Tuesday Tangents!

(Tank, shorts, shoes)

These girls are helping me more than ever to get out the door because the accumulation of marathon training fatigue is setting in!

Ten miles @ 9:26 average, with most of the miles on dirt.

Skye and Andrew then joined me for 10 minutes of upper-body strength.

Let’s move right into a bunch of tangents for the day:

*You would think that since Andrew and I are left-handed, one of our kids would be too, but nope!

*I am excited for Andrew to cross out that 2:49 and add a new number…. shooting for under 2:45. This will be my 5th time running this race!

*Also, I’m looking forward to this.

*I was going over my splits from CIM 2019, and the plan is to avoid a significant positive split race again.

*My MIL always has the best fruit for us whenever we visit. She had ananas for us over the weekend, and I think it is my new favorite fruit.   It is a pear mixed with cantaloupe, and I need you to try it cold if you ever get the chance.

*You know you are a good coach when you answer the phone mid-run because your athlete might have a question:) Lauren is coaching and INCREDIBLE.

*Another reason to buy the endorphin pro 2s… not only are they half off (code FMTIB50), but the bottoms of the orange ones GLOW IN THE DARK! I realized this in my mud room when it wasn’t even that dark. Details like this make me so happy.

*Beck loves to be the one paying my niece for babysitting, ha.

*For our long run, it was raining like crazy, and at the end Lauren realized the rain completely broke down her electrolyte tablets! We all agreed that running in the rain was so much fun and made us feel hardcore.

*We get creative on our flights. Also, Reese’s Pieces are just so good.

Give me a tangent, please!

Left or right-handed? What about your family?

Running gear/shoe detail that you have just loved lately?

Any hybrid fruit that you love?

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I’m running CIM as well and would love to bump into you! Making the trip from Ontario, Canada. I ran it last year with a big positive split (1:29/1:35 finishing in 3:04). Hoping to avoid that again too!


Katie! I cannot wait to see you there. We are going to get some impressive negative splits! We’ve got this. Keep me updated on all of your training.


Morning! I haven’t added a comment in a while, but definitely pulled up your blog to ‘catch’ some motivation to go out for a 14-15 miler later today. So, thanks for that!
I am a right-ie, my husband it a left-ie, and my kids are both right-ies. My wider family is pretty mixed with both.
I am excited for the 3 new pair of shoes I ‘have’ to get. My shoes all maxed out their mileage, and I then delayed getting new ones for a LONG time, so am due for everything – have a trail running shoe (Saucony Peregrine 11), a road running shoe (still undecided), and I decided to try the Endorphin Pros too because shoes just don’t go 50% off every day. I should be set with shoes for a while after this!


Hey Katie! I hope I was able to help get you out the door! 14-15 miles wahoo! YAY for new running shoes… it will be like Christmas morning when they all arrive. Seriously, the 50% off thing is just too good to pass up. Let me know what you think of them and I hope you had a great run. Happy Tuesday!


A pear mixed with a cantaloupe? I need to try this immediately! Where on earth so you find them?
You running group looks so fun.
Tangents for the day… I completely cleaned our son’s room, and it looks so sad with all his stuff gone. But, it has motivated me to deep clean the rest of the house, so that’s good.
Mornings are cooler again, yay. I’m hoping that helps me find some running mojo. I have not been “feeling it” with running lately, and I’m not quite sure why.
Is Skye wearing skeleton PJ’S in that picture? Andrew must be so proud! Ha ha
Have a great day Janae.


There is a farm near her house that was selling them… I am craving another one this morning big time. Good luck with the deep cleaning, I need to find some of that motivation to do the same. It is getting bad. The cooler temps truly does help so much so I am excited for you to get to finally enjoy that after all of your hard work all summer. Haha yep, it’s never too early to celebrate Halloween at our house:) Thanks Wendy, you too!


I’m a leftie too!! My husband is mostly a rightie, but he does a lot of sport things (like golfing, bball..) leftie. But 2/3 of our kids are righties, we’ll see about my son. there’s 10 people in my family, including my parents and 6/10 are lefties! I ran 3 miles in the heat right after dinner and oh boy was that tough! But I’m cataloguing it into my hard miles to help on race day. I have a pair of alpha flys, but I’m nervous to use them! I don’t want to get hooked haha! I recently got the patagonia airshed pro for trail running and I love it!! It’s really light weight, dries fast, and you can push up the sleeves to make it “short sleeve” and the sleeves stay.


I’m like your husband but the opposite… left-handed but I play most sports right-handed. You’ll have to let me know if your son is left-handed. You have so many lefties, I love it! How did you run after dinner and in the heat. That takes STRENGTH! I think you should be very nervous. You will become hooked as soon as you try them ha. Ummm just looked up the airshed and now I think I need it too. Hope you don’t mind me copying you:) Have a beautiful day, Alicia!


Hi Janae! That’s so cool about the anana, I’ll keep an eye out for it!
When I was really young I had a left hand preference but my older relatives didn’t like that! So they had my mom restrict me from using my left hand so I’d become right dominant instead. But times change and my cousins who are younger than me were all “allowed” to be left handed.
Have a great day!


Let me know if you ever try it and what you think! Oh my goodness, my grandpa did that to me too! So interesting that that used to be a thing?! Thanks Amy, you too!


As an immunocompromised person, the unmasked plane picture kills me. I know masks are no longer mandatory on flights, but I wish people would take a minute and think about people other than themselves.

I had a friend who died because they caught covid on a flight while they themself were masked (n95) but others were not. The flight was to attend a funeral.


Ananas is German for Pineapple! I was so confused when I first read that sentence.
My kids are all right handed but are very ambidextrous in sports. Their dad is a lefty, my brother is a lefty and my dad probably should be a lefty but was scolded to be a righty when he was a boy.

Reese’s pieces are the best especially mixed with other snacks like you and Brooke did. So…do you say Reese’s correctly like “ree-sus” or incorrectly as “ree-sees?” When I coached cross country the kids all said it wrong and it was a team joke! I even pulled up the commercial from the 70’s where it’s pronounced right!!!


Just ordered the Sauconys! Thanks!
Also can you recommend a couple good places to eat while we are in St. George for the race? Thank you!


Ahhhh yes!!!! So excited for you! Viva Chicken, Greek n Go, Angelicas, Raco Taco, Nielsens Frozen Custart and mortys!


What?! You’re doing the one two punch of St George + CIM again?! I’d love to know your thoughts about how this attempt will be different! I remember you talked before about flying in earlier than the day before. Any other things you’ll do differently? I love the idea of “redemption” on a race course!


I’m very much a left handed person. Both my boys are right handed.

I love a pluot, a mix between a plum and an apricot.

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