect for my long run this week! I filled one 6 oz and one 9 oz with water, looped back and got the other set (this time with 6 oz of Gatorade) and refilled again later on. I completely bonked on my last long run because I didn’t drink enough water but this time I felt amazing. I have to admit I was pretty skeptical that they would be comfortable in my shorts pockets but they totally were. Never thought I’d be so excited about water bottles but this is life changing for me!! Thank you!


That is how Andrew feels, he has too much FOMO to take a nap. I am going to copy your sister this week and take one every afternoon. I am SO happy that the water bottles worked out so well for you. It really is crazy how they just sit in the pockets so nicely and I get it, finds like that are truly life changing for runners. Not bonking = pure joy. Great job on your long run and I hope you have a beautiful day, Jenny!


Hi Janae! We went to the coast this weekend! It was nice to get away from the heat! Naps make me feel better as long as I wasn’t tired because I was low on blood sugar! Cuz if I’m low on blood sugar then I just want to keep sleeping and sleeping.
It’s my birthday today! I’m going to pick out a treadmill, not sure which one to get!
Have an awesome day!


Amy! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I will eat some cake to celebrate you today:). You will have to let me know which treadmill you get, this is so exciting. I am so happy that you guys went to the coast and got away from the heat. Have the best day!


Hey there, where did you get the glasses from? They look fancy!


Pretty sure those are the Goodr Wrap sunglasses. I recall her mentioning them, although I don’t see that exact style with the with the white trim on their web site.


HEY Danny! I love these glasses so much, here is the link and I hope you have a great day! https://amzn.to/3PdlkyC


Highlight was telling our parents that baby #2 is on the way. We had my son wear a “big bro” shirt I made. They freaked in the best way possible :) :) :)
Goal– to sign up for a race! It’s been too long.
I’m obsessed with naps and would take one everyday if I could. My husband feels worse (and cranky ha) after! I don’t understand it!


I am just so beyond happy for you guys. I hope you are feeling great and I bet the shirt was so cute. Let me know what race you end up signing up for. I hope you get a nap today, I want one too!


I agree with Brooke about naps. I feel more groggy after a nap.
I love your stubborn attitude about goals! I should try that tactic for my next goal/race.
We had such a great weekend in the mountains celebrating our anniversary! Exactly what we needed before school starts again. Both of us are feeling refreshed and ready to go!
Have a wonderful day Janae 😊


I wish everyone felt good after a good nap! YES YES YES… be stubborn about that race goal. Happiest anniversary and I am so glad you two got away before all of the craziness begins. So excited for your youngest to start college too. Thanks Wendy, you too!


Oh man I need some good universe vibes!!! My goal is to just run my fall marathon with my orthopedic doc and PT’s approval. I am on week 3 of pool running thanks to a tibial stress fracture and I’m trying to do all the supportive stuff so I even have a chance of getting approval for the marathon! It’s exactly 3 months away and I’m not even allowed to walk, so…I fully recognize that it’s not likely. But they said there’s a chance! I ran 40 miles in the pool the first week and 40.5 the second week and 10 this morning, so I’m off to a good start for a Monday! If willpower can get me there, I’m set. :-)


SENDING THOSE GOOD VIBES! I am so so sorry about your stress fracture. You are being so smart jumping in the pool, it is such a good workout. I hope you get cleared, please keep me updated on everything. Keep up the pool running, it will make such a big difference in your comeback. Thinking of you!


I’ve a short 8K trail race booked for Saturday……I’ve told so many that I’ll be there, so I’d better be
Went to our folk music festival all day Saturday, and got sun burned pretty much everywhere including a bald spot I didn’t know I had
and then volunteered at a triathlon yesterday, and drooled over all the bikes I now want…
gels…I occasionally tolerate them, but I once tried something that was salted kiwi, that took a lot of work to swallow…..the worst ever was a fig newton half way through a triathlon, didn’t stay down very long.


Good luck on Saturday, sounds like a blast! Take care of that sun burn, out. Ummmm the fig newton sounds terrible ha. I’ll avoid trying one during a race:). Have a great week, Warren!


Janae you are going to get that 2:45. That’s my first, second and 100th thought for you today.


You are going to SMOKE your goal, Janae!!! Oh my gosh, I hate naps. I loveeee getting a full nights sleep but I’m with Brooke. I feel awful after naps and refuse to take them (according to my mom, I was the same way as a kid). My goal for my fall marathon is 3:40 but my coach believes I can run in the 3:30s. It’s significantly faster than any of my previous marathons, but I’ve been hitting my paces during my workouts…need to trust in my abilities! Have a GREAT week!!!

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