A big reminder + weekending.

(shorts, tank, shoes)

I finally took a Power Zone class on my Peloton and I loved it.  Andrew and a few of you have told me to do this forever, and I finally got up the courage to try it out.  My breathing was more controlled during this class compared to the classes I usually take, but my legs were toast by the end.  They felt like complete jello, and I have never had my quads fatigue as much as they did on Saturday.  I loved the longer intervals (5/6 minutes) vs. the shorter, more Tabata-type intervals, and I’ll be back for more of these.  I hit a new pr too!  Now, I need to take an FTP test (20 minutes ALL OUT) to determine my threshold and exact power zones.

I went through my large water bottle in the first half of the class!

Brooke woke up and wanted to ride her electric bike, so I just ran a few easy miles next to her.  I loved chatting before she left.

This bike/run combo made me question how in the world people run a marathon after riding 112 miles on the bike.

We dropped Brooke off with some of her family to head to her family reunion, and then we hit up TJ’s.  Skye sobbed after we dropped Brooke off but luckily some mangoes brightened her day.

Next stop= A strength for runners class on the Peloton app.  Beck helped me out by requiring plenty of pause breaks along the way.

The house was a lot quieter than usual this last weekend.

Such an easy lunch from TJ’s…

I mashed up 18 cups of strawberry to make freezer jam.  I use the lower sugar recipe on the pectin jar for our jam; it always tastes amazing.  We are set with jam for a while.

PS a pastry cutter makes it easy to mash strawberries perfectly if you don’t have a potato masher.

The rest of the weekend was spent celebrating Andrew and our dads!

I made Andrew homemade in-n-out animal-style fries, and they tasted even better than in the restaurant, IMO.

On Sunday we had my mom’s lasagna and it will always be my favorite food.

A reminder for me and anyone else who needs to remember this—> Nothing is good for us.  Life isn’t a competition over who can be the busiest.  Taking time to do nothing (or be bored–> I remind my kids of this often and reply, “GOOD” whenever they tell me they are bored:) is very important in so many ways.

I made sure to do ‘nothing’ whenever I could this weekend, it was lovely.

Those of you that run AFTER biking, please share how in the world you do this.

Tell me what your run or workout is today.  I love reading what you are doing!

What was the best thing you ate this last weekend? Are you good at doing nothing?

-I’m working on it!

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I am the WORST at doing nothing–so what you shared was wonderful! I actually saved the image. I made cauliflower grits and they were so delicious! Also loving raw beets right now, but might make a soup with them tonight. Running is like slogging through a swamp at the moment–this Louisiana heat and humidity it brutal.
happy monday! have a great week!!


Good luck on getting better at doing nothing. I LOVE beets so much right now too. I am so impressed by your running in Louisiana, 1% of humidity kills me off. Thanks Avery, you too!


I actually made the commitment to run a half-marathon this weekend. I registered for the Nationwide Children’s Hospital Half Marathon in Columbus, Ohio on October 16th!!!!

Egads, what have I done? My two daughters are also registered and we are trying to motivate daughter number 3 into joining us also! Training begins NOW! We will see……I will be 59 when race day rolls around. My goal is to finish in under 4 hours – when they sweep the course! Ha ha.


AHHH Kelly, I am so excited about your upcoming half. I want to hear all about your training along the way. I can’t wait to see you crush that goal and I love that 2 of your daughters are registered. So excited for you all. Hope your day is a great one!


When we were little, if we said we were bored my parents always gave us a chore to do. I was the overachieving child and did the chores, my brother learned to never say he was bored so he wouldn’t have to do chores. So – I am not good at nothing, but my brother is so good at it!

I’ve got 20 x 100m with 100m rest between today (plus warmup and cooldown)! A little intimidated but it’s going to be great!


Bahaha your brother figured out your parents fast;). GO ROCK that workout… that definitely sounds scary but you are going to do amazing. Have a great Monday, Rachel!


A great quote:

People say “nothing is impossible,” but I do nothing every day. -Winnie the Pooh


I love that quote! Thanks for sharing and I hope your day is a beautiful one filled with some nothing in there too:)


I really want to get into biking as I want to do a triathlon in spring 2023 however I passionately hate biking!! The part that I really hate is just how aware I have to be of my surroundings and the potential of a bad fall. Which honestly is the only thing about technical trail running I don’t like but my love of it outweighs it!! We have a stationary bike at home and I belong to the gym. But I do need to up my cross training game at some point.
I did a 10 min core dynamic warm up followed by 4 miles with 3/4 run and a 1/4 walk and it was lovely- it was 54 out!! So out of the norm for this season. My girls didn’t feel as pleased about the weather when they went to outdoor swim team this morning… Coming back from injury and everything is going well. Have my knee rehab strength yet to do and then arm and back strength work out.


