Friday Favorites!

(bra, shorts, glasses, shoes)

I convinced Andrew to join me for 5 miles @ 8:41 pace… He was really happy about it;)

And then we took it easy on the porch for a while.
Andrew had a test to take (he takes them at home with a webcam) so while he was doing that and Beck was napping, we went to the waterpark. 
We did some shopping at one of our favorite stores in Utah County–> Harmony.

And then for dinner we were invited over to eat with one of the Piano Guys!

It’s race day tomorrow ahhhh!

Let’s move on to some of my favorite things from this week:

*This episode of the Armchair Expert. It offers so many interesting things about anxiety and awesome points that could help us with any anxiety we feel about upcoming races too–> “You are going to feel terrible. Your heart is going to race. You are going to feel these feelings but this is not you getting ready to fail. This is your body preparing to act. This is your heart pumping blood and oxygen to your brain so that you can be at peak performance. You are about to win.” Look at anxiety as a potential ALLY!

*I’ve tried A LOT of face shavers over the years (peach fuzz central!) and this one trumps all of them (the blades are replaceable). It smooths out everything so well!

*The way that I cope (which is probably not a healthy way;) for the change in weather and knowing what is up ahead… is buying a cute sweatshirt. I can justify it because Brooke will be able to wear it in the next few years so it’s basically 2 for 1 (ps my nieces are NOT happy with the idea that Brooke will be taking over my closet;). I have this one in a different color and I wore it a ton last year so I know this will be getting a lot of use.

*A new favorite liquid IV flavor!! I couldn’t keep up with my mileage without this helping me stay hydrated (code HUNGRYRUNNERGIRL will get you free shipping and 25% off here). This one with pebble ice is just pure heaven.
*Lauren sent this to me and I laughed very hard.

Favorite drink lately?

Any good podcasts you have listened to recently?

Tell me something you’ve got going on this weekend!

How often do you stretch after a run?

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I just have to comment to say OH MY GOSH YOU KNOW THE PIANO GUYS!!?? They’re amazing!! I feel so starstruck on your behalf!!
I’m in the hospital this weekend, nothing major, just an appendix removal. I’m a little nervous, but your post brought a little joy (and fangirling) to my morning, so thank you!


UMMMMMMMM APPENDIX REMOVAL?! What? I hope you are doing okay and please let me know how it goes!

Jon Schmidt is absolutely incredible, I feel so lucky to be friends with him and his wife! If you are ever in Utah, I can take you to go meet him:)


Thanks, yes everything went just fine. Thank you friend! Ha, and if I’m ever in Utah, I’m definitely taking you up on that!


Yay for race day tomorrow! Do you have to travel far to get to it?
My favorite drink lately is iced coffee with chocolate collagen powder and 1/2 packet of chocolate LMNT.
I love listening to Correct Opinions podcast (Trey Kennedy). It is an easy listen and makes me laugh. I need more laughter in my life:-)
This weekend, I am recovering from our vacation, haha. We are going to my father-in-laws for the weekend. I might go for the day or stay home and enjoy the peace and quiet. I try to schedule one weekend a year at home by myself and if it doesn’t happen this weekend, it isn’t going to happen.

Have a fabulous Friday, Janae! Rest up those legs!


Thanks Becky! Luckily, I get to sleep in my own bed for this one! Ummmm that drink sounds amazing and so healthy too. Off to add Correct Opinions to my list! I love that you do that and I want to copy you in that tradition… I could get so much done ha. Thanks friend, happy weekend to you!


I can actually relate to your buying that sweatshirt to cope with the upcoming weather change! Except for me it went like this: a week ago, I got a hooded sweatshirt from the lululemon website’s sale page to hopefully trick the weather into changing–AND so I would have a “welcome back to Atlanta” present waiting for me when Tom and I get home (we packed up our laptops and drove down to a relative’s condo on the beach in south Florida for a change of scenery and WFH for the week…). My cat sitter said he brought in “a bunch of packages–some amazon stuff, but I noticed your little lulu package in the pile there…” So–when we are home on Sunday–I will have a “welcome home!” package waiting for me, AND a cute sweatshirt just waiting for that time in mid-late September where the early morning temperature has dipped into the low 60s and I can pretend that hoodie season is fully here when I wake up way too early to go teach my spin class or get my own workout in! ;)