Carrie! I am right there with you on biking, the whole time I am thinking about how I am going to get hurt. I hope you are able to get past that and go rock that triathlon next spring! GREAT workout today and we had the same temps. I am so happy you are back and just crushing it, you were so patient and smart about it all and it is paying off. Hopefully your girls have warmed up after swim now;).


I run faster after biking, this is the truth. After about 600-800m you feel less awkward and your legs are already warmed up so you can fly.

However an FTP test never feels less awful. Can’t help you there.


NO WAY… okay, that is pretty incredible. Now I just need to put in the years and years of training to be able to do that like you;). I am dreading this FTP test so much. I’ll have a bag of swedish fish and friends waiting for me at the end to motivate. Have a great day, Victoria!


I am so bad at doing nothing! Unless I am at the beach or up at the lake. But even then I do nothing for only a short time, then I’m on the paddle board, or taking a walk/hike, ha ha. I guess at the pool I’m pretty good. I usually just read a book.
We had Father’s Day lunch at a really great restaurant and everyone loved what they ordered. I had the ahi tuna (from the appetizer menu) and it was amazing. It was served with mango salsa and avocado, so delicious!
I’m sort of figuring out what my running is going to look like this week. I have been having some foot pain for a while, in my heals, and it seems it’s early planter fasciitis. It’s not bad yet, but I want to make sure it doesn’t get bad! I did finally order new shoes too, so I’m hoping that helps. I’m staying positive!
Hope your Monday is great!


Water does help me to do nothing when I am near it too:). I love ahi tuna and I am so glad everyone loved what they had. I didn’t know about your foot pain… be so careful and keep me updated on it all. Thanks Wendy, you too!


Love this reminder about doing nothing! Thanks for sharing that. Have a great week.


Thank you, Christine! I hope you have a great week too!


after swimming, nothing feels as good as getting on that bike covered in sunscreen..and then after 180 on the bike, you keep telling yourself that getting off of that bike and going for a run will feel sooooo goood……and it does, for a bit…….then you cross the finishline, eat everything in site….and sitting down then feels soooo good……..occasionally you cramp as soon as you get off f that bike……but, well, that maybe feels good too…after drinking orange gatorade on the bike for 4 or 5 hours, seriously, why do we do this stuff again?
Biked today, an easy 30K, raced a teenager up a hill, cause no young punk is going to beat me…may explain why I feel so sore now…and then a quick swim…
and just ate a container of something called haagen-dazs Salted Caramel….i needed something?


I’ve been experimenting lately with doing a short intense Peloton ride after a long run, or a short easy run after a long Peloton ride! I keep the second one (run or ride) to 15-30 minutes. For some reason it makes sense in my brain to run 3 miles easy after an hour on the bike and to do 20 minutes of tabata on the bike after a couple hours of running, but NOT vice versa! Can’t do a hard run after a long bike or an easy bike after a long run, haha.

My workout today was 85 minutes on the Peloton (75 min PowerZone class and 10-min cooldown ride) and then ten minutes of core. I’m waiting out some tibia pain (crossing my fingers it’s not a stress fracture…I’ve been down that road too many times!). I got way too excited by the cool temps we had at the end of May right when my kids were getting out of school and I suddenly had mornings to myself again (as opposed to spending the hours between 6-9 am getting kids to four different schools). So I made the classic runner mistake of doubling my mileage and adding in more speed, and then we went on vacation in a very hilly place over Memorial Day, so I ran tons of hills really hard at the end of high mileage weeks. So dumb, I totally knew better, but I just got carried away (it was 50 degrees in the morning and I would seriously just run run run until I absolutely had to be home!). So…now I’m making myself take a week off running to see how I feel at the end of it (so far I’m just super grumpy every time I see a runner!).


As you know, many people do not run the full marathon distance after biking 112 miles. It’s called cheating.
Game over sister.


I’m a bit confused by this?


After 5 Ironman races I can tell you that running off the bike gets easier. My marathon PB is actually from an Ironman race in Coeur d’Alene ID (4:08). I’m hoping to change that at the Chicago marathon this year. :-)

Also, “hustle culture” is so detrimental to our mental health. Down time is when we recharge our batteries!


I LOOOOVE Power Zone Training – I barely do anything else anymore. #san_rides_in_ca

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