This weekend what do I have going on? Tom and I are splitting up our drive home into 2 days, so we can stop overnight in Savannah (we met when we were both living there). We have a couple of friends to visit with–one (who was the first friend I made on my own when I moved to SAV and who later became my roommate and then one of my bridesmaids), who has been foster momming for the last year and a half and who recently went through a job change, and then another (a husband and wife–they were my first friends in my PhD program forever ago and who helped me get a job at their university in SAV when my teaching gig was coming to an end–she was my maid of honor, and her oldest daughter was my flower girl, and the husband is just one of the few people who helps me laugh myself off a bad ledge on some of the not-so-good days). These friends are special to me for many reasons, but most of all: they are at the very tail end of their youngest child (born the summer we got married) going through chemo to fight leukemia. He’s supposed to come home on Tuesday after 20 weeks in the hospital and 4 big rounds of chemo to fight a version of leukemia that can do VERY gnarly things to kids who are diagnosed with it. And this little boy is an absolute fighter and a total champ, and his family has been–well, nothing short of amazing–in how they have handled his diagnosis, making sure their other kids don’t feel slighted or loved any less in the process, and learning to lean on their friends and community big time.


I hope you have an AMAZING race this weekend and that your family time is so wonderful!!!!


I am so happy that you and Tom got away for the week to Florida! A welcome home package is the best idea, I will copy you on that for our next getaway:). I hope you have the absolute best time visiting with your friends! So happy you get to stop and see them! I cannot even imagine what that sweet family has been through. That little boy sounds absolutely amazing. Wow. Enjoy every second with them. Thank you Stephanie, enjoy!


I think the Tropical Punch Liquid IV tastes like Smarties candy. I have a new delivery of Pina Colada that just arrived yesterday.

And – I have a race tomorrow! In a comment last week I said it was the 14th and I HAD THE DATE WRONG. Thank goodness I figured it out in time and thank goodness I did the early packet pickup last weekend!


Hahah maybe that is why I love it… drinking candy all day. Pina Colada will always be my #1. Oh my goodness, I remember you saying that and I am so happy you are going to show up on the right day! GOOD LUCK and please let me know how it goes! Drink up that Liquid IV today!


That sweatshirt is adorable!
And how fun you get to hang out with the Piano Guys! Wow!
We are huge Liquid IV fans here. I am definitely going to have to try that flavor now, because it’s our older son’s favorite too.
Not a lot happening here this weekend, which is fine with me.
I can’t wait to hear how your race goes. I know you’re going to do amazing.
Have a good day Janae 😊


Thanks Wendy! Yes, it was so fun! Jon Schmidt is incredible! I just cannot get enough of it! Enjoy your time with the pup in the hammock, that picture made my morning. Thanks Wendy, send the speedy thoughts;). Happy weekend!


I love Armchair Expert! my recent fave has been the Shaun White episode. I’m still laughing about the quote:
“I’m talking Mountain Dews, baby!”

I’m a good patient and do my PT stretches before and after my runs. Thats about it.

Good luck at your race! Hopefully the weather will be much better this time around!


Ahhh I haven’t listened to that one yet, I can’t wait for that quote:). Way to get in those PT stretches, I don’t know why it is so hard to stretch compared to running but it just is. YES, I am thinking it will be a bit better wahoo!


Hi Janae! Good luck with the race tomorrow!
Today is my last day of work at my current job! I start a new job on Monday at a different company and I’m so excited for it!
Happy Friday !!


This is SO so exciting. I hope today is a great one and you love your new job on Monday!


That info on anxiety is spot on! I used to work in outpatient surgery and would tell the patients that their nervousness was the body’s way to be prepared for the day ahead. By being nervous, their brain and body was ready for surgery, recovery, pain, etc. I have no idea how true that is, but I will say a lot of patients changed their mindset from anxiety being a total negative thing to a somewhat positive (not downplaying anxiety, but the anxiety/nerves related to an isolated event).

Best wishes at the race!!!


Ok! I bought the pizza dough from Sam’s, but I CANNOT get it to turn out! If I make it frozen it is flat and if I defrost it, I can’t get it onto a pan. Can you explain how you do the dough? I want my pizzas to be as good as you and your sister’s!! TIA!!


“I know I should stretch after a run but I probably won’t” should be the next tattoo that i get. :-)

